There were several conditions for enchantment magic that was highly regarded.

For example, cleanliness.

When the scroll was torn, it was neat to activate the specified effect accurately without the casting speed taking a long time or other effects occurring.

This neatness came out when the wizard did not add unnecessary clutter when weaving the structure of the spell.

Another example is beauty.

It may seem strange to judge beauty against magic, but it was more important than I thought.

Even with the same artifact, a small and light ring is better than a large, black mass of iron.

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Naturally, to weave magic into a small and light ring, it required many times more delicate and complex work than casting magic on a large, black mass of iron.

The wizards who did not give up on this difficult process were those who pursued the beauty of enchantment magic.

And one of those conditions was output.

In enchantment magic, output was a key factor.

Even if it is a scroll with the same magic, if one has an effect of 80 and the other has an effect of 100, there is no reason to use the former.

As such, the enchantment wizards tried to pursue the maximum output under possible circumstances.

Of course, like other conditions, this also did not lead to effort.

Some enchantment wizards instinctively know how to put out a strong output, but some enchantment wizards couldn’t capture more than a certain amount of output no matter how hard they tried.

And now.

The boy in front of Professor Biblé did not know about other talents, but excelled in one output.


“Is that so?”

Lee Han knew he had failed.

The light flashed too much than expected.

“Nope. Really great!”“Are you really that good?”

“It’s not well made. Actually, the workmanship is bad.”

Professor Bible was adamant.

If he was an excellent enchanter, he would have completed the light magic firework quickly without trial and error.

And the bursting light must have been decorated with more colorful or other forms.

…Of course, Lee Han was still in his freshman year, Professor Bible didn’t teach him properly, and he had a lot of natural magic, so he was very disadvantaged in that part of enchantment…

That fact had long since disappeared from the professor’s mind.

“Is that so?”

“But even with those shortcomings, you have a definite advantage! The output is very good.”

Professor Bible was excited and kept talking about stories that only he knew.

When creating artifacts, there are things like aesthetics, neatness, delicacy, complexity, etc. Among them, output is very important…

‘Let’s think happy thoughts.’

Lee Han calmed down his sleepy mind and had happy thoughts.

Then, even if Professor Bible kept talking about a story that only he knew, he was able to hold on with a smile.

Professor Vible was a man who could tell his favorite stories for hours.

And Lee Han-eun was a professor, but he was a person who could endure hours of talking about what he knew.

When the two met, the conversation continued without stopping.

* * * *

“…that’s why enchantment is fun. Is it fun?”

“Yes. It was really fun.”

“very good! I did not know that Gonadaltes would give such a present!”

Professor Bieber was very pleased with the extraordinary response of the freshman.

Enchanting magic was a really fun world, but unfortunately, most of the students did not know this fun.

However, the student in front of him seemed to know the fun even if he lacked talent.

I’m going to listen so hard.

That was enough.

“It was supposed to be fun. right? What if you don’t have any talent? If it’s fun, it stays.”

‘Hmm. Will the enchantment pass over?’

Lee Han thought to himself as he listened to Professor Biblé’s words.

Although the enchantment was coveted, it could be dangerous to forcefully add it if it didn’t fit.

As Professor Garcia warned, trying to learn too much magic together will make life tiring.

After listening to what the professor said, it doesn’t seem like it fits very well with enchantment magic…

The only good thing about it was that the professor was cute, so he had to make a sober judgment.

“Then, Professor. I want to make firecrackers in a fun way.”

After making a decision, Lee Han spoke politely.

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Now that we’ve got a rough estimate, we think we’ll just have to do what we need to do quickly so we can get out of the Skeleton Principal’s grasp.

‘The Skeleton Principal doesn’t want any kind of artistry in the magic firework, so he needs to quickly grant the least amount of magic.’

“okay. Are your fingers itching to make it?”


“Let’s get started!”

“First, let’s make a light magic firecracker.”

Lee Han learned once and first made magic firecrackers that were ripe in his hands.

A new light magic firecracker was created with less trial and error than before.

Then Professor Bible shook his head.

“no. no.”

“Yes? Was there a mistake in casting?”

Lee Han looked at the magic firecracker.

I didn’t feel like I had made any mistakes.

Was there such a mistake that Lee Han didn’t notice, but the professor could have noticed?

“You’re so sad.”

“…professor. In fact, I like boring firecrackers.”

“no. Then it’s no fun. you nowBecause I don’t know another way If you do it the other way, it will definitely be more fun.”

Professor Vible took his hand and pulled him in so that his disciple, who loved enchantment, could have more fun.

Isn’t fun more important than talent?

Besides, the disciple had the advantage of output.

If you take advantage of that advantage, the enchantment magic will be more interesting.

‘I feel ominous.’

Of course, Lee Han was slowly feeling ominous.

“ruler. It’s not just about bursting light magic, it’s about transforming the shape of the light and then maintaining it. See this engraved enchantment glyph? Do you feel anything?”

“Based on light magic… it’s like a magic that transforms and maintains shape… is it an animal form?”

Feeling the patterns of enchantment and the flow of magic hanging on the paper and guessing what kind of magic it was, only a wizard with a very sharp intuition could do it.

But Professor Biblé didn’t notice it at all, because his mind was preoccupied with the story he wanted to tell.

“okay. right! Cute and simple animals. Wouldn’t it be more fun if it appeared?”

“…Yes. It is.”

Lee Han resented the movement of his mouth, which was contrary to his instincts.

But what about it?

The other person is a professor…

‘Still, if it’s a cute and simple animal, it won’t be too difficult. thank god.’

Lee Han thought of a monster with a simple form like a slime.

If that’s the case, I think it would be easier to keep it light…

“What kind of animal are you?”



“Dragon. It’s cute and simple.”

Professor Vible chanted his spell, dazzlingly swinging his wand as if to show him his demonstration.

Just by looking at the intricately twisted and entangled flow of magic, he seemed to know how complex and delicate the magic was.

Growing, stretching, pulling, twisting, tugging, twisting, weaving…

It was Lee Han who thought he had done everything about element control while fighting for his life with Professor Vol Ladi, but seeing Professor B. Bleh, he realized that it wasn’t.

The magical world was really infinitely wide.

‘…the problem is that the wide world is forcibly coming upon me.’

Can he do the light magic that creates that dragon form at the level of Lee Han?

* * * *

Surprisingly, I was able to do it.

“good job! good job! Was it fun?”

Professor Bible said with a bright smile. Lee Han felt the urge to slap Professor Bieber on the snout.

Professor Bible didn’t get angry, he didn’t curse, and he didn’t pressure Lee Han.

Every time Lee Han failed, he said, ‘Did you fail? Why? kid. It’s not difficult…’ I just muttered.

It didn’t take long for Lee Han to realize that any compromise or bargaining with Professor Lee Bieber was impossible.

“ruler. pull it! Pull it!”

Lee Han was so tired that it was difficult to respond properly. I pulled out the finished firecracker as the professor told me to.


A dragon composed of a mass of light suddenly appeared above the workshop.

Although it was still rough and rough, anyone could tell that it was a dragon.

As soon as Lee Han pulled out the magic firework, Professor Bible took out his pocket watch and counted the time.

“What are you measuring?”


“How far are you going?”

“Originally, it disappears as soon as it explodes.”


At those words, Lee Han felt a little proud.

I didn’t feel like I was doing really well while doing the enchantment, but the duration was pretty good.

of course thatEven taking that into account, the enchantment magic was much harder than I thought.

To be precise, Professor Biblé was very difficult, but anyway…

‘You have to finish the fireworks quickly and run away.’

I came.

The Skeleton Principal is back.

Then he looked at the situation in the studio and blinked.

A dragon of light floating in the air.

Professor Vible said he made magic firecrackers and he said why is he trying to make useless art?

‘Did I give you too much time?’

How fast did you make the firecrackers? And why did you put it up?

“Did I not?”


“I didn’t. Here he did.”


Principal Skeleton was at a loss for words. It was indeed rare for a skeleton principal who was a lich among seasoned lices.

He didn’t know where to start.

He told me to make magic firecrackers, but wouldn’t he teach a crazy difficulty enchantment magic, and the learner would do it again…

You told me to make magic firecrackers!

“It was made with magic firecrackers.”

…for a moment! Why doesn’t it disappear again?

Headmaster Skeleton realized later that the Dragon of Light was not disappearing.

There was only one reason.

It was because of the peculiar constitution of the boy from the Wodanaj family.

done. I was foolish to put the two together.

“What do you always do? it’s okay.”

So, are the magic firecrackers finished?


Professor Biblé hesitated at his words.

He had spent all his time perfecting the one magic firecracker he had just shot.

Principal Skeleton immediately grasped the situation even if Professor Bible did not say anything.

…you’re still a professor?!

“Mi, I’m sorry. I will make sure to do it next time.”

What’s next? And every time… You do it on purpose even though you know it!

When sparks flew at him, Lee Han became very upset.

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Now, because of someone, I was repeating the enchantment magic infinitely during the festival…!

“principal. Think about it. What is it that I regret so much that instead of making a regular magic firecracker, would I challenge a masterpiece of such a high level of difficulty?”

That’s definitely true.

“why? It’s so much fun, don’t you think you want to try it?”

At the same time, Lee Han and Principal Skul pretended not to listen to Professor Bible.

Principal Skeleton clicked his tongue in disapproval.

done. I have no choice but to go back today.

“Gonadaltes! I need to send that disciple back! He likes enchantment!”

Make you reflect! When are you going to remember my words?

Seeing the skeleton principal taking him out of the tower, Lee Han felt the principal’s reassurance for the first time.

“thank you.”

okay. But I will send it back tomorrow.


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