…you learn fast, yes. If I were a genius, I should have been arrogant, but I didn’t know I could learn so quickly.

“What are you talking about?”

It is nothing.

Principal Skeleton looked at the floating shield behind Lee Han and asked.

Is it a task?


What made you so crude and ignorant… Wait. No duration amplification?

The Skeleton Principal looked at the magic circle engraved on the shield and was surprised.

It was not surprising that the magic circle was engraved on the shield itself.

It would be disrespectful to ask a first-year student to complete a floating shield without such an auxiliary device.

In fact, it was rude in itself to ask you to complete a shield that floats even with an auxiliary device…

It is also the path a wizard must go through in order to grow.

Being faced with an impossible challenge is not necessarily a bad thing.

failed one hundred challengesEven if it were all that, wouldn’t that experience grow a wizard?

If even one of these succeeds, even better!

‘It’s good to be successful, but why is there no duration amplification…?’

Have you ever seen such an ignorant bastard? Did you just increase the time with the amount of mana?

“Yes. By the way…”

Lee Han tried to explain.

It wasn’t because Lee Han was ignorant, but the task itself was ridiculously difficult, and when I combined the magic circle to somehow complete it, it became rags, but if I want to increase the duration…

Well, that would be the way. If you have a lot of magical power, why bother? I will cancel the word ignorant. That’s a clever way.

“I didn’t do this on purpose…”

‘Cause I’m afraid to stop being humble. Anyway, well done. Professors will love it.

“…Professor Verdus, too, don’t you think the professors’ assignments are a bit excessive?”

right. But did you do it?


As Lee Han was shivering with anger and remorse against himself, Principal Skeleton tapped the shield.

I’ll go for a day or two more. Well… Professor Verdus will be coveting.

“Why is the professor coveting this?”

Comparing the magic skills of Lee Han and Professor Verdus, there was a difference of about a firefly and a full moon.

If you look at this shield made with Professor Verdus’ personality and a magic circle, you’d get a reaction like, ‘What made you so crude and ignorant?’

Magic circles are very crude, but Professor Verdus is not able to infuse magic like this.

Regardless of skill, there were skills that only certain wizards could do.

This increase in duration, which was only possible with Lee Han’s enormous amount of magical power, was impossible even for Professor Verdus to be an excellent enchantment wizard.

“It’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that you’re close to not doing it. It’s actually not an expedient.”

Lee Han replied sternly.

not. In the case of complex artifacts, it is impossible to engrave a continuous increasing magic circle in all parts.

Simple artifacts were relatively good, but as the structure of the artifacts became more complex, the wizard’s calculations became difficult enough to explode.

In particular, in the case of multi-composite artifacts with multiple magics, it was impossible to engrave a continuous increasing magic circle in all parts due to its complex structure.

Inevitably, I have to use all sorts of methods to make up for the lack of magical power…

There are times when it is more convenient to inject a large amount of mana at once than to squeeze mana in a complicated way. Words are semi-permanent, in fact, after a hundred years, the wizard has little to no responsibility.

It was rare to find a visitor to the wizard saying that an artifact that was more than 100 years old was broken.

‘I guess that’s right. Does this shortcut have any meaning?’

Lee Han nodded his head and stopped.

“…for a moment. So, are you saying that Professor Verdus calls me whenever I need something like this?”

Will it be?

Ian’s face turned pale.

* * * *

Ogonin was startled to see Lee Han on the other side of the mirror.

“No, what did you do to make the student’s face look like that?!”

I didn’t do anything!

The Skeleton Principal was furious.

The principal suspects that the student is depressed.

So, if Ogonin’s cat is grumpy, does it mean that it’s Ogonin’s fault?

“it’s nothing.”

Lee Han smiled bitterly.

“It’s all my fault.”


Aware of Einrogard’s harsh educational environment, Ogonin stared intently at the Skeleton Principal.

Headmaster Skeleton was in awe.

Thinking of the future of my orthodox fantasy magic, festival disrupter, firecracker destroyer, YuI gave the water thief a chance, but with such an insult?!

“It’s no use trying to pressure me. I will not be deceived.”

Compared to the Skeleton Principal, he was a very young being, but Ogonin also went through a lot of trouble before giving birth.

He didn’t fall for the Skeleton Headmaster’s fuss.

“It’s really good.”

“is it. Good luck… I thought I should write a letter to His Majesty the Emperor.”

It’s like a bug-like filthy bastard who only knows how to tell…

Han pretended not to hear.

“ruler. Then, let’s continue the story we talked about last time.”

For wizards, time is gold.

Ogonin immediately started teaching.

“Do you remember the magic I talked about last time?”


Starting with <Ogonin’s Emotion Recognition>, <Ogonin’s Rising Anxiety>, <Ogonin’s Rising Fear>, and <Ogonin’s Rising Despair>, etc.

And even wide-area illusion fog magic like <Ogonin’s Night Dance>.

Whereas other fantasy magics mixed magical elements from other schools to lower the difficulty and increase versatility, Ogonin was a wizard who pursued pure illusion magic.

‘Of course, the difficulty is increasing.’

“Emotional awareness magic is fundamental and just the beginning. It is good to learn it as a habit and habit.”

According to Ogonin, excellent illusion wizards can easily recognize the color of their opponent’s soul without using emotion recognition magic.

To become that proficient, you have to keep casting, practicing, and gaining experience.

If you understand what the other person’s feelings are, the power of illusion magic will be amplified accordingly.

“ruler. Let’s practice.”


Hearing this, Lee Han stopped.

to whom?

“Who are you talking to?”

“ah. Right. Well…”

Ogonin also hesitated.

It’s Ogonin’s horse tower. There were a lot of practice opponents, but right now, in the principal’s solitary room, where else can he practice?

do it to me


“What did you say?”

tell me to do it


Ogonin was speechless.

Unlike other magic, in the mind-based illusion magic, the opponent was very important.

Which one’s emotions are easier to read, an archmage or a child?

As a first-time illusion wizard, of course, you have to improve your skills against the latter…?

“It now…”

“All right.”

Lee Han swung his wand without thinking.

“Remember, emotions!”

The spell was cast along with the spell. Ogonin asked from the side.

“How is it?”

“The principal seems to be feeling uncomfortable right now.”


Ogonin was so startled that he dropped his wand.

The fact that a newly-learned illusion wizard succeeded in emotion recognition magic against the Skeleton Principal…

…it meant a genius like never before in the history of magic.

‘A genius who will succeed in the enemy of fantasy magic…!’

Ogonin. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but the magic has failed. It’s just that this guy is quick-witted.

Principal Skeleton noticed what Ogonin was thinking and scoffed.

If magic isn’t a child’s toy, how can it be learned so easily?

“…was that so?”

“ah. sorry. When magic succeeds, it seems to feel a little different.”

Ian apologized.

I just said it because it seemed that the headmaster of the skeleton was feeling dirty, but again, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with magic.

“No. It’s basically a difficult magic. Even more so if the opponent is an archmage.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Read loudly and quickly. Right now, I’m deliberately loosening my defenses.

As much as the skeleton principal is an educatorI didn’t make any unreasonable compulsion.

I’m not telling you to read it after putting on various protective magic.

…Of course, considering the magic defense that it has on its own, it was already hard enough.

“Remember, emotions. Remember, emotions. Come on, emotions!”

After walking several times according to the instructions, Lee Han could see what kind of magic this was.

Color began to be applied over the skull principal, which was originally in the form of a white skull head.

The color of the emotions that the soul had now was clear.

‘A faint red and gray.’

It was clear to anyone who looked at him that he was not feeling very well.

Lee Han continued to cast spells in order to better read his emotions.

Principal Skeleton asked with a yawn.

Still, if you’re the only one, you’ll be able to see a little bit of emotion, right? Haven’t you come out yet?

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Ogonin said absurdly.

You’ve just started, and your opponent is an Archmage.

To be honest, there was a high possibility that I wouldn’t be able to read it even in a few years.

If I did it in moderation, but the skeleton principal got bored and left, I was trying to find the right person using that as an excuse…

I’m just saying this guy can do it.

“Anyway, that’s absurd.”

“It’s still a long way off.”

“Look. Students say this too. How difficult it is to see even the slightest bit of color in the souls of others…”

“…uh. for a moment. Can I see the color?”

Ian paused.

Principal Skeleton, who was yawning, looked at Lee Han with a ‘what is this child’ gaze.

If you look at the color, you have succeeded. Then, on what forehead did you want the words ‘What emotions do I have’ to appear?

“I thought the color should come out darker and easier to understand.”

By nature, great wizards are good at regulating their emotions. Just because it came out faint doesn’t mean it’s wrong. That’s good enough.

“thank you.”

Ogo-Nin, who had been listening to the warm-hearted conversation between the teacher and the disciple, lost his eyes and blinked his eyes.

What conversation am I listening to now?

“No… no… no… no??”

But why?

“Unless you’re kidding me right now… this is… uh…”

Didn’t I say I’ll learn well?

Principal Skull had clearly said to Ogonin, ‘I thought I would learn well with Wodanaj.’

Of course, Ogonin never thought that when he heard that, as soon as the student learned the magic, he was capable of reading emotions against the Skeleton Principal.

that is…

Does it make sense?

He has so much magical power, he has great handling talent, and he’s quick to notice, so it must be said that he excelled at this kind of magic. Ogonin. Let go of some stereotypes.

“no. I was lucky.”

You stop shaking that disgusting humility.

“Really… amazing…”

As Ogonin kept muttering, the Skeleton Principal grumbled.

So, aren’t you surprised that you tried your illusion magic and failed?

“…let me continue…”

Ogonin said in a voice that still couldn’t hide his surprise.

Although he expected a genius to succeed in the legacy of classic fantasy magic…

Reality is always one step ahead of imagination.

It would be like this…!

* * * *

However, the next magic, <Ogonin’s Rising Anxiety>, did not succeed until the end.

Ogonin was convinced that it wasn’t because of Lee Han’s skill, but because of Principal Skeleton.

I’m betting on the Skeleton Principal, how could that ever be successful?

“It’s never that you’re not short.”

“no. IIt’s not enough.”

“No. Your opponent…”

“no. I…”

“Because it’s not!!”

oh But why temper?

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