How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 162 Meeting The Beast King For The First Time, The Terrifying Lord Of Hell!

When they are taking action.

Lu Yuan also started to take action.

He released all his contracted beasts.

The Eight Beast Kings, Devouring Heaven, and Battle Armor Daxia were all in front of Lu Yuan at this time.

Lu Yuan's eyes swept across them, and he said with a smile: "You must also know the duel agreed between me and the Federation. I don't like nonsense. They all thought that I was going to capture the Beast King. In fact, it was not like this. .”

"Master, what do you mean..." As soon as the King of Night heard Lu Yuan's words, he burst out excitedly, but he stopped before he finished speaking.

Because it didn't dare to guess what Lu Yuan meant!

But Lu Yuan is not a tyrant, so he will not get angry because of this matter.


He nodded with a smile and said, "You are right, my goal is to train you to become the Beast King!"

When everyone heard Lu Yuan's words, their faces showed excitement.

The King of Soul Beasts is such an unattainable term...

Not to mention Heaven Devouring, even these beast kings never thought that they would become top beast kings one day.

But they understand.

As long as Lu Yuan is willing, this little thing will not matter!

At this moment.

A question suddenly popped up in Battle Armor Daxia: "Master, am I not a soul beast and also called the Beast King?"

As soon as these words came out.

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You can be called the King of Swords. When I strengthen you to the highest level, you will definitely be the most awesome among all weapons."

"Hey, thank you first, Master."

War Armor Daxia thanked him with a smile, his words and deeds were completely the same as a human being.

Lu Yuan didn't expect it either.

This soul is quite humorous sometimes.

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head, and gave all the soul beads that he had previously used as fuel for the Chinese mecha to Devouring Heaven for upgrades.

Because there is no need for large-scale war now.

The soul beads originally given to the Chinese mecha can be used by the lowest level Heaven Devourer.

As for the Eight Beast Kings and War Armor Daxia, Lu Yuan planned to strengthen them.

Raise their level directly to the highest level!

It's not Lu Yuan's big talk. The money China can now provide each month has reached 3 trillion.

This is still the current single income.

If all other resources were converted into money, it would be about 5 trillion a month.

In half a year, it would be 30 trillion.

With this number, Lu Yuan himself was still a little short of being promoted to the world-destroying level.

But it can raise one, even two, or three of them to the world-destroying level! !


Lu Yuan closed his eyes and locked a place with the Beidou satellite.

The next second.

Lu Yuan transferred the armor Daxia and the eight beast kings to a terrifying continent.

As soon as they appear.

There were violent roars of beasts all around.

Only a dozen or so terrifying and ferocious soul beasts were seen, directly surrounding Lu Yuan and the others.

It seemed that he felt the intimidating power of the eight beast kings.

These soul beasts did not launch their own attacks immediately.

Instead, he looked at Lu Yuan and the others with great vigilance.

Seeing this, the giant frost dragon frowned slightly, and a huge dragon power emanated from its body!

But the dragon's might, which was originally invincible, had no effect on these soul beasts.

This shocked the frost dragon a little.

at this time.

Lu Yuan smiled and explained everyone's doubts: "Xiaobing, your dragon power is useless against these soul beasts, because although their bloodline is not as high as yours, they are protected by an overlord with a higher bloodline."

After listening to Lu Yuan's words, everyone was still a little confused.

And this time.

The Death Black Widow looked at the surrounding territory, and combined with Lu Yuan's words just now, suddenly remembered an extremely terrifying thing, and said with a somewhat horrified expression: "I remembered... I said why is it like this here? It looks familiar, it turns out to be the territory of the Lord of Hell - Rakshasa Hell!!"

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of all the beast kings became extremely panicked.

The Lord of Hell, one of the ten beast kings! !

The terrifying soul beast that controls fire and death...


Rather than saying it is a soul beast, it might as well have been out of the range of a soul beast...

That is a terrifying creature that can destroy the world as soon as it is born! !

Don’t say anything else.

It is said that the Hell Lord's subordinates have many disaster-level soul beasts.

Although these soul beasts are not as high in bloodline as these kings, their strength is not weaker than them at all!

They didn't expect it at all.

Lu Yuan actually brought them to this terrifying place!

Seeing their scared expressions, Lu Yuan smiled and asked, "Why, are you all scared?"


This time, they all fell silent when faced with Lu Yuan's words.

It's not that they're afraid.

It's an instinctive fear...

But just when Lu Yuan was about to be disappointed with them.

Sun Lion was the first to stand up and said: "What are you afraid of? As long as the master is here, no matter he is the Beast King or the Lord of Hell, he can become our nourishment!"

"Yes, trust the master!"

"Afraid of their eggs, kill them!"

"The Beast King is a fart, the master is invincible!"


With the Sun Lion taking a stand, all the beast kings overcame their fears.

And this time.

The surrounding soul beasts began to attack.

There was no need for Lu Yuan to speak.

The beast kings all spontaneously fought back.

These soul beasts are all at the ninth level of the sky, but their actual combat power is lower than that of the eight beast kings.

Lu Yuan didn't care about them.

This space was directly isolated.

Do this.

It is to prevent the Lord of Hell from coming to cause trouble.

Although Lu Yuan is not afraid of the Lord of Hell now.

But to be honest, there is nothing you can do about it.

Therefore, Lu Yuan had no intention of provoking it, and just slowly let the eight beast kings speed up their armor Daxia and kill them in its territory.

Because of the [absolute explosion rate].

Just kill here for two or three months.

This can greatly increase the level of the eight beast kings.

When the time comes, and with money to strengthen it, we will definitely be able to create eleven world-destroying level powerhouses in half a year!

On Lu Yuan's side, the space restrictions had just been arranged.

The next second.

A terrifying energy appeared around Lu Yuan and the others.

I saw a humanoid creature covered in pitch black armor and burning with flames, coming in front of Lu Yuan and the others.

It is the ruler of this scorched land of hell, one of the ten beast kings of Blue Star - the Lord of Hell! !

It's just a wave of one hand.

The monstrous flames instantly surged toward Lu Yuan! !

The flame has not yet arrived...

The hot temperature evaporates all the air! !


Just when the King of Hell thought that he could easily kill these scum invading his territory in seconds.

An unexpected accident shocked the world-destroying eighth-level super emperor! !


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