the other side.

In a large, dark room.

A young man whose face could not be seen clearly looked at the photos on the table, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he had everything under control, and whispered softly: "That's great, he is such a perfect killer."

That photo shows what Lu Yuan looked like when he released different powers.

Flight, fire, thunder, telekinesis...

Almost all the abilities that Lu Yuan can display have been photographed by this young man.

Originally, he couldn't afford to offend such a person.

But he did some research and found out.

The person in the photo has no background at all.

He is just a person who came out of the untouchable area.

How could he let such a perfect tool go?

As for worrying about Lu Yuan's revenge?

As long as he hides in the dark, who can find him?

Think of this.

The young man looked at the monitor on the table.

Among the screens that are divided into countless parts.

There are pictures of the whereabouts of all the heirs of the top ten families, including Lu Yuan!

This is the boy’s superpower—the special system, Insect Skynet!

A strange ability that can control insects and share their sight.

Although this ability cannot be used directly in combat, it can make him the most powerful intelligence dealer.

With this information, he can kill the target without taking action.

Killing someone with a borrowed knife is the boy's ultimate weapon.

And this time Lu Yuan is the tool man he likes! !

But he doesn't know yet.

I provoked someone I shouldn't have provoked.



After Lu Yuan hung up the phone, he went to the front desk to call up the monitoring system.

Although the messenger was successfully found.

But after questioning, I learned that he was just an ordinary courier.

Under the guidance of the phone, I went to a deserted place and got the envelope.

Don't know who the sender is.

To this.

Lu Yuan also felt helpless. There is no real-name system in this world.

Otherwise, you can find the sender in minutes.

Return without success.

The first thing Lu Yuan did when he returned to the room was to close the curtains and check whether there was anything strange on his clothes.

After checking, there is indeed no such thing as a tracker.

Lu Yuan lay on the bed and carefully looked at the photo sent by the mysterious person.

This photo was taken when Lu Yuan was hunting a two-headed rhinoceros.

But he was pretty sure that there were no humans around at all at that time.

Unless the other party is invisible and has hidden abilities...

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to take this photo without being discovered by myself.

"I won't be so unlucky, will I, meet two such old men in a row?"

Lu Yuan sighed speechlessly.

Sometimes in the world of extraordinary people, accidents are really easy to happen.

If this were placed in the ordinary world.

Who can take photos without being discovered like this?

But in this world, there are really a lot of possibilities...

The key is.

Even if someone else takes the initiative to self-destruct, you can't find him.


It’s so annoying!

But Lu Yuan didn't fail to see some clues from the photos.

First of all, the angle of this photo is weird.

Its angle of view is not like normal shooting.

Instead, it's like lying down in the grass, or squatting in the grass.

Lu Yuan didn't understand why the other party wanted to take photos like this.

Is it because you are afraid of finding out, or is it for other reasons?

"Forget it, let's ask someone tomorrow."

Lu Yuan did not continue racking his brains, but fell asleep.

Instead of trying to break your head here.

It would be better for soldiers to come and cover up the water and earth.

After all, only the more information the other party exposes, the more initiative you can take.

Mentality aspect.

Lu Yuan is relatively optimistic.

Even in the untouchable areas, it is not necessarily impossible to survive until tomorrow.

For unhappy things, just make him unhappy.

A night of silence.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Lu Yuan got up from the soft big bed.

Just woke up.

Lu Yuan received a text message from the mysterious person.

The text message contained a photo and a text.

[At ten o'clock this morning, Wang Jin, the heir to the Wang family, one of the top ten families, will go to the Empire State Building. You go there first. I will inform you when I have the opportunity. ——X. 】

This guy has great intelligence.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Wang Jin's photo and the text message left by the person who called himself X.

Wherever the heir of a big family goes, such secret itineraries can be monitored.

It was not difficult for Lu Yuan to understand why the other party took photos of himself.

"Let me see if you can leave any clues!"

Lu Yuan looked at this message and sneered.

If he wants to catch the mastermind, he must go to the scene.


Maybe we can catch this person right there.

Even if this person is not at the scene, capturing Wang Jin will still be of some use.

As for Wang Jin's pity, that is something that Lu Yuan can't control.

Who made him so unlucky that he was the first to be targeted by this mysterious person X?


Lu Yuan changed his clothes and left the hotel.

during this process.

Lu Yuan did not forget to look around with his peripheral vision to see if he could find any information about X.

But the result disappointed him.

Lu Yuan did not find any suspicious people on the road.

Didn't think much about it.

Lu Yuan casually bought two steamed buns and a cup of soy milk.

While having breakfast, I came to the clothing store from before.

"Welcome the light..."

When the boss saw that the person coming was Lu Yuan, he immediately trembled with fright...

He thought Lu Yuan came to him to settle a score because of the poor quality of the clothes he bought the day before yesterday...

Just when he was about to kneel down to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan looked around and said, "Boss, bring out all your clothes that fit my size."


The boss was stunned and at a loss.

Looking at the boss's appearance, Lu Yuan felt a little funny and said, "I'm not a devil. Why are you so afraid of me? Or are the clothes you sell me fake?"

"No, absolutely not!"

The boss laughed a few times, then hurriedly took out all the clothes in the store and introduced: "Here are the clothes in our store that fit your body shape. You can try them on slowly."

"No, I want all of this, just calculate the money."

"Ah this."

Happiness comes too suddenly.

The boss didn't know what to say for a moment.

I could only pack all these clothes quickly, press the calculator very fast, and finally came to the conclusion: "Fifty-two sets of clothes, a total of thirty-five thousand seven, you count thirty-five thousand."

"Okay, bring some shoes too."

"Okay, a total of 40,000."

"Take it."

Lu Yuan took out 40,000 yuan in cash from the God's Space and threw it to the boss.

I chose a more formal-looking outfit and headed to the dressing room.

After putting it on.

Lu Yuan took a look in front of the full-length mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

This body was originally very handsome, but now after dressing it up, it has a proper temperament and outstanding appearance.

This way you don’t have to worry about not being able to get into the Empire State Building.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan put the other clothes and shoes into the God's Space, then got up and headed to the Empire State Building.


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