How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 58 The Brilliant Power Of Heaven Guides It - Thunder Is Coming!

This is the first time this team has collaborated.

In the past, it would have been much easier for Lu Yuan to farm monsters alone than for five people like this.

But in order to win the game in the future.

Lu Yuan could only aggrieve himself and act with others for the time being.

Along the way.

In order to rush for time.

Lu Yuan used his keen five senses to help the team avoid some people and some garbage soul beasts.

He has completely turned his back on those soul beasts below level five outside.

It requires at least a fifth-level soul beast or above to be worth taking action from Lu Yuan and his group.

Everyone was also surprised.

Because along the way, under the leadership of Lu Yuan, they met no one at all...

But they didn't think that this was Lu Yuan's new power.

Instead, he blamed everything on Devouring Heaven.

They didn't go long.

Lu Yuan suddenly stopped everyone, quietly using silence, and said: "Not far ahead is our first mission target. There are almost 50 sixth-order soul beasts, Green Wolf, there. Are you scared?"

"50 of them!?"

Su Ming was a little shocked.

50 level six soul beasts, this team really may not be able to handle them!

Although the other three did not speak, their faces were not very pretty either.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan smiled and said, "If you're scared, I can just go by myself. How about you watch my performance here and call me 666?"

He just finished speaking.

Xie Tian seemed to understand and gave Su Ming and the other four disdainful expressions.

This made all four of them a little embarrassed.

This was the first time that they were looked down upon by a soul beast...

Su Ming was afraid that Lu Yuan would be angry, so he quickly explained: "Brother Lu is joking. We are a team, so naturally we have to go together. Since Brother Lu is confident that we can win them, we will naturally accompany him to the end."


"Stay with me to the end!"

The other three people also eagerly echoed.

They are not afraid of trouble, they are just worried about returning without success.

Of course, if under the leadership of Lu Yuan, these 50 sixth-order soul beasts can be defeated, then there will be something to talk about when going out for drinks, right?

Everyone agreed upon seeing him.

Lu Yuan smiled with satisfaction and looked at the monkey: "How many long-range weapons do you have over there?"

"I don't have many long-range weapons, because firearms are cheap and bullets are expensive. There are only about five that can hurt spirit beasts, and there are only more than 100 bullets." Monkey answered truthfully.

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuan looked at the remaining three people: "Give all your long-range weapons to the monkeys and prepare enough ammunition. The monkeys are the absolute key to dealing with these wolves."

After the three heard this, they immediately gathered six more guns and nearly a hundred rounds of ammunition.

After the monkey loaded all these bullets.

Lu Yuan made a gesture to cancel the effect of silence.

Because the silence effect has disappeared.

The wolves not far away soon discovered Lu Yuan and others.

Their eyes almost met.

Nearly fifty green wolves charged towards Lu Yuan and others.

Yu You was the first to bear the brunt.

Immediately turn his body into hard metal.

He rushed over alone, leaving time for his teammates behind to attack.

Shi Tian also followed behind.

Although its level is not high, it still has a certain degree of suppression against these green wolves because of its bloodline.

When the front row rushes over.

The monkey also took action.

I saw more than ten hands suddenly appearing behind him.

Each hand held a specially made firearm.

There is no need for Lu Yuan to give orders.

The monkey has more than ten hands, pulling the trigger at the same time.

In an instant, gunshots were heard everywhere!

Because these bullets are specially made, they are also very lethal against these spirit beasts.

In an instant, a soul beast was shot and fell to the ground.

In one moment, the monkey suppressed 50 green wolves by himself!

have to say.

Lu Yuan's eyes were really vicious.

Monkey had never thought of fighting like this before.

He only knows how to hold melee weapons and fight those soul beasts in close combat.

Although the lethality is still considerable.

But there is no way it can hold back so many wolves.

But now after listening to Lu Yuan's words and switching to long-range weapons...

This effect is really awesome! !

So much so that the monkey went a little crazy, shooting and laughing like crazy! !

Su Ming saw this and gave Lu Yuan a thumbs up sincerely.

Originally, even the five of them might not be able to eat the wolves.

Now two people and one wolf can easily control each other...


The premise is that the monkey has enough bullets.

Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction at this effect. Then he did not rush to take action. Instead, he looked at Su Ming and said, "Brother Su, help the monkey share the output."


Su Ming did not refuse.

His eyes turned into a dazzling blue.

The next second.

He looked at the green wolf, and that green wolf would definitely be deprived of something.

Lucky ones: blind eyes, deaf ears, loss of taste...

The more common ones: loss of mobility, organ cessation, deprivation of attributes...

The unlucky ones: organs, limbs, life...

It can be said.

Su Ming's superpower is very strange.

Basically, getting one look from him would mean death on such a battlefield.

I saw about a dozen of them.

The blue light in Su Ming's eyes disappeared, his face turned pale, and his breathing became rapid.

Lu Yuan knew.

This should be Su Ming's current limit.

At this moment.

Lu Yuan quickly released his superpower.

For a while.

The aroma is everywhere.

After these aromas are inhaled into the body, they will quickly restore energy.

Although Lu Yun's superpower has a single effect, it has to be said...

If you want to choose one of these four people to be your teammate.

Then Lu Yuan would choose Lu Yuan without hesitation.

At this moment.

The monkey gun is out of bullets.

The 50 green wolves were almost all killed or injured.

See here.

Lu Yuan almost understood the strength of his teammates.

He nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I already know your strength. If the team competition in a week follows this momentum, the championship will basically be ours."

"But Army, this bullet is too expensive. If you need bullets that can sustain three days of hunting, I'm afraid it will be much more expensive than the competition bonus." Monkey said the problem he discovered.

When Lu Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "It's true that bullets are not used, but you can replace them with bows and arrows, which will save a lot in terms of consumption."

"But wouldn't that be much less efficient? If we encounter group soul beasts again, it would also put you and Mr. Su in danger?"

"That's because I haven't done anything yet."

Lu Yuan smiled confidently, then looked at a patch of grass not far away, smiled mysteriously and said, "I already know your strength, now let me show you my strength."

The words fell.

Lu Yuan suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed at the patch of grass, and smiled coldly: "The mighty power of Heaven guides it - thunder is coming!"


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