How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 25 You, A Human Being, Do You Want To Be Such A Dog? ? ?

Collect the bodies of the three-headed venomous snakes.

Lu Yuan tidied his clothes and continued walking forward.

The wilderness is very dangerous.

Although the soul beasts have a strong sense of territoriality.

But because there is no direction or map, it is easy to reach the territory of the powerful soul beast.

Most people walk cautiously in the wild.

But Lu Yuan didn't care.

He hummed a song while walking unscrupulously on the road.

It was as if he was afraid that the soul beast wouldn't see him.

We walked almost a few hundred meters.

Lu Yuan suddenly stopped and calmed down to listen carefully.

“Hoo, ho, ho—!”

A heavy breathing sound came from one direction.

Since the last time I awakened my flying ability.

Lu Yuan's vision and hearing were extremely sharp, and he could locate a direction instantly.

out of curiosity.

Lu Yuan, who had nothing to do, walked in that direction.

The closer I got, the louder the gasping sound became.

We walked almost two to three hundred meters.

Lu Yuan suddenly saw two wolf-shaped soul beasts not far away having a happy mating...

The third level soul beast——Teddy Wolf!

This kind of wolf is famous for its lustful nature. It will not refuse any male or female.

Their long whips are a great tonic!

"Fuck, it's so annoying!"

Lu Yuan cursed secretly and immediately used telekinesis on the panting wolf.

The next second.

The male wolf, who was supposed to be in the female wolf's body, was forced to separate.

His body flew towards Lu Yuan uncontrollably.

When Teddy Wolf saw the sudden appearance of humans, he immediately cursed.

I'm reproducing my offspring in a secret place, and I don't fucking bother you!

You, a human being, do you want to be such a dog? ? ?

Producing offspring is illegal! !

If you want to kill me, wait until I finish mating, Zhuo! !

Look at the sad look on its face...

Even if Lu Yuan didn't understand, he could probably guess what Teddy Wolf was scolding.

But obviously.

Lu Yuan didn't care what it thought.

The word in his hand, Conquering People with Virtue, stabbed directly into Teddy Wolf's heart!

One pull, one knife, another instant kill!


Seeing her mating partner being killed, the female wolf not far away let out an angry howl.

But it just finished roaring.

The next second.

Thunder on the ground! !

Several thunder and lightning fell from the sky! ! !

Directly send the female wolf that was howling just now to the Western Paradise!

"Show affection and die quickly!"

Lu Yuan snorted coldly and put the male wolf's body into the divine space.

As for the female wolf, it had turned into charcoal.

There is no recycling value.

The thunder just now attracted the attention of the surrounding extraordinary beings.

Lu Yuan could hear many footsteps approaching him.

These voices are different from soul beasts and should be human voices.

Lu Yuan didn't want to cause trouble, so he immediately turned around and left.


When everything is quiet.

Only then did Lu Yuan discover that his first awakened power was not as useless as he thought.

Not only can it provide you with the ability to fly.

The body has been greatly strengthened due to the strengthening system.

For example, the very keen hearing is not very useful in the wild.

Lu Yuan relied on his hearing to perfectly avoid other people's activities.

at the same time.

He also relied on his keen hearing and eyesight to quietly touch a gathering place of soul beasts.

Right in front of Lu Yuan.

Thirteen fourth-level soul beasts, tank pigs, were leisurely drinking water by the river.

They don't know it, in the grass behind them.

Get down on Lu Yuan, the sixth child.

Tank pigs are famous for their strong bodies, and their resistance to physical attacks is very good. Like tanks, their collision power is very powerful. In addition, they are gregarious spirit beasts. If you encounter them at the same level, or if they are not much different, you will encounter them. The risk factor is very high.

It can be said that it is a kind of soul beast that is not cost-effective in killing.

But even so.

Lu Yuan also had to kill these tank pigs.

Because he has a mission, which is to get the ears of these tank pigs.

"My ability to conquer people with virtue should be able to easily break through their proud defenses. All I have to do is stand out and wait for them to hit me while I fight back to kill them."

Lu Yuan made a battle plan in his mind.

In fact, it is a battle plan, but not entirely...

Because of his immortality, Lu Yuan's fighting was very simple and unpretentious.

But there is no way.

Who knows that he hasn't met an enemy yet who can make him use his brain...

Stop thinking.

In order not to alert the enemy, Lu Yuan did not use telekinesis to start.

Instead, he stood up directly from the grass.

The movement here was naturally discovered by this group of tank pigs.

When they see someone here, they immediately become animalistic.

Each one rubbed their hooves together and shouted "Hum, hum".

Lu Yuan also took out Conquering People with Virtue and waited for them to charge.

When the two sides' eyes met, the battle was about to break out!

When the tank pigs saw Lu Yuan preparing for close combat, they were confident in their defense and immediately launched a savage charge!

The huge fangs on their mouths look particularly sharp in the sunlight.

It's not hard to imagine.

If you are hit by these fangs, you will be crippled even if you don't die!

But Lu Yuan had no intention of hiding.

Seeing a group of tank pigs rushing over, he licked his lips excitedly and had a very bold idea in his mind.


Groups of tank pigs arrived as promised!

At the moment when their fangs were about to pierce Lu Yuan's body.

Lu Yuan's telekinesis was released with all his strength! !

Thirteen huge tank pigs all stopped in place at this moment!

Take advantage of this short time.

Lu Yuan used up his fastest speed and danced a dance of death!

The one in your hand convinces people with virtue and quickly cuts their throats! !

Do it the next second after this moment.

All the power of thought has failed.

After the thirteen tank pigs rushed forward for a certain distance with inertia, they all collapsed! !

Lu Yuan was also pierced by huge fangs and was bleeding profusely.

But he didn't care and left directly from the fangs.

Because even if he can't feel pain, he won't die from it.

It's just that Lu Yuan's face is a little pale and his stomach is very hungry...

Because he had just released all his energy and controlled thirteen tank pigs for ten seconds.

"Ten seconds, not bad."

Lu Yuan was somewhat satisfied with this kind of group control time.

After all, Tank Pig is a fourth-level soul beast, and the level correspondence is almost the same as him.

How could he be dissatisfied with the effect of controlling thirteen people similar to himself for ten seconds at the same time?

Just like killing these pigs, ten seconds is enough for him to kill.

He took out some food from the God's Space and replenished his physical strength.

Lu Yuan cut off the ears of these pigs.

The customer asked for ten pairs, and he got thirteen pairs.

This task is completed.

After cutting off the ears.

Lu Yuan dug and dug in their huge heads again.

Good luck this time.

Thirteen level four pigs dug out three turbid and four-colored soul beads.

Just wanted to use it.

Suddenly, a cold arrow struck from behind!


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