How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 110 Trying To Transform, The Magical Use Of The Omniscient Eye

"I see."

Lu Yuan nodded clearly.

The reason why Liang Yongyi was able to make the local Extraordinary Association deceive was because he was too powerful.

So much so that even the Extraordinary Association, which is directly under the jurisdiction of the federation, has to listen to his words in White Mist City.

If this is the case, it will indeed be much easier to sneak into Qingcheng then.


Lu Yuan thought for a while and said: "It's not long before the Qingcheng game starts, so I will probably leave Baiwu City tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and go to Qingcheng. By then, my team members will have to ask the city lord to help escort them. I’m going back to Huanhai City, and I’m afraid that some people will lose the game and be mentally unbalanced, and I’ll intercept them on the road.”

Although in this competition, except for Zhou Tairan's team, everyone has been completely defeated by themselves.

But based on what I know about them, there is a high possibility that Lu Yuan and others will be intercepted and killed on their way back to Huanhai City.

Originally, if Lu Yuan was here, he would naturally not be afraid of their attack.

But this time, Lu Yuan had to complete the mission alone.

Therefore, Liang Yongyi could only help escort Su Ming and others back to the city.

To this.

Liang Yongyi naturally had no reason not to agree. He said generously: "This is no problem. I will send people to send them back safely, but I don't think they will mess with you. Although people from high-level forces love to look down on others, , but they are not fools, after all, your strength has been recognized by everyone."

"Who knew, the human heart is the most difficult thing to understand in the world."

"Haha, I just like your cautious character."


After the two continued to discuss the mission plan, Lu Yuan returned to the hotel.

After summoning Su Ming and others, Lu Yuan said: "The city lord has some things that I need to do, so you have to go back to Huanhai City by yourself, but don't worry, I have asked the city lord to send someone to escort you back."

Su Ming was the first to realize Lu Yuan's true intention, and asked with some reluctance: "Brother Lu...are you planning to return to Huanhai City?"

To this.

Lu Yuan did not deny it, but nodded with a smile: "There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Huanhai City is too small and not suitable for my development at all, so it is time for us to separate."

No matter whether it is Su Ming or Monkey, their growth rate cannot keep up with him.

Therefore, it is no longer suitable for them to continue to explore the world by themselves.

Su Ming and others also knew that Lu Yuan was not a creature of the pond, and sooner or later they would part ways with Lu Yuan.

But didn't expect it.

This day came so quickly...

Although it is very sad to say goodbye.

But Su Ming still hugged Lu Yuan gratefully: "It is Su Ming's greatest honor to meet Brother Lu in this life. After returning to Huanhai City, my father and I will strive to manage Huanhai City better. Let Brother Lu get more resources."

Lu Yuan also patted Su Ming's back and said with a smile, "Well, I'm optimistic about you."

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yuan, Monkey and others also hugged.


He informed Liang Yongyi that he could come to pick him up.

It didn't take long.

Keyue came to the hotel in person to take Su Ming and others back to Huanhai City.

After Lu Yuan said goodbye to them one by one, Keyue took them away.


"I'm alone again."

Lu Yuan looked at the back of Su Ming and others leaving and couldn't help but sigh.

Human beings are social creatures.

Although Su Ming and others are not as strong as him, they are even more of a burden and burden in some battles...

But the feeling of having someone chatting with him made Lu Yuan still enjoy the time together.


My own growth rate is so fast that no one can keep up.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan sighed softly: "Sure enough, geniuses are always lonely."

Shaked his head.

Lu Yuan immediately focused on the magical skill he had just acquired - Universal Transformation.

Because Liang Yongyi talked to him before, he didn't have time to study this ability.

No one bothers me now.

Lu Yuan immediately began to think about it.

"Since it claims to be able to transform anything, let's try the soul beads first."

Lu Yuan took out the soul beads that Liang Yongyi gave him.

After staring at it for a few seconds, a transformation screen appeared.

This screen is similar to the game interface.

Modification target, plus five material slots.

Mithril three-color soul beads can be used as modifications to add at least three items to the material bar.

Because I have absolutely no clue.

Lu Yuan used the six-color blue jade quality soul beads he won in the competition and added five more as materials.

I was just thinking about choosing a makeover.


A message appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

[If this is done, the five blue jade six-color soul beads will grow on the body of the mithril three-color soul bead, becoming a soul bead with six heads. In addition, the total energy after the transformation will be greater than that of a single soul bead. Absorption has a certain improvement. 】

"Is this a reminder from the All-Seeing Eye?"

Lu Yuan was somewhat surprised to feel the information in his mind.

If the omniscient eye could be used, wouldn't it eliminate the need to waste materials?


Lu Yuan chose to transform.

Along with the five blue jade six-color soul beads disappeared.

The mithril three-color soul bead that was used as a modified object...

Sure enough, five more small blue beads grew on the silver-white body.

Everything is exactly as the All-Seeing Eye said!

The all-seeing eye was found to be effective.

Lu Yuan immediately started looking for something that could be transformed.

The first one to take out the transformation was Heaven Devouring.

Using his omniscient eyes, he thought about how Shi Tian would be transformed, and he soon got the answer.

[There are currently three types of transformations that are more suitable for Sirius Devourers. 】

[The first type: using Daxia and armor as materials, the Sirius Devourer will obtain the armor form. Its claws will absorb Daxia levels and entries, becoming indestructible and indestructible. The body will be surrounded by armor. Significantly increases defense and attack power. 】

[Second type: Using superpowers as materials, the Sirius Devourer will obtain superpower forms. For example, if you use fire superpowers with three soul beads as materials, the Sirius Devourer will become a flame Devourer Sirius, and his whole body will radiate with energy. The flames are hard to extinguish, causing devastating damage to the enemy. 】

[Third type: Using soul beads as materials, the Sirius Devourer will obtain the soul bead form, and every once in a while, he can pull out soul beads of the same quality as the modified material. 】

[In addition, the modification can be changed at any time, but the modification materials cannot be returned. 】

“What a comprehensive introduction!”

Lu Yuan looked at the information given by the Omniscient Eye and couldn't help but praise it.

He knew that the Omniscient Eye was awesome, but he didn't expect it to be so awesome.

Surprisingly, three feasible plans were given in such a short period of time.

This not only reduces material loss.

It also allows the modified object to quickly reach its most perfect form.

This made Lu Yuan couldn't help but have some expectations.

What kind of physical enhancement will you get when you advance to the next big level?


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