"Impossible...absolutely impossible..."

Zhou Tairan's eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide enough to fit an egg in.

Just now.

His special power - Hand of the Earth hit Lu Yuan!

Lu Yuan, who was standing there completely motionless, was instantly grabbed by dozens of hands.

Just when he thought this battle was about to end...

The hands of the earth that touched Lu Yuan's skin shrank instantly until they disappeared! ! !

"Is this your strength?"

Lu Yuan patted the dust on his body and showed a contemptuous smile.

This strange scene shocked Zhou Tairan.

He was about to say something.


Zhou Tairan felt the crisis of death! !

He immediately jumped back quickly...

Just as he walked away.

The next second.

Dozens of thunder and lightning fell from the sky!

Directly blasting a huge hole where he was! !

It's not over yet.

Before Zhou Tairan could stop, he immediately retreated continuously.

Every time he took a step back, lightning would strike.

Although his reaction and speed were extraordinary, lightning could not hit him for the time being.

But due to static electricity, his hair had stood up like a lightning rod, and he no longer looked as graceful as before, only a look of embarrassment on his face.

The scene is very funny at this time...

Lu Yuan put his hands in his pockets without making any movement.

On the other hand, Zhou Tairan, who had been full of confidence from the beginning, was now dodging around like a bereaved dog.

If Zhou Tairan is given another chance.

He probably wouldn't have said such dramatic words at the beginning...

Just when there was a temporary deadlock on the field.

Liang Yongyi was in the box at this time, watching Lu Yuan's game.

At this time he was a little surprised.

It's not because Lu Yuan's strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Because he gave Lu Yuan so many soul beads, it was possible to reach the ninth level or even the first level of Haoyue.

What surprised him.

It was Lu Yuan who had already displayed three superpowers at this time.

What blocked the hand of the earth just now was most likely a power that absorbed energy.

The power of thunder being released now is the superpower registered by Lu Yuan.

And Lu Yuan still has a powerful Sirius Devourer that he has not released yet...

This proves that Lu Yuan is actually a three-series transcendent! !

How could Liang Yongyi not be surprised by this?

Seeing Lu Yuan's strength, he smiled in a good mood.

Because the stronger Lu Yuan is, the higher the probability that he can take revenge!

And at this time.

There were some stalemate matches on the scene, and there was a change.

Lu Yuan seemed to be tired of playing. He yawned and looked at Zhou Tairan, who was being pushed around by him. He said, "You screamed so fiercely before the game started. Is this all you have now? Have you improved? No." If so, I will end the game."

Zhou Tairan almost stumbled when he heard Lu Yuan's ridicule.

He now knows how strong Lu Yuan is.

The terrifying power of thunder, the energy is not inferior to him at all...

Plus there is a weird power.

To be honest, if this continues, there is a high probability that he will be attacked by Thunder first!

So Zhou Tairan gritted his teeth and decided not to retain his strength!


The energy around Zhou Tairan instantly became violent.

This time.

Instead of avoiding Lu Yuan's thunder and lightning, he picked up his fan and slapped Lu Yuan violently.

Instantaneous time.

A strong strong wind tore through the air and struck towards Lu Yuan.

"Little tricks."

Lu Yuan smiled contemptuously again.

Zhou Tairan's second ability is the tearing wind.

Through the fan, the power of this ability can be amplified.

This thing may be very effective against other people.

After all, the speed of the wind is extremely fast, coupled with the tearing property.

Most people can't avoid it at all and can only resist it through their bodies and supernatural powers.

By the time.

Zhou Tairan will use the hand of the earth to trap the enemy again.

Lu Yuan had already understood Zhou Tairan's thoughts clearly.

But it's a pity...

Lu Yuan has the blessing of the God of Wind in his body, which has a passive effect...

That is, the damage received from the wind attribute will be reduced.

Even if he didn't use this power, his body had already been transformed.

Coupled with Lu Yuan's energy absorption level, the level is one or two levels higher than Zhou Tairan's tearing wind level.

Even this tearing wind is strengthened by the fan.

It was impossible to hurt Lu Yuan even a little bit.

Out of confidence in himself, Lu Yuan only extended one hand once.

With just one hand, he could easily absorb all the tearing wind that Zhou Tairan was proud of! !

He couldn't even delay Lu Yuan for a few seconds...

"That's it?"

Lu Yuan smiled contemptuously, and then countless arcs of electricity flashed across his body.

The next second.

Lu Yuan's figure disappeared instantly.

when it appears again.

He had already arrived behind Zhou Tairan and cut off Zhou Tairan's legs with the Daxia in his hand! !

"Ahhh, my legs!!"

Zhou Tairan fell to the ground in pain. He didn't even see how Lu Yuan came over.

And just when he shouted these words.

Lu Yuan pointed his finger, and an electric current instantly hit Zhou Tairan's mouth.

This electric current was not very harmful, but it paralyzed Zhou Tairan's tongue, mouth, and throat...

He couldn't even utter a complete sentence!

At this moment.

Lu Yuancai slowly came to him, showed a warm smile and said: "Before the game, you told me how to deal with you, and now I'm here to fulfill my promise."


Lu Yuan raised his foot and stepped heavily on Zhou Tairan's ().

For a while.

All the men present felt a chill in their crotches...

Zhou Tairan was rolling on the ground in pain.

He wanted to say something to admit defeat, but at this moment, let alone words...he couldn't even cry out in pain.

Lu Yuan had no mercy and looked at Zhou Tairan rolling on the ground.

He smiled and grabbed Zhou Tairan.

With the Daxia in his hand, he kept swiping across Zhou Tairan's body.

No matter how Zhou Tairan begged with his eyes, Lu Yuan ignored him completely.

One knife after another.

Totally like a demon! !

This extremely bloody and cruel scene also silenced all the spectators present.

Because they haven't thought about it at all.

This game will have such a result.

Didn't even think about it.

How dare a first-level force team dare to appear in front of so many people...

To cut the heir of the fourth level force to pieces like this...

can only say.

Everyone admired Lu Yuan's courage.

But in fact.

If you offend someone, you must offend him to death.

Anyway, according to the usual thinking of the fourth-level forces, being defeated by the first-level forces is a great shame and humiliation.

Wait until you leave Baiwu City.

The fourth-level forces will definitely intercept and kill Lu Yuan and others outside the city.

So why not go a little further?


Lu Yuan was not afraid at all.

A perfect crime, something that can be done.

Why does he have any psychological burden?


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