How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 165 The Top Breakthrough, Daxia At The World-Destroying Level!

After the level of War Armor Daxia was greatly improved.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

He looked at the Lord of Hell in the sky and laughed, not knowing what bad idea he was planning.

At this moment.

Lu Yuan continues to plan to strengthen the armor Daxia.

According to his idea, if he continues to strengthen twice, the strength of War Armor Daxia can reach the ninth level of world destruction. Wouldn't it be possible to attack these beast kings immediately?

There is nothing wrong with this idea.

But when Lu Yuan once again prepared to strengthen the armor Daxia, to be honest, he was completely shocked by the price!

[War Armor Daxia (Colorful Brilliant Lower Grade), strengthening requirements: 7 trillion. 】

[Does it cost money to strengthen it? 】

Because of the relationship that broke through the restrictions, the strengthening target changed from the previous Tang Hengdao to the War Armor Daxia, and the money required for strengthening directly increased by who knows how many times...


The price is actually not very expensive.

But the key is that Lu Yuan doesn't have that much money now...

See here.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to give up.

However, Lu Yuan also wanted to try to see what the current combat effectiveness of War Armor Daxia was.

So he still said to the armor Daxia: "How about it, are you interested in fighting the Beast King above?"


War Armor Daxia smiled confidently.

It knew that it was no match for the Hell Monarch, but also because of the bonus of the entry, the Hell Monarch could not use any method to injure (wear and tear) the battle armor Daxia.

So it also wants to try out how its newly improved strength is.

Seeing the confident look of War Armor Daxia, Lu Yuan smiled appreciatively, then waved his hand and immediately sent War Armor Daxia into the confines of the Hell Lord.

And because the original restrictions were small, there was no way for the two to fight.

Lu Yuan was very considerate and relaxed the restrictions.

The Lord of Hell didn't know what trick Lu Yuan was playing, but when it saw him sending a "person" in, it immediately found someone to vent its anger on!

I saw the Lord of Hell roaring loudly, and the endless flames attacked the armor Daxia!

"Haha, good time!"

War Armor Daxia was not afraid and laughed a few times.

The next second.

Its hands and feet turned into sharp blades.

The whole person was spinning rapidly on the spot like a top!

This move.

It's the unique skill created by the battle armor Daxia - Blade Storm!

The blades on the limbs set off a tornado due to their rapid rotation!

With the blessing of [Spell Breaker], any abilities or skills will be directly broken by it!

It is no exaggeration to say that in the world-destroying level.

Basically, there is nothing that War Armor Daxia cannot defeat with a single blow! !

But the Lord of Hell doesn't think so.

It is the King of Beasts, the King that makes all creatures afraid! !

Not just any cat or dog can provoke me! !

Forgetting the mysterious human just now, could this unknown creature also be able to block his own hellfire?

The Lord of Hell would never believe this!

But soon.

It's completely unbearable...

Because when the flames it is proud of approach the blade storm of Battle Armor Daxia...

That hellfire that is invincible and will melt the target instantly when it touches it...

He was quickly wiped out by the battle armor Daxia! !

"How can this be......"

The Lord of Hell has said this for an unknown number of times.

Today, it finds more unbelievable things than it has seen in its lifetime...

What is the origin of this human being and his men?

Why have I never heard of it before? Why is it so weird and powerful! ?

However, it has no way to think about all this.

Because Battle Armor Daxia has already arrived at its side!

"Hellfire Summons!"

This time.

The Lord of Hell no longer has any contempt.

Facing the War Armor Daxia that could easily defeat its own flames, it did not choose to go head-to-head with the War Armor Daxia.

But between raising his hand.

Condensed two tall flame summons with flames.

Each of these monsters composed of green flames has reached the second level of world destruction.

This is the real horror of the Lord of Hell.

You can create terrifying world-destroying soul beasts in the blink of an eye...

These terrifying world-destroying soul beasts fully possess the characteristics of the Lords of Hell.

Their flames are also hellfires that are difficult to extinguish and possess terrifyingly high temperatures.

"Awesome, this ability."

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw this skill.

have to say.

The Beast King is worthy of being the Beast King, not only is he powerful.

He can also summon his subordinates in an instant...

No wonder there are so many strong men in the Federation, but they still can't deal with these beast kings.

However, Lu Yuan was not worried about Daxia, but was a little curious.

If you kill these hellfires, will you get soul beads?

If so......

Then isn’t the Lord of Hell a perpetual motion machine? ?

If the Lord of Hell knew what Lu Yuan was thinking, he would probably be furious to death...

It is a majestic beast king, but it is actually used by a human as a soul orb-refreshing machine...

Well, that’s very outrageous!

At this moment.

War Armor Daxia has already dealt with summons.

As soon as the two sides met, a fierce battle broke out.

The two summons used their flaming fists to attack the armor Daxia.

Battle Armor Daxia used his own blade to slash the body of the summoned creature.

First round fight.

War Armor Daxia fell into a disadvantage.

It's not because it can't defeat these two summons, but because their bodies are composed of flames. In a sense, they are completely immune to the attack of the armor Daxia.


War Armor Daxia did not harm them, and their attacks could not harm War Armor Daxia.

Be it huge power or terrifying hellfire.

After hitting the body of War Armor Daxia, it was like a stone sinking into the sea... without even a little bit of damage being done to War Armor Daxia.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Hell was dumbfounded...

It doesn't matter if the attack misses, but if it hits, it still can't hurt this "person".

What the hell is this situation! ?

Fortunately, his summons also blocked this pervert.

For a moment, he was no longer a threat to himself.


Not even a second before the idea of ​​the Lord of Hell appeared.

The armor Daxia, who was fighting the summons, suddenly smiled humanely: "Are you immune to physical attacks? There is nothing in this world that I, Daxia, can't kill!"


War Armor Daxia suddenly stopped attacking and allowed the summons to hit him.

It just closed its eyes and stood there like a sandbag.

A few seconds later.

War Armor Daxia suddenly opened his eyes, narrowed his eyes, and raised the blades of his hands.

The next second.

Suddenly slashed out from the air!

This seems to be no different from usual.


With this slash, the entire space was cut instantly! !

Those two summons that were originally beyond the control of the armor Daxia...

Under this blow, he was instantly cut in half! !


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