The Battle for Ed Roth Taylor (3)

Lortel Keheln is quick to grasp the situation.

I was able to set a course of action just by visiting the scene, revealing my identity to the soldiers, inserting some money to hear about the incident, and organizing my thoughts.

While Lortel is riding in a wagon, Crepin, who rebels against the imperial power, seems to have sparked a riot, summoning evil spirits, and Ed, Yenika, and Lucy seem to have somehow stopped the plot.

The downfall of the Roth Taylor family is to be expected. It seems that all the members and users in the mansion are not in good health, and all those who are holding positions in the imperial family will be kicked out.

A nerve war to occupy the vacancy will continue. In order to put their own people in their seats, those in power would have to work harder, and it was obvious that the dispute over the imperial power between the princesses would intensify as a result.

Intensifying disputes smell like money.

If you ride the board well and create a flow, more money will follow.

However, this case is more special. Because Ed Roth-Taylor was mixed in with the case.


To put it bluntly, Lortel, who has a strong romantic interest in Ed Roth-Taylor, is… especially if he is involved, his judgment of understanding is completely clouded.

When Ed Roth-Taylor was in a position to be used for political speech, he prioritized getting him out of the way.

He gained Selaha’s trust with his skillful handling techniques, and managed to get Ed out of Elte’s business, but the problem is that Lortel wasn’t the only one thinking of that.

“Ed was seriously injured. It’s right to see the situation while recuperating on the Pulan side. There is no better place than there to heal and recuperate during vacation. It’s also good for avoiding chases.”

“A wound with good water and good air doesn’t always heal. High-ranking priests and healing personnel on the side of Seonghwangdo would rather…”

Lortel said while pressing her throbbing head firmly.

“I can do everything from finding shelter to a place with good water and fresh air and preparing competent medical staff, the problem is discussing the future situation.”

Lortel moved closer to Yenica and Clarisse, and spoke with a lowered voice.

“Is it possible to keep Ed-sunbaenim safe while reconciling conflicts between political battlegrounds?”

At those words, Clarisse and Jenica were speechless.

Lortel is good at dealings.

Living on the commercial front, he has a keen sense of estimating and reconciling interests between people. This is an ability that Yenica and Clarisse do not have.

You could even take him in under the guise of managing Ed at the Elte Chamber, giving him time to dig around and dig around and find other workarounds.

Once Ed’s recruits came into Elte’s hands, he was ready to create all sorts of titles that would not give Ed’s recruits to the imperial family.

“Ed-senpai will take you to the Old Deck. Because it is the safest.”

In the meantime, if he receives treatment and recovers health even at the upper house, it will be up to Ed to judge and decide.

“But once the imperial family has decided, there is no way to respond.”

It was Clarisse who struck out from there.

“I acknowledge the intelligence and tactics of the Elte Company, but in essence, all of that is just gimmicks. If you press down with the power of force and just give up Ed-senpai without any logic… Can Elte Sanghoe be able to establish a confrontation with the imperial family even at that time? Even if you are in a position to make a living from the empire’s distribution network?”

“…It’s our Elte company’s way to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“If you have the size of Seonghwang-do, you can set up a frontal angle of opposition.”

At those words, Yenica and Lortel were speechless.

Saint Clarisse is even risking a situation where things develop due to the conflict between Seonghwangdo and the imperial family in order not to release Ed.

There is no way Seonghwangdo will go out of his way to save a man’s life. You’ll probably need another reason.

“Ed-sunbaenim has to undergo a sexual law trial in Seonghwangdo. You hurt me.”

That was the cause Saint Clarisse found.

Ed Roth Taylor is a believer who was baptized by the Telos Church during his coming-of-age ceremony. Because the believer directly injured the saint, he became a lamb to be judged according to the holy law.

Seonghwangdo has the sole right to the sexual law trial. Before handing over a sinner to another country, he has the authority to rule the sinner with the Holy Law.

Of course, since the saints are on Ed’s side, there is no way that big punishment will be done. It is also unclear whether the saint was injured because she stumbled and fell, or whether she was really injured by Ed’s mistake.

I just need a justification for a sexual law trial. For now, just hold Ed in the name of it, and acquit him when things calm down.

“The distance between Seonghwangdo and the Chloe Imperial family is really far. What would you do if the Seonghwangdo side tried to protect Ed at the discretion of the saint, but did not have access to various information necessary for the reorganization of the imperial family or the situation?”


“The safety of your body is important right now, but it is also important how you break things and turn the situation to your advantage. So, it is right for Ed-sunbaenim to be protected by the Elte company.”

You can’t beat Lortel with logic.

It is uncertain whether he will protect Ed at the level of Seonghwangdo, and even if it is, if he gets mixed up in the nerve war between Seonghwangdo and the imperial family, Ed becomes a duck egg. That’s not a very good situation either.

“It’s good to protect Ed, but does that have to be done with Ed’s recruits secured?”

Yenika doesn’t stand still either.

“If it’s a problem to be taken advantage of by high-ranking people, shouldn’t we first go to the absence of high-ranking people…?”

Although he was speaking vaguely, Yenika’s words were clearly entering a blind spot.

Wherever he was, he had to focus on getting Ed out of the pit of political strife.

“If I make up my mind and run away, I am confident that I will never be caught. Unlike Lortel and Saints, the body is not tied to anything.”

Yenica looks very tired already, but if she makes up her mind, she’s ready to run away with Ed to the end of the map.

“While I’m running away with Ed, it’s safest to get things done by fighting or conciliating.”

Whether things develop through a fight between the priesthood and the imperial power, or she devours Princess Selaha with her mysterious tactics.

In the end, it all depends on Clarisse and Lortel… There is no reason to have Ed in person.

However, there is no way the other two could understand that fact. If Ed himself does not secure his own safety immediately, the follow-up measures cannot proceed smoothly.

In the end, it is a structure in which nerves are bound to arise over who takes Ed.

It’s a very tragic and heartwarming reason to pray for Ed Roth Taylor’s safety… but it couldn’t be more bloody than this.

Yenica Palerover, a spirit summoner who can reach even the highest spirit realm if she clenched her teeth.

Lortel Keheln, a wealthy man who can buy a whole sailing boat with just the money in his wallet if he wants to.

Saint Clarisse, revered as the most sacred and noble being in the Telos Church, the highest denomination on the continent.

The clash of gazes between the three made even the soldiers standing far away swallowed dry saliva.

I can’t hear you very well, but you seem to be discussing a very important political issue.

Listening to the truth, it’s just a nerve-racking battle over who’s going to take Ed Roth Taylor.

He is just looking for the justification for taking Ed with him for all sorts of plausible reasons.

If the cause doesn’t work until the very end, they’re the humans who will take them even if it’s a swarm. If you look at it from a distance, it is a sight that gives strength to your shoulders.

However, it is a problem that Ed Roth-Taylor himself cannot easily see.

Are you going to Pulan, to Seonghuangdo, or to Oldek?

Depending on Ed’s destination, what stance he will take in the nerve war with the imperial family will be markedly different.

One who runs away, one who opposes, one who takes advantage. All of them have their own pros and cons, and it can be said that it is a reasonable choice no matter who you choose.

However, for the three girls, it’s not just about Ed’s behavior.

If it boils down to the question of whether to follow Yenica, Clarisse, or Lortel… In the end, Ed becomes someone who chooses one person.

If Edgar regains consciousness even a little bit and declares that I will follow someone… At that point, the other two will feel a sense of defeat.

As my sister and sister say, it’s just a story about Ed’s escape route.

It was the three girls who started giving meaning to them at will. It’s the result of trying to create legitimacy to somehow get Ed to come to him, but the atmosphere is overheated. That’s self-sufficient.

“Soon, the imperial army will arrive and start walking around the ruined buildings to assess the situation. The Imperial Army is very large and well-trained, so they will get the job done quickly.”

There will also be a mix of personnel who will clean up the scene and collect the bodies. Of course, the personnel to take Ed will arrive at the same time.

If that happens anyway, Ed will naturally move to the Elte company. Lortel designed the situation that way.

– Worse! Wicked!

At that moment, there was the sound of the soldiers guarding the vicinity of the garden shaking their ceremonial spears. It is said that the VIP has arrived.

It was a place full of VIPs from the beginning. Taking that into account, it means that the soldiers who did not perform a ceremony were noble enough to raise their spears.

The person who walked in through the entrance to the garden was Selah, Princess of Frost.

“You’ve been here, Ed Rothtailer.”

He was accompanied by all kinds of nobles.

The enraged nobles were shouting that the Roth Taylor family’s seeds should be dried. Selaha stepped forward with her back to them and looked at the girls.

She doesn’t even give her a glance, because her only concern is Ed Roth-Taylor, who is sitting leaning against a tree.

The little Lucy and the boy leaning against her eyes were seen as the key to reorganizing all power structures to Princess Selaha.

It is certain that it will be an opportunity to rally the remaining forces of Roth Taylor if he is saved.

Yenika’s hand, holding the staff, tightened. If he wanted to do it, he was ready to call Tarkan and run away with Ed right now.

However, it was not Yenika who stopped Princess Selah.

– Wrath, bang!

A blade of wind rose from the sky and split between Selah and Ed.

The blades of the wind that left traces on the floor dispersed into the air and disappeared, leaving only the aftermath to unravel the heads of those around them.

After a single dust of dust rises, a girl is seen blocking Ed’s front.

There was a lot of dust all over his body, and his hair, which had always been elegant, was loose and sprawled. His clothes were also dirty, so he couldn’t be considered aristocrats at all.

The girl – Tanya Roth Taylor, split between Selaha and Ed, and looked up at Selaha.

“do not touch.”

refusal of yellow.

It was a difficult word to come out of Tanya’s mouth, who had always succumbed to authority.

Yenica, Lortel, and Clarisse were thinking of taking Ed away in some way. Because there was a place that could be another destination.

Those who have alternatives try to make the situation as positive as possible.

However, Tanya is completely different.

Tanya was the home of this Roth Taylor mansion, and was a girl who only looked at the glory of the Roth Taylor family.


Much has been lost, used as it should be, and there is nothing left in clenched fists.

The girl’s eyes are full of wrathful nobles. Damage caused by a plan led by Crepin. He demands the price from Tanya.

Having lived like a king in Roth Taylor’s name, it’s time to pay the price.

With such absurd logic, he raised his voice to Tanya, who finally appeared at the scene.

Tanya blocked Ed with her arms outstretched… and slowly opened her mouth and spoke.

“For me… the last… the closest person I can call a blood relative.”

Arwen was lost, the family’s honor was lost, and all of their belongings were burned.

There is nothing left for her, who seems to resist with her arms outstretched toward the world.

It is not so different from the appearance of Ed, who started to build a wooden shelter by himself sitting on a rock in the forest north of Aken Island.

Even though there is no reason to live, I imagine my brother clenching his teeth and making a new home.

It was only then that Tanya understood how far-reaching it must have been.

However, Tanya was a little better than Ed’s situation.

The vast mansion and the power of the family that seemed to pierce the sky were scattered like a sandcastle, but… Tanya’s blood and blood remains.

The boy leaning against the zelkova tree and closing his eyes is now Tanya’s last asset.

That is why Tanya did not run away or hide, but came out in front of the central garden proudly.

“Tanya Rothtailer. And Ed Roth Taylor.”

Selaha and the nobles both took their breath away when they saw Tanya’s appearance. The elegant and noble figure as usual is nowhere to be seen.

Only Selahah, who called Tanya’s name softly, narrowed her brows.

“They are brothers and sisters who have inherited the blood of Roth Taylor. You guys will have to accompany me to the imperial family to hear the situation.”

A political battle is ultimately just a fight for the cause.

The reason Selah came up with was to listen to the circumstances in order to properly understand the case. In fact, it’s like listening to the situation, you don’t even have to go to the imperial family, you can do it on the spot.

There seems to be another reason for anyone to accompany him to the imperial family. Tanya felt the ominous feeling and shuddered, but she did not release the momentum that was blocking her with her arms wide open.

Selaha took a deep breath and looked around.

A lot of people are spread around Ed.

Lucy sleeping on his shoulder, Tanya blocking him.

And around, Yenica, Lortel, and Saint Clarisse.

It felt like all the distinguished guests were gathered in one place to make a decision about Ed’s treatment in the future.

Selahah was going to wrap everything up before Ed could come to his senses.

According to Lortel, Ed Rothtailer is a really clever and capable man. It was a fight that there would never be any benefit to keeping him alive.

Selah also agrees with that opinion to some extent, so I thought I’d go with that opinion, but…


A small yawn sounded as if they had come to end a nerve war that seemed to be walking on this thin ice sheet.

The one who rubbed his eyes and stood up as if it was so noisy… Lucy Meryl.

The power of the girl who pushed Ed’s shoulder and stood up, staggered forward… Everyone in this place knows it.


In a bubbly tone, he looked at the people gathered around him and spoke as if spit out.

“Why is the atmosphere like this?”

It feels like the atmosphere has completely changed since the girl’s spirit. Selah felt a strange sense of incongruity, but she didn’t stop acting.

“I order everyone to get away from Ed Roth-Taylor…”

– Swish.

However, a staff swung down diagonally and blocked Selah’s movement.

Yenica, who was standing nearby, pulled down her wand and blocked the movement, as if she had blocked Selah.

Selaha narrowed her brow and looked around. Behind them were angry nobles, but the scenery ahead was calm and quiet.

In the future… the road to Ed Roth-Taylor stretches out.

He lies unconscious on the zelkova tree in the central garden.

However, there is not one or two people blocking the path ahead.

Yenica Pale Rover leaning on a wand larger than her body, Lortel wearing her robe with an unknown expression, even though she must be on Sellaha’s side, Dasugat looks up coldly while holding her skirt. Clarisse who sees, Tanya who doesn’t get out of the way even though she trembles, and Lucy who rubs her eyes and glares at Selaha.

It was just a path to walk through, but a strangely cold and creepy look appeared among the girls… Selah swallowed dry saliva.

Each one is different, but in the end the goal is the same.

The moment he approaches Ed Roth Taylor, the atmosphere seems to change, and the sensation of walking on that thin ice sheet makes Selaha’s spine chill.

There is a Pandora’s box in the world that should not be opened.

You don’t know if it’s a treasure chest or Pandora’s box until you open it. However, intuition sometimes hints at its contents like magic.

Ed Rothtailer, lying unconscious, leaning against a zelkova tree.

Even though they have a calm expression without even a slight movement, the people standing around them all have a cool expression.

Clearly, if you’re trying to secure Ed Roth Taylor’s recruits, now is the perfect time for him to lose consciousness.

However, Selah unconsciously swallowed dry saliva.

I had heard that the party knew Ed Roth Taylor, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.

It’s been almost a decade since I’ve felt the feeling of tension.

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