As the saying goes that the bird that sings the most beautiful song dies the fastest, it was quite common for a sorceress with too much talent to have a short life.

A wizard without talent will not be greedy more than necessary, but a magician with talent will be greedy as much as the talent.

The science of magic was like the sun.

The sun will burn to death if you get too close.

‘Can anyone tell me?’

Di Lett bit his lip.

The evil professors at this magic school were only interested in their own field.

When a freshman with outstanding talent appeared, he could only say, ‘You must learn this magic!’

By the time the innocent freshman came to his senses, it was already too late.

He will be dragged into a magical hell from which he cannot escape.

‘A geek like Professor Garcia can withstand such a thing…!’

Moreover, since the midterm exam period has just ended, I will learn more about other magical fields during the remaining period.

someone had to tell me

just now!


Dirett exclaimed with determination.

“Be careful! You are being deceived by the professors…”


Lee Han turned his head in bewilderment at the sudden shout from behind.


But when he turned around, no one was there.


“Room, what just happened?”

“I don’t know, but it’s ominous.”

Lee Han frowned at the familiarity of the magical power faintly felt in the empty hallway.

‘This looks like the skull principal’s magic…’

no way?

* * * *

The color of the potion in the pot began to slowly change to lead with the sound of boiling.

Lee Han carefully turned off the light.

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Now, only the last step of the <Vital Bone Regeneration Potion> is left.

‘I can only add freshly picked thistle flowers.’

“Why am I blue? Why am I blue?”

“I… isn’t this lead-colored? Doesn’t it look like lead?”

Leaving behind his friends who deny reality everywhere, Lee Han exchanged glances with Yonaire.

Let’s go pick thistles!

“The exam will be over tomorrow.”

At Ihan’s words, Yoner nodded his head.

Even though it had only been a week, it felt like weeks had passed.

Do I have to do this one more time…

“It was really hard.”

“okay. me too.”


Yonaire had to put up with the words, ‘You didn’t dig your own grave, Lee Han?’

I would have done it if my opponent was Gainando, but because it was Lee Han.

He was already a tough enough friend.

“Did you do well on all the exams?””so so.”


At Lee Han’s words, Yoner was puzzled.

There were many students who studied well during the first year, but Lee Han was overwhelming among them.

Usually, if you’re good at A, you’re not good at B, and if you’re good at B, you show your weakness, like you’re not good at C…

Lee Han was perfect as if he had no such weakness.

But did you manage to see it?

“Did you make a mistake in black magic? How did you score?”

“no. I got a perfect score.”

“Then in summoning magic?”


“…Illusion magic?”

“Illusion magic is perfect too… um. I thought it looked good. sorry. Yonner. habitually.”

For the first time, Yoner almost got angry with Lee Han.

“What’s going on?”

The students were gathering and chattering where the thistle flower field should have been.

Lee Han was puzzled and approached.

And then I was astonished.


The many thistle flowers had completely disappeared.

“Did you all pick it up?”

Lee Han asked as politely as possible.

Of course, just because he was polite did not mean that his voice came out kindly.

The students gathered in the voice of the voice flinched and backtracked.

“not. Wodanaz. By the time we arrived, someone had already picked them up!”

“How can I believe that?”

“Think about it. Wodanaz! You need fresh thistle flowers! But why should we go first? We won’t be able to use it either!”

The white tiger top student grabbed his wooden sword and trembled and shouted.

Because of what had happened so far, inside the White Tiger Tower, there were already sayings like, ‘When dealing with the Wodanaj, go with at least four people’.

You’re going to have to deal with it alone like this…!

“It makes sense.”

Lee Han lowered his staff once. The white tiger top student stroked his chest.

‘for a moment.’

“Look out.”

Footprints were scattered around the field of thistle flowers. It was the footprints left by the students who came first.

However, Lee Han paid attention to the footprints inside the flower garden. It was a footprint I had seen somewhere.


Lee Han carefully checked and measured the shape of the footprints.

The black turtle top student who saw it asked as if surprised.

“Are you distinguishing the footprints that entered the flower garden first? how?”

I couldn’t understand how Woda Naj was from some kind of hunter, and how he knew how to use such a skill.

Then, Lee Han asked as if he did not understand.

“Isn’t there Nelia in your tower? Why didn’t you learn it?”

“…Sa, not a hunter?”


Lee Han threw a gaze that he did not understand very much. The Black Turtle Top student had done nothing wrong, but suddenly he felt he had done something wrong.

‘Where did you see those eyes…?’

The Black Turtle Tower student realized late.

Those were the eyes the professor showed when he looked at him pathetic.

‘why! Why do I have to learn the hunter skills…’


Lee Han approached Yoner with a serious expression and whispered.

“I know who the culprit is.”

“Who is it? White Tiger Tower student?”

“no. Thunderstep Professor.”


* * * *

Professor Thunderwalk took a bottle of well-made brandy and started walking.

The professors of Einrogard who came first were sitting in separate places, resting with comfortable faces.

As the midterm exams are over, the minds of the professors are likely to be relaxed.

“You have been through a lot. Professor Garcia.”

rightProfessor Legalleum found Professor Garcia and poured him a glass of brandy.

Among them, the half-troll professor, one of the youngest, took the cup with a shy expression.

“It was nothing.”

“no. No one else suffers as much as Professor Garcia.”

Professor Thunderwalk truly respected the half-troll professor in front of him.

A wizard who silently does his job and takes care of his students, while other professors are immersed in their field of magic, while others like Osu Gonadaltes do all kinds of evil whims.

Without Professor Garcia, Einroguard would have been a hellish place.

“Professor Thunderbolt is almost over, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Tomorrow, the students will submit.”

“You must suffer a lot as the period is long.”

If it had been the headmaster of the skeleton, he would have sarcastically said, “Alchemy is a study of lazy people, because it’s just a matter of waiting while drinking.”

But the good Professor Garcia always found the positives.

“You will have to keep taking care of the students gathering and crafting materials.”

“you’re right.”

In fact, as Professor Garcia said, he didn’t care, but Professor Thunderstep nodded his head.

He didn’t have to embarrass him by rejecting compliments!

And there were other parts that were right.

“Anyway, I had to go to the flower garden yesterday and pluck up thistle flowers.”

“yes? Why?”

“It’s for the students.”

Professor Thunderwalk was a little excited and went on to explain.

Freshly picked thistle flower required at the end of making <Vital Bone Regeneration Potion>.

The students knew the location of this flower garden.

But what if all of a sudden all these flowers disappear?

There was no time to find or obtain a new one as it was a tight period.

In the end, students must somehow complete the potion without thistle flower.

“Even without thistle flower, potions can be completed somehow. The quality will go down, though. We overcome that with the wisdom of our students.”


Professor Garcia’s face darkened.

Should I praise this or not?

‘Isn’t it okay if I just ask you to make it without thistle flower from the beginning?’

Do we really need to shock and confuse our students?

“Wow… indeed. It seems like a really good way.”

“thank you. Professor Garcia. It’s love for the students.”

Professor Thunderwalk sips the brandy with satisfaction.

But Professor Thunderwalk had forgotten one thing.

A student who breaks the professor’s workshop once can rob the professor twice.

* * * *

“I’m going to the water tower.”

He was tired from taking the exam all day, but Lee Han didn’t think about it for even a second.

The time was tight as it was submitted tomorrow morning.

There must have been a thistle flower on the second floor of Professor Thunderbolt’s Tower, the Gaksu-gwan.

“If you call other friends…”

“I don’t have time for that. Yonner. Besides, it’s dangerous if there are too many numbers.”

Lee Han was also well aware that this was the second time. The risk was so high.

quiet and fast.

“…But let’s call Nelia.”

“I thought about it.”

Yoner nodded his head.

If she later said that she ‘didn’t call me because it was dangerous,’ she wouldn’t mean much.

“Well. Let’s call Ratford.”



“…Isn’t it better to just call them all?”

“okay. It would be better.”

Lee Han decided to give up and call his friends.

30 minutes later.

Lee Han and his friends gathered in one place wearing dark overcoats.Yoner suddenly had a question.

‘Does everyone have any objection to stealing at this hour?’

Everyone is so natural…

“let’s go.”

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No explanation was needed. Everyone had already seen each other a few times.

Lee Han took the lead.

It’s not as difficult as it was before…


What caught Lee Han’s eyes was the appearance of the students in the White Tiger Tower trying to open the main gate of the tower with clumsy movements while wearing masks.


At first, Lee Han thought that the other students studying alchemy had come first.

However, when I looked closely, I realized that they were not students of alchemy.

To prevent Lee Han from securing the thistle flower, he attacked the professor’s workshop in the middle of the night…

‘…I don’t think so.’

That was way too far off anyway.

“I think I came here for another lecture.”

Yoner whispered from behind.

“Another lesson?”

“They are students who listen to <Basic Dance and Socializing>. In that lecture, it was said that there was a potion in the tower of Professor Thunderbolt…”


Ian was surprised.

First of all, I was surprised that there were more students taking lectures like <Basic Dance and Socializing> than I thought, and I was surprised that they tried to borrow the help of a potion just to dance well.

“You have to solve it on your own, or steal it?”

“I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about.”

Before Yoner could finish speaking, another group of students appeared with a rustling sound from the bush ahead.

They were Black Turtle Tower students.

“Do those friends also listen to <Basic Dance and Socializing>?”

“no. They… I saw them in <Basic Music>…”


Lee Han shook his head sharply.

Three different groups will meet in front of the workshop in the middle of the night for different goals.

“Even if it’s stealing, can I take the potion and take the test?”

“I was curious too, so I asked the professor, and he said it was okay.”


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