How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 118 Sudden Changes, Action Ahead Of Schedule


After hearing Xia Houwen's words, Xia Houlong couldn't help but feel angry.

But after getting angry, he shook his head helplessly: "I understand, just stay at home and I will find some women for you, but you must ensure that no one is killed!"

"I know, brother, I will love them well."

Xia Houwen looked wretched and agreed with a smile.

Seeing his brother like this.

Xia Houlong suddenly lost his mood.

He put down his glass, got up and left.

After Xia Houlong left, Xia Houwen became drunk again.

He grabbed a maid nearby and started exercising after the meal.

See here.

Lu Yuan thought it was a bit annoying, so he exited the observation mode.

Observe this time.

He has basically confirmed that tomorrow is the day to take action.

Although Xia Houwen will stay in a guarded home this time.

But Lu Yuan has the divine space plus silence, plus blending into darkness, the Beidou satellite...

Under the influence of these four powers, it can be said that it is much easier to kidnap a few people when the guards are not so tight than when they sneaked into Ye's house.

As long as you capture the person and find a time to leave Qingcheng, it will be done.

After formulating the battle plan, Lu Yuan went to take a nap.

After getting up in the evening, I walked around Qingcheng.

After tasting Qingcheng's special delicacies, Lu Yuan returned to the hotel again.

at this time.

Xia Houwen's personal guards have all been transferred.

But even so.

Lu Yuan discovered through the Beidou satellite that the entire manor was full of cameras, abnormality detectors, and patrolling guards.

And just when he was about to exit the satellite and prepare to take action tomorrow.

A message suddenly appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

[If you want to take action, it is best to do it now. Tomorrow there will be a traitor from Baiwu City who will reveal the assassination plan of Baiwu City to Qingcheng City Lord Xia Houlong. By then, you will not be able to complete the task in a short period of time. . 】


Lu Yuan looked at this information with a confused look on his face.

He didn't expect that a traitor would appear in Baiwu City?

That being said...

Has his whereabouts been revealed?

Think of this.

Lu Yuan immediately took this question and continued to look at the entire manor.

The Omniscient Eye also immediately gave a feedback.

[The person who leaked this plan was not an insider in Baiwu City, but one of the spies stationed in Qingcheng. He does not know your identity, but will strengthen the guards around Xia Houwen, and even hide Xia Houwen in the snow. 】

"Have the spies here been instigated?"

Lu Yuan muttered to himself, although he wanted to know who the spy was.

But probably because the spies didn't show up at the manor.

So when you look at this manor, you don't get the answer as to who the spy is.

Lu Yuan has no time to look for spies now.

After all, it would be better to go to Xia Houwen's manor now than to find a spy.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness, he left Qingcheng overnight!

Think of this.

Lu Yuan went to the front desk and checked out the room.

Then the whole person quickly disappeared into the darkness...


Half an hour later.

Lu Yuan arrived outside Xia Houwen Manor.

Along the way.

Lu Yuan used the hearing of a roc to successfully avoid all pedestrians.

It didn't attract anyone else's attention.

The location where we are now has been observed using Beidou satellites for a long time.

Digging from this location will not attract the attention of others.

No time wasted.

As soon as Lu Yuan arrived here, he started digging in the God's Space.

This move is the perfect sneak attack move.

He also used this trick when he sneaked into the Ye family last time.

But this time, he didn't need to listen to the sound to identify the direction.

It is more convenient to just use the Beidou satellite to watch while walking.

Just entering the underground.

Lu Yuan heard some unpleasant sounds.

Even though Lu Yuan didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew what Xia Houwen was doing...

"Xia Houwen's voice was so loud that the whole manor could hear it. If I touch him first and the voice suddenly disappears, it will definitely attract the attention of the guards..."

Lu Yuan thought of this and immediately changed his battle plan.

It would definitely be impossible to capture Xia Houwen first.

Then change the target and arrest his wife and children first.

Lu Yuan had been observing through the Beidou satellite for many days before, so he knew that Xia Houwen's wife and children usually lived in the far west of the manor, which was in the opposite direction from Xia Houwen's current location.

Lu Yuan estimated that his wife might also have considered it, so that the noise from Xia Houwen's side would be much quieter.

Because he had a clear goal, Lu Yuan quickly arrived under the house on the west side.

Unable to see what was going on in the room, Lu Yuan listened carefully.

He could clearly feel that there were five steady breathing sounds above him.

If the guess is correct, it is Xia Houwen's wife and four children.

These people should have fallen asleep.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan immediately started walking up.

But he was not in a hurry to go out, but listened to the sound while going up.

After confirming that there is no ambush in the room.

Lu Yuan just absorbed the last piece of land and entered the room.

The room was just as Lu Yuan had guessed.

Xia Houwen's wife and four children were fast asleep on the bed.

A few people probably wouldn't have imagined that at Xiahou's house in Qingcheng...

You might even encounter an assassin, right?

Lu Yuan did not hesitate and came to them lightly.

With just a touch of his hand, everyone was transported into the divine space.

So far, very smooth.

It didn't attract anyone's attention.

Make sure the door is locked and no one will come in unexpectedly.

Lu Yuan returned to the ground along the same route.

Return the road you just left intact.


Lu Yuan came under Xia Houwen's position.

All he can do now is wait for Xia Houwen to finish.

Wait until Xia Houwen returns to the room, or after he stops making any weird noises...

Only Lu Yuan can go up and take away the mission target.

This wait is four hours.

have to say.

Xia Houwen's hobbies are really a bit perverted.

Although Lu Yuan did not see the scene.

But after listening to the sound, I can also restore every move above.

But he didn't mind his own business.

Instead, he waited until the sound above ended.

Lu Yuan just cheered up and muttered in his heart: "It looks like we can finally take action!"


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