How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 97 The Power Of Perfect Crime Has Been Played Clearly

After dealing with these.

Lu Yuan took away all the useful things from these people's space accessories.

As for the other animal heads and other messy things, they were not moved.

Because Lu Yuan seriously doubted that the soul beasts here were embedded with chips.

Otherwise, how could the external rankings be updated in real time?

at last.

Lu Yuan once again used his power - perfect crime, and quickly left this place.


Lu Yuan used Perfect Crime when he first launched his attack.

The reason for attacking first.

It was to define this battle as the attack he launched.

This kind of behavior is a crime.

Talent is overshadowed by the perfect crime...

If Wei Lan and the others attacked him first, then it would be self-defense.

But because Lu Yuan didn't know the effect of this ability.

So he is also a little confused now. Should he leave this place?

"Didn't you just get the power of the Beidou satellite? Maybe you can use it to monitor the movements of Baiwu City."

While Lu Yuan was struggling, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

That is to use the newly acquired power, the Beidou Satellite, to check the situation of White Mist City.

The ability of the Beidou satellite is also very special. It is different from the insect monitoring used by the Insect Skynet.

Instead, it monitors directly from outer space.

This kind of monitoring range is much larger than that of the Insect Skynet, and its concealment is even better.

The only drawback.

It just cannot follow people or objects closely like the insect Skynet.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan immediately used his superpower.

I saw a small satellite rising quickly into the sky.

It didn't take long.

Lu Yuan had an additional satellite perspective in his mind.

I got used to the use of super powers a little bit.

The scene in Baiwu City appeared in front of Lu Yuan.

at this time.

The spectators were discussing the sudden deaths of the people.

"What the hell, that was a competition accident. Did some powerful lord-level soul beast appear in Sunset Valley? Why were so many teams from third-level forces wiped out?"

"Didn't you see just now that those teams gathered together as if they were going to challenge some powerful soul beast, and then they were wiped out as soon as the screen changed... Those with this strength are probably at least high-level Haoyue Soul beasts, are we in White Mist City going to encounter a tide of beasts!?"

"But why do I feel that things are not that simple... But no matter how I think about it, I can't figure out what's wrong. Oh, forget it, I guess the city lord has a headache now, so many third-level forces have died. What will the heir say?"

"Yes, this may be the largest death toll so far in our White Mist City's supernatural power competition. A total of 40 people from third-level forces died just like that..."


Lu Yuan listened to everyone's discussion on this matter, with a look of surprise on his face.

If you follow what those people said.

There is a high probability that from the beginning of his attack.

The effect of the perfect crime takes effect directly.

In addition, Lu Yuan has calmed down and thought about it now.

If the people in Baiwu City had discovered that it was him who was killing people.

According to the strength of their fifth-level forces, the city lords must be at least ninth-level existences of Yaoyang, right?

With such a small distance, I'm afraid it won't even take a minute.

He would be able to appear in front of him in time and prevent him from continuing to massacre those third-level forces.

But after fighting for more than ten minutes, no one from Baiwu City came.

Then there is only one possibility...

The power of perfect crime perfectly conceals the fact that one has committed a crime! !

Even in Baiwu City, no one can see through it! !

Think of this.

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and released Shi Tian, ​​Su Ming and others.


Not only do outsiders have no impression of what just happened.

Even Su Ming and others who were participants had no memory of being chased.

Their memories are still stuck in the barbecue.

This made Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh with surprise, the power of perfect crime...

Thai pants are really hot! !


at the same time.

Baiwu City, the main castle.

Liang Yongyi looked at the surveillance screen with some dementia.

He clearly remembered just now that he was observing Lu Yuan's every move...

But once again, it seemed like a dream.

I always feel like there is something I haven't done yet, but I can't remember it at all.

"City Lord, it's bad! Eight teams from the third-level forces were killed almost at the same time. The surveillance screen did not capture the battle process. It is suspected that they were interfered with..."

at this time.

One of his subordinates ran to Liang Yongyi's room in a panic.

When Liang Yongyi heard this, he suddenly felt a big headache! !

Now he finally remembered what he wanted to do just now! !

He just wanted to stop these eight coalition forces of third-level forces, but for some reason he forgot about it...

In the blink of an eye.

All these teams were wiped out?

This is very bad news for Liang Yongyi!

"Immediately inform all participating teams that the first round of competition has ended early, and ask them to stay in place and not wander around. In addition, White Mist Guards will be dispatched to pick up the remaining contestants."

"It was announced to the outside world that a soul beast lord appeared near the Sunset Valley. Eight teams violated the regulations and left the Sunset Valley without permission to challenge the soul beast lord. As a result, they were destroyed by the group. Everything has nothing to do with White Mist City!"


Liang Yongyi is worthy of being the ruler of the fifth-level forces.

As soon as he heard the news, he issued several instructions in an orderly manner.

He even directly described his mistake as the destruction of the eight teams due to their own actions.


Liang Yongyi is just talking nonsense.

He didn't even remember why he wanted to stop those eight teams.

He even knew that there were no soul beasts near the Sunset Valley that could destroy this coalition.

This is just his public relations.

Now that things have happened, he can only find a way to solve it.

After this statement was announced to the public, out of humanitarianism, I compensated the few third-level forces who had lost their heirs, and everything was perfectly resolved.

For the third-level forces, it is not easy to get compensation from the fifth-level forces. Even if they have doubts, they can only accept the result.

The child dies and can be reborn.

But if because of this incident, we challenge the authority of the fifth-level forces.

Then it may bring about a crisis of genocide! !

Which one is more important?

Liang Yongyi believes that those people will still understand.

After giving the order.

Liang Yongyi looked at Lu Yuan and others who were having a barbecue, and didn't know what to think...

A few minutes later.

Liang Yongyi shook his head and left the room.


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