Before the student council president election (6)

Eagle Knight Cardek and Brown Bear Knight Nox.

Two long-time vassals of the Roth Taylor family, who turned out to be direct culprits in Ed Roth Taylor’s death.

The two were locked up in a confinement room in the Trix Hall. The allegations are almost certain, and as soon as the investigation at the academic level is completed, they must be transferred to the imperial family and paid for their crimes.


Kadek, with his arms tied behind his back, leaned against the wall of an old basement room and let out a light swear word.

He came to this far-off Aken Island with the pretext of helping Tanya’s work after obtaining a dagger with a dagger with a poison engraving that was extremely expensive with just one handle.

I could not have imagined that the murder plan that I had prepared so painstakingly would come out so absurdly. What was unavoidable was that Lucy’s force was not at a level that could be dealt with.

At first, Cardek did not understand Crepin’s intention to assassinate excommunicated Ed in this way.

Kadek and Knox were knights who looked after Ed, the heir to the family, until they acted as secretary to Crepin, who was in charge of imperial affairs. So, after becoming his successor, he knew well enough how badly Ed Roth Taylor had been.

Is it really that power corrupts people so easily?

Ed, who was intoxicated with the sweetness of the heir position, and wielded a rage, quickly revealed the bottom of it. Even the ever-benevolent Duke Crepin came to the conclusion that it would be good to send him to this land of learning for another time of education.

It’s been a little over a year since I had an accident in Sylvania and finally excommunicated… What’s the point in the order to kill the old heir who has left the family now?

Either way, the two knights just have to follow the instructions. Duke Crepin has always been a wise and wise man.


On the other side of the wall, Knox, a knight leaning against the wall, bound like Cardek, spoke to him.

“I think… Duke Crepin was right…”

The brown bear knight Kadek lay down on his side and spoke as if lamenting about his reliable size.

Kadek quietly closed his eyes for a moment at Knox’s words, then nodded.

Cardek and Knox are the owners of skills that will never go away. In fact, in terms of simple force, there was no need for both of them to fight at the same time when facing Ed.

Ed Roth Taylor had no talent in swordsmanship or magic, so it was decided that the basic specifications alone would be enough to overwhelm him.

Nevertheless, both of them rushed at the same time to make sure the plan was certain, but neither did anything.

Cardek was able to kill Ed Roth Taylor because he gave his chest so he could pierce the dagger.

Kadek’s hand still remembered the moment he drove the dagger into Ed’s chest. The sensation of the dagger piercing through the flesh was not very pleasant.

“I haven’t been able to complete my abilities yet, but if I had that level of improvisation and mastery in combat… I would have been a great threat to the Roth Taylor family if I was really alive.”

I wasn’t sure that Edgar was going to show any hostility to the Roth Taylors or plot anything like that, but I’m pretty sure it would have caused a lot of trouble if left alone.

I’m not sure how he knew Ed’s situation here on Arken Island in that distant kingdom, but Crepin’s judgment was right in the end.

In addition, it seems that not only the ability part but also human relationships, that is, even human networks, have been established to some extent.

The 3rd year senior Yenica Palerover, who was prepared to burn out all of the spirit’s sensitivity, and summoned the highest-ranking spirits,

Seeing Lucy Meryl, who was angry at Ed’s death, ran to the Ophelis Hall in a month or so and started a riot… Cardek and Knox realized how heavy their presence was in the person they killed.

If I left it alone, I think that it might have become a big stumbling block for the family by forming a truly independent force.

“It seems that there were quite a few areas of combat that were not yet completed in terms of ability… If that part was supplemented, maybe we would…”

“…if I could come and talk about it now, it would be of no use. What we need to worry about now… is that we have to report all these things to the Lord somehow.”

Sylvania’s failed swordsman, Act 4 mid-boss Kadek and Knox are loyal.

He did not open his mouth to the pressure of the academic side, who was constantly urging and threatening to reveal the whole story.

The two were completely silent despite the threat that they could be sentenced to death if they passed on to the imperial family, so it was frustrating because there was no progress in the investigation even at the academic level.

“Miss Tanya…”

However, if there’s one thing that bothers them, it’s Tanya Roth-Taylor, who overturned all these charges.

Originally, I was going to finish all my plans without anyone getting caught, and then take care of Tanya, finish her work, lighten her load, and then leave Sylvania.

When things got twisted up like this, I felt sorry for Tanya who was covered in sparks.

But there is no way for the two of them to apologize, and there is no way for them to atone. They are just locked in a corner of the room with their limbs tied and waiting for the time of condemnation.

There was no way to report the situation to Crepin or to atone for Tanya, so it was a complicated situation.

– Percussion.

That was the time. There was the sound of the lock of the room being opened.

I wondered if it was already time to bring the meal and looked towards the door. However, the person who entered the room is not a guard.

“Come on, you…”

young man. The man in a crude leather tunic and a thin jacket… was the first person he had ever seen.

The money bag that was worn around his waist looked so heavy that it fluttered every time he walked.

Carrying that much cash one by one seems suspicious again.

Just as I was about to ask who the hell you are, the man raised his index finger and made a hissing sound, quieting the two of them.

Then he took out the dagger and loosened the bindings on the arms and legs of the two men, and carefully lowered his voice and spoke.

“I call it Dune. He is a windbreaker for the Elte Company.”

Elte Company. As soon as they heard the name, Kadek and Knox looked puzzled.

“I understand that you make that face. Things don’t make sense. How did the minions of the Elte Company appear in such a place, well… does it matter? We are a corporation that always appears like a ghost in places that smell of money.”

There is someone behind it. It is an invisible black film.

It was felt, but Kadek and Knox didn’t say anything for once.

“Anyway, the way out to the south of the Onyx by tomorrow morning will be loosely guarded. If you go down to the south shore and run along the shoreline, you will find an old ferry.”

“…you mean to believe that?”

“Are there any other options?”

Kadek and Knox did not answer.

“Do not worry. Some people benefit from the chaos only when the two of them escape. Just that.”

Knox lifted his head and looked out the door that was gently opened. Obviously, the security guard is sitting in the hallway, but he is just staring out the window with his head tilted while holding the javelin in his arms.

He looks like a security guard who has worked for a long time, but he had no idea how much he had to give to buy it.

Of course, Cardek and Knox didn’t care.


Living in a cave in a cliff area was a period of intensive training.

Days at the camp where both wild life and academic life were maintained at the same time had to be spent most of the day maintaining food, clothing and shelter.

It was because I had to save money as much as possible, I wanted to pass all the academic calendars with excellence, and I did not want to give up my living environment.

However, this brief period of living in such a special seclusion required less time and effort to maintain such a basic life.

Yenika took care of the food, clothing and shelter, and she is not able to participate in the academic schedule for the time being anyway, and the camp is neglected.

However, since he can’t play at all, he decided to think of it as a precious time when he couldn’t fully devote his time to training.

It’s not in my temper to waste anything. This is especially true if it is a valuable commodity called time.

You have to take advantage of this time to make a really meaningful spec-up. With that determination, he really trained his body all day long, played mock battles with the spirits, and devoured the magic book.

When the efforts that were divided into academic life, survival life, and scenario check were completely focused on one area, my training, the results began to be more evident than I expected.

The sun rises and sets, the moon rises and sets.

Cumulus clouds adorn the pure blue sky, while filling the dazzling starry sky.

In the meantime, my routine hasn’t changed at all.

After waking up in the morning and repeating basic strength training, after Yenika came and ate together, she read the spell book all day long, and in the late afternoon, she repeated fighting with the spirits summoned by Yenika.

In the meantime, he constantly repeated the disassembly and reassembly of magic equipment, putting the basic design back in his head, and he continued to raise his bow proficiency.

The routine of training that he has repeatedly repeated honestly seems to have weak results on that day. In the beginning, it is difficult to confirm the change that results from constant effort.

The key is to change little by little, but steadily. Progress is usually done that way.

Even as time passes, the daily routine does not change.

If you spend time doing physical fitness training, mock battles, magic training, and magic engineering training with a bucket of water on your shoulder… The daily routine is always the same, but only the news that Yenica asks has changed. .

“I heard that Tanya appeared directly at the bachelor. He heard that he was hiding in the dormitory of the royal family, but he seems to have decided to actively cooperate with the investigation in order to prove his innocence. Still… the public opinion of the academics wasn’t very good. Everyone seems to think Tanya killed Ed. It’s worth it… but it’s such a shame… I want to get things done quickly and defend Tanya… Oh, right… I’m going to have a vegetable salad today, Ed, do you have any vegetables you don’t eat?”

The day I was walking on a cliff rock with a bucket of water in both hands.

“Princess Fenia has officially declared her support for Tanya. Although the election period has not yet entered, Princess Fenia seems to be completely on Tanya’s side when it is certain that she will run for the election. But… Then, does Princess Penia not run for election? Oh right. I got the detergent from the Ophelis Hall, but there are some that remove stains very well, right? Look, the shirt is very clean~.”

Lieutenant The day I read the magic book dealing with the theory and practical application of magic 3 times all day.

“Students who support Lortel on the academic side are gathering. It seems that Lortel was thinking that he would better represent student rights and interests when he became the student council president. Seriously… Lortel has a very meticulous impression… The nominations haven’t been finalized yet, but there’s already an atmosphere of conflict… But Ed, the last time Lortel came to the cave… What did you do? …?”


“Ah, no… it’s not my thing to meddle with…!!”

The day I spent all day drawing blueprints to extract the most useful materials from the broken Del Heim Hourglass and craft the other legendary tech equipment ‘Glockt’s Eye’.

“Ed! Look at this! Voila~. I got a lot of leftovers from the Dex dormitory canteen.”

The day I set up a target and was practicing my bow.

Suddenly, looking back at Yenica that day… something felt strange.

A blouse full of vitality and a royal blue skirt. Arms are rolled up proudly… From now on, whether to cook or not, a triangle gun is tightly wrapped around his head.

It’s hard to tell if this is the best spirit samurai in the bachelor’s office now or if it’s a housekeeper.

The person who helped me the most during this retreat and intensive training was, no matter what, Yenika. That fact suddenly touched my heart.

Looking at Yenika like this, it almost feels like she has wings on her back.

While I wipe my face and capture the strange feeling, Yenica smiles and waits for me to say something.

No matter how much… If I wipe my mouth after getting so much help… it seems like I’ve drank too much of my conscience…!

“Jenica. What would you like to have?”


“I wanted to give you something. When I suddenly see you… I just… I think of that.”

Yenika tilts her head, then quickly turns and blushes.

“Ah, no… a gift… that’s…”

“…not. I’ll figure it out.”

“Uh, what?”

Yenika suddenly shrugged her shoulders and trembled, then began to peck my lips.

In the first place, Yenika is the type of person who is not good at asking others to do this or that.

At the same time, there was an object that I had in mind that there might be some results from my magic engineering training. It’s very difficult to get the ingredients, but it’s summer soon, so you’ll probably be able to finish it easily.

“Gee, wouldn’t it be too much of a burden if you look forward to it? Ha, I’m not expecting anything! I can’t really expect anything…! I’m really not looking forward to it… I must have forgotten about it!”


“…I see, this is a bit rude… I’m sorry, Ed…”

The way I was playing drums and jogging by myself was quite Yenika-like, so I didn’t say anything about it.

“Uh, anyway, are you going to practice bow today? It doesn’t look like they’re going to do a simulated battle for spirits, so I’ll just read a book by the bonfire…! Just trim some ingredients..!”

“No, I’m going to do some mock battle practice today… I don’t really need to summon a spirit. There was a person who just came to say hello, and he asked me to help with my training.”

“yes? Ed is officially dead now. Did you come to say hi…?”

At that time, there was a man who came out from inside the cave, wiping his clothes.

A boy in a neat school uniform with long hair hanging down the back of his neck.

“It’s been a while, Jenika-senpai. You seem to come to this cave often.”

It was Ziggs Eiffelstein, the second-year junior in the Ministry of Magic.

The timing was right.

Now that this has come to pass, I wanted to check the results of my training.


“Originally, I came here to talk about the student council president election, but there is also news about Miss Tanya and Princess Fenia.”

A cliff where the waves bend. This rocky terrain, which had to be stretched down for a long time, was relatively flat, but not very wide.

It’s not a good place to fight, but the battlefield isn’t always clean and spacious.

After all, there is no such thing as unfair, since each of them has to fight in unfavorable conditions.

“Before that, a light match would be fine. I haven’t done much fighting lately, so it was time to warm up.”

Jigs drew his sword as he stood facing each other. He threw the scabbard aside and lightly shook the tip of the sword a few times.

“okay. That’s a good thing.”

With my words thrown out like that, we started to distance ourselves from each other.

Ziggs held the sword in both hands and took a deep breath.

“Then let’s go.”

Then he lifted the sword straight up and swung it vertically down once. A clean slash comes crashing down like a storm.

work (一刀). Although it was the most basic of the combat skills, it was an honest technique whose power followed the caster’s capabilities.

– Kaang!

There was a way to avoid it, but I dared to use basic defense magic to block it. This is because I wanted to test the faster mana sensitivity. Ziggs’s blow was neatly blocked and disappeared.

However, the first job is nothing more than to create gaps in the opponent.

Ziggs, who lowered his posture as it was, and digged into my blind spot with his sword pulled back, threw out his sword. I quickly broke my upper body to avoid the sword attack, and at the same time pulled out the dagger from the thigh dance and held it in reverse.

Ziggs straightened his stance to block the next dagger attack, but my dagger hit the floor.

– Get it!

From the dagger embedded in the floor, ‘explosion’ is expressed.

– Kwaang!

Nine out of ten are spirit-type surprise attacks. However, the moment Ziggs, who had reached the peak of his sense of action, realized that the number of targets he was aiming for was low, he had already leapt backwards and widened the distance.

– Whoa, whoa!

The smoke that had risen was swept away with just one sword strike, and Ziggs narrowed the distance again.

No, I was pretending to narrow it down.

When I quickly pulled out my sword and tried to counterattack, Ziggs stopped his leaping body.

A movement that seems to violate the laws of physics. As if it were completely against the law of inertia, the direction of progress and the direction of change are opposites.

That mysterious movement… The key principle is to forcibly break the direction of movement of the body using telekinetic magic.

It’s not easy to use your magic while controlling the direction of movement in such an urgent battle situation. It is a movement that can be learned only with dozens of practical experiences that go beyond simple theory or competency level.

Lieutenant’s Magic ‘Ice Spear’. Not one, but three.

Whether he thinks he can get this much, Ziggs fires an ice spear without mercy, and at the same time, he can create a flow of magic for other magic at the same time.

– Kaang! Kaang! Kaang!

After barely evading the ice spear, I checked the magical power surrounding Ziggs’ body. Seeing that Ziggs, who is quite good at responding to magic, even chants like that, it’s definitely not the kind of magic that can be easily dealt with.

Whatever magic it is, it is meaningless if the manifestation itself is blocked.

I quickly picked up my recurve bow and fired three magic arrows.


Ziggs dispersed all the magical power he was expressing, and quickly lowered his posture to avoid it.

And from the bottom where the arrow is stuck, the spirit-type ‘Suwon Appearance’ is activated. Little by little, water begins to flow out on the bare floor.


Normal people don’t care about missed arrows. However, Ziggs Eiffelstein does not miss even the slightest magical movement.

Eventually, he realizes that even the missed arrow is a target, and uses the lower fire magic ‘Ignition’ to burn all the arrows stuck on the floor.

“I can’t be vigilant.”

As it is, Ziggs releases the magical energy accumulated in his body, manifesting high-ranking magic that is his trademark.

It’s now a sophomore year, and dealing with high-ranking magic already is an absurd achievement.

However, as if it were natural, Ziggs radiated bluish magic from her body… and created a huge magic ball.

The high-level magic ‘Advanced Mana Armament’ that Ziggs has manifested.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa!

In an instant, the round magic power dispersed… and it became a bow and was grabbed by Ziggs.

As I pulled the string and fired it, a powerful magic arrow flew at my body. As soon as I rolled over to avoid it, the magic arrows embedded in my place exploded.

Spending time rolling around and dodging is like giving your opponent room for additional action.

In the hands of Ziggs, who took a big leap at some point and reached me, the magical sphere that must have been in the shape of a bow was changed to a large rapier.

Bullet-speed stabbing. this can only be allowed

– Whoa!


However, the wind engulfing my body deflected Ziggs’ body. Jiggs, who was once more perched on a rock in the distance, shook his head, stood up, and straightened his posture.

A high-ranking wind spirit’s always activated skill, ‘Windstorm’s Protection’.

Once activated, there is a considerable time difference between activations until the next activation, so it is safe to say that there are no coins left now.

However, the gap created by the protection of the storm created a time gap for me to gather magical energy for the next magic.

I didn’t miss the gap, I fired my magic power, and the mug was blown away.

– Whoa, whoa!

As the flames rising from Mug’s body obscured his vision, Ziggs kicked his tongue and took a defensive stance.

I took advantage of the gap to shoot arrows, but Ziggs reads only the flow of magic power, deflecting all the arrows even when the field of vision is almost invisible. It is a sense that can be said to have transcended the limits of human beings.

Ziggs took a big leap and narrowed the distance again, but this time, two daggers were held in reverse.

For Ziggs, who can handle almost any kind of weapon without restrictions, ‘mana armament’ gives him the ability to respond to literally any battle pattern. It’s rare for a normal wizard to use such a variety of weapons, so it’s almost impossible to say that it’s Ziggs’ unique magic.

– Kaang! Kaang!

– Kaga Gaga!

The basic defense magic, which was embodied in a cowardly manner, was shattered in just two sword strikes. As it was, Ziggs dug into the gap and listened, but I realized a ‘wind blade’ in that brief gap and slammed it into Ziggs’ face.

Of course, Ziggs neatly blocked it.

– Kaang!

However, that brief break was enough. Unfortunately, the surrounding area is already a sea of water.

Five or six magic arrows were just blown away. This time, the timing to counterattack was so tight that he probably didn’t even notice.

Laysia, the lion lioness, who was running from behind Ziggs, opened her mouth to bite off the shoulder. However, it wasn’t the shoulder that was bitten in Laysia’s mouth, it was Ziggs’ dagger that quickly turned around and took a defensive stance.

– Kaga Gaga

Ziggs had already intuited the moment he received the attack. This lioness Laysia’s attack is also just a fake to create a gap.

The moment she quickly kicked Laysia’s abdomen and pushed her away, and quickly turned towards me… My magic manifestation was already over.

– Kwaa

Lieutenant fire magic, ‘one point explosion’.

As for the casting speed, it is a quick-attack magic that cannot be rubbed against any other lieutenant magic.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa!

As it was, Ziggs went out and fell to the rock.

– poop

Dust rose, and the occasional choking and coughing sound could be heard.

“Really… that’s great. You can’t be vigilant too, Ed-senpai.”

Ziggs coughed like that a few times, then barely managed to get up and stand up.

“Then… I’ll take it a little more seriously.”

– Get it!

The energy of magical power that has been expressed again surrounds Ziggs’ body.

The second high-level magic, ‘Mana Arming – Convergence’ is overlaid on the magic ball.

The magical flow splits into several branches, then comes together again… and soon it becomes a huge spear with a crackling sound and is held in Ziggs’ hands.

Ziggs can handle all kinds of weapons, but the thing he is most confident about is his spear. That huge weapon made up of magical energy that grips the whole area. As it is said, ‘the window of vegetation’.

With one swipe, a storm swept around it. The bluish magical energy soon turned green, and little by little began to wrap around Ziggs’ body.

The body was floating in the air. The entangled magic resists even the gravity that binds the body.

Sylvania’s Failed Swordsman Act 4, Chapter 7. The invasion of Gregory Cathedral.

There, you can fight as a mid-boss… The state of Ziggs’ last battle pattern.

It was ‘The Spear of Plants Jigs’.


I took a deep breath and cleared my body.

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