After easily defeating his opponent.

Although Su Ming still had fighting ability, in order to take care of those who had not yet appeared, he still chose to step down and make substitutions.

After the people in Kangzhuang City knew that Lu Yuan was not planning to play.

The second player to play was their captain, Kang Jianwei.

Kang Jianwei's strength is very impressive, and his superpower is an enhanced steamroller.

Once strengthened.

He will become thick-skinned and his attacks will have terrifying power.

So in this round, Lu Yuan sent monkeys to challenge.

Although Monkey's strength is a little worse than Kang Jianwei's, he can restrain such a melee extraordinary person, and with the blessing of money, it is not impossible to fight beyond the level.

The game begins.

The monkey immediately took out more than thirty firearms and fired wildly at Kang Jianwei.

This terrifying firepower suppression also sent Kang Jianwei, who was more powerful, flying around.

Unable to get close, he can only be a moving target.

Originally, Kang Jianwei wanted to hold on and wait for the monkey to finish shooting the bullets.

But the monkey has already replenished enough bullets for this game.

In the final battle, after the monkey bombed for half an hour, Kang Jianwei was finally defeated without any danger.

Lu Yuan didn't even play.

They relied on their own strength to defeat two third-level players.

Losing two consecutive battles also made everyone re-understand the first-level power of Huanhai City.

There were no surprises in the third round either.

Yu You's opponent is a girl.

Although Yu You doesn't talk much on weekdays, he is very fierce when fighting.

It doesn't matter if the person facing me is a man or a woman, he just presses him to the ground and beats him up...

This also resulted in the girl being beaten so hard that even her mother probably couldn’t recognize her...

It's not that Yu You did this intentionally.

It's that he and the girl are about the same strength, plus he has metal powers and his defense power is greater than his attack power, so that's why the scene just happened.

So far.

When Lu Yuan did not play.

Su Ming and others also completed a perfect round of victory and successfully advanced to the semi-finals! !

After these two battles, no one will underestimate Lu Yuan's team.


When Lu Yuan and others finished the game.

Their opponent in the next round, Jianghuo Temple City, is holding a war meeting with a serious face!

"Listen, I just collected their powers. Their captain, Lu Yuan, should be the most powerful one. He easily defeated Sang Biao and Pu Shan in seconds. His strength should have reached the first level of Haoyue, and in the end, What’s annoying is that this guy has two superpowers, and their levels are very high, so it’s not very easy to deal with.”

Jiang Shi, the captain of Jianghuo Temple City, said with an ugly expression.

Although Zhou Tairan didn't fight Lu Yuan just now, he could feel Lu Yuan's power.

At this time, it cannot be treated as a first-level force at all.

Instead, they should be treated as the same fourth-level forces.

Upon hearing this, the others nodded in agreement.

They just watched the video of Lu Yuan's battle.

That terrifying lightning strike was incredibly powerful and fast.

They all put themselves in his shoes and thought about it. If they had been standing in that position just now, would they have been able to successfully avoid Lu Yuan's attack?

The answer is naturally no.

Even if you can avoid it, you can't avoid it safely.

That is to say.

Either death or serious injury! !

Jiang Shi looked at everyone's expressions and continued: "Leave Lu Yuan's matter to me. My power can make me immune to lightning damage, but I can't guarantee that I can defeat him. If I lose... ..."

Speaking of which.

Jiang Shizai looked between the team members and said, "He Li, you will be next on stage."

He Li nodded after hearing this.

Seeing He Li's agreement, Jiang Shi began to arrange the next sequence.

But what he didn't know was.

No matter what he said or what he was thinking...

Lu Yuan knew everything clearly.

"Rock giant and energy shield, these two abilities stack defense to the extreme..."

at this time.

Lu Yuan was looking at Jiang Shizai's information and wondering how to deal with this person.

Jiang Shizai is also a dual-system transcendent, and has also reached the first level of Haoyue.

The power of Rock Giant allows him to transform into a rock giant.

By the time.

The defense is greatly improved and it is immune to the paralysis effect caused by lightning.

That is to say.

After he used his powers, thunder and lightning basically did no harm to him.

If you just bombard him, you can't defeat him.

Then Jiang Shizai's second ability - energy shield.

As the name suggests, this ability is to add a layer of shield to yourself...

This kind of shrinking flow that fills up the defense.

According to the abilities that Lu Yuan can currently use, it is still a bit difficult to deal with.

"We can only use Daxia."

Lu Yuan muttered in his heart.


The referee signaled that the game could begin.

Lu Yuan and Jiang Shizai both deserve to be the first to take the stage.

Jiang Shizai didn't have that much hostility towards Lu Yuan. As soon as he came on stage, he said: "I really didn't expect that your team would be so strong, but even if we lose, it's not unfair, so let's fight! "

"I have no opinion."

Lu Yuan smiled back and took out Daxia from the Divine Space.

This is something he has not done in previous games.

In other people's eyes.

Lu Yuan's actions gave Jiang Shi a lot of face.

However, only Lu Yuan himself knows...

The reason why Daxia was taken out at the beginning was not to save Jiang Shi's face.

Rather, he wanted to fight quickly and strive to seriously injure Jiang Shizai in front of him at the beginning of the game!

at this time.

The referee announced the official start of the game!

The moment the referee just finished speaking.

Lu Yuan and Jiang Shizai both moved at the same time!

"Energy shield!"

Jiang Shizai knew Lu Yuan's thoughts, so he activated the energy shield as soon as possible.

Lu Yuan also knew that Jiang Shi would activate the shield immediately.

So I immediately used energy absorption to attach it to Daxia!

Daxia, as a low-grade dark gold weapon, was originally far beyond this stage.

In addition, Lu Yuan added energy absorption.

Jiang Shizai's energy shield didn't work for even a second...

When Daxia just touched the energy shield, he destroyed it directly.

The extremely sharp blade instantly cut off Jiang Shizai's arm.

And without any resistance, he then cut across Jiang Shizai's body! !

If Lu Yuan wanted to kill someone, Jiang Shizai would be a dead man now.

But because this is a game, no killing is allowed.

Lu Yuan finally stopped his movements when he was close to Jiang Shi's heart.

At this moment.

Jiang Shizai, who was walking around on the edge of death, admitted defeat with a pale face: "Thank you for not killing me. I lost..."


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