How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 176 Global Surrender, Emperor Lu Yuan! (Season Finale)

"This... why is this happening!?"

"In just one day, Lu Yuan was able to kill the Beast King instantly like this. Is it because my eyes are dazzled or are my eyes really dazzled? Can anyone tell me why this is!?"

"I also want to know, did Lu Yuan deliberately pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, or did he use some magic method to reach the ninth level of world destruction so quickly in one day? Why does upgrading seem like drinking water to him? Simple?"


Seeing the scene of Lu Yuan instantly killing the Beast King, Wu Di and others could no longer sit still.

They all didn't understand.

Why has Lu Yuan become so powerful in just one day?

About this question.

Wu Di sighed heavily: "Probably because of the city..."

He is not a fool.

Lu Yuan's strength yesterday could never be this strong.

But after Tang Xuan's rebellion, Lu Yuan attacked other cities in the federation.

Probably because of this move, his strength increased by leaps and bounds...

Although Wu Di couldn't figure out why, he could probably guess that this was the main reason why Lu Yuan suddenly became stronger.

When Zhao Tuo heard this, he immediately regretted it.

If we could have known yesterday, Lu Yuan improved his strength by conquering cities.

They will destroy other cities no matter what! !

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no use in continuing to regret.

Think of this.

Zhao Tuo was the first to look at Wu Di and asked in despair: "What should we do now?"

"What should I do...what else can I do?"

Wu Di looked at Lu Yuan who was signing a contract with the Beast King on the screen, and sighed again: "I have no choice but to surrender. Now I can only pray that Lu Yuan will not kill those who surrender."

As soon as he finished saying this, everyone's expressions were very ugly.

But as of now, this is the best solution.

At this time, they were envious of Tang Xuan...

Because of Tang He's rebellion, Lu Yuan's strength increased significantly.


In the future, Tang He will definitely become a top executive in China.

But for those of them who were forced to surrender, even their survival depended on Lu Yuan's mood, let alone expect to be able to enter the top echelons of China.

After all, he conquered the Beast King and unified mankind...

China is the absolute overlord on this planet!

It doesn't matter if you want people like them who are in the world-destroying level...

Even killing them is normal.

Wu Di and others knew the consequences of surrender, but there was no other way out except surrender.

They never imagined that such a day would come to them.

at the same time.

After Lu Yuan subdued the surviving Beast King, he looked at Yi Wuling who was shivering at the side.

Although Lu Yuan could not harm Yi Wuling because of the oath book.

But the smart Yi Wuling also understood that if he ran away without Lu Yuan's permission...

The next time you are caught, it will be a complete death!

So after seeing Lu Yuan's terrifying strength, he never dared to escape without permission.

Now seeing Lu Yuan looking over, Yi Wuling immediately knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Lu Yuan, and begged for mercy: "Lu Huang, I know I was wrong. I am willing to surrender to China. Please don't forget it, Mr. Lu Huang." You're a villain, don't embarrass me, an old man!"

Lu Yuan felt very proud in his heart when he saw that the federal congressman who had been so superior not long ago was kneeling in front of him.

He teleported to Yi Wuling from the sky, and said with a smile: "I accept your surrender, but I'll say it first, I am a very vengeful person, so... "

When Lu Yuan said this, he took out Daxia and cut off Yi Wuling's left leg.

at this time.

Yi Wuling endured the severe pain and did not dare to cry out.

Because he knows.

If it was because of pain, I shouted this.

The Lu Yuan in front of him would kill him without hesitation!

The fact was just as Yi Wuling thought.

Seeing that Yi Wuling didn't say a word, Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, I didn't say a word. I respect you as a man. From now on, you will be a member of China, but your leg cannot be restored. have you understood?"

"Listen...I understand...Thank you, Emperor Lu..."

It was very difficult for Yi Wuling to say this.

As he finished his sentence.

The relationship between Lu Yuan and him has also been confirmed.

In an instant.

Yi Wuling became Lu Yuan's crazy fanboy, exactly like Yu Hongyu who had his arm broken before.

She had no intention of blaming Lu Yuan at all. Instead, she felt that this was a gift from Lu Yuan!

Seeing Yi Wuling surrender like this.

Wu Di and others who were far away in the main federal city breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Yuan was still willing to accept their surrender.

And at this time.

Lu Yuan had disappeared from the screen and appeared in front of Wu Di and others.

Lu Yuan looked at Wu Di and others with a smile, and asked jokingly: "Why, you don't seem to welcome me?"

"No, no, we were trying to figure out how to get in touch with Emperor Lu, but we didn't expect you to just come..."

Wu Di was the first to speak out.

After saying this, Wu Di also took the lead and knelt down and said: "We were guilty before and offended you, Emperor Lu. Now we know that we were wrong. We hope that Emperor Lu can spare us for the sake of protecting mankind for so many years. One life!"

When the others heard this, they all knelt down.

They didn't even dare to look up at Lu Yuan, they were completely frightened by Lu Yuan!

To this.

Lu Yuan did not make things difficult for them, but said calmly: "You can be exempted from death, but you cannot escape from living punishment. It is true that you have protected human beings for so many years, but it is also true that you conspired to kill me. I will not make things difficult for you. One person takes one sentence. Legs, I will reluctantly spare you."

Although these people are hateful, they really protect mankind.

Anyway, as long as they surrender to China, their thoughts and actions will change.

So Lu Yuan gave them a chance to live.

When Wu Di and others heard this, they didn't hesitate at all.

One by one, they took out their weapons and cut off one of their legs! !

In the face of survival, this punishment is nothing.

Seeing their appearance, Lu Yuan also smiled with great satisfaction: "Very good, let's serve our crimes in China from now on."

"Yes, Emperor Lu!"

Wu Di and others agreed in unison.

At this moment.

Lu Yuan's relationship with them has also been systematically recognized.

All federal members surrender to Lu Yuan and China...

At this moment.

The entire planet respects Lu Yuan and China! !

It took just a few months.

Lu Yuan went from being a pariah in a pariah area to becoming the sole ruler of the world! !

So far.

The name of Lu Yuan and the name of China will last forever! !


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