How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 155 The Army Presses The Territory And Attacks The Seventh-Level City!

This process didn't last long.

It only took about two hours for 4,500 people to be successfully selected.

Those who lost had no regrets or complaints, because Lu Yuan's rock-paper-scissors game was truly the fairest and most casual game.

If they lose, they are inferior in skill and bad luck, so there is nothing to complain about.

not to mention.

Lu Yuan also said that even losing is not necessarily a bad thing.

So after the winner is determined, the loser leaves temporarily.

at this time.

Lu Yuan stood up from the throne, looked at the people below with satisfaction, and signaled: "You all stand back, now I am going to release your contracted beasts."

Upon hearing this, everyone consciously stepped back more than ten meters.

After seeing that there was enough space, Lu Yuan released all 4,500 soul beasts.

As soon as these spirit beasts appeared, the terrifying pressure frightened the preparatory beast masters...

After all, the highest level for these people is Haoyue level, and the average level is only Starlight level...

Facing this group of soul beasts whose lowest level is the first level of the sky, they will naturally be more scared.

But when you see the soul beasts again, they have no intention of harming you.

These people slowly regained their composure.

at this time.

After seeing everyone regain their composure, Lu Yuan slowly said: "Now you each choose the soul beasts you want to contract with. Don't worry, they have been tamed and will not attack you."

After everyone listened to Lu Yuan's words, you looked at me and I looked at you, with some hesitation on their faces.

But soon.

The first person to eat crabs walked out from the crowd.

He came to a very powerful-looking soul beast and asked nervously: "Are you willing to be my contract beast?"


The soul beast immediately nodded in response.

The transcendent person danced excitedly.


The aura of the contract enveloped them.

After the first person demonstrated, the others rushed out one after another.

There are only so many beloved soul beasts, and they will be gone if they don’t grab them.

Seeing the smooth progress of the contract below, Su Ming on the side said with envy: "You are really too strong. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Brother Lu, you are already strong enough to capture the sky-level soul beasts and give them to your people." We made a contract..."

Originally, Su Ming was supposed to call Lu Yuan king.

But Lu Yuan didn't like this title, so he still allowed Su Ming to call him brother.

Hearing Su Ming's words, Lu Yuan said with a smile: "Where is this? After all the contracts between these people are completed, we China will officially declare war on the Federation. By then, the entire Federation...should be the entire The world will soon be included in China’s territory!”

"Hahaha, I am lucky enough to witness this scene. It is also a blessing accumulated in my previous life."

Su Ming said with a smile.

At this time, he was really lucky.

When Lu Yuan needed help, he stood on Lu Yuan's side.


Maybe the Su family has already become history.


The contracts below were completed one after another.

Although the levels of these beast masters are not high, their strength has been greatly improved because of the contract with the firmament level soul beast. This is the power of the contracted ability.

As long as there are powerful soul beasts, they can become very powerful.

After all of them had completed their contracts, Lu Yuan made a thought and asked all those who were working outside to come back, including Shi Tian, ​​Da Xia, Xia Houlong and others.

at this time.

Lu Yuan stood up from the throne and announced impassionedly: "From now on, China officially declares war on the Federation. Our first target is the seventh-level city Wuxiang City. Now... let's go!! "


Lu Yuan waved his hand, and the teleportation array that had been prepared began to take effect.

Everyone present, all soul beasts, all mechas.

In an instant, everyone left White Mist City.

In less than two seconds, the Chinese army appeared in Wuxiang City, which was an unknown distance away! !

at the same time.

In the seventh-level city of Wuxiang City, an invasion alarm sounded that had not been sounded for who knows how many years! !

"Warning, warning, a large amount of energy has been detected. All combat units, please go to the city wall immediately. I repeat, all combat units, please go to the city wall immediately!!"

This alarm sounds.

Wuxiang City, which was originally peaceful, immediately entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

"In the Huojiujian series, Wuxiang City can receive an invasion alarm? Is this the beast kings coming?"

"Haha, I think it's just an inconspicuous little beast tide. Everyone, let me go first to the city wall to have a look!"

"No matter what it is, our Wuxiang City's defense force can completely crush the invaders. Even if we are really defeated, we are nearby other seventh-level and eighth-level cities. When the time comes, we will have support. I would like to see Who on earth came to our Wuxiang City looking for death!"

"Well said, go meet the intruder for a while!"

at this time.

The protective shield of the city wall was opened, and countless people climbed onto the city wall.

As the city lord of Wuxiang City, Zhao Wu, whose level was as high as the fourth level of disaster, also came to the city wall immediately.

At this moment.

Everyone was shocked.

Because they saw it, not far from Xiang City.

Four thousand six hundred red mechas lined up...

The front of the mecha.

There are also thousands of soul beasts with various strengths and appearances.


This is not the most important thing either.

The main thing is.

In the sky, eight behemoths stood.

They are the kings of soul beasts that Lu Yuan conquered.

They just stood there, giving people a very scary feeling.

For a while.

Almost everyone was watching these eight behemoths nervously!

"It turned out to be the Beast King... Why do they appear here, and what's going on with these red Pluto mechas..."

As the city lord of a seventh-level city, Zhao Wu recognized the beast kings in the sky at a glance.

Their power has long been heard by high-level humans.

But these soul beasts are usually scattered around the world...

I didn’t expect that we would all gather here today! !

What kind of power are the people who can control these beast kings...

Think of this.

Zhao Wu looked at the painting on the Chinese mecha below.

It was a mighty and domineering giant dragon with five five-pointed stars beside it. A touch of red made the whole picture very majestic and noble.

Although I don't want to admit it.

But compared with this pattern, the federal pattern is just a piece of shit...

At least enjoy this.

This unknown enemy has completely won.

And at this time, Zhao Wu was thinking.

Lu Yuan came to the front of the team from behind, looked at Zhao Wu on the city wall, smiled and said: "I am the emperor of China - Lu Yuan, I came here today through your Wuxiang City, officially Declaring war on the Federation, so I won’t say much..."

"Let's go to war!"


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