How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 170 Urgent Transfer Of Funds, Visiting Congressman

On Yi Wuling's side, during the persuasion operation.

Lu Yuan was not idle either.

He asked War Armor Daxia to take the beast kings to the buffet.

One person took the lead in teleporting back to Wuxiang City.

Since conquering this city, Lu Yuan has turned it into the capital of China.

He came to the audience hall and summoned Su Ming immediately.

After the federation was established, Lu Yuan arranged for Su Ming to come to Wuxiang City and made him the deputy general manager of the entire China, which was equivalent to the prime minister.

This honor is much higher than being a city lord.

As for the position of general manager, it was Lu Yuan who left it to Liang Yongyi.

But he hasn't come back yet, so all matters in China are now under Su Ming's control.

"Brother Lu, what happened? Didn't you take Daxia and the others hunting? Why did you come back in such a hurry?" Su Ming asked with great concern as soon as he saw Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan nodded and said shockingly: "Those people in the Federation are really worthless. They actually cooperated with the Beast Emperors and planned to let the Beast Emperors join forces to deal with me."

When Su Ming heard this, his whole face turned ugly instantly.

He is no longer the country bumpkin from a first-class city.

Know what the Beast King means...

Although I knew Lu Yuan was very powerful, when I heard that the Beast Emperor and the people from the Federation were uniting to deal with Lu Yuan...

Su Ming immediately became very worried.

Because those are the two most powerful forces in the world...

Such two powerful forces are coming to target Lu Yuan.

As a friend and subordinate, how could he not be worried?

Seeing Su Ming's worried face, Lu Yuan naturally knew what Su Ming was thinking. He smiled nonchalantly and said, "There's nothing to worry about. I have plenty of ways to deal with these people, so I I came back this time just for this matter."

After hearing this, Su Ming took a few deep breaths, calmed down quickly and asked, "Brother Lu, tell me what we are going to do."

"Within one day, let all the people in the territory donate all their money. As long as there is enough money, we, China, will be invincible!"

Lu Yuan expressed his thoughts.

China currently has more than 50 million people. If each person contributes one million, they can easily obtain five trillion.

It seems difficult for everyone to donate 100,000 yuan.

But actually it can be done.

This is just the first step.

I want to make it together with this

After Lu Yuan finished the first step, he immediately said: "In addition, reduce the total expenses of all cities to the minimum and let the major city lords turn over all the money."

After Su Ming listened, he nodded.

If the fastest way to raise money is undoubtedly the finances of major cities.

The money Lu Yuan took away before was all from the city lord's small treasury.

Maintenance expenses account for more than 50% of each city's income.

If this part of the fee is collected, all of it will be collected.

You can definitely collect a lot of money quickly.

After writing down Lu Yuan's request, Su Ming said anxiously: "Is there anything else? If not, I will notify them now and ask them to collect as much money as possible."

"No, please tell us to go down. The sooner we do this, the better. I estimate that they will launch a fierce attack on us in a day at most."


Su Ming accepted the order and left.

Lu Yuan was sitting on the throne, using the Beidou satellite to check the actions of Yi Wuling and others.

Their every move and even the content of their words could not escape Lu Yuan's observation.


All their plans were known to Lu Yuan.

"Does the Federation want to reap the benefits and use the Beast King to encircle and suppress me? It's a good idea..."

Lu Yuan looked at Yi Wuling and others who were convincing the Beast Emperor, and showed an expectant smile.


He could have stopped all of this, but Lu Yuan didn't think it was necessary.

Because Lu Yuan has absolute confidence and can cope with all challenges!

Taking advantage of nothing else, Lu Yuan began to absorb soul beads again.

His current level has reached the fifth level of the sky.

The targets that War Armor Daxia and the others killed were all disaster level and world annihilation level soul beasts.

The soul beads that exploded were all the top batch.

Originally, Lu Yuan could not absorb soul beads of this level, but because he had been strengthened by Universal Strengthening before, his physical fitness had been greatly improved, and he could perfectly absorb high-level soul beads.

This also allowed Lu Yuan's level to improve rapidly.

Stay here all day.

Wait until the next day.

When Su Ming came back with the money.

Only then did Lu Yuan come back to his senses from the state of absorption.

"Brother Lu, we have collected a total of 25 trillion in money this time. I don't know if this is enough..."

Su Ming handed the card to Lu Yuan and explained the situation.

All the people in the territory contributed nearly 7 trillion yuan, and all the city's finances were turned over, collecting 18 trillion yuan...

It can be said.

After paying this money, the whole of China was poor.

It was originally expected to get 30 trillion yuan in half a year, but it is absolutely impossible as it is now.

But Lu Yuan had no regrets.

Because if you don't do this, you won't be able to survive for half a year...

After accepting the bank card, Lu Yuan smiled gratefully and said, "Thank you for your hard work. When this battle is over, we will be the most powerful force in the world."

"Well, I believe you can."

Su Ming smiled, his eyes full of trust.

Only by witnessing Lu Yuan's growth can we realize how awesome this man is.

If even Lu Yuan couldn't unify the world.

Then it is impossible to accomplish this by relying on those people from the Federation who sell out human society for power.

It can be said.

If Lu Yuan fails, then the destruction of mankind is a high probability.

There are some people in the Federation who have never thought clearly.

Originally, the beast kings were not united.

Their territories are spread all over the world.

Under normal circumstances, there is no way to unite and attack a certain force or person together.

but now......

With the help of humans, they have joined together.

So let me ask.

If they really kill Lu Yuan, who will be next?

The answer is basically self-evident.

Therefore, it can be said that the actions of federal congressmen are harming the entire human race.

For the sake of your own selfish desires, you will abandon all mankind!

But none of the current federal legislators have seen this problem.

Let's just say they were completely carried away.

To this.

Lu Yuan thought the same way, so he wanted to advance the decisive battle.

Since those beast kings want to bear the brunt of dealing with themselves...

Then be prepared to be killed by yourself!

Think of this.

Lu Yuan had a thought and just wanted to leave Wuxiang City.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Report, there is a woman outside who claims to be a federal congressman, and she bluntly wants to see Emperor Lu..."


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