How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 54 Baiting Xiaoqing, Miserable Li Jianchou

After Xiaoqing agreed.

Lu Yuan immediately took her to a clothing store.

Don't look at the young man at his young age, but in modern terms.

It's the so-called childlike giant (). Once a little person like this dresses up, he will definitely be targeted by that dead ghost Li Jianchou!

What Lu Yuan arranged for Xiao Qing was the () () Ji dress that was commonly seen on the Internet before. This kind of dress has never been seen by Lu Yuan in this world so far.

So when Xiao Qing comes out later, she will definitely surprise everyone!

as expected.

Xiaoqing tied up her twin ponytails and put on a white silk and Lolita skirt.

Not to mention the store clerks who had never seen the world, even Lu Yuan was almost tempted to commit a crime.

"How about it?"

Xiaoqing is obviously not used to dressing up like this.

But for the huge sum of 100,000 yuan, Xiao Qing still turned around in front of Lu Yuan very awkwardly.

"Yeah, very good."

Lu Yuan quickly regained his composure, nodded with satisfaction and said, "If you walk on the street at night like this, that Li Jianchou will definitely come out to catch you."

"Mr. Lu, I have entrusted my life to you. Please be sure to catch the prisoner."

to be honest.

Xiaoqing was still a little nervous.

After all, she herself has no ability to resist.

If Lu Yuan had been negligent, she would probably have confessed today.

Seeing how nervous Xiao Qing was, Lu Yuan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I promise you won't die."

"Okay, let's set off after dinner."


Lu Yuan took Xiaoqing for a walk in the business district, and finally came to a restaurant for dinner.

In order to relieve Xiaoqing's nervousness.

Lu Yuan rarely spent a lot of money and ordered a table full of dishes.

However, after seeing the food on the table, Xiao Qing had no appetite at all, and asked with a dumbfounded expression: "Mr. Lu, is this the so-called farewell meal..."

"What's going on in your head? Do I look like a bad guy..." Lu Yuan replied with the same dumbfounding reply.

Xiao Qing took a deep look at Lu Yuan for a few times, nodded and said, "The faces do look a bit similar."

"Okay, if you don't want to eat it, don't eat it..."

Lu Yuan didn't want to explain anymore.

Tired, let her go...

But Xiao Qing was just talking, mainly to relieve her nervousness. After seeing Lu Yuan getting a little angry, Xiao Qing obediently started to eat.

While eating, he said: "I just lied to you. You must be very capable to be a guest of our Su family, otherwise you wouldn't have accepted this task."

"Oh, woman."

"I'm not a woman yet, I'm a girl."

"Okay, girl, you're right."

Lu Yuan took a sip of a glass of expensive liquor and said with a confident smile: "After tonight, I catch the criminal and you get the money, and everything will develop in a good direction."


Xiaoqing didn't say anything, but just kept eating.


The sky grew dark.

At this moment.

Lu Yuan has already begun to deploy the final plan: "Based on the road sections where the crimes occurred these few times, Li Jianchou always chose old road sections without surveillance. I looked at the road sections where he committed the crime, except for the ones where he committed the crime. There is no surveillance on Shangguan Road. You can go to Shangguan Road alone later and walk there while playing with your mobile phone. Remember not to show fear, got it?"

"Well, I understand."

Xiaoqing nodded calmly.

After a series of comforts from Lu Yuan, the tension and anxiety in her heart finally disappeared.

After the two communicated about the details.

Lu Yuan signaled Xiaoqing to go to Shangguan Road.

Their current location is not too far from Shangguan Road.

If you walk there, it takes about half an hour.

During this half hour, Lu Yuan deliberately let Xiao Qing go alone.

Because if it were him.

If you know you are wanted, you will definitely observe the prey in advance.

And confirm whether this is a bait.

Before Xiao Qing left, Lu Yuan put a nano bug on her body.

This insect is small in size and has a wide field of vision, making it very useful for surveillance.

In this way, he can share Xiaoqing's first-person perspective at any time.

at the same time.

Lu Yuan took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and released a few bugs out.

These bugs will observe Xiaoqing from all directions. If anyone is following Xiaoqing, Lu Yuan will find him immediately.

It's not over yet.

The insect skynet has just been cast.

Lu Yuan concentrated his attention and listened carefully to the conversations of the people around him.

This is actually very annoying.

Because there are too many sounds within a thousand meters.

For example, in a certain residential building, a couple was fighting. The man went crazy and beat the woman until she screamed. Fortunately, it stopped after seven minutes.

Otherwise, Lu Yuan would be disturbed to death by the sound.

Everything is prepared without fail.

The rest is waiting for Li Jianchou to enter the net.

Time passed quickly.

Xiaoqing also turned around from the bustling street to a remote road.

She followed Lu Yuan's request and turned on her phone to pretend to chat.

Throughout the whole process, there was a smile on his face.

It's like a junior high school student talking to his best friend about meeting the person he likes today...

Although Xiaoqing acted very scared before.

But when he actually went into battle, his performance was truly unexpected.

This relaxed and natural state impressed even Lu Yuan.

Xiao Qing performed so well, Lu Yuan would certainly not neglect his duty.

From the moment he entered the path, Lu Yuan controlled more and more bugs.

And the noise in his ears became less and less.

Almost a third of the way has been walked.

Lu Yuan's ears suddenly caught a strange sound.

This sound was not made by humans, but sounded like the sound of a soul beast swallowing saliva.

There was no hesitation.

Lu Yuan immediately controlled the insect and looked at the source of the sound.

I saw that that position was the only way for Xiao Qing to move forward.

But the strange thing is.

From what the bug could see, there was no one there.

But Lu Yuan heard clearly that the voice was over there.

And every time Xiaoqing got closer, the sound would get a little louder.

It seems to be the kind of excitement a hunter feels when he sees his prey about to be trapped! !

You can’t go wrong! !

Li Jianchou is right over there! !

For a while.

Lu Yuan immediately confirmed the target.

Although Li Jianchou could not be seen, it was no longer important.

Without any hesitation.

Lu Yuan controlled the insect and flew towards that area.

This move did not attract Li Jianchou's attention.

After all, in this dark and shabby street, bugs and other things are too normal.


Just when several insects approached the area where Li Jianchou was.


A strange voice appeared.

The next second.

Those bugs instantly exploded violently! !

Poor Li Jianchou didn't even know how he died.

It was instantly blown to pieces by a powerful bomb! !


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