"You! What did you do to my daughter?" Zhao Xinyan's eyes widened instantly, and the anger in her heart kept boiling.

"You don't need to worry about what I did, you just need to know that if you don't help me, you will never see your daughter again from now on." The old shareholder said with a sinister smile.

"My daughter is still so young, are you still not human?" Zhao Xinyan felt panic in her heart. She also knew that this old shareholder had some unclean forces in his hands.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you too much. As long as you testify that Su Bingzhen once entrusted you with false investments to embezzle public funds, I will let your daughter be safe."

Zhao Xinyan gritted her teeth, "I have been imprisoned, and I have been charged with such a big financial crime as misappropriation of public funds. Just relying on my testimony without evidence, it is impossible for you to bring down Su Bingzhen. Su Bingzhen is now leading the company to get better and better." , you are a shareholder of the company, what good will it do to you to destroy him? "

"You don't need to worry about this. You just need to do what I say. Otherwise, you will have to wait until you are released from prison after more than ten years to pluck the grass from your daughter's grave!" the old shareholder said rather viciously. threatened.

For the sake of her daughter's life, Zhao Xinyan was forced to agree to his request.

That afternoon, the old shareholders brought a lot of evidence and Zhao Xinyan's testimony to accuse Su Bingzhen of embezzling public funds.

"Su Bingzhen secretly assigned a theft gang to steal cultural relics and misappropriated public funds in the company. If he is allowed to continue to manage the company, our company will be finished sooner or later."

The old shareholders criticized Su Bingzhen.

Several other shareholders who had been asked for debt by Su Bingzhen also agreed.

Su Bingzhen was confused. He had no interest in the investment company's money at all. Not to mention embezzling public funds, he paid the dividends every quarter directly to Su Ming's account.

"It's been a while since I last saw you, and your ability to commit fraud has actually improved." Su Bingzhen said with a smile, "Since there are so many people who don't want me to continue to be a director of the company, why don't we directly initiate a vote, and those who agree with my departure can raise their hands."

The old shareholder nodded immediately, "Okay, I agree!"

He was the first to raise his hand, and when he turned around, he found that none of the shareholders who matched him raised their hands.

"What's going on with you?" He frowned and asked dissatisfied.

One of the shareholders had a strange look on his face, winked and pulled him over, and said in a low voice, "Hey, we just plan to take advantage of the pressure of external public opinion and talk to Su Bingzhen about conditions and ask him to give us more dividends. It is also a threat to ask him to step down. ”

"Yes, Su Bingzhen has been the most powerful director of the company for many years. If you ask him to step down, who in our company will dare to lead him in the future." Another shareholder also came over and said.

"The Mingguang Group is behind him, and he also has a little fairy son. If we drive him away, isn't that just a good life?"

"You!" The old shareholder thought he had many supporters, but now he found that there was no one behind him. He was so angry that he could not speak for a while.

Su Bingzhen deliberately asked, "Didn't you just say that I stole other people's cultural relics?"

"That foreigner must be unreasonable. He bites people like a mad dog when he loses something." A shareholder immediately said with a smile.

"That's right, no foreigner can understand the cultural relics of our country. They must think that all the ceramics in the world are the same. He can't tell them apart, so he thinks that what you picked up is the one he threw away."

"Taking a step back, even if the cultural relics were indeed stolen by a group of thieves assigned by Mr. Su, Mr. Su did not keep them privately but donated them to China. That is also very patriotic!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Su is my idol now. Mr. Su handed over the cultural relics without any greed, which is not what ordinary people can compare with. "

The old shareholder was sweating profusely as he listened to everyone's compliments to Su Bingzhen.

Because just before the meeting, he felt that Su Bingzhen would be ousted by him this time, so he put the news of Su Bingzhen's misappropriation of public funds online in advance.

As a result, netizens found it very ridiculous.

As we all know, Su Bingzhen's wife, Chen Wanqiu, is the richest woman in the entire International Center. Mingguang Group's one-day turnover is higher than this small investment company's one-month turnover. Su Bingzhen has to risk jail time to embezzle such a fortune. Public funds for small companies?

Zhao Xinyan’s ex-husband also sent a recording, which Zhao Xinyan asked him to send.

In the recording, she blamed herself and said that her daughter was kidnapped and threatened by an old shareholder. She had no choice but to help the old shareholder make false testimony and begged the police to save her daughter.

In order to slander Su Bingzhen, the old shareholder kidnapped a little girl who could not walk yet. This made many netizens angry and posted messages asking the old shareholders to get out of Su Bingzhen's company.

In order to support Su Bingzhen, many netizens began to buy stocks of investment companies, and said that if Su Bingzhen was really driven away, they would directly sell all their stocks and short the investment company.

Some previous comments on the Internet that questioned Su Bingzhen's show were all regarded as negative fans bought by old shareholders.

The old shareholder not only failed to drive Su Bingzhen out of office, but instead caused a scandal. In order to prevent the police from finding him, he could only quickly send Zhao Xinyan's daughter back.

Although netizens in China and other countries basically support Su Bingzhen, netizens in Smedley's country felt aggrieved because they were ridiculed by other netizens. They all went to Su Bingzhen's account and accused him of not being aboveboard in his actions. .

"Every country will encounter wars. This is the development of the times. Even if these cultural relics once belonged to China, their current owners are the Smedley family. It is wrong for you to take these cultural relics by dishonorable means!"

"The descendants of barbarians are indeed barbarians!"

Su Bingzhen thought about it. Facing Smedley's prosecution, he directly sued the head of the Smedley family, claiming that the other party's accusation against him was pure slander.

Smedley was very angry and said that his museum had displayed the cultural relics donated by Su Bingzhen.

In response, Su Bingzhen said calmly, "What evidence do you have to prove that the ones I donated are the ones lost in your museum? There are so many cultural relics in the world. Isn't it normal that a few look the same?"

Su Ming knew that the surveillance in the private museum was broken, so he directly asked people to lead the rhythm online.

"If the Smedley family's cultural relics were really stolen, why didn't he release the surveillance footage in the museum?"

"I heard that the current head of the Smedley family is a gambler, maybe he lost all the cultural relics himself, and now he wants to blackmail Su Bingzhen!"

"If he could produce the surveillance footage, maybe the police would have caught the thief long ago."

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