Putting magical energy into a weapon sounded like evidence of a very good swordsman, but in fact, it wasn’t that difficult.

Lee Han-do, Durgyu, and Giselle were able to put some magic into their weapons right away.

Perhaps two or three white tiger top students who are less skilled than the three can be accommodated.

In a way, it was natural in a way that he had been steadily training in swordsmanship in a knight family for over ten years, and was talented enough to enter Einroguard.

It was difficult and important to keep the magic power stable, but the difficulty level was relatively low to hold the magic power for a moment.

But when it comes to throwing weapons, the story is different.

If it was a sword, it could keep circulating the magic like a part of the body and keep the magic it stably stored…

Throwing weapons that fell from your fingertips at the moment of throwing were much more difficult.

As it was impossible to recover magic through circulation, the consumption of magic was large, and the difficulty of the control increased several times.

In other words…

“You used magic!?”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

The students of the White Tiger Tower, bleeding nosebleeds, cheered.

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No matter how hard I try not to be misunderstood, this has crossed the line.

Throwing a snowball with magic power?

I was able to do so by giving so much.

I don’t know how much magical power it has, so I don’t know if I’ll get tired even if I keep throwing it like this!

But, do you throw the snowball with the magic of the cold attribute?

This is really nonsense.

Woudanaz is not from a knight family who specializes in throwing weapons, so there is no way to know such a vision.

It was difficult to throw a throwing weapon with magical power, but it is really…

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Not only the students of the White Tiger Tower, but also the knights would not believe it.

“You did magic! The snowballs are coming from frozen!”

“Fire magicI threw it in and it froze on its own.”

“Does that make sense!?”

The students at the White Tiger Tower were amazing.

It would have been better if he insisted, “Actually, the Wodanaj family has a vision for throwing weapons.”

I didn’t do anything, but to say that magical energy was given coldness, does that mean the sound of magic missiles coming out when I swung my hand without a wand?

“Friends! Listen to me! What Lee Han said is true! No magic was used!”

“Durguy, that bastard is being deceived again!”

“Durgyu, you bastard, you can’t have such thin ears!”


Durgyu sat down again as the grass died. Giselle clicked her tongue and she said.

“No magic! I saw it.”


“Don’t be fooled. Moradi is on the same side as you are right now.”

‘These bastards…’

Gisele cursed inwardly. Lee Han muttered as if he was sorry.

“Everyone is not trusted by their friends.”



Durgyu and Giselle agreed for the first time.

If you can’t speak!

“What’s going on everyone?”

Professor Ingaldel came up as if puzzled.

The students did not throw snowballs and were arguing while bleeding noses.

“professor! Wodanaj…”

A nosebleed white tiger top student described what had happened in weeping.

Giselle covered her face with her palm at the pitiful look.

Even when I was just discouraging the White Tiger Tower earlier, I wondered if I could embarrass myself more here, but surprisingly, I was able to embarrass him even more.


Professor Ingaldel was astonished.

The testimonies of the students of the White Tiger Tower were surprising, and the current situation was also surprising.

‘Can’t a student like Wodanaj do something like that?’

Rather than Lee Han being so pure and kind, it was not likely that a student as good as Lee Han would use such a deceitful deception.

Professor Ingaldel also believed in his students.

Unsurprisingly, Lee Han said confidently.

“professor. Check it out and you will know.”

After a while.

After confirming, Professor Ingaldel told the students.

“It’s not magic.”


“Oh, no. professor! Because the real snowballs are frozen!? That’s a complete stone!”

“Umm… I’m not very knowledgeable about magic, but I think the surrounding environment is now filled with cold and Woudanaj was affected. He may have unconsciously imparted the Frost attribute to his magical powers.”

At Professor Ingaldel’s explanation, the students were convinced by saying ‘Oh’.

Obviously, the surrounding environment used to affect the wizard.

It was possible that the unnatural cold environment like now had a temporary effect on Wodanaj’s magical power.

“Then how do we get rid of the cold attribute?”

“Are you igniting something like fire?”

“What do you mean?”

Professor Ingaldel looked at the White Tiger Tower students with puzzled eyes.

“yes? Uh… Shouldn’t we remove the Frost attribute?”

“There is such a thing as the purity of a snowball fight, so it should be removed…”

The White Tiger Tower students stuttered at Professor Ingaldel’s gaze.

It was a feeling of some kind of insecurity.

no way?

“Enchanting a weapon is a knight’s skill, and there is no reason to remove it. Everyone keep going.”



The students of the White Tiger Tower opened their mouths.

Although it was easy to forget that Professor Ingaldel banned magic, Professor Ingaldel was not a person who pursued warm and friendly lectures.

He is someone who pursues lectures that are close to actual practice!


Lee Han, Durgyu, and Giselle are lying behind the rocks.pushed out

The three of them held frozen snowballs in their hands.


* * * *

“Lee Han. How do you divide the pigs?”

“Um… Rather than sharing and bringing it with you, I think it would be better to treat it to friends who have just listened to the lecture.”

Durgyu was surprised by Lee Han’s words.

“Is that really okay?”


“Lee Han. Other friends will be moved by your honor.”

‘I don’t think so.’

‘I don’t think so.’

Lee Han and Giselle thought to themselves.

Giving me a few points of meat is enough to relieve my heart…

The White Tiger Tower students had been beaten too many times.

“You put less ointment over your eyes.”

“You have nosebleeds again.”

The students at the White Tiger Tower who came down from the mountain were in a mess. It’s like being beaten by someone.

The nosebleed, the yoke, the clothes are rags…

It was quite disappointing to see them sitting in a corner and applying the ointment that Professor Ingaldel gave them.

I wonder if Lee Han also decided to give up on taking meat and serve it?

Durgyu and Giselle drew their daggers and cut the meat with precision.

Knights from the family usually had a lot of hunting experience, and even if not, they were supposed to have more hunting experience after entering Einroguard for about a month.

The two have also gathered small pieces of meat in one place, except for large parts such as sirloin and tenderloin. These were good things to make into sausages later.


While he was cutting the meat, Durgyu was surprised to see Lee Han taking a can of spices from his pocket.

…why are you carrying it?


“Oh, nothing.”

Lee Han raised the pot and made a fire. Thanks to the extreme cold, flame magic was easy.

Then I cut the scaffold and put it in the pot. It was to melt and make pork fat.

Despite putting the pot on the fire, Lee Han did not rest. I made a sausage right away by mixing the remaining flesh with spices.

Giselle was unwilling to acknowledge Lee Han’s abilities, but she had no choice but to acknowledge her current moves.

Lee Han was good at chores, comparable to that of the most experienced camper in the family.

…I don’t know why a boy from a great aristocratic family, not a knight family, is so good at it!

“Come soon and eat.”

“uh?? really??”

‘These children just kept staring at me.’

At first, they were students of the White Tiger Tower who sat down with a gloomy expression on their faces, but as the work progressed, they gradually became more piercing and threw their gazes at them.

The gaze had only one meaning.

– Would you like to give us some too?

Giselle sighed lightly and shook her head.

It’s such a sneaky act.

Today, the students of the White Tiger Tower were blaming all the disgrace of disgrace.

Show me the underside of the floor…

“Then… Shall we eat a little then?”

“Isn’t it like a knight to ignore sincerity?”

As usual, Lee Han didn’t say anything. It was because he threw too many snowballs earlier.

Let’s see today!

Lee Han puts the crispy grains that had been squeezed out of the oil on the hardened black bread.

As the number of students was quite large, it was not good to have them fill their stomachs with only meat.

In this case, the good thing was the bread that came with the meal.

It was rare among the students to eat this rationed bread as it is. They tried to change the taste somehow or used it as money.

Of course, Lee Han, who was active in barter trading, had a lot of bread like this.

‘Put it in and fill my stomachIt makes crabs.’

Unaware of such evil intentions, the students of the White Tiger Tower were delighted with the bread and meat.

“Wordanaz. You did a really good job.”

Professor Ingaldel said with a proud expression on his face.

I gave it to the winning student as a gift, but to give it to other friends like this.

Lee Han hid his evil heart and nodded his head.

“no. professor. We are all friends.”


Giselle was shocked to herself.

How could you say such a strange thing without blinking an eye?

Guys like Durgyu were deceived, but Gisele was not. Wodanaj was of the same class as Giselle.

I can’t seriously say something like that…


“Huh, heh. Tears come out of the smoke. I was never moved by your words.”

‘…these idiots really.’

Giselle felt as if the meat she had been chewing had rested on her throat.

I was beaten like that, but my face is already healed because I ate some meat.

They’re the same top friends, but at times like this, I really wanted to hit one.

“This is what I serve.”

Professor Ingaldel came with a jar of fresh milk.

Lee Han thought that the jar looked very similar to the jar he had seen in Professor Thundergeulleum’s hut.

‘…maybe not.’

Everyone ate and drank by the fire.

Even when Lee Han relaxed a little, Professor Voladi appeared like a ghost from behind.

“Is the lecture over?”

“Yes. it’s over. Professor Bagreg.”

“Can I take you?”

“You can.”

In a moment, Lee Han looked at Professor Ingaldel with a sense of betrayal.

At that gaze, Professor Ingaldel was a little perplexed.

What did I do wrong?

“Uh… Professor Bagreg. Where is Lee Han going?”

“Upper floor of the main building.”


“For relieving the cold.”


At those words, the students of the White Tiger Tower roared.

I’ve heard rumors that Wodanaj is going out to deal with this frigid cold on their own, but I’m sure it’s true.

If it was enough to go with the professor, it didn’t seem like he was usually prepared.


“You really…”

‘I thought I was going to throw the snowball a little harder.’

The students of the White Tiger Tower, who cast their eyes in awe, couldn’t be more annoyed.

“good night! Wodanaz. We will go with you!”

Angro shouted with a determined expression.

Lee Han-do, Giselle, and Professor Voladi also threw their gazes that they did not understand.

‘Are you crazy?’

‘Are you out of your mind?’


However, the White Tiger Tower students all agreed that less blood flowed to their heads as they ate and digested their stomachs.

“great! We too!”

“We will be together. Professor Bagreg!”

“Lead us!”

Professor Voladi responded with sincerity to the screams of the students at the White Tiger Tower.

“The trembling ones…”

“professor. It must have been cold because you came from a long way, but let’s have a cup of hot coffee!”

Lee Han quickly grabbed Professor Boladi’s arm and led him to the bonfire.

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