How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 139 Come To Qingcheng Again, Target A Fifth-Level City!

"War weapon - Pluto, this is a weapon that our fifth-level forces can purchase from the Federation. It also only requires soul beads to exert energy that surpasses that of extraordinary beings!"

Liang Yongyi introduced this humanoid mecha to Lu Yuan.

When Lu Yuan heard this, he suddenly felt a headache.

Because when he saw this thing, his omniscient eye gave some information.

This thing is different from the previous Apocalypse Tank.

The Apocalypse tank is equipped with secret silver soul beads and can only exert the power of the Haoyue level.

No matter how much you pretend, you will never be able to exert power above the Haoyue level.

But this mecha called "Pluto" is different. Not only can it greatly amplify the energy of the soul beads, it can also be superimposed.

What does that mean......

This means that Pluto's firepower is fixed at the ninth level of Yaoyang.

This is the same as the Apocalypse Tank.

But Pluto can superimpose the energy of the soul beads...

Generally speaking.

The strength of the Yaoyang level corresponds to the six-color dark gold soul beads.

Soul beads of this level are rare for level five forces.

It is impossible to load such a war weapon.

But there is a conversion device in Pluto's body. It only needs to put in a large number of low-level soul beads to integrate the energy and exert the energy of the ninth level of Yaoyang...

This is perfect and solves the embarrassing situation of no energy to use.

What Liang Yongyi said was the same as the message from the Omniscient Eye.

After Lu Yuan heard this, not only did he not have any worries, but he asked excitedly: "Uncle Liang, how many such mechas are there in a fifth-level force like yours?"

"I don't know how many there are in Qingcheng. These are secrets that only the city lord knows. But we in Baiwu City don't have backward products like the Apocalypse Tank. There are a hundred Pluto mechas in different forms in total."

"Besides this Pluto mecha, there are no other weapons, right?"

"Of course not. Why do I listen to you? These Pluto mechas are not enough to make you retreat in spite of difficulties?"

"These broken machines are not up to par."

Lu Yuan said with a smile.

It sounds like a joke, but Liang Yongyi knows it is not a joke...

Originally, he said so much because he wanted Lu Yuan to retreat in the face of difficulties.

After all, even if Baiwu City wants to capture Qingcheng, it may not be able to do so. Even if it does, it will have to pay a heavy price.

When he supported Lu Yuanqian before.

I just think it would be good if Lu Yuan could win all the fourth-level forces.

By the time.

He will abdicate and give Baiwu City to Lu Yuan.

If Lu Yuan really wants to attack Qingcheng, he can develop with peace of mind for a while.

Use the power of Baiwu City to attack Qingcheng.

In fact, he never thought at all that Lu Yuan could take Qingcheng with that little money...

But he didn't expect it at all.

When Lu Yuan heard that there were a hundred mechas, he was not shocked at all. Instead, his face was filled with excitement!

"One hundred Pluto mechas, if you defeat them head-on, you might be able to unlock another achievement. After all, this is a very meaningful thing."

After Lu Yuan heard the news, this idea immediately came to his mind.

to him.

No matter how powerful these machines are, they will never be his opponent.

The only difference is whether the war lasts longer or shorter...

Have no idea.

His subordinates are immortal soul beasts, and he himself is immortal.

Simple fire suppression couldn't kill Lu Yuan at all.

Isn’t this a battle that must be won?

Therefore, Lu Yuan's initial focus was whether he could continue to unlock magical skills through this war.

Seeing that Lu Yuan really didn't intend to give up, Liang Yongyi asked in surprise: "I thought you came to me this time to borrow the Pluto mecha. Looking at you like this, even if you know Qingcheng's trump card, you can still Confident of winning?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuan did not hide it, but showed a mysterious and confident smile, and said: "I said I can take Qingcheng, then I can definitely take Qingcheng, although it may not be possible to say so. Okay, Uncle Liang, you should prepare for retirement."


Liang Yongyi laughed heartily when he heard Lu Yuan's words: "Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

"Wait, then."

Lu Yuan smiled back, then stood up and said goodbye: "Then I'll leave first. Uncle Liang, just stay in Baiwu City and wait for my good news."


Lu Yuan said goodbye to Liang Yongyi and left Baiwu City.

After seeing Lu Yuan's confident figure without looking back, Liang Yongyi sighed with emotion for a long time: "It's so mysterious. It seems that I am ready to retire and live the life I long for."


the other side.

After Lu Yuan left Baiwu City, he immediately returned to the front line.

This time he did not call the acting city lord of the fourth-level forces to join the battle.

Because they are not living dead puppets, they can easily die if they are fatally injured.

Lu Yuan planned to take the undead soul beast army, as well as the Heaven Devouring and War Armor Daxia... to conquer a fifth-level force with explosive strength! !


Lu Yuan teleported and came to Qingcheng Mountain.

Looking at the people coming and going in Qingcheng, Lu Yuan's lips curved into a smile.


He could have solved it in a simpler way.

But Lu Yuan wanted to win a city openly and honestly, because he felt that this way he could unlock a magical skill again.

After all, defeating the fifth-level forces from the front is meaningful in itself.

Although it may not be possible to unlock it, there is no problem in giving it a try.

Anyway, he has the confidence to win this battle!

Think of this.

Lu Yuan's figure began to rise rapidly into the air.

at the same time.

All the undead soul beast armies were transferred out of the God's Space in batches by him.


The moment Lu Yuan released the soul beast, Qingcheng discovered that the beast tide alarm had sounded.

The piercing sound of the radio resounded throughout the world.

"What happened? Why did the beast alarm suddenly sound?"

"I don't know. There shouldn't be a tide of beasts gathering near Qingcheng. Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen..."

"According to the news we just received, a large number of soul beasts suddenly appeared in the direction of Qingcheng Mountain. According to the feedback from the machine, more than a thousand of these suddenly appeared soul beasts were Haoyue ninth-level soul beasts... "

"Oh my god, how could this happen? There are so many Haoyue ninth-level soul beasts in the entire Qingcheng jurisdiction. Could it be that the soul beasts from the abandoned Neon Island came out?"

"Anyway, although this group of beasts is very powerful, our Qingcheng's defense force is even stronger. Go to the city wall to defend!"


Lu Yuan can be clearly seen in the sky.

The moment the beast tide alarm sounded, Qingcheng's gate quickly closed.

Countless extraordinary beings quickly arrived on the city wall one by one.

This extreme response speed made Lu Yuan couldn't help but admire: "It is indeed a fifth-level city. This response speed is not comparable to that of a fourth-level city."

Finish this sentence.

Lu Yuan also immediately blocked Qingcheng's space and blocked Qingcheng's signal.

Although Qingcheng may not ask for help from outside.

But Lu Yuan's main purpose was to prevent people from the Federation from remotely monitoring his own strength.

After doing all this.

Lu Yuan waved his hand and gave the order: "Attack freely and kill all enemies who attack you!"


Thousands of immortal soul beasts began to roar crazily.

The sound was deafening and extremely shocking.

The Qingcheng defenders who were several kilometers away were shocked.

And this time.

As the city lord, Xia Houlong also came to the city wall immediately.

He looked at the dark army of soul beasts, his expression extremely grim.

Although these soul beasts could not destroy Qingcheng, so many soul beasts, especially more than half of them were Haoyue ninth-level soul beasts, made Xia Houlong realize that things were not simple.

as expected.

After his eyes searched in the distance for a moment.

Then he saw a young man with black wings, smiling at him in the distant sky! !


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