How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 168 How Should They Take Action?

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded in approval.

If it was before.

There is definitely no hope in convincing those beast kings.

Because they and the Beast Kings were all enemies, they were extremely jealous...

Presumably, the beast kings will not interfere in the internal affairs of human beings.

But this time.

Lu Yuan took the initiative to provoke the Lord of Hell. According to Yi Wuling's report, the Lord of Hell seemed to be very afraid of Lu Yuan...

With this one lobbyist.

If you want to persuade the Beast Kings to join forces to deal with Lu Yuan, it will most likely not be a problem!

The thought of this.

Wu Di immediately nodded in agreement: "This plan is feasible. I think most of you know that it is very difficult to hand over power for so many years. If you join forces with the Beast Kings to deal with Lu Yuan, If we really kill him, then the situation between us and the Beast King will not change. If there is still nothing we can do against Lu Yuan, then there will be no need for subsequent games."

Lu Yuan's combat power far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Let alone half a year later.

Even now...

Lu Yuan may already have super 1V1 ability! !

Even the kings of hell are no match for Lu Yuan. Who among them will be his rival?

So after knowing Lu Yuan's true strength now, Wu Di chose to deal with Lu Yuan.

In this case.

Tang Xuan deliberately opposed it...

But when I saw that everyone was obsessed with power, I couldn't help but hesitate to speak.


Wu Di launched a vote.

Eleven of them agreed to deal with Lu Yuan in advance.

Only Tang Yan chose to abstain...

once Upon a time.

The purpose of establishing the federation is to deal with those beast kings.

But now, in order to prevent the loss of power, he chose to cooperate with those beast kings.

Tang Xuan still had some resistance to this kind of thing.

But her thoughts were not noticed by others.

After everyone unanimously approved the proposal against Lu Yuan, Yi Wuling tore through the void and led Wu Di and his group to rescue the hell monarch who was trapped by Lu Yuan.

in a blink.

Everyone came to the scorched earth of hell.

They saw the tired Lord of Hell, without any sarcasm.

Wu Di, representing the Federation, took a step forward and said: "We have just discussed and plan to cooperate with you to deal with the Federation traitor Lu Yuan. However, before we rescue you, we have to make an agreement in three chapters. First, you must persuade on our behalf. Other beast kings, secondly, you promise that if you kill Lu Yuan, you will not invade humans within a hundred years, and thirdly, you promise not to burn bridges across rivers, and if you swear on your life, we will work together to rescue you."

When the Lord of Hell heard this, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

It is a world-destroying eighth-level beast king. Why would it swear its life to humans?

But when the Lord of Hell thought of that hateful Lu Yuan, after struggling for a moment, he still nodded and agreed: "Okay, I swear on my life to agree to all your requests. If I can't do it, I will voluntarily accept the punishment of heaven!"

Along with the oath sworn by the Lord of Hell, Wu Di and others felt a trace of heavenly energy.

This is the oath of the Lord of Hell, and it has come into full effect.

At their level, they can already communicate with the way of heaven, and can make a simple oath with the help of some power of the way of heaven.

So when Wu Di saw the oath taking effect, he immediately smiled with satisfaction: "I'm glad to cooperate with you. We will rescue you now."


Wu Di looked at Yi Wuling.

Yi Wuling nodded, immediately pointed in one direction and said: "An opening has been opened here just now, so if we work together from here, there is a high probability that Brother Hell can be rescued."

Everyone nodded and immediately, under Yi Wuling's command, worked together to target the crack just now and launch a concentrated attack.

In an instant.

Violent energy filled the entire space.

Lu Yuan's space restriction, with the combined efforts of many world-destroying masters... finally created a human-shaped gap!

at this time.

The Lord of Hell hurriedly ran out of it and laughed crazily: "Hahahaha, I'm finally out!!"

It’s so frustrating.

It’s really frustrating...

It was a majestic beast king, but was imprisoned by a human.

We need the help of another group of humans to escape this prison...

this matter.

The Lord of Hell will not just let it go.

It first thanked Wu Di and others for their help, and then immediately patted its chest and promised: "I will be the one to convince the other beast kings, but I still need you, Yi Wuling, to take me there."

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Yi Wuling smiled and agreed.

When Wu Di and others saw this, they also smiled happily.

Because their goal has been completely achieved.

In order not to be destroyed by Lu Yuan, after rescuing the Lord of Hell.

Yi Wuling immediately took them away from here.

at the same time.

After the space restriction was broken, Lu Yuan, who had been absorbing the soul beads, came back to his senses from his concentrated state: "Someone broke my space restriction?"

Lu Yuan frowned slightly, and the scene in his eyes immediately switched to the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Hell, who was originally imprisoned by him, has now disappeared.

The space limit set by himself was bombarded with a human-shaped gap.

At this moment.

The omniscient eye gave Lu Yuan the answer he wanted.

[Wu Di and others from the Federation worked together to break your space restriction through internal and external attacks, and just left here ten seconds ago. 】


Lu Yuan was amused by this news...

Even he didn't think about it.

Wu Di, the highest leader of mankind, would actually cooperate with the mortal enemies, the Beast Kings?

This is really a knife to pull the butt, it opened Lu Yuan's eyes!

This is to deal with yourself, and you will use any means, right?

"Looking at it like this, it seems that the Federation and the Beast King have really reached a cooperation... It's really a bit tricky."

Having signed the Book of Oath before, Lu Yuan now has no way to attack the Federation.

As for the Beast King, they can take action.

But being disturbed by people from the Federation...

Situations that could have been defeated one by one may never happen again.

This made Lu Yuan feel very distressed.

"Forget it, let the soldiers come and cover up the water and the earth. It's useless to think so much now. Let's see how the federation and those beast kings act, and then think of a solution."

Lu Yuan's idea is relatively simple. There are always more solutions than difficulties in everything.

He himself will not die, nor will the people in his territory die.

So there is no need to worry at all, just wait patiently for the enemy to make a move.


This will make it more interesting.

Otherwise, do you really want to wait half a year?

Those people from the Federation will never be their opponents!

Think about it this way.

Lu Yuan actually had some expectations.

in the end.

What tricks will the two most powerful forces in the world use to deal with themselves?


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