How to become a full-time hunter

Chapter 86 Town Blueprint

Lu Man appeared in front of the team again. Unlike a few days ago, the eyes of the descendants of the black shadows were less resentful and more grateful.

After all, their strength improvement during this period was not fake, and they were not stupid. They soon realized that Lu Man really wanted them to become stronger.

Lu Man couldn't help but smile: "I can see your progress, but it's not enough. Now, I will give you a chance to quickly improve your strength, but at the same time, the risk is also very high."

"If you participate, you will have to hide your identity and stay away from here. If you are lucky, you may come back alive. If you are unlucky, you will be a handful of yellow earth and disappear from the world. Who is willing to participate?"

No one backed down, and everyone shouted at the top of their voices: "I am willing!"

Lu Man waved his hand, "You don't need so many people, only ten people are needed. You can arrange it yourself. I hope the results will be out in the afternoon."


Lu Man returned to the house, and someone followed him in.

"We have arranged it!"

Lu Man looked up and smiled. This person was the strong man who had never obeyed him!

"The speed is quite fast, where are the rest of the people?" Lu Man asked.

"I am the representative, they are waiting at the door." The sturdy man said seriously.

"Very good, I won't ask your names, and you will have no names from now on." Lu Man stared at the people in front of him.

"Your mission is to join the gang, be a thug or a leader, anyway, climb up, the higher the better."

"This mission has no time limit, which means that after you join, there is no way out, it's not too late to regret now." Lu Man said slowly.

The sturdy man thought for a while and asked a question.

"Is this important to Black Shadow?"

"Of course, the higher you climb, the more important it is! Intelligence and funds are indispensable to any organization, but Black Shadow has no foundation in this regard now." Lu Man smiled, "The reason why you can still train here without worries is that you spend my money. If my money is gone, then you will have problems eating."

"I understand." The sturdy man nodded. "No problem, let's go now!"

"Everything for Black Shadow!"

He walked out the door and yelled at the remaining people who were selected.

"Everything for Black Shadow!" Everyone shouted.

Watching the group disappear from sight, Lu Man sighed and called Carlos.

"I have arranged some people to help you, but don't use them unless it's a critical moment. This is your trump card, do you understand?"

Not knowing what was said on the other end, Lu Man laughed.

"Okay, I know you don't want to think, I'll introduce a friend to you, his name is Kurapika, when you don't know how to make a decision, you can ask him..."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Man sent a message to Kurapika again.

[I have a friend in the gang, I don't know if there is any conflict with the Nosra family, if possible, I would like to ask you to take care of it. Regarding the Red Eyes or other information, you can ask him to help inquire, it's always a good thing to have one more channel. ]

Not long after, Lu Man received a concise reply from Kurapika.

[Okay, I got it. ]

After telling Kurapika some information about Carlos, Lu Man finally had some free time.

In fact, communication is also very particular. For example, Carlos has not yet joined the gang and has nothing to do, so it is okay to call directly. Of course, with Carlos's brain, he may not understand some of the content if you send him a message.

Kurapika is different. He is currently the captain of the Nosra Guard. There may be times when it is inconvenient for him to answer the phone, so just send a text message, and he will reply when he sees it.

Sometimes it is unnecessary to cause others to be disgusted with certain details.


For the next few months, Lu Man has been practicing hard.

He has opened up 80 new acupuncture points, and he has never stopped strengthening his body!

Lu Man's potential energy has increased by nearly double compared to before! In other words, he can now use "Condensation" without hindering the use of other advanced thoughts!

"This is good news, but I can't relax. I still have room for improvement!" Lu Man murmured, "From now on, I have to get used to using Condensation. Although it consumes more energy on weekdays, it will be of great help in combat after it becomes an instinct."

"Hmm?" Lu Man snorted and quit practicing.

"Knock, knock, knock"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in, Mr. Jack, the door is not locked." Lu Man said calmly.

Old Jack pushed the door open with a surprised look on his face, "Sir, did you install surveillance?"

Of course, he didn't install surveillance, but before practicing, he left a small ball of mind energy outside the house, so that he could immediately sense anyone approaching.

Lu Man did not answer, "What's wrong, Mr. Mayor, no, Mr. Lord, what's the matter that requires you to visit in person?"

Old Jack was startled and said hurriedly: "Sir, stop joking, my heart can't take it, you are the real lord."

"What's the matter?"

Old Jack thought about it again and again, and said tremblingly: "It's about the development of Totley! The current Totley is no longer what it used to be!" At this point, the wrinkles on Jack's face bloomed like chrysanthemums.

"Your words are really true! Since all our towns have four-lane roads, travel and trade have become much more convenient!"

"I'm here to ask for your opinion. I plan to build Totley into a major commercial town. Such good transportation conditions must be utilized. I think we should open up some land, build factories, and attract investment! Moreover, we can also collect taxes!"

Jack became more and more excited as he spoke, with a strange glow on his face.

Lu Man, on the other hand, looked calm and nodded slightly. "It couldn't be better for you to be the lord. You are indeed a man who has seen the world. Your idea is very good."

Old Jack's eyes were full of excitement, "Then I will arrange it!"

But Lu Man changed the subject, "But I object for the time being."

"Why?" Old Jack seemed to have used up all his strength and collapsed to the ground.

"Alas... Let's build a batch of defense facilities first. If we open it directly, we are equivalent to being defenseless." Lu Man sighed and said lightly. "Wait a year or two, when the infrastructure is complete, it won't be too late to attract investment."

Old Jack nodded. He couldn't refuse the reason given by Lu Man. Of course, even if Lu Man didn't give any reason, he couldn't refuse.

"Ahem... and from now on, slowly move the town's residents to other places. There's no rush, just take your time." Lu Man cleared her throat and said again.

"Ah?" Jack looked surprised, "Sir, why do you want to move the townspeople?"

"In the future, we will build various facilities, which will definitely be introduced on a large scale. Let's make room first to avoid disputes."

In the end, old Jack left with mixed feelings. He was definitely happy, after all, the adults agreed to the development route of attracting investment. What was sad was that most of the townspeople might not want to leave home...

Lu Man naturally didn't tell Jack the truth, this place is too close to the NGL Autonomous Country!

Although Lu Man planned to kill the queen ant before she became a climate, if something unexpected happened, this place would probably be the first to be affected.

Lu Man planned to build this place into a small kingdom that made a lot of money, and didn't want anything to go wrong here.

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