The two of us are still in a state of chaos.

"That's a good idea!" Bai Fuya's eyes lit up immediately. "Today, Su Shilan came over and said hypocritically that you are all family members. Even if you break your bones, you are still connected. I feel like vomiting after hearing that."

"As long as you completely break away from the Su family, Su Shilan will definitely not be able to do anything to you!"

Chen Wanqiu was also a little tempted. "But my husband is still related to the Su family headquarters, and many of our family's industries are dependent on the Su family headquarters for development."

To put it bluntly, the affiliated families and the headquarters are also a community of interests, and it is not something that can be broken off immediately. Although the headquarters will provide support to the affiliated families, if the affiliated families have second thoughts, it is definitely impossible for them to break away from the headquarters at will.

In other words, you will lose a layer of skin even if you don't die.

Bai Jinglin laughed and said cheerfully.

"Don't worry about this. Since you can't cut off business dealings for a while, you can actually start a new business. I will give you several industries under my name first. As long as you manage them well, they will not be worse than the industries your family has in the imperial capital now."

Chen Wanqiu blushed instantly after hearing this, and waved her hand embarrassedly, "How can I be embarrassed? Xiaoming and I are very lucky to be protected by the Bai family. How can we ask for anything else?"

"What's the matter? If our Bai family hadn't been blessed by Su Ming, we would have died long ago." Bai Jinglin laughed loudly and said unscrupulously.

"Yes, yes, you have separated from the Su family and become a subsidiary family of our family. Then we will be one family in the future. Why should we have different opinions as one family?" Bai Fuya also held Chen Wanqiu's hand and said happily.

Now Chen Wanqiu and Su Ming are a super mascot in her eyes. Even if Bai Jinglin gives Chen Wanqiu more property, she thinks it is justified.

After all, the more they give to Chen Wanqiu, the more blessings their Bai family can get. This is a good thing that others can't even ask for.

"Is this really good?" Chen Wanqiu still felt a little embarrassed.

After several excuses, she accepted Bai Jinglin's kindness.

After all, she also wanted to get rid of the Su family completely. As long as Su Shilan didn't give up on Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming would be in danger all the time.

The next day, Bai Jinglin completed the property transfer procedures and gave all the properties under his name to Chen Wanqiu.

When Chen Wanqiu was in the imperial capital, she had always lived the life of a rich lady.

Su Bingzhen was responsible for making money to support the family, and she was responsible for being beautiful. In addition to singing and acting, although she had learned a lot about business from Su Bingzhen, she had never taken care of it herself.

Now Bai Jinglin handed all these industries to her at once, and she couldn't handle it at all.

She had been reading documents for a day in the company, but she didn't even understand the basic operating model of some companies. She was still confused after a busy day.

Bai Jinglin learned that Chen Wanqiu didn't know how to do business, and specially asked Bai Fuya to assist her.

But even if Bai Fuya patiently explained a lot of company knowledge to Chen Wanqiu, Chen Wanqiu still looked confused.

"Sister Wanqiu, do you understand what I said?" Bai Fuya looked at Chen Wanqiu's clear and stupid eyes, and couldn't help but worry.

"Maybe... understand... a little... right?" Chen Wanqiu clenched her palms, shrank her neck, and answered carefully.

Anyone who heard this could see that she didn't understand it at all.

Bai Fuya raised her head helplessly and looked at her assistant.

In fact, she had already expected this situation.

She had studied in the top economics school for several years, and she was still a little uncomfortable when she was handling the family's business, not to mention that Chen Wanqiu had never learned any professional knowledge.

Although she had no objection to her father's transfer of the business to Chen Wanqiu, she thought Bai Jinglin would let professionals act as agents, but her father insisted that Chen Wanqiu take over these businesses personally.

She called Bai Jinglin with worry and reported the situation on Chen Wanqiu's side. "Dad, Sister Wanqiu's current ability is not enough to manage such a large group at the same time. It is better to let her manage a small company first, and transfer professional management talents from our family for the rest."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I believe Wanqiu, she can handle it." Bai Jinglin laughed nonchalantly on the other end of the phone.

"Dad! Sister Wanqiu is really not good enough, you have to give her time to grow." Bai Fuya was anxious instantly.


Don't worry, I have already hired a suitable foreign aid for her, and he will be here soon. "Bai Jinglin left this sentence and hung up the phone.

Bai Fuya was still confused, and saw the nanny at home carrying Su Ming into the office.

"Miss Chen, Young Master Su has been crying all the time, maybe he wants to drink milk. ”

【Cry, uncle, this old man… This baby has been quiet all the time, when did you start crying?】 Su Ming in the nanny's arms was speechless, and he couldn't understand why he was suddenly brought to the company when he was sleeping well at home.

When Chen Wanqiu heard that her son wanted to drink milk, she immediately brought Su Ming over.

Seeing this, the others also walked out and thoughtfully closed all the blinds.

【Forget it, it's not bad to drink milk.】 Su Ming was held in Chen Wanqiu's arms, and he also played a casual attitude.

His eyes turned around and couldn't help but look at the documents on the table.

【The qualifications of these partners are average, but if they can cooperate with the industries that my mother has now, there can be a good chemical reaction.】

Chen Wanqiu was feeding Su Ming while worrying about choosing partners. Suddenly she heard Su Ming's muttering and immediately became energetic.

【For example, this pharmaceutical company, although it is running half dead, But if we don't cooperate with hospitals, but cooperate with nursing homes to produce health products, the same medicine can be ten times more expensive by changing the packaging and adding some ingredients, which is much more profitable than pharmaceutical manufacturing. 】

【This piece of real estate is full of old houses, which are not easy to sell. We might as well cooperate with rental agencies and renovate them a little. That is first-hand rental. In the second half of the month, there will be news that this area will be connected to the subway. At that time, the rent of this area will soar. 】

【Why choose Zhou Ze as the spokesperson for that product? This beast who can't control his lower body will be given a silver bracelet by Uncle Hat soon. The third-tier singer over there is the future king. 】

Chen Wanqiu became more and more excited as she listened, and simply hugged Su Ming to handle all the documents.

After a while, when she opened the door of the office again, she had already selected the best partner for future development from dozens of contracts.

Bai Fuya looked at her confident look and checked it with some suspicion.

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