How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 112 The Meaning Of Becoming Stronger

"Aha, that's amazing."

Lu Yuan looked at the armored Daxia in front of him and couldn't help but secretly marveled.

Daxia looks like an ancient general wearing battle armor.

Its face was also covered by a thick helmet, and only its bright red pupils could be seen.

It is worth noting that its hands and feet are exactly the same as those of humans.

But if they fight, they will all turn into sharp blades.

The most important thing is.

The blades conjured by his hands and feet also have the strength of Weapon Daxia.

It is said that the form of the battle armor Daxia can have four sharp blades at the same time.

This makes Lu Yuan most satisfied.

Lu Yuan asked Daxia to stand up. Looking at its strange structure, he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Can you take off your helmet so I can see what it looks like inside?"

The armored Daxia nodded and took off his helmet.

But there is no body inside...

Lu Yuan felt as if his head had been removed.

In fact, this is also true.

Daxia's voice came from the helmet: "My armor is equivalent to human skin, but there is no body inside. The master can understand that my soul is attached to the armor."

"I see."

Lu Yuan nodded clearly, and then let Daxia return to his original state.

He had a thought.

Daxia transformed into a knife again and appeared in Lu Yuan's hand.

This change speed only takes two or three seconds. If you really need to use Daxia, you will have enough time to temporarily change it back to its original state.

for such a situation.

Lu Yuan was quite satisfied.

Now that Daxia and Xietian have been transformed.

Lu Yuan focused on himself again.

But as soon as it was placed on him, a prompt appeared in the omniscient eye.

[It is not recommended that you modify your body. Doing so will result in your body not being strengthened when you use universal enhancement to break through the big level. Don't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon. 】


Lu Yuan saw it and quickly gave up the idea.

The most powerful transformation is the universally enhanced high-level reward.

Haven’t you seen that the Omniscient Eye is so powerful?

If you lose the universally enhanced mutation due to this transformation, then you are really picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon...

Think of this.

Lu Yuan completely stopped.

Transforming abilities is of little use, as it can only fuse two abilities together.

But because of Lu Yuan's [Infinite Extraction], his original superpowers can be stored in his body indefinitely, and he can release two or more superpowers at any time, so it doesn't matter to Lu Yuan whether he can change it or not.

After processing the transformation.

Lu Yuan began to absorb the soul beads.

Of course, before absorbing them, Lu Yuan also used universal transformation to transform them.

This way more energy can be absorbed.

After all, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat~

Lu Yuan would not waste anything in this regard.


This time the absorption lasted for two full days.

On the second night.

Lu Yuancai absorbed all the soul beads he obtained this time.

His level also went from Bright Moon Level 1 to Bright Moon Level 2.

After absorption.

Lu Yuan did not go to Qingcheng immediately.

Instead, he waited until daytime on the third day. After buying some daily necessities, he left the hotel directly and left Baiwu City without saying goodbye to Liang Yongyi.

Once out of the city.

Lu Yuan released Bitian Tian.

He is used to using Heaven Devouring to cover up his superpowers.

in addition.

Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while.

He invested a lot of resources in Devouring Heaven.

Now its combat power is off the charts, and it can eat any soul beast in the wild alone.

Then Lu Yuan can be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave all combat matters to Xiantian.

Taking the map, I carefully identified the direction.

Lu Yuan set his target at a Sun and Moon Canyon outside Baiwu City.

The level of the soul beast there has reached the Haoyue level.

This is the second step of Lu Yuan's plan to implement his plan!

In fact, the reason why he agreed to the task in Baiwu City was entirely to get the reward.

That's right.

The goal is to gain control of the third-level city!

According to Lu Yuan's own understanding, if the cities he controls reach a certain number or level, then it is very likely to unlock a magical skill.

So he asked Liang Yongyi for control of two third-level cities.

If your guess is correct, when you get control of these two third-level cities, you should also unlock a magical skill.

So this is Lu Yuan's plan.

The first step is to complete the mission and take control of two third-level cities.

The second step is to form your own army of immortal soul beasts.

This is also the reason why Lu Yuan has more than 3 billion in money, but it is of no use.

He wants to use the money to form an undead army!

Use these legions to regain other city territories! !

No one knew that Lu Yuan's ambition would be so big. His goal was never the city lord, but this planet, this world...

In fact, it is easy to understand.

Lu Yuan allowed Liang Yongyi to capture two third-level cities for him.

But it can only stop there.

I want to control a level five city, or a city above level five.

There is simply no way to do it peacefully.

Then we can only rely on forceful attacks to gain control of large cities.

So what he wants is troops.

Then a powerful soul beast would be the best choice.

After leaving the surveillance range of White Mist City.

Lu Yuan released both Da Xia and Chen Xian.

He seemed to have confirmed that no one was watching him here.

Beidou satellites and Insect Skynet were also used to open up a route without people in advance.

So Lu Yuan went very smoothly along the way.

Basically, as soon as the soul beast appeared, it was killed by Devouring Heaven and Chen Xian.

Because Daxia consumes energy in battle, Lu Yuan arranged for it to be responsible for digging out soul beads.

Lu Yuan was responsible for eating melon seeds and putting them on display.

This is why he needs to cultivate other combat capabilities.

How many spirit beasts are there in the wild?

If it weren't for Shi Tian, ​​Chen Xian and Da Xia to clean up these miscellaneous fish.

Lu Yuan might walk a few hundred meters before encountering a group of spirit beasts.

Just like mosquitoes can be easily swatted to death.

But they kept coming and harassing us one after another.

This feeling is very annoying...

Those soul beasts whose level is not as good as Lu Yuan are just such annoying mosquitoes.

And Shitian, Chen Xian, and Daxia are mosquito killers.

Lu Yuan only needed to leisurely enjoy the scenery while they took care of these annoying soul beasts.

And if necessary, you can also earn soul beads while lying down.

This general feeling of enjoyment is the true meaning of becoming stronger.

Work hard to become stronger...

Is it just so you can stop doing things you don’t like?

If a person becomes stronger, he still has to do everything himself.

Then Lu Yuan would feel that it was quite sad...


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