“what!? How to golem?!”

“How the hell!”

In response to the golem summoning wizards’ reaction, the warlocks wondered what to say, but realized the situation belatedly.

It was obvious that he had misunderstood when he saw Einrogard’s Wordanaj student controlling the golem.

“ah. That’s not what we did…”

“quietly! Be quite. We can… we can guess.”


The warlocks were perplexed.

I tried to explain, but the summoning wizards refused because of their pride, and they started thinking among themselves.

“what? How do you survive such waste with a golem? The consumption of mana must be extreme?”

“Isn’t that the point of collecting and restoring the emitted magical power?”

“How effective is that! It would be difficult to recover even a tenth of it. Seol, did you develop a magic circle that we don’t know about?”

“Black magic… Is there such a thing in black magic? The rare attribute of negative magic…”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that! If there was such a thing, we would have known!”

“other ways? other ways??”

“Don’t look too directly. Isn’t it dirty! Take a peek.”

Summoning wizards gruntand whispered

He was glancing at the golem because of his pride, but he couldn’t figure it out.

It wasn’t that there was a new magic circle they didn’t know about, it didn’t use new materials, and it was just an ordinary golem…

How the hell do you roll it to keep your magic while repeating such detailed movements?

“Isn’t it just that you put a lot of magic into it?”

“…even if you don’t get an answer, do you want to make such a ridiculous joke?”

There are no magic stones, potions, and nothing around the golem, so such an ignorant method cannot be the answer.


“for a moment! Wait a minute.”

“No… just an explanation…”

“Wait a minute!! Wait a minute!! Uh huh!!”


The warlocks had a shaky expression on their faces.

Just looking at their faces, the guys I used to fight every time were acting like that, and there was no way I could feel good.

I was just trying to let you know…



“Black. big black.”

The summoning wizards continued to ponder.

Some summoning wizards were so disassembled that they even shed tears.

Being pushed by the warlocks as a golem is not enough, so I can’t even guess.

As the summoning wizards shivered with humiliation and looked at their defeat, the waiting warlocks suddenly felt their hearts beating.


“Actually, what happened…”

“Shh. Wait a minute.”

“what’s the matter?”

“Let’s not say it. They said they didn’t need an explanation.”


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Not knowing the warlocks were doing their evil tricks, the summoning wizards clenched their teeth.

“It’s not over yet… it’s not over yet. I don’t know how I did it, but I’ll definitely give you an answer before this festival is over. wait!”

The summoning wizards could not remain in their seats any longer, so they hurriedly turned around, enduring the humiliation.

The warlocks didn’t really have an answer, so they just laughed.

“…Khahaha! Ha ha ha ha ha!”


“…let’s see!!”

After the summoning mages returned, the warlocks looked at each other with excitement.

How many times has it been so cool!

“…there. Warlocks?”


When Lee Han, who had been watching what had just happened, called, the warlocks were just wondering.

* * * *

“Why aren’t the golems ready and doing that?”

“Well? Did something happen?”

The summoning wizards in other fields were puzzled by the atmosphere of the golem summoning wizards.

Among inanimate target summoning magic, the wizards who majored in golems had great voices and great pride.

Intuitively, it was natural as it was a powerful summoned beast, and the demand in the Empire was high.

But today, the atmosphere is as if I was in any portrait…?

“Are you okay? If you don’t prepare, we’ll do it first.”

“…do whatever you want…”


Everyone was taken aback when the guys who would normally have jumped around saying, ‘Where do you dare to covet someone else’s order!’ yielded to them with a pale complexion.

“Can I really do this first?”


“Are you really okay with the people who used to look down on ego items?”


“…no. Are these kids really okay?”

“I’m worried about this…”

At first, the summoning wizards who were about to pass by were also babbling.

The golem summoning wizards were getting seriously worried.

Even ordinary people who do not know magic were not easy to get out of when they fell into the swamp of depression, but wizards were especially dangerous.

than the general public who explodedBecause the exploded wizard was several times more dangerous.

If you ever have an accident…

“Hey. I know it’s blocked by the wall. But being so gloomy doesn’t change anything.”

“right. Come on. In this case, it’s better not to think about it and watch the magic of other wizards. Oh yeah. Einroguard students will show you summoning magic, so let’s see. The chance to see authentic magic among orthodox is rare. Those are Millai-sama’s disciples.”

“If I could summon a small one…”

“…can’t these bastards just throw them in the pit?”

“Shh. Be patient.”

The other summoning wizards grew up and comforted the golem summoning wizards with the friendship of the same summoning wizard.

In the end, the golem summoning wizards stood up pretending they didn’t win.

“Huh… how did you do that?”

“I don’t know what it is, but stop worrying! Let’s see the students magic.”

“Is it a paper bird?”

“At that age already?!”

“Hey, can’t you still summon a servant bird?”

“I, I don’t fit the aptitude…”

The summoning wizards sat in the audience chatting about this and that.

Among the summoning wizards who participated in today’s festival, there were quite a few people who knew how to use magic of a higher circle than the students of Einroguard.

However, there were very few wizards who came up with a solid foundation of summoning magic like the students of Einroguard.

Magic is a narrow and difficult road even for those with chosen talents.

There were not many wizards who could endure it while laying out other foundations, and there were not many environments where that was possible.

As such, to the wizards who participated in today’s festival, Einrogard’s first-year students never looked like subordinates.

It looked like a harbinger of a huge wave that started to come from the open sea in the distance, which was still small, but could easily cover up to about a small boat once it gained momentum.

“Start. The paper is new!”

“It is clean! Summon them all at once!”

Admiration and applause leaked from among the summoning wizards.

However, some summoning wizards just watched without changing their expressions.

These were the most talented wizards among those who participated in this festival.

As much as I knew the level of Einroguard, I didn’t admire it that much.

“Sisters, please…”

“Shh. I will listen, Master.”

The seniors watched it anxiously. Pretending not to be Professor Millais, he felt tense.

“Stop right there!”


The applause grew stronger as the flying paper birds stopped. But the seniors sighed a little.

Minor mistakes made by juniors were trampled on by the eyes.

“I should be able to stop immediately after hearing the order, but it’s a little late.”

“The action was not neat…”

“There was a waste of money when creating the magic circle. Because of the leakage of magic power, the movement is so shaky.”

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Not surprisingly, the skilled summoning wizards were still expressionless.

The next flying paper birds uttered their voices.

Applause and shouts erupted, but the expressionless expressions of some summoning wizards still remained unresolved.

“I should have made you sing! I’d rather have you sing…”

“You don’t succeed either, and do that to first-year students?”

“If it was successful, everyone got a standing ovation!”

“Let’s just go ahead and threaten to get up. You better go to the punishment room.”

While the seniors were talking, one of the first graders belatedly flew a paper bird. He was the last student to leave because it took the longest to prepare.

“…Uh, is he Wodanaj? I was with the warlocks earlier.”

“Black MagicWhy did you buy and stay together?”

“Well…? Does black magic help paper birds?”

The paper bird that Lee Han flew was ordinary.

Like other species of birds, it flew over the air and slowly swam through the air.

Many summoning wizards applauded, but were puzzled.

‘Is it just late?’

‘I should applaud you so you don’t feel embarrassed.’

Even the seniors did not notice immediately and were bewildered.

“Aren’t you late and not ready?”

“Is it because the warlocks caught it? These warlocks…!”

“no. He’s basically a black magician…”


One of the expressionless summoning wizards stood up and looked at Professor Millais.

Professor Millais nodded his head in a blunt gesture. He meant to allow what he was about to do.

Suddenly, a spirit hawk appeared from the air. The protruding spirit hawk flew fiercely and tried to tear the paper bird apart.

Lee Han endured the swear words and manipulated the bird.

‘Are you crazy?!’

Someone else is demonstrating right now, but the first time they attack a summoned beast.

If it had been Professor Bollardi, it would have been just rude to shout, ‘Strike the body’.

If it wasn’t just for the festival, the opposing wizard would have broken some of his bones.

Lee Han focused his teeth on the meanness of the opponent’s magician who attacked and aimed at situations with many eyes.

‘Avoid, dodge, dodge…!’


The paper bird showed absurd maneuvers to dodge the attack.

Once, twice, three times.


“I… that?!”

Then the summoning wizards that they did not recognize began to be surprised.

“what’s the matter? What’s going on?”

“Look at the movement! That move!”

The movement of the summoned paper bird recorded in the magic circle had no choice but to be limited.

Even if you dodge yourself, it is unreasonable to withstand the attacks of a wild and swift pet like a spirit hawk.

But now the paper bird was dodging with astonishing precision.

It was clear that the wizard was directly connecting and controlling the ritual.


‘…are you really crazy!?’

Lee Han was furious when an unknown wizard sprayed a fog that obscured his vision.

The paper birds don’t even have enough attacks, so they’re spraying fog so they can’t even control them properly.

Promising to see you after the punishment room or whatever, Lee Han focused on the longing.

If you can’t see through the eyes of a wizard, you only see through the eyes of a bird.

‘Hold on a bit… it’s done!’

Fortunately, the far-sighted magic worked. The paper bird once again dodged the elemental hawk’s attack.

Realizing that there was no need to check any further, the summoning wizard returned the spirit hawk to its original system.

And with his graceful gesture, he reached out his hand.

“Congratulations. Millie Mr. You have a great disciple.”

“I knew Einrogard’s students were outstanding, but I didn’t expect them to be this good.”

When all the summoning wizards who had been seated rose from their seats to congratulate them, a subtle joy lingered in Professor Millais’ eyes. Seeing the teacher’s reaction, the seniors also sighed in relief.

“There are still many shortcomings. That magic also just followed my magic. Soon you will have to create your own magic.”

“You don’t need to be too hasty. A young wizard with that level of skill will soon find his way.”

‘You’re our teacher, but aren’t there times when you’re really overzealous?’

‘That’s it.’

Even in the midst of this, the seniors frowned at the teacher who said that their pupils were not enough.

Even if you do, you do too much!


“Some wizard just cast the fog…”

“ah. This is the wizard who has amazed us.”

“I was impressed.”

minuteLee Han, who was about to vomit the oar, saw the atmosphere of Professor Millais and the surrounding wizards and quickly noticed the situation.

“…Thanks to your consideration and sprinkling, we were able to overcome the crisis.”

“what. I have never put ejaculation in my hands. ha ha ha!”

‘…don’t you think that junior just got angry? Was it your mood?’



I thought the commotion was over, but suddenly I heard a loud shout from behind.

The golem summoning wizards were looking at Lee Han with astonished eyes.

“Hey, you weren’t a warlock?!”

“Then how do you get a golem… no… the hell… a paper bird… uh… both…?!”

“Hey. You are now…”

The summoning wizards who were next to Professor Millai frowned.

It’s good to be confident, but what kind of rudeness is this in someone else’s territory?

“no! Please wait a moment! You said you controlled the golem! Golem! I saw it with my own two eyes!”

“You can even control golems! Really amazing control…”

The summoning wizards who did not know English frowned and thought that the golem summoning wizards were talking nonsense.

What did you say to a first-year student who was tired of manipulating a paper bird?

Lee Han, noticing the sign, whispered to Professor Millais.

“I think it would be better for the professor to moderately mediate.”

“That’s right. Lee Han student.”

Professor Millais put on his monocle and opened his mouth.

“Let’s show you how to control a golem.”


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