How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 71 The New Ruler Of Fantasy Sea City—Lu Yuan


The group of five people took a car to the Chen family manor.

Because Su Ming was stimulated by Lu Yuan, he stayed at home and began to eat his old age.

There's nothing I can do, if he doesn't stop chewing on his old age...

Soon he couldn't even catch up with Lu Yuan's back.

Su Feiguang and others are already veteran actors. Even if they don't need Lu Yuan to teach them, they still know how to act.

But there's actually nothing to show for it.

As long as there is no one around Chen Yongwen, then just take him away and kill him instantly.

For people of their level, it would be easy for Chen Yongwen to drive away the people around him.

It took about half an hour.

Lu Yuan and his party arrived at the Chen family manor.

Chen Yongwen and his wife were already waiting at the door.

After all, when the four family heads arrived, the Chen family still had to come to greet them.

Su Feiguang and others got off the bus.

Chen Yongwen smiled and hugged them.

When he first hugged Su Feiguang, Chen Yongwen thought it was nothing.

But when he hugged Ye Xiuluo.

Chen Yongwen asked with some confusion: "Brother Ye, why is your body so cold? Are you injured or sick?"

The body temperature of the living dead will be lower than human body temperature.

But it is difficult for ordinary people to feel it.

I didn't expect Chen Yongwen's perception to be so sharp.

This was something Lu Yuan, Su Feiguang and others did not expect.

Fortunately, except for low body temperature, there is no difference between the living dead and real people.

Without Lu Yuan's teaching, Ye Xiuluo looked at Bai Xuefeng and said angrily: "You have to ask Brother Bai about this. He just touched something sad and couldn't help but let go of his cold air, but he didn't hurt us. It’s freezing.”

"Yeah, look at my hands."

As soon as Ye Xiuluo finished speaking, Wang Defa immediately held Chen Yongwen's hand to assist.

Bai Xuefeng snorted in understanding and once again released some cold air.

When Chen Yongwen saw this, he immediately gave up his doubts.

Then he looked at Lu Yuan, who was at the end of the team.

He asked curiously: "Who is this little brother?"

"This, this is our informant. He knows some information about the murderer of this case. Today we specially came here to share this information with him." Su Feiguang explained.

Lu Yuan smiled politely, cupped his hands and said, "I have met Mr. Chen."


Chen Yongwen replied with a smile.

He has no interest at all in this kind of unknown person.

Being able to give such a smile was all for the sake of Su Feiguang and others.

Chen Yongwen turned his attention back to Su Feiguang and others and asked, "Should we eat first or talk first?"

"Let's talk first. After we finish talking, we can have a drink and have a good time, right?"

Su Feiguang said.

He also pretended to ask the other three people for their opinions.

After all, Chen Yongwen, an old fox, is suspicious by nature. If Su Feiguang makes the decision alone, the other three family heads will all listen to Su Feiguang...

Then this behavior is too strange.

Su Feiguang was really considerate in this regard.

Ye Xiuluo and others pretended to think for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

See this.

Chen Yongwen said happily: "Okay, let's move to the conference room."

Under his leadership.

Several people quickly arrived at a conference room.

As soon as Su Feiguang entered the door, he immediately said: "Brother Chen, what we are going to talk about next is relatively private. You..."


He looked at the surrounding men and waiters.

Chen Yongwen understood and waved his hand to ask them to leave.

Anyway, this is his Chen family's territory, so he doesn't have to worry about what will happen.

Wait until his men leave.

Chen Yongwen sat on the main seat, looked at Lu Yuan and the other five people and asked, "If you have any thoughts, you can tell me. Although my son is currently in peace, we should definitely take precautions before it happens."

"Let our nephew Lu Xian talk to you about this matter." Su Feiguang said.

Lu Yuan immediately stood up from his seat and walked towards Chen Yongwen with a stack of paper.

This move did not arouse Chen Yongwen's vigilance.

After all, in his opinion, people of Lu Yuan's age are just rookies.

How could something bad happen to you?


It was precisely because of his underestimation of the enemy that the next tragic thing happened.

When Lu Yuan walked up to him.

Chen Yongwen keenly discovered that what Lu Yuan was holding was actually a small advertisement for coconut milk! !

Almost instantly.

Chen Yongwen realized something was wrong.

But this time.

Lu Yuan had suddenly activated the speed enhancement and touched Chen Yongwen's hand!

"Let me in."

The words fell.

Chen Yongwen's body disappeared from his seat in an instant.

Lu Yuan clapped his hands calmly, smiled at Su Feiguang and said, "Old rule, leave a breath for me."

"no problem."

Su Feiguang nodded clearly.

Even if Lu Yuan didn't say it, he could probably guess it.

Only people killed by Lu Yuan himself can be resurrected by him.

And beyond that, there are certainly other unknown benefits.

But Su Feiguang knew that he couldn't ask, and he didn't dare to ask.

The more you know, the sooner you are likely to die.

This time, Chen Yongwen is even more miserable...

Less than three minutes after he woke up, he was directly subdued by Su Feiguang and others.

Lu Yuan didn't talk nonsense to him.

Kill him directly with one sword.

[Congratulations on killing the Extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - Water-flowing Hell! 】

[Water flow hell: With this skill, you can control the water element, and can transform the energy in the body or the water element from the outside into special hell water. This water element cannot be broken up, and the medium is more like jelly. Once the target is Once trapped, it will be difficult to break free, making it feel like a veritable hell of water. 】

"Here you go, 5 million."

Su Feiguang gave Lu Yuan 5 million again.

He has formed a tacit understanding.

Of course, Lu Yuan would not refuse. Although the cash on him has reached an astonishing 20 million, who would have too much money?

He used the 5 million given by Su Feiguang to resurrect Chen Yongwen.


Lu Yuan repeated his old tricks.

Let Su Feiguang and others continue to call others and ask for home visits.

This process was very smooth.

No one expected it.

This group of people came to the door to kill people.

So everyone was killed by Lu Yuan and Su Feiguang.

Wait until it gets dark.

Everything was working fine, but no one thought...

The entire pattern of Huanhai City is because of Lu Yuan alone.

Dramatic changes have taken place.

The once arrogant ten families were completely wiped out in one day by a young man who had just arrived in the main city. This has since become history.

And the entire Huanhai City is also today.

Ushered in its real owner - Lu Yuan! !


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