-…I’m not fooled.

Lee Han, who was slightly worried about whether to dedicate the students of the Black Turtle Tower, answered calmly.

He had already experienced it.

-If you sacrifice one person, they will open the way a little and then ask you to make another sacrifice. Don’t fall for such deception.

– What are you talking about? Who would do such a disgraceful thing?

However, to Lee Han’s words, the stone statue in the labyrinth responded as if it were absurd.

-I’ve been working at this school for so long that I can’t remember. According to the rules set by the wizard who made me. There is only one rule in the labyrinth here. One goes to the punishment room and the other goes to the other side. There are no other rules other than that. Who did such a nonsensical thing?

‘The principal of this school.’

Lee Han answered inwardly.

But anyway, I knew two things.

What the stone statue in the labyrinth said was not a lie, and that the headmaster of the skull had no more honor than the statue of the labyrinth.

“What happened, I stopped walking…”

Salco behind him moved and heard the same telepathy.

Then he looked at Lee Han and nodded his head.

‘I’ll have to put at least one of them in pairs and send them to the front.’

Salco didn’t say things like, ‘How can I abandon my friend!’

At this magic school, he already knew that such a thing was a luxury.

It takes some sacrifice to get what you want!

The Black Turtle Tower friends who went to the punishment room were sure to agree.

“What? What’s going on?”

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Nelia moved her steps and heard her telepathy.

Then she cried out in anger.

“How dare you offer a friend!? Do you think Wodanaj or Tutanta here would agree to such an offer?!”



Lee Han and Salco were startled.



“for a moment. Nelia.”

Salco tried to stop Nelia.

I didn’t know how much the difficulty would increase if I rejected that offer.

Perhaps it would be wiser to accept the offer now…


“Think about it. I don’t know how that stone statue would be so picky when I turned down the offer now. We may not pass that road. Friends who went to the punishment room can come out later and try again. Wardanaz would think so. Isn’t that right?”

Salco looked at Lee Han. Nelia also looked at Lee Han with a shocked expression.

Lee Han cursed Salko.

‘No, because he seems like such a ignorant guy.’

You have to ask in a place where you don’t see Nelia. How do you say you agree when you ask in a place where you see Nelia?

Lee Han answered with a straight face as if he was talking about something.

“no. Such a dishonorable offer is absolutely unacceptable.”



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Nelia, as well as Ratford, admired it.

The Salchow gang looked surprised too.

“As expected, Wodanaj…”

“It’s not like the leaders of the Blue Dragon Tower are doing it for nothing.”

Apart from his wickedness, he had no choice but to acknowledge Lee Han’s dignity as a leader.

In a situation where even Salchoe is backing down, he is upright without making any concessions.

“You can see, the stone statue in the labyrinth! We do not accept such dirty deals!”

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Nilia immediately grabbed the arrow and shot it. The stone statue of the labyrinth answered firmly.

– Then prove your honor with your skills!

The appearance of the hallway began to change along with the rustling sound.

‘I’m already starting to regretBut…’

* * * *

When the change in the hallway was over, Han Lee was standing in the middle of the labyrinth.

I wasn’t alone. I don’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but it fell in the same area as Salco.

Salco looked at Lee Han and asked.

“Do you still think you can’t accept it?”

“…of course.”

Lee Han answered without changing a single expression on his face.

She was deeply regretting it, but there was no reason to reveal it to Salko.

With that cold face, Salko nodded her head as if in acknowledgment.

“I have no choice but to acknowledge your honor without knowing anything else.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

‘I’m going to give you some meat right now, so can’t you let me go?’

Lee Han thought to himself, but the stone statue in the labyrinth did not answer.

Salco raised his wand and chanted a spell.

“Gather together, dirt.”

The other tower, Lee Han, had also heard rumors about it, so Salko was so talented with the earth element.

Soil collected under the walls of the labyrinth, and a slope was created that was high enough to climb.

“Great. Salco.”

I don’t know how complicated and wide this labyrinth is, but trying to get out of it using the Jeonggong method was stupid.

“Huh… huh.”

But Salko fell to his knees with a pale face.

He used up all of his mana to make a pile of dirt.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay… it’s okay. Let’s go up and see the road.”

The two stepped on the dirt and climbed up the wall of the labyrinth.

Then, the vast expanse of the labyrinth caught my eye.

…the hallway right?



Both students were speechless. Lee Han quickly found his cool and said.

“It’s a little wider than expected, but let’s make a path with magic and move it in a straight line.”

“Uh… it’s unreasonable. Even if you go over a wall, you have this much magic.”

“no. i will do not worry.”

“Is there anything you do that makes a difference?”

Salco said as if he were talking about something.

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No matter how good Lee Han was in magic, it was not a problem to be solved.

This amount of mana is consumed even when going over one wall, so what is the difference between Lee Han?

At most, if you go over two or three walls…

“Gather together, dirt. Gather together, dirt.”

Lee Han swung his staff while checking the spell.

He had never dealt with the earth element before training other elements, but fortunately, the magic that Salko used now was not that difficult.

You can learn about Circle 1 <Soil Generation> right away.

Salco asked curiously.

“I thought water and lightning were your main attributes, but did you cook the soil as well?”

“no. You will learn it now.”


Salko looked at him like a madman from behind, but Lee Han didn’t notice.

“Gather together, dirt!”


I was lucky. The order was successful at once.

‘It’s easy because you struggled with other elemental magics.’

It was nice to see that the suffering suffered by several villains, including Professor Voladi, was not completely useless.

A pile of dirt began to rise from the floor.

Salko looked at it and thought.

‘Now that I’m learning it, that’s about it… that’s amazing.’

It was a new surprise to admire Wodanaj’s magical powers, but it was a surprising fact.

The guy you’re learning now is going to be successful all at once.

Even Salko, who was proud of the elemental earth magic, had to admit.

Quiet gurgling!


As the pile of dirt piled up bigger than expected, Salko’s expression changed strangely.


How long does it happen?


The sound of the walls of the labyrinth shaking was heard.The <Earth Generation> magic was not a magic that created oil from nothing. It was close to magic that drew the nearby soil.

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Now, the walls of the labyrinth lost their balance and swayed as the soil that supported the walls was forcibly pulled from below the floor.

Salco was astonished.

“Wordanaz! What the hell…?!”

A pile of dirt that had accumulated enough to easily bury a few people knocked down the wall with its weight, and the surrounding walls that were weakened by the lack of that were also knocked down.

Then, the walls of the labyrinth fell in a chain and a large road was created.

“…Aiming for this?!”

Salko couldn’t help but shudder over astonishment.

In such a short period of time, you are aiming for this and making a way.

How could this be an idea that a grade level could do?

“That’s right. Salco.”


As Salco shivered, Lee Han stroked his chest inwardly.

‘The elements I use for the first time should be carefully practiced in a really safe place.’

He was shivering and smashed to the ground and almost died.

* * * *

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Gather together, dirt!”


Lee Han broke through eight more walls. Of course, it wasn’t the same way.

He quietly piles up a pile of dirt and steps on it.

Salco asked, not understanding.

“Isn’t it faster to do it like before?”

“Because you have to save your magic.”

“ah. Right. It sure is.”

Meanwhile, friends scattered elsewhere also joined.


“You came to the rescue!”

“Gather together, dirt!”

“Wordanaz? Thank you?”

“Gather together, dirt!”


At first, the students of the Black Turtle Tower, who were happy to see Lee Han and Salko coming to the rescue, began to get terrified.

Lee Han was repeating his spells like a wizard possessed by some evil demon.

“Wordanaj, are you okay?”

“Don’t talk. It interferes with concentration. Gather, dirt!”

Lee Han memorized the spell and memorized it again and again.

Students who joined late were perplexed.

“No… you don’t fall?”

“How do you not fall?”

Using magic three or four times in a row was about ‘Wow, that’s great’, but when I went over dozens of times in a row, there was no such reaction.

It’s just wonderful.

“Tutanta. Aren’t you surprised by that?”

“Not at all!”

Before coming here, it was Tutanta who had seen Lee Han vibrating the walls and making a way with a pile of dirt several times larger than that.

Such continuous magic was no longer surprising.


‘Tutanta…! Isn’t that surprising!’

‘Is that even Tutanta can do it!’

The Black Turtle Tower students simply admired it. Aren’t you surprised by that continuous magic!

‘I’ll have to tell you that Tutanta can do something like that later when I meet the White Tiger Tower guys.’

* * * *


Lee Han, who was quickly breaking through the labyrinth in a straight line, stopped.

Surprisingly, as the piles of dirt piled up, the walls began to rise accordingly.

The stone statue in the labyrinth spoke to Lee Han.

– I will commend you for using your wits to break through the labyrinth. However, if you want to pass through the wall without finding the exit of the labyrinth, of course there are restrictions.

‘I ate it too raw.’

The other students would have found a way with all kinds of wisdom and magic, but Lee Han just summoned an infinite pile of dirt with magic to break through…

– Now, if you break through this wall, you are outside. If you’re going to try it once, try it. young students.

After hearing what the stone statue in the labyrinth had said, Salko was seriously concerned.did.

Salco now had a way out of this last hurdle.

‘Should I tell Wodanaj about the magic of the family?’

There were several arcane magics descending from the Tutanta family, the foremost masonry family of the Empire.

Salco himself did not learn it because he was not at the level yet, but he secretly memorized the magic that he had memorized to learn when he had the ability someday.

Although he was a little reluctant to tell Wodanaj about that magic, he couldn’t help but help Wodanaz break through the labyrinth alone.

After serious contemplation alone, Salco came to a conclusion.

“Wordanaz. I have some magic to teach you.”


As soon as the words were finished, a huge sphere of water hit the wall directly.

The sphere of water, which rotated and made a bloody sound, tore apart the walls of the labyrinth.

The stone statue in the labyrinth praised Lee Han.

-excellent. little student You have proven your honor with your skills! It’s good after all! Blessings on your way ahead!

“Thank you.”

Lee Han swung his wand to shake off the water.

The wall of the labyrinth, waiting for you, was an easy opponent compared to the monsters Lee Han had dealt with.

It was possible to launch an attack by preparing as much as possible.


“By the way, Salco. Are you going to teach me magic?”


Salco’s expression darkened. Ian was puzzled.

‘Why are you doing that?’

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