How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 148 Fifteen Level Five Cities In One Day!

"Let's see if we can still revive."

Lu Yuan dodged and came to the ground.

He grabbed a handful of soil.

Originally, he thought that he would not be able to be resurrected after being blown to pieces.

But unexpectedly, the system still gave a prompt.

[To resurrect the target, you need to pay 5 billion. Is it necessary to resurrect the target? 】

"Consider you lucky."

Lu Yuan thought for a while and gave Li Yang to Su Sheng.

After all, matters in this area have to be left to Li Yang.


Li Yang, who was blasted into pieces, quickly condensed into a human form in front of Lu Yuan. After almost ten seconds, he recovered from a piece of trash into a human form...

When he was first resurrected, he still retained his fear.

But in a blink of an eye, he was back to normal.

One kneeled down on one knee in front of Lu Yuan and swore: "Li Yang, thank you master for your kindness in reviving life!"

"Get up, I have a task for you."

Lu Yuan signaled Li Yang to get up, and then ordered: "Within one week, no matter what method you use, all the cities in your management area must hand over the city lord's seal. Those who do not hand over will be destroyed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand Master!"

Li Yang immediately agreed, and then began to gather troops and horses to set off.

When Lu Yuan saw Li Yang taking action, he immediately used Beidou satellites to block all signals in this area.


He came to Yu Hongyu's side, smiled appreciatively and said, "Well done, I will allow you to restore your arm."

Because Yu Hongyu resisted Lu Yuan before, one of his hands was severed and was not allowed to be restored.

But now Lu Yuan pardoned him and restored his arm because of his meritorious service.

When Yu Hongyu heard this, he immediately knelt down excitedly and thanked him.

To this.

Lu Yuan just smiled faintly and didn't say anything.


Lu Yuan waved his hand, and all the Chinese mechas were brought into the divine space.

After doing all this.

Lu Yuan took Yu Hongyu and others to the next level five city.

Why is space dominance a magical skill?

It allows Lu Yuan to ignore any distance and space and reach anywhere in the world in just one second.

Originally, the fifth-level forces were very far apart.

But for Lu Yuan, there is no distance limit at all...

In the blink of an eye.

He appeared again in the sky above a fifth-level city.

Still the same as before.

All it takes is to display the eleven hundred Chinese mechas.

Capturing a fifth-level city is as simple as searching for something.

time of day.

Lu Yuan captured a total of thirteen fifth-level cities.

Otherwise say.

Space domination is a magical skill.

Every fifth-level city is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

And there are many second-, third-, and fourth-level cities blocking the road.

Without the skill of Space Dominance, it would have taken Lu Yuan at least more than a month to conquer these thirteen level five cities, and during this period it would have been easy for people from the Federation to discover him.

But after having space master.

No matter how far the distance is, he can take people there in one second.

It only took one day to capture all the fifth-level cities in the federation.


There are only fifteen fifth-level cities in the entire federation.

at this time.

He has been completely taken under Lu Yuan's command!

"about there."

Lu Yuan looked at these cities, all of which had Chinese flags planted, and smiled with great satisfaction.

These fifteen fifth-level cities basically contain all the federal economy.

Take them.

Lu Yuan is equivalent to owning more than half of the wealth of the Federation.

If you continue to hit the top...

In terms of current strength, it is still not enough, and the price/performance ratio is extremely low.

So Lu Yuan planned to leave it like this for the time being.

After a month or two, he can declare full-scale war on the Federation.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan performed a perfect crime.

This ability can make up for some loopholes.

After it reaches full level, it can already modify reality.

The memory and thoughts of those who originally saw this incident will be completely modified.

The effect is now at full level.

It is the memory and thoughts that can change everyone in the world.

simply put.

Just becoming absolutely perfect.

After the show is finished.

Lu Yuan led the army back to Baiwu City.

All he has to do now is wait for the time to pass.

According to the calculation of the all-knowing eye.

Now the total income of all cities under Lu Yuan's command is almost 2.2 trillion a month.

This won't take more than a few months.

You can rely on strengthening to conquer the world.


Because there is a perfect crime as a cover.

Lu Yuan's attack on thirteen level five forces in one day was not discovered by anyone else.

The following week.

All other low-level forces in the fifth-level power area have also been brought under Huaxia's command.

at this time.

The Federation still doesn't know that its territory has been encroached on by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was not idle during this period.

Let Devouring Heaven lead the army of undead soul beasts to hunt the soul beasts at the place he designated.

Let War Armor Daxia take the Chinese mechas to hunt the soul beasts in another place.

Let Xia Houlong and others clean up all the soul beasts in the territory.

Lu Yuan himself has been making Chinese mechas.

Whether it is for the sixth level forces or the more advanced seven or eight level forces.

The Pluto mecha, which can exert the power of the ninth level of Yaoyang, has always been the main combat force in the war.

In theory, the Chinese mecha improved by Lu Yuan can rely on superimposed energy to exert the power of the ninth level of the sky...

So Lu Yuan has been making Chinese mechas.

Because only he can do this.

this day.

A full month has passed since China took control of fifteen fifth-level cities.

during this month.

Lu Yuan's Huaxia Dynasty was carrying out activities in an orderly manner.

It did not attract the attention of the federation or anyone else.

at this time.

Lu Yuan stretched in his workroom.

There are three special space rings in front of him.

In each space ring, there are a thousand Chinese mechas stored.

Lu Yuan spent a month to build three thousand invincible Chinese mechas!

"A month has passed."

Lu Yuan looked at the time happily, put down his work and left.

Come to the audience hall.

Lu Yuan immediately checked his finances.

This month, he didn't use any money.

Each city is allowed to submit its revenue directly to the finance side.

So the first thing he did when he came out was to check how much money he had saved.

You don’t know this by looking at it.

one look......

Lu Yuan was indeed shocked.

The special storage account earned 2.5 trillion in this month! !

It is a full 300 billion more than the previously estimated 2.2 trillion...

See here.

The corners of Lu Yuan's mouth rose crazily, and he murmured excitedly: "Finally we can start the next step!"


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