How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 134 As Long As You Have Enough Money, I Will Kill You Too!

"According to the market price, the five-color Mithril soul beads are 5 million each, 4,000 of them totaling 20 billion. The six-color Mithril soul beads are 8 million each, and the total of 2,300 is 18.4 billion. The total is 38.4 billion. Just and You said, increase the price by 20%, Mithril five-color soul beads are 24 billion, Mithril six-color soul beads are 22 billion 80 million..."

"Together, that's 46 billion 80 million. Are you wrong in your calculation?"

Liang Yongyi made a list and handed it to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan took a brief look, nodded and said: "The city lord is generous, let's trade it at this price."


Lu Yuan took out the space jewelry that he had prepared and placed it in front of Liang Yongyi.

Liang Yongyi did not check, but ordered his men to get the money.

While waiting.

Liang Yongyi looked at Lu Yuan with a curious look. After thinking for a long time, he still asked curiously: "Brother Lu, I have always regarded you as a benefactor. There are some things I know it would be better not to ask, but I’m so damn curious, I wonder if you could answer a few questions for me?”

From the beginning, he knew that Lu Yuan was lying.

Originally, he had planned not to ask so clearly...

But after knowing that Lu Yuan had so many soul beads, he really couldn't hold it in any longer.

Because his intuition told him that Lu Yuan was playing a big game.

So I struggled again and again.

Liang Yongyi still planned to ask, if Lu Yuan really didn't want to say anything, just forget it.

Seeing Liang Yongyi's itchy look, Lu Yuan also found it funny.

But he was in no hurry to answer the question.

Instead, he used his omniscient eye to predict how Liang Yongyi would react if he told him.

This is the awesomeness of the All-Seeing Eye.

In a sense, it can already predict the future for a short period of time.

After confirming that telling his plan would not have any adverse effects, Lu Yuan smiled and said: "I know what you want to ask, City Lord, but you have to think clearly. If you know my plan, we will But we are in the same boat.”

When Liang Yongyi heard this, he actually hesitated.

But curiosity drove him, and he nodded mysteriously.

When Lu Yuan saw this, he did not hide anything and directly showed his cards: "Well, since you are so interested in knowing, City Lord, I will reluctantly tell you. In fact, I have taken over the third-level cities under Qingcheng's jurisdiction in the past few days. Half of it has been defeated, and my goal is very clear, which is to capture the entire area managed by Qingcheng."

"Fuck, you kid..."

As soon as Liang Yongyi heard this, he immediately felt dizzy...

He really didn't expect it.

The young man in front of me actually took over half of the third-level forces in Qingcheng without saying a word? ? ?

This incident did not alarm anyone at all.

Whether it's the spies from his side or the people from Qingcheng.

No reaction at all...

At this moment.

Liang Yongyi really wanted to ask, how did Lu Yuan do it...

To this.

Lu Yuan just said calmly: "If you want to know more details, then the city lord needs to pay some price."

"You want me to help you deal with Qingcheng, right?"

Liang Yongyi smiled and pointed out Lu Yuan's intention.

To this.

Lu Yuan nodded without hesitation: "Yes, I know it is inconvenient for you, City Lord, to take action, but as long as you, City Lord, support me with some money, I can take Qingcheng by myself."


Lu Yuan showed more than just confidence.

But a kind of contempt.

This is easy to understand.

Just as Lu Yuan could easily destroy Qingcheng, he could also easily destroy Baiwu City.

After Lu Yuan revealed his plan.

There are only two options left for Liang Yongyi.

One becomes Lu Yuan's friend, and the other becomes Lu Yuan's enemy.

Liang Yongyi naturally understands this truth, and he also understands Lu Yuan's mystery and power...

Don’t say anything else.

As long as Lu Yuan was able to take control of half of the third-level cities under Qingcheng's nose...

Even Liang Yongyi himself can't do this kind of thing!

Therefore, he was not surprised at all about Lu Yuan's plan to attack Qingcheng.

After a moment of confusion.

Liang Yongyi suddenly asked with a serious face: "It's easy to talk about money, but Mr. Lu, you need to answer my last question. Tell me, what is your goal..."

"My goal?"

Hearing these words, Lu Yuan pondered thoughtfully for a while, and then blurted out: "Dominate the world."

These four short words shocked Liang Yongyi extremely...

He seemed to see himself in Lu Yuan when he was young.

once Upon a time.

He also dreamed of dominating the world and trampling everyone under his feet.

But this dream is too far away and too unrealistic...

Only after he came into contact with the people of the Federation did he understand what it meant to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world.

But don't know why.

Looking at Lu Yuan who said this, Liang Yongyi suddenly felt that this boy could achieve it.

"Maybe I should let it go."

Liang Yongyi suddenly said something incomprehensible.


He showed a relieved smile and said to Lu Yuan: "This time you attack Qingcheng, I will fully support you. If you can successfully capture Qingcheng, then I will also hand over Baiwu City to you, you kid! Don't let me down."

As soon as these words came out.

Lu Yuan was stunned...

The reason why he had a showdown with Liang Yongyi was because he saw with his omniscient eyes that he would not harm him.

On the contrary, I could borrow a lot of money from here to resurrect all the soul beast corpses in the God's Space.

Lu Yuan himself did not expect that Liang Yongyi would make such an astonishing decision after listening to his words...

He had said before that he could give up White Mist City.

But that's until he's dead.

I don’t know what it is that makes Liang Yongyi want to retire now.

Seemingly guessing Lu Yuan's doubts, Liang Yongyi smiled generously and said: "Actually, after you helped me complete my revenge, I already wanted to retire. The reason why I have been in this position is because I can't let go. I want to avenge my dead wife and children, but your appearance gives me no reason to persist. If you can capture Qingcheng, it means that this era belongs to you. Baiwu City will only be handed over to you. Better, not worse.”

"Moreover, if you really break the rule of the Federation and dominate the world, then if I join you so early, won't I become a veteran figure in the future? I think this deal is not a bad deal."

Speaking of which.

Liang Yongyi paused for a moment, and then continued: "But there is a premise for all this, that is, you can win Qingcheng. Mr. Lu, are you confident that you can do it?"

Hear this.

Lu Yuan grinned and said confidently: "Of course, no problem, as long as you have enough money, I will kill you too!"


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