The news was a big blow, but the news was a big blow.

Bai Fuya had been paying attention to the stock price that day, and soon she was surprised to find that not only the Bai family's stock had been rising, but the Su family's stock suddenly plummeted.

She was a little surprised. Although the property was detected with radioactive substances, Su Shilan had just bought the land, and the outside world didn't know about it. Even if the Su family's stock price would fluctuate, it wouldn't suddenly plummet, right?

As she was wondering, the news software automatically pushed a message to her.

Clicking in, Bai Fuya realized that it was a health care product industry under Su Shilan that was sealed by the relevant department. The reason was that an elderly person had a physical problem because of eating the health care products of this industry a day ago, and he was directly ate into cerebral palsy.

The family helped the old man and went directly to the entrance of the health care product company to make a scene. A famous journalist happened to pass by and took pictures of the whole scene.

As soon as the news came out, the company was directly closed down. Because the company was now in the hands of Su Shilan, the relevant departments also began to check the other health care product industries of the Su family.

However, what surprised Bai Fuya was that the company was not owned by the Su family a few days ago. It was acquired by Su Shilan maliciously from the Bai family.

This health care product company was founded by the Bai family and has been in operation for 30 years. There have never been any product problems before. However, it happened that such a big scandal broke out a few days after it came to Su Shilan's hands, and it happened to be bumped into by the famous reporter.

Isn't this too coincidental?

However, soon, she received new news that several other industries acquired by Su Shilan before also had problems of varying sizes, and they were all exposed on the Internet for various reasons, and each of them became a hot topic.

This time, Bai Fuya had to believe that all this was because Su Shilan offended Su Ming, and their Bai family was tainted by Su Ming's good luck.

"Dad, you are still far-sighted and protected Su Ming under pressure." She admired Bai Jinglin's decision at the time.

Bai Jinglin smiled slightly and recalled the past.

"At your tenth birthday party, Mr. Huangfu Xu didn't even see you. He just passed by our house and took a look from a distance, and he determined that you would have a disaster. What he said would definitely not be wrong."

Bai Fuya was also indescribably happy, "Su Shilan herself didn't believe in evil, so she can only reap what she has sown, hahaha."

Those industries that had problems under Su Shilan would sooner or later become bombs if they stayed in the Bai family. Su Shilan helped them clear the mines at one time.

However, what she didn't expect was that Su Shilan hadn't finished dealing with that pile of messes, and the Bai family's subordinates were originally half-dead, and the projects that Bai Jinglin was ready to give up were all miraculously revived.

For example, Bai Jinglin runs a small gallery for his own interests. A young painter who has been working with the gallery for a long time is suddenly appreciated by the most famous painting master, who directly accepts him as his last disciple.

The value of the young painter's paintings instantly soared, and the gallery that exclusively cooperated with him also became famous instantly.

Another example is that a drink under the Bai family was about to be discontinued due to poor sales, but it was recommended by a snack review blogger who was picky and venomous as cheap and delicious. Soon other bloggers also rushed to make videos to recommend it. This drink was instantly sold out, and a production line was added overnight.

Another example is that the best middle school in the International Center suddenly had to move, and the address of the new school was near the community that the Bai family was still building. The community directly became a school district house, and the price soared three or four times overnight.

Originally, the community was going to be stopped due to insufficient follow-up funds, but now it has been revived directly, relying on pre-sale funds to raise enough follow-up funds.

Because there were too many good news, Bai Fuya was very excited at first, but when her assistant came to report again, she couldn't even get excited anymore.

The Bai family was thriving, and many people came to visit them.

A friend who was good friends with Bai Jinglin happened to be familiar with some metaphysics. As soon as he arrived at the Bai family, he asked Bai Jinglin with a smile, "Brother Bai has been very lucky recently. It seems that you have been blessed by a noble person! I am really envious."

"You can see that too?" Bai Jinglin was also a little depressed.

"You have a purple face, and there is a hint of gold, but it does not penetrate into the inside. It is obvious that you have been blessed by a noble person, and your noble person must be a person with an extraordinary fate." The friend said firmly.

"Can I also visit your noble person? I also want to get a taste of such good luck.


Bai Jinglin twitched his lips and told his friend a little embarrassedly, "I'm afraid it's not possible now, because the noble is drinking milk."


Su Ming, who was drinking milk, choked and almost choked.

After sending his friend away, Bai Jinglin was more convinced that the good luck of the Bai family in the past few days was all because of protecting Su Ming. He immediately asked the servants to prepare a sumptuous banquet to invite Chen Wanqiu and the other two to dinner.

"Miss Chen, this time our Bai family was able to escape danger, all because of the good luck of Master Su Ming. If you don't mind, I really hope you can stay in the Bai family forever." His attitude towards Chen Wanqiu became more polite.

"I'm afraid of troubling you." Chen Wanqiu was also very happy to hear about the recent situation of the Bai family, but she was still a little worried, "But if I always live here, Su Shilan will come to trouble you sooner or later, right? "

Bai Jinglin laughed, "Miss Chen, don't worry, as long as you and Su Ming stay in the Bai family, Su Shilan will never be able to deal with our Bai family again."

Hearing this, although Chen Wanqiu was a little puzzled, she still lived in the Bai family with peace of mind.

At the same time, Su Shilan did not have time to deal with the Bai family as Bai Jinglin said.

Scandals and black materials appeared in her companies one after another, the stock price of the Su family plummeted, and the shareholders were in a mess. She dealt with it in the company for a day, and she was so hungry that she was dizzy and dizzy, but she still didn't deal with those troubles.

After dark, she just walked out of the company gate, and a vase suddenly fell from the sky and hit her head directly.

Fortunately She reacted in time, and the vase only hit her shoulder.

With a "bang", the vase fell to the ground and broke into pieces, and the fragments splashed on her legs.

Su Shilan was in so much pain that she fainted.

When she woke up again, she was already in the hospital.

Su Ningxue looked at her weak appearance lying on the bed, and anxiously found Wuwei again.

"Master, please think of a way. Su Ming can't come back for a while. Now my eldest sister and third sister are getting worse and worse. Please think of other ways first!"

Wuwei's eyes were solemn. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly said, "In fact, your two sisters are unlucky, not only because they offended Su Ming."

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