How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 89 Successful Counter-Attack, Special Power - Perfect Crime


I saw thunder rolling in the sky.

Countless thunder and lightning fell in an instant.

The next second.

Li Kuier, who was still alive and kicking and ready to escape, was instantly bombarded to the point where not even a drop of his body was left...

Lu Yuan's strength has already reached the ninth level of Starlight.

There is no way Li Kuier, who has just reached the fifth level of Starlight, can withstand it!

This blow not only killed Li Kuier, but also killed all four other team members in South Asia City, as well as those soul beasts...

Just one blow.

Lu Yuan single-handedly killed the South Asia City representative team!

[Congratulations on killing the Extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - a perfect crime! 】

[Perfect Crime: As long as you are committing a crime, you can use this power to clear all criminal records. For example, if you kill another person in front of one person, after using the power, the audience will not know that you killed him. People, and even electronic devices can be tampered with. 】


There were five people in total, and only Li Kuier's superpower was somewhat useful.

Everything else is a duplicate of type.

But this power is really interesting. Isn't it just born for crime?

Lu Yuan came to the death scene of Li Kuier and others.

Although there was nothing left of them after being bombarded, nothing happened to the space accessories.

Lu Yuan put the five space accessories into the God's Space, and then just wanted to ask Su Ming and the others to leave...

Only to find that they were all standing there dumbfounded.

Lu Yuan asked with some confusion: "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"'re too scary."

Su Ming smiled awkwardly.

They were actually completely shocked by Lu Yuan's terrifying strength!

That's a team of people.

He was so easily defeated by Lu Yuan with one move! !

This shows how deep Lu Yuan usually hides?

To this.

Lu Yuan just smiled faintly.

If they knew that he had killed a strong man of the first level of Haoyue...

Su Ming and others will probably be even more surprised, right?

Because of monitoring reasons, I can’t say too much.

After Lu Yuan packed up the space accessories of Li Kuier and others, he greeted them and left.

At the same time, Baiwu City.

"Damn it, I really killed him!!"

"The big news today is that the first-level power Huanhai City actually wiped out the team of the second-level power Nanya City. Aren't you afraid of being retaliated by South Asia City? Even if Nanya City made the first move, killing people in public is a bit unjustifiable. .....”

"Damn it, are you kidding me? Didn't you see that young man wiped out the entire Nanya City team with just one move? Didn't he have such a terrifying Sirius Eater? Are you telling me that such a person would be afraid of Nanya City's revenge?"

"That's right. I think Huanhai City will definitely become the brightest dark horse this year. Hurry up and place your bets. This is better than anything else!"


Lu Yuan's powerful kill shocked everyone in Baiwu City.

Everyone was talking about this matter.

But public opinion was overwhelmingly in favor of Lu Yuan.

no way.

Because in this world, the strong will always be respected.

When Lu Yuan showed his overwhelming strength, he already won the applause of all the audience.

at this time.

Everyone hurriedly wanted to bet on the [Big Idiots Downstairs] team, but it was a pity...

The betting channel was closed immediately by Liang Yongyi.

White fog city, castle.

Lu Yuan's performance just now was also seen by Liang Yongyi in Baiwu City.

When he saw Lu Yuan's ability, he couldn't help but stood up from his seat, and said with some surprise: "The power of this power is very amazing, it is really scary. This young man is probably the biggest dark horse this year." ah!!"

As a ninth-level Shining Sun, he is also a three-series transcendent.

Liang Yongyi knows better than anyone.

The more superpowers there are in the body, the slower the superpower level will increase.

Sometimes people of the same level may have powers with level 10, while dual-system supers may only have level 5 with a single power.

This is because when there is only one superpower in the body, all the energy of the body is supplied to this superpower. When there are two superpowers in the body, the energy supply will be divided in half.

Naturally, the increase in power levels slowed down.

At first, Liang Yongyi felt that contract was Lu Yuan's main ability.

Because of his behavior while on the road, he showed the state of the contracted and shared Sirius Devourer.

But now this lightning strike made Liang Yongyi realize that he had guessed wrong!

This young man named Lu Yuan actually has two superpowers that have reached high levels! !

This made Liang Yongyi completely unable to believe that Lu Yuan came from a small city!

If you directly say that he is a young master who travels among the fifth and sixth level forces, some people will believe it! ?

That is from this moment on.

Liang Yongyi couldn't take his eyes off Lu Yuan.

at this time.

Although Lu Yuan didn't know that he was being targeted, he also knew what kind of reaction he would cause.

But there is no way.

Lu Yuan is a cautious person, nothing will happen if you don't mess with him.

But whoever offends him must die to apologize.

Li Kuier and others not only came to provoke Lu Yuan before, but also threatened him.

If Lu Yuan had the opportunity, he would naturally not let him go.

not to mention.

Showing his strength was what Lu Yuan wanted to do himself.

After all, according to his upgrade speed, he is not suitable to stay in Huanhai City.

If you want to enter a bigger stage, then Baiwu City is a springboard.

Naturally, you also need to show some strength.

This is also the reason why Lu Yuan wants to reveal that he is a dual- or triple-system transcendent here.


The same goes for using all your strength to kill Li Kuier and others.

Only strong strength will attract the attention of the senior officials of Baiwu City.

This will become your new pedal.

Therefore, it can be said that Lu Yuan expected to be paid attention to by Baiwu City.

for the rest of the time.

Lu Yuan always led Su Ming and others to accurately find the soul beasts, and then let Shi Tian, ​​Su Ming and others kill these soul beasts.

Because no time was wasted, coupled with super strength.

It only took Lu Yuan two hours to surpass the second place by more than 10,000 points...

It can be said.

Even if Lu Yuan stops now and doesn't continue.

It would probably take several hours for the second place player to catch up.

Lu Yuan originally planned to let everyone take a rest and give the team behind them time to pursue.

no way.

In Lu Yuan's opinion, any kind of outdoor survival competition is just playing house.

Others can find soul beasts as accurately as Lu Yuan did.

But their strength configuration cannot be as efficient as Lu Yuan.

Same with finding time.

One took ten minutes, the other took two minutes...

Let's make a decision.

As for other capable teams, they will not be equipped with such personnel.

Because unless the beast is a powerful ancient species or a fantasy beast species, it is basically garbage...

A strong team would never bring such a person.

So there was a strange combination of circumstances.

This is what made Lu Yuan such a special being.


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