have to say.

The power of this insect skynet is really useful.

Who would notice that a bug flying in the sky is a monitor?

Lu Yuan now understood why his every move was monitored in the first place.

Su Ming and Butcher didn't know that Lu Yuan had obtained Ye Tiancai's superpower.

So they didn't know they were being watched.

But the good thing is.

The two of them really wanted to make friends with Lu Yuan.

Needless to say about the butcher, he belongs to the type who wants to climb up to Lu Yuan, so it is basically impossible for him to rebel...

After Su Ming learned about Lu Yuan's abilities, he was completely impressed by Lu Yuan.

After going back.

He told his father his decision.

After Su Feiguang heard this, he didn't blame him.

On the contrary, he praised him very much.

See here.

Lu Yuan finally let go.

He let the bugs leave and fell into sleep.


Early the next morning.

As soon as Lu Yuan fed the little Sirius Devourer, Su Ming's car had already arrived downstairs.

Just got downstairs.

Su Ming hugged him warmly and said with a smile, "Brother Lu, please get in the car."

"You don't have to be so polite with me."

Lu Yuan smiled and got in the car.

This was his first time riding in such a luxurious car.

have to say.

The life of rich people is really extraordinary.

It's not as cramped as a car at all, but more like a small room.

Refrigerator and kitchen have everything you need.

Lu Yuan sat in.

The chef in the car brought out a steak and handed it to Lu Yuan: "Mr. Lu, please enjoy."

"I just didn't have breakfast."

Lu Yuan took the steak with a smile.

At this time, Su Ming also sat up and said with a smile: "This steak is made from the meat of the delicious beef from the fifth-level soul beast. You can add more if you are not full. You're welcome."

"I will definitely not be polite to you."

Lu Yuan smiled and said something, and then began to enjoy breakfast.

Su Ming took advantage of Lu Yuan's meal and said to the side: "After I went back last night, I discussed it with my father and decided to give you, Brother Lu, fifty yuan of turbid five-color soul beads a month and one hundred thousand yuan in cash. It will be re-evaluated every month. Do you think this treatment is okay? If not, I will discuss it with my dad later."

"You can accept it so-so, let's talk about it next time."

Lu Yuan said something while chewing the steak.

for him.

The higher the reward you receive, the greater your responsibility.

So fine.

Seeing that Lu Yuan had no objection, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, when the meeting arrives, I will introduce you to my father. After we sign an agreement, Brother Lu, you will be a guest of our Su family from now on." , everyone in the Su family will treat you like the head of the family."

"Just make your arrangements and have another one."

Lu Yuan was obviously absent-minded.

His attention was on the steak in front of him.

To this.

Su Ming was also helpless...

But he could also understand, after all, Lu Yuan used to come from a pariah area.

Rarely do you get the chance to eat such exquisite food.

In addition, delicious beef is known for its plump meat, so few people can resist this temptation.

Just as he thought.

Lu Yuan also wanted to be more reserved, but the steak was not allowed!

The melt-in-the-mouth texture, coupled with the delicious taste of the meat dancing on the tip of the tongue, really makes people unable to resist eating a few more pieces...

So an hour drive.

Lu Yuan ate fifteen pieces of steak before getting out of the car with satisfaction.

Just got off the car.

Su Feiguang and a group of people were waiting for Lu Yuan at the door.

This scene is truly invincible!

Even Su Ming was shocked by what his father did.

Because it was obvious that he didn't know about it.

However, Su Ming reacted quickly and introduced everyone with a smile: "This is my friend - Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan is my father Su Feiguang."

Lu Yuan followed Su Ming's introduction and greeted politely: "Mr. Su, nice to meet you."

"Haha, nice to meet you."

Su Feiguang shook hands with Lu Yuan briefly and said with a smile: "Come on, little friend Lu, please come inside. Let's go to the reception room."


Lu Yuan smiled and followed Su Feiguang.

in this process.

Everyone in the Su family cast curious glances.


They didn't understand why Lu Yuan could be a guest at such a young age.

But at the same time.

The Su family's family rules kept them silent again.

In fact, this is why Lu Yuan prefers Su Ming.

Because the entire Su family is not the kind of family that bullies others.

Although they were also decisive in killing, they were carrying a lot of lives on their backs.

But compared to other families that bully others, the Su family gave Lu Yuan the feeling of not causing trouble but not afraid of it...

This made him feel much more comfortable.


A group of people came to the living room.

How much does Su Feiguang value Lu Yuan?

He didn't even sit on the main seat, but sat with Lu Yuan.

at this time.

He sat opposite Lu Yuan and handed a contract to Lu Yuan: "Little friend Lu, this is the contract between us. See if there is anything that needs to be modified. If not, just sign this contract. We will be a family from now on.”

"Okay, let me take a look."

Lu Yuan took the contract and read the contents of the contract carefully.

It's not that he was afraid of any pitfalls, but he showed due respect.

During this process, Su Feiguang did not rush Lu Yuan.

About three or four minutes passed.

Lu Yuan directly picked up the pen on the table, wrote his name on it, stamped his fingerprint, and said with a smile: "It's done."


Su Feiguang originally thought Lu Yuan was going to bargain, but he didn't expect Lu Yuan to be so forthcoming.

Then he signed his name and stamped his fingerprint on it.

at the same time.

The fireworks that had been prepared all around also bloomed at this moment.

Su Feiguang was in a great mood and announced in front of all the Su family members: "You all have listened carefully. From now on, little friend Lu will be a guest of my Su family. Seeing him is like seeing me. Do you understand, everyone?"

"I understand!"

"Call sir!"

Accompanied by Su Feiguang's words.

All the Su family members, including Su Ming, bowed and shouted to Lu Yuan in unison: "Mr. Lu!"


The Su family provides enough.

For a while.

Lu Yuan felt a little embarrassed.

And this time.

A servant came in from the door with soul beads and money.

This party was already there, so there is nothing surprising.

But Lu Yuan and Su Ming were surprised to find that the quantity on it was much more than the previously agreed quantity...

Su Feiguang came to Lu Yuan and said with sincere gratitude: "Part of this is the agreed reward, and the other part is my personal gratitude to Lu Xiaoyou. Without you, my son might be assassinated one day in the future. Thanks Since you killed the murderer, please don’t dislike me, little friend.”

"No, no, it's too late for me to be happy."


Lu Yuan couldn't wait to take away these things.

There is no other reason.

These things are valuable!

There are two hundred soul beads of turbid five colors alone!

Cash was even given directly to one million...

How could Lu Yuan find such a reward too small?

It’s totally an unexpected gain, isn’t it? !


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