Even the book he was talking about made excuses belatedly because he realized what he meant.

“Of course I didn’t mean to keep getting hurt. I just meant to come play often.”

“ah. okay.”

Lee Han unpacked his frustration and opened his pocket.

It contained something like a piece of hard rock.

“It’s a griffon gallstone.”


Lee Han recalled the books he had read in his head.

According to what he read in the alchemy book, Gryphon’s gallstones must be…?

“Does it have a strong effect on magic recovery?”

“right. You know it well.”

Lee Han became pale.

‘It’s useless.’

It was after he had already experienced with his body that the magic recovery potion had no effect in Professor Thunderstep’s class.

I don’t know if it’s a magic power reduction potion, but the magic recovery effect is…

The talking book was bewildered by Lee Han’s reaction.

If you don’t know what this is, you wouldn’t know, even though you knew it, that kind of reaction didn’t make sense.

Unless you are raising a griffon yourself…

“Is it precious? It is a true griffon gallstone.”

“thank you. But I’ve never been short of magic power…”


It was only then that the talking book understood Lee Han’s reaction.

Come to think of it, if a freshman had that level of magical power, he would not have felt the lack of magic at all.

“Umm… Among the demons I know, there are a few demons with the ability to absorb magic. It’s dangerous, so I can’t introduce you.”

“I will take my heart.”

Lee Han said, slowly stepping back.

As a demon summoned by the Skeleton Principal, there seemed to be nothing good about being so friendly.

“You should come here often! Let’s talk about Gonadaltes together!”

The book he was talking about, not knowing Lee Han’s heart, fluttered the pages to see him off.

Durgyu said with admiration.

“Even though you are a demon who was summoned and captured by the principal, Lee Han is kind to you. Lee Han. He must have recognized your abilities.”

Even the devil likes talented people.

So it was clear that he was kind to Lee Han.

“I think it’s a little different from that…”

However, in Lee Han’s view, the conversation was far from that.


‘There must be no one to curse the skull principal.’

Who would curse the skull principal with whom?

There was no one who could do that.

Thinking like that, Lee Han suddenly felt a little sorry for the book he was talking about.

Somehow I got involved with the Skeleton Principal!

* * * *

<Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>.

Just as mathematics is the foundation of all disciplines, this lecture was also very important.

The higher the level of magic, from calculating magic power to creating a magic circle to developing new magic, the more intuition and sense alone could not solve it.

As such, the students knew the importance of this lecture and had to study hard…

‘Did you use sleep magic?’

Lee Han looked around.it was

The students had already been wiped out. Guy Nando was nodding, sniffing his nose a little.

The only survivors were Asan, (Asando was stabbing the back of his hand with a quill), and Aden Art (he was expressionless, but Lee Han witnessed the princess casting her sleep-chasing magic on herself) and Yoner.

Lee Han took out coffee.

When he handed the coffee to Yonaire, Yoner took it and drank it as preciously as the first coffee he received after being rescued by a person who had been stranded on a snowy mountain for several months.

“I’m so sleepy…”

Ihan nodded his head.

For some reason, the air in the classroom seemed to be getting thinner.

After completing the doodle by drawing a water bottle on the figure, Yoner turned his head to change his mood.

For some reason, Lee Han seemed to be more upright than usual.

‘Would you have stayed up all night?’

“Not sleepy?”

“I can’t sleep in a sacred lecture… I can’t. Yonner.”


When a friend suddenly made a strange noise, Yonner was perplexed.

What is it?

‘You have to look good.’

Lee Han opened his eyes.

To be honest, the professor’s voice made Lee Han, who has the will of steel, sleepy.

A voice with a unique sense of rhythm makes people sleepy, as if hypnotizing.

If he didn’t know the professor’s identity, he would have suspected his opponent as a master of mind magic.

Alpen Knighton.

A professor in charge of <Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic>, he was originally a senior administrator of the Empire.

An imperial dignitary who tried to cut the research budget of countless wizards and caused various resentments!

He swung his sword so much that the professors of the magic school still had a grudge against him.

But Lee Han was different.

‘You have to look good…!’

If it was an Imperial high-ranking administrator, wouldn’t it be one of the few positions within the Empire?

There was no way the person sitting in such a seat had no connections.

What if he looks good to such a professor?

– Wardanaj-kun. Talents like you are the people the Empire needs. Come to the Empire when you graduate! I would recommend

-thank you. professor!

Rather than a priestly relationship in which they build love and hate together in a workshop, this kind of priestly relationship, which is recommended neatly and never met after that, was the true priesthood that Lee Han thinks of.

To do that, I had to show off to Professor Alpen Knighton.

‘But it seems like they’re not really interested in the students.’

Ian was worried.

Professor Alpen Knighton was typically close to ‘I’ll go my way, you guys follow me’.

Whether the students follow the lecture or not, they do their own thing.

He must have been very satisfied with himself, so he was a more demanding type.

‘It’s similar to Professor Voladi, but it’s tricky in a different way.’

Professor Voladi was not uninterested in the students, no, the students.

Rather, the problem was that there was too much interest.

It was also true that they waited for the students to follow.

I’ve been waiting too far…

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about how to get the professor’s eyes.”

“…isn’t that enough??”

Yoner asked in a bewildered voice. Ian asked, puzzled.

“What is enough?”

“There’s nothing wrong with getting attention from professors, but if you get too much, I think you’ll have a hard time…”

Yonner carefully advised.

He never dreamed he would be giving advice like this to a friend before entering school.

Don’t pay too much attention to your professors. what kind of advice is that

However, looking at the boy from the Wodanaj family now, I couldn’t help but give this advice.

I’m seriously worried!

“it’s okay. Yonner. to this extent. And Professor Alpen Knighton is different from other professors.”

“Ugh… I won’t stop you if you’re okay with it…”

Yonner was somehow ominous.

Why does it feel like a friend is digging his own grave?

“…So far. Remember this equation. You’ll need it to calculate your magic power.”

Meanwhile, Professor Alpen finished his lecture.

Gainando, who heard ‘Up to this point’ in his sleep, raised his head in shock.

“it’s over? it’s over??”

“Then I will try a simple test from now on.”

“…it’s over…”

Realizing that Guy Nando ended in a different way, he grabbed his head.

When I looked around, all the students who had collapsed before had come to their senses and were desperate.

“You are lucky.”

“What luck?!”

Gainando was startled by Lee Han’s murmuring.

Did your friend go crazy without seeing you?

Lee Han thought, ignoring Gainando.

‘I will definitely stand out in Professor Knighton’s eyes on this note test.’

Other than that, I couldn’t be beaten by the freshmen here in this classroom in math.

I’ll definitely show you something!


A distance was created between the students who were stuck together, and test papers began to appear in front of the students.

Lee Han lightly tapped his side.

A transparent curtain called out by Professor Alpen was blocking the space. He looked away and his vision was blurred.

‘It will be difficult if you don’t even do kerning magic.’

After entering the magic school, once he witnessed magic, he seemed to start thinking about how to break through it.

The professor’s voice was heard in Lee Han’s ears as he was thinking.

“If you have solved everything first, you can submit it and leave.”

‘I will.’

“If you can’t solve it, you can’t go out.”


It was a word that was added so naturally that Lee Han almost skipped it for a moment.

But when he heard it, he noticed something strange.

‘If you can’t solve everything, you can’t go out?’

It felt a bit strange to say something so natural in such a separate way.

Someone raised his hand and asked if Lee Han was the only student who thought so.

“professor. Are you saying you can’t leave until you fill in the blanks?”

“That’s right.”


The students were relieved. Until the professor’s next words fall.

“…with the correct answer.”

“Uh… what if the answer is not correct?”

“You will have to solve it until you fill it with the correct answer.”

Professor Alpen looked at the student bluntly, as if asking a trivial question.

The students’ faces turned blue when they realized the situation.

‘You can’t leave until you get everything right??’

‘Now… uh…’

The students instinctively turned their heads and looked out the window.

After this lecture, I was going to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and have dinner, but the story suddenly changed.

I don’t know exactly how many hours Professor Alpen will hold them in, but…

‘Are you going to lock me up until the night?’

‘You still don’t know this school?’

‘Aren’t we going to lock him up until tomorrow…?’


Lee Han started to play the quill like crazy.

It was no longer a matter of whether or not the professor could catch the eye.

It was a matter of whether or not he could leave the classroom.

* * * *

‘I almost solved everything…’

Lee Han looked at the circles engraved on the test paper and was immersed in thought.

Since it was an enchanted test paper, a circle was engraved with each correct answer.

However, the last problem caught Lee Han’s ankle.

One day, Gonadaltes asked the emperor to build an imperial Vilteron ballroom.Received 3,892 Imperial Gold Coins. The magic used in the Vilteron Ball at this time is as follows…


…how many imperial gold coins were left for Gonadaltes when these magics and reagents were used?

‘No matter how you think about it, 720 is correct.’

Ian didn’t understand.

Check the magic circle over and over again, check the amount of reagents in the magic circle, and check the labor cost for production…

Even after doing so, the answer did not change.


I looked around and saw that some of my friends had caught up with Lee Han too late, so they put down their quills and stared intently at the last problem.

They are all stuck in the last problem.

‘Should I have known something instead of solving it with the information given in the problem? Is it a problem to be solved with a different idea?’

Ian thought about it.

Gonadaltes is the surname of the Skeleton Principal.

If the Skeleton Principal had received the gold coins, would he have left them and returned them to the Emperor?

‘I don’t think so.’

Lee Han, who was immersed in thought, wrote ‘0’ on the answer sheet without much thought.

There was no penalty for being wrong, so he thought he’d give it a shot.


However, the test paper was circled. Ian was shocked.

‘What is this…??’

Professor Alpen also turned his gaze to see if he realized that Lee Han had solved it all.

“It’s faster than I thought. good job A perfect score, Wodanaj-kun.”

He received the praise he wanted, but Lee Han was not happy. He was rather confused.

“Kyo… Professor.”

“Why but?”

“Can I ask you about the last question?”


Professor Alpen said with a slight smile on his strict face.

“It must have been fun. I wanted to give laughter to students who were tired of exams.”


Lee Han pondered whether he should revise his own plan, which was meant to catch the eye of his opponent.

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