Golden Reverb (1)

“It’s the Roth Taylor mansion… It’s been 5 years since then, Abama.”

The dispute over the succession of the emperor, which burned like a flame, seemed to take shape to some extent as the years went on.

One day, Prince Lindon suddenly gave up his right to the throne, and it was a war of nerves that has been going on for a long time.

Among the three princesses under Emperor Chloel, there was some kind of quarrel and a power struggle, but… Now that too was becoming a thing of the past.

The 3rd Princess Fenia, who received the most support, was buried in Aken Island in the southernmost corner of the continent, and after that, the 2nd Princess Persica was also buried in the Imperial Library.

Did he feel disillusioned with the various subordinates who approached with only the lust for power? Or is it just holding your breath in front of a full-fledged battle?

The reason is unknown, but it was good news for at least the 1st Princess Selah.

“If you order it, you should go. As the Roth Taylor family is a prestigious family that contributes a lot to the imperial family, it is necessary to build face in the imperial family as well.”

Like the calm winter air, she is a girl who feels an unknown chill.

There is no arrogance or arrogance. Only delicate elegance like a piece of ice crafted around her body.

Even her hair had a bluish glow, like a snowflake covered with thin ice.

In the center of the audience room, which was huge enough to be compared to the size of a girl, the ruler of the Chloel Empire and the rare Holy Army Emperor Chloel was seated.

An old-fashioned silk carpet stretched out from the emperor’s throne and continued all the way to Selaha’s feet.

The imperial guards standing solemnly with their spears erected are not even moving. Numerous aides who had gathered to give advice to the emperor were also bowing their heads in one side of the audience.

“I will prepare well and leave on time. but… .”

Emperor Chloël ordered 1st Princess Sellaha to visit the Roth Taylor mansion.

It seemed that he had already talked with Crepin Rothtailer, his closest confidant.

“It’s a pity that I can’t meet Fenia because the timing doesn’t match.”

Selah, Princess of Frost, said so and bowed her head.

There was a strange silence among the closest aides sitting on either side of Emperor Chloel. Because that word had many meanings.

It has been well over a year since the Princess of Love, Fenia Elias Chloel, left the Imperial Family to study.

No matter how strong the support for the Princess Fenia was, when her body moved away, even her power was weak.

At this time when the Princess Fenia returns from her long vacation, if the forces supporting Fenia take this opportunity to mobilize again and nurture their loyalty, it is not very good for Selaha.

Selahha wanted to stay at the Imperial Palace and see the situation, but it is not very pleasant to see that she and Princess Fenia have to leave the distant Duchy of Los Taylor at a time like this.

Fenia herself said that she had no desire for power, but Selah did not believe it.

Therefore, Emperor Chloel’s instructions to leave Fenia during this important time of her return to the imperial court were not very pleasing. Of course, Selaha has no right to deny it.

“I understand the desire to meet with Fenia after a long time to resolve the grievances, but from your point of view, the Duchy of Roth Taylor is a much bigger opportunity.”

Is it possible that you are forcing yourself to separate from Princess Penia? At Selaha’s words with such a question, Emperor Chloel did not dare to speak back.

“Selaha, you know what the social church in Roth Taylor’s manor is.”

Selah nodded her head.

The head of the Roth Taylor family, Crepin Roth Taylor, does not enjoy opening such a social church.

However, he has the name of the most powerful man on the continent. That is why it is necessary to get along with many nobles.

That’s why social events like this are held lavishly once they are held.

It was a golden opportunity for the little aristocrats on the outskirts. It is very rare for people of all kinds of powerful and noble families to gather in one place like that.

Originally, the imperial family had the custom of sending the closest aides to the place, but this year, the dispatcher was upgraded to one level, and the first princess went out directly.

For a long time, there was a deep exchange between the Chloël family and the Roth Taylor family, so it was to show off their solidarity.

I don’t really feel bad about being used as a symbol. In any case, the position of a princess is more symbolic than real power. Selah is well aware of that fact.

Rather, this Roth Taylor Social Church is an opportunity.

In order to become emperor, the Roth Taylor family is a tool that must be thoroughly learned to handle. It is necessary to have a deeper understanding of the Roth Taylor family and to interact with its members.

It doesn’t end there.

This gigantic social church is held over five days in order to easily fit the busy schedules of participants.

Just looking at the faces of the people who were going to be invited, there were plenty of big figures who move the empire. Anyone that comes to mind right now is a giant.


Maroon Zahul, who alone manages the largest granary in the southernmost part of the empire.

Investor Roland is responsible for all the practical money flows of Elte Trading Company.

Evian Nortondale, head of the Nortondale family, one of the most prestigious samurai.

Valvern, a rare innovator known as the ‘father’ to the alchemists in the alchemy city of Crete.

At the top of the Telos Church, Saint Clarisse is praised as the noblest messenger of the gods.

Sinir Bloomriver, the head of the Bloom River family, known as a magician and ‘The Witch’s House’.

Commander Magnus Callamore, famous for commanding the northern steppes and killing the most Ain people.

Even Princess Selaha of Surrey, who is the first princess of the Chloël imperial family, and has emerged as a fairly powerful next imperial runner-up.

Of course, as it is the Roth Taylor mansion, all the people from the Roth Taylor family will be present.

The noblest, California Crepin Rothtailer. And his successor, Tanya Rothtailer.

In addition, Crepin himself said that he is planning to reinstate his precious son, Ed Rothtailer, this time.

Wasn’t he the son that he himself expelled for slandering the noble and noble Princess Phenia? They say that they will now accept him as a member of the family again, but their intentions are unknown.

‘What… The current real successor is his younger brother, Tanya Roth Taylor. .’

Selah came out of the audience room and was escorted by the knights from the central palace of the imperial family.

As I traversed the imperial gardens beautifully manicured on a grand scale, I fell into deep thought.

As many people attend, it is not possible to include everyone.

I’ll try to get to know each other as much as possible, but… You need to set priorities.

Force, financial power, and even religious support.

It is narrowed down to Magnus Callamore, the Northern Corps commander, Roland, an investor with connections with Elte Company, and Saint Clarisse of the Order.

In addition, it is necessary to get to know the people of the Roth Taylor family one more time. I don’t have any acquaintance with Tanya Roth Taylor, who is currently in the position of successor, so I plan to open it up this time.

“Hmm… .”

At this point, what comes to mind is Ed Roth Taylor, who will win the lottery this time.

I don’t know what Crepin Rothtailer is thinking right now. Selahha heard long ago that he was a rogue among idiots from which there was no way out.

Anyway, he was a man who lived on the ground as a fallen nobleman for nearly two years.

He must have lost all his dignity and authority, and most of all, he must have fully experienced how hellish it is to live without the glory of a family.

Rather than governing the family, such people tend to focus on just clinging to the family.

Since he had been on the floor for several years, his position within the family would be ambiguous, and he would not have had a chance to interact with many influential figures, so it was obvious that he would turn around in the social church.

Still, if I see a possibility, I would like to open up with the idea of investing in advance, but… Given the time given, I don’t know if I’ll have time to invest in him. To put it bluntly, he is a person of less spiritual importance.

“Princess Selah. I will tell you to prepare for your trip to the Duchy of Roth Taylor.”


After giving this to the guards, Selahha entered the palace gates.

Anyway, the person Selaha cares about the most right now is Princess Penia, no matter what anyone says.

It is unknown what she will do after returning to the Imperial Palace during vacation. Isn’t it even a situation where Selah had to vacate her seat?

Feeling a bit uneasy, Sellaha decided to instruct her entourage to keep their minds up.

* * *

“I was waiting. Come in.”

The captain of the escort of Princess Fenia, Claire, bowed her head.

I thanked him and entered across the front door of the imperial quarters. Tanya, who followed me, crawled and looked around.

“It seems like a different world just here, brother.”

Tanya, who first entered the royal residence, looked around, then quickly cleared her throat for fear that she might have looked dignified.

The most luxurious and expensive facility on Aken Island is the Ophelis Hall. If you simply consider the cost of expenses, the imperial family’s lodging is next.

However, there is a difference in size.

The Ophelis Hall is a magnificent dormitory made for all the students of aristocratic families.

It is less than half the size of the Ophelis Hall, but considering that it was built for just one person, it is an unbelievable luxury.

It took me a while to get through the main gate guarded by the guards, across the garden, and into the mansion-like quarters.

And after going through the neat and luxurious hallway for a while, I saw Princess Penia’s reception room.

“Come on, wait a minute… .”

Before Tanya entered the reception room, she quickly straightened her hair and rearranged her outfit.

Tanya, who has already met Princess Fenia many times. However, this is the first time he has officially visited since becoming the student council president.

It was yesterday morning that Tanya wrote a letter to the royal residence.

Summer vacation is coming, and the Roth Taylor brothers and sisters go back to their hometown. However, before that, there is something I would like to ask of Princess Penia. That was the gist of the story.

Princess Fenia is not an easy person to meet. However, whether it was because of the position of the student council president, or whether they just met us after seeing our names, we surprisingly readily accepted.

As a result, our Roth Taylor brothers and sisters have been coming to the royal residence since early morning.

When the door of the reception room opened, I saw the figure of Princess Penia sitting alone on a sofa that looked expensive at first glance.

A lace dress that exudes a subtle atmosphere. Her platinum blonde hair stretched down along the line of her clothes.

The size of the sofa is too grandiose to fit the girl’s body.

It looks noble, but at the same time looks lonely.

“Hello, Princess Penia. Thank you for allowing me to be here.”

When I said hello first, Tanya quickly followed suit and bowed her head.

Princess Penia lowered her gaze and nodded, then turned her gaze to the sofa across from her. Tanya and I went without saying a word and sat face to face.

“You look healthy, Ed Rothtailer. And Miss Tanya.”

“yes. Has the princess been at peace so far?”

“… … .”

Princess Fenia did not answer for a moment and lowered her gaze again.

“It’s the same as always.”

The butler of the dormitory came to me politely and put down the car. Tanya quickly took a sip.

“Princess Penny. The reason we came here today is… .”

“You must be in need of my authority.”

Penia penetrated the main point without hesitation.

The way Tanya and I are reflected in her eyes, and how they see us.

I don’t know anything about that, but at least it doesn’t look hostile.

Rather, Princess Fenia’s tone was even more relaxed.

“Ed Roth-Taylor I am the one who excommunicated you, so with my approval, it will be easier for you to win the lottery.”

I have a feeling I’m talking a bit bluntly.

Anyway, I have to win the lottery, so it has become like a story asking for a push.

As I said, going back to the Roth Taylor mansion is a big gamble for me. It is something that requires a lot of preparation.

It’s brute force We decided to go with Lucy, so even if there is no big problem, force alone does not solve everything.

In the culture among the nobility, in the end, most problems are resolved with ‘authority’.

Recognition of a high and noble person makes it difficult to touch that person easily.

“Come to think of it, it has been a long time since I sent my regards to the Roth Taylors. Ed Roth-Taylor, could you deliver my handwritten letter to Sir Crepin on my behalf?”

Penia didn’t say much. The letter was prepared in advance.

In the personal letter of Princess Penia, which the servant slowly approached and handed out… It was surrounded by luxurious gold frames, and the seal of the Chloel imperial family was also attached.

A letter from the imperial family cannot be delivered by anyone entrusted with that right. The meaning of this one-page letter is heavier than I thought.

The important point is that it is not sealed with wax.

The fact that the letter is not sealed implies that the sender fully trusts the sender. In the middle of the letter, he indirectly expressed his belief that he would not play any jokes.

Historically, this is a classic way to introduce someone you trust to. It’s a needlessly complicated etiquette, but it’s always been like that of the royal family.

In fact, she was recognized by Princess Fenia, and it was as if she had been entrusted with her authority. This letter, by its very existence, grants special authority so that the messenger cannot be tampered with.

“I didn’t have to write a power of attorney. Even if you carry that much, it will be a return of gold.”

“I didn’t know you could help me so easily. more… I was ready to negotiate.”

“… … .”

To that, Princess Penia did not have to answer.

Princess Fenia is a person who has a skeptical view on the Roth Taylor family, and by digging into that point, she intends to reveal the intention of digging into the Ros Taylor family’s internal affairs.

However, Princess Fenia was able to cooperate with her before she did such a troublesome job.

But he didn’t say anything more. After I spoke, there was only silence for a while, so much that I became red.

Princess Penia was just staring at me for such a long time.

His gaze, which seemed strangely vague, was heavy, so I tried to find a topic to talk about otherwise… it wasn’t worth it

* * *

― ‘The wagon sent from the Roth Taylor mansion will arrive in about two days.’

After saying that, Tanya went back to the Ophelis Hall. Now is the time to really go home.

You cannot manage the camp while you are back in the mansion. Therefore, it was necessary to take several measures to ensure that long-term absences were ok.

I made a lock on the door of the hut and hung it closed, and I also organized all the tools scattered outside.

All the traps set up in the forest had to be recovered, greased and put in a storage box, and all ingredients except those that could be stored for a long time were to be disposed of.

It was around the time I returned to camp after thinking of finishing it all during today.

“Eh, Ed. I’m here-!”

Yenika, who was sitting by the fire, faced her with a strangely fussy tone.

The fact that he was making a fuss skillfully and raising the tone of his voice and then chirping, even if he pretended to be nervous, he was nervous.

“Look at this, Bell gave out precious herbs and put them in the curry—! I ate it while watching it before… The scent is really amazing-!”

“… … .”

As the half-moon eyes were staring at Yenika’s face, Yenika rolled her feet and sweated profusely.

“you… Why are you looking at me like that… .”

The appearance of hiccups and hiccups is Yenica Palerover itself.

As if I had stabbed him in the face, Yenika glanced away for a moment.

“… … .”

“Are you thinking about something useless again? ?”

“No, it is… .”

After the end of the semester exams were over, Yenika had been like this all the time.

Yenika put her chin on her lap and rested her chin on it. Anyway, it’s always the same when you’re dazed.

“I mean… . I thought I knew Ed well, but sometimes I don’t seem to know at all… .”


He took off his shoes and brushed off the dust inside.

“I promise, no one in this school is as close to me as you are.”

“What do you do when your body is close? . I have no idea what Ed is thinking or how he lives.”

Yenika then takes a deep breath. I wondered why he wanted to come here again, but suddenly an expected thing came to mind.

“Is it because you gave the chief concession? Do you think you’re disrespecting me?”

“Huh… ! no! no! no! no! no!”

“I’m sure it’s been seen that I’ve been unclean five times… .”

As I brushed off my shoes, dust rose. I frowned and waved my hands. Anyway, in the forest, even if you walk around a little actively, your clothes will get dirty very quickly.

“Where is the person who behaves well from the start? That’s how everyone learns.”

“… You know, Ed… I’m talking about that separately… .”

“… … ?”

“Ed, can you please excuse me? Whether it’s a mistake… Well, it’s a lie… .”

When I looked at Yenika with a look of absurdity in the world, she waved her arms. It was to the point of being even more apologetic because of the expression on the world’s sorry face.

“Hey, maybe what I just said was a mistake?”

“What did you really eat wrong?”

In the end, Yenika closes her eyes tightly and confesses.

“Me, I think my head is going to explode. I just kept having bad thoughts… .”

“A bad idea?”

“… Ed I thought you might hate me.”

There, too, I was speechless.

Yenica is a good-natured and kind person, but sometimes that attitude is rather rude to others.

It happens more often with kind and handsome people, so it seems like he has never had the experience of being hated by others in that way.

That’s why Yenika is struggling so much. I’m afraid it might happen to me too.

“Let’s sell our worries.”

“… … .”

“Even if you’re a little rude, wouldn’t I hate you so easily? You are very special to me.”

Yenika took a quick breath, then looked up and looked into my eyes. Seeing the tears welling up in the corners of his raised eyes, he must have been in a lot of trouble.

Isn’t it like I usually do bad things to Yenica? I always try my best to treat you well.

“anyway… I have something to say. Aren’t you going to go home this vacation?”


“Aren’t you willing to accept a simple request?”

* * *

Two days later, a luxurious wagon crossed Maxes Bridge.

I, who was waiting at the front door with my luggage packed, received Tanya’s luggage and picked it up.

“We sent a pretty big wagon. I will spend a lot of time in the carriage, so I prefer a large and comfortable carriage.”

“Did you sleep well last night?”

“No, I did some work to sleep in the wagon. You look a little tired too.”

“I’m a little tired from coming home from camp work.”

“Yeah, what… by the way… .”

Tanya looked at the wagon crossing the Maxes Bridge, then swung towards me and whispered.

“The atmosphere is so frightening, is it possible that even a carriage goes like this… ?”

I turned my head and looked behind me and saw two girls standing side by side.

One girl with pale pink hair in a white blouse, a royal blue flared skirt, and a brown shawl,

And there was a dwarf girl with white hair hanging over her loose-fitting shirt and skirt.

Not to mention, Yenica Palerover and Lucy Meryl.

The two look at each other as if puzzled… He was making a face like why the hell is he here.

… hey, that’s how it happened

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