How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 125: Capture The Third-Level City And Promote Su Ming And Butcher

Temporarily suppress the joy in my heart.

Lu Yuan received the Seal of the City Lord into the Divine Space and thanked Hou Jing: "Thank you Master Hou for helping me take care of everything here. I will definitely treat Master Hou to a drink when I go to Baiwu City another day."

"Haha, City Master Lu is too polite. I'll wait for you in Baiwu City."

Hou Jing knew that Lu Yuan was chasing people away, so he wisely proposed to go back to Baiwu City.

To this.

Naturally, Lu Yuan would not refuse.

He walked Hou Jing all the way to the door and watched him leave.

Wait until Hou Jing is completely gone.

Lu Yuan checked if there were any other surveillance systems in the city lord's mansion.

After confirming it is correct.

He released Chen Xian and said with a smile, "Is this place familiar?"

After listening to Lu Yuan's words, Chen Xian looked around. Not long after, he said with a surprised look on his face: "Is this the palace of the Lord of Wuyue City?"

Lu Yuan nodded and said with a smile: "Do you still remember that I said I would give you a city to manage? This Wuyue City will be handed over to you to manage from now on."

When Chen Xian heard this, he immediately knelt on the ground excitedly: "Thank you Master, I will definitely manage this city well and will not let you down, Master."

Lu Yuan helped him up and patted his shoulder: "Come on, improve the city's economy. Don't ask me about everything. Just make your own decisions."

Whether it is Huanhai City or Wuyue City.

Lu Yuan has no interest in managing these cities at all.

All he cares about is wealth.

After explaining some questions to Chen Xian, Lu Yuan left again.

Wuyue City has just been taken over, and there is still Yongsu City that has not been taken over.

But before going here.

Lu Yuan planned to return to Huanhai City first.

It is worth mentioning that.

Huanhai City was also included in the Lu Yuan territory by the system.

It's just that because there was no unification before, I didn't apply for the City Lord's Seal.

Later, after Lu Yuan helped the Su family unify.

The Su family applied for the City Lord's Seal, but they haven't received it yet.

Therefore, Lu Yuan did not unlock this magical skill when he unified Huanhai City.

But now Huanhai City has been counted under his command by the system.

Then the Su family is also very loyal to themselves.

This time I went to Huanhai City.

Lu Yuan just wanted to take Su Ming and Butcher to Yongsu City.

Su Ming is the city lord of Yongsu City, and Butcher is the general food agent between the three cities.

After all, Lu Yuan had promised the butcher before that he would give him more low-priced soul beasts.

Now the general agents in the three cities are all with Butcher, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise.


Because this road is basically Lu Yuan's territory.

So this time Lu Yuan didn't hide anything, he spread his wings and flew away directly in the city.

The flight took almost three or four hours.

Lu Yuan arrived at Huanhai City.

On coming over.

He had already said hello to Su Ming and the butcher.

When Lu Yuan arrived at the city gate, he found the two of them waiting here.

"Boss Lu."

"Brother Lu."

Both of them greeted Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan nodded in response and went directly to the topic: "As I told you just now, I got two third-level cities from Baiwu City, one of which I plan to leave to you, Brother Su, to take care of. "

Lu Yuan didn't say what happened just now, but now Su Ming was stunned when he heard it.

He looked at Lu Yuan in disbelief and asked with a trembling tone: "Brother Lu... isn't this a joke?"

"Of course not." Lu Yuan smiled.

Hear this.

Su Ming immediately hugged Lu Yuan excitedly and swore, "Su is not talented, but he will definitely live up to Brother Lu's expectations!"

"I believe you can do it, otherwise I wouldn't find fault with you."

Lu Yuan said with a smile.


He looked at the butcher and said: "I promised you before that any soul beast corpses will be given to you cheaply in the future. This is no longer possible, but as compensation, in the future, you will be the general food agent in the cities under my jurisdiction. , I think this will also make you a lot of money."

"Thank you very much, Boss Lu!!"

When the butcher heard this, he immediately clasped his fists in thanks.

Those are two third-level cities...

Lu Yuan gave him all the food from these two third-tier cities, which was completely beyond his promise back then!

Seeing both of them agreed.

Lu Yuan directly brought them into the Divine Space, and then went to the last city, Yongsu City.

By the time Lu Yuan arrived at Yongsu City, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

The situation in Yongsu City is similar to that in Wuyue City.

Everyone's memories were extensively modified by Liang Yongyi's men.

Therefore, Lu Yuan took over very smoothly.

After taking over.

Lu Yuan also received a one-time tax of 1.34 billion due to the population of Yongsu City.

So far.

Lu Yuan's wealth reached a terrifying 8.37 billion.

These are just the amounts that are credited directly to the account.

Statistics on small treasuries in both cities have not yet been conducted.

Lu Yuan estimates that after the statistics are finished tomorrow, his wealth will reach an unprecedented height.

Wait until the handover is over.

Lu Yuancai released Su Ming and Butcher and allowed them to move freely.

Lu Yuan himself found a place to sleep.

Early the next morning.

Su Ming sorted out the finances in the warehouse and came to Lu Yuan's room: "Brother Lu, according to your instructions last night, I have checked out the accounts. The entire Yongsu City has a total of 17.8 billion in cash, of which 12.2 billion needs to be used for For daily maintenance, the personal funds belonging to the city lord are 5.6 billion, do you want to withdraw this money?"

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Yuan thought for a while and decided to take the money away.

Anyway, taking away this money will not affect the operation of the city.

Under the influence of yesterday's Kingdom of Kings effect.

Starting today, the city's output has doubled, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

After hearing this, Su Ming seemed to have known that Lu Yuan would do this.

He transferred the money he had prepared to Lu Yuan's card.

"The money has been transferred. I made an estimate yesterday. Our Yongsu City can produce about 30 billion in funds in a month. Brother Lu, your funds in a month are about 13 billion. This is currently situation, it will probably increase by 50% in a few months."

After Su Ming transferred the money, he told Lu Yuan about the situation in Yongsu City.

After hearing this, Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "13 billion a month, it's not bad."

In the morning, Chen Xian transferred 6 billion to Lu Yuan and also reported on the situation in Wuyue City.

The situation of Wuyue City is similar to that of Yongsu City. It can provide Lu Yuan about 14 billion a month.

Just calculate it based on 10 billion for a city.

After visiting a few more cities, 100 billion a month is no longer a dream! !

The thought of this.

Lu Yuan's motivation is back again!


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