Elte Sangha recapture battle (2)

If you take away money and power, what do you have left?

When you lose everything without even a chance of revival and are thrown into the gutter, do you think there is still a human being who will reach out to you?

Once the scent of money and power is worn on the body, only flies attracted by the scent are entangled.

After being thrown down like that… there’s no one left around.

Ending their lives in such a way is the end that most colossians face.

Among those who made a name for themselves as a colossus in Old Deck, there are only a handful of those who were happy in their later years.

Do you think you are different?

Do you think there is such a thing as a happy ending in a life full of betrayal and mischief?

Your ending usually ends in a gloomy muddy black and gray, as is the case with most realities.

Whether you chose it because you wanted to, or was forced to choose to survive. That doesn’t matter.

Once you enter this bridle, you can’t get out again.

Elte Keheln, whose throat turned back and forth with a fishy laugh, uttered cursed words.

Covered in blood inside the convoy, he smiled for a long time, revealing his teeth with a gruesome face.

– Tit, Tit.

So Lortel opened her eyes.

I could feel the fresh air peculiar to the morning of the North Forest.

Inside the villa in the morning sunlight, neatly designed wooden furniture is arranged in an orderly manner.

Lortel’s expression, which slowly pushed the blanket and raised his upper body, was infinitely calm.

I am not fussed or offended just because I had a dream like this.

Because it was a daily routine.

*’Sung Chang-ryong Velbroque.’

I tried to memorize the name in my mind once.

A mythical spear dragon that has not yet seen the light of the world because Luden McLaure, the ‘first swordsman’, sealed it, and the great sage Sylvania maintained the seal.

The monster, known as the ‘God-Eating Dragon’, tried to burn the world over and over again during the mythical era, and has tried to devour the world several times since then.

However, it was stopped by the heroes representing the era and eventually became an old story beyond history.

The roar of Velbroque that cut through the sky has become a story in history books, and the generation that remembered its splendor also ended their lives.

The final boss that decorates the finale of < Failed Swordsman of Sylvania> will be resurrected without warning.

A disaster that blew up half of the island with a single gesture and slaughtered thousands of people with only scales and a roar filled with magical power.

Even if famous archmage and warriors rushed in and rushed at him, he could not get a single scratch on his body.

Even Lucy, who had been treated as an outsider, was the best she could do to receive an attack, and even Obel Forsius, the guardian of the saints, was a formidable enemy that eventually led to her death.

As a boss who concludes all stories, he is an opponent who boasts of power that makes you wonder how to defeat it.

To put it bluntly, you can’t win.

It was plainly written in the tooltip that the scales that Velbrok was wearing could only be pierced by special means.

There is only one special means for that, the swordsmanship ceremony of the main character, Taylor McLaugh.

At least in the game… No matter what other powerful means, Velbrok’s scales didn’t break through.

No other sword, spear, magic, or even the tip of the Velbroque could pierce, but the vital point was never pierced.

Especially the part of the heart that must be stabbed… Except for Taylor’s swordsmanship ceremony, he didn’t even move.

It goes beyond absurdity to the point of being unnatural. It was as if the world had come together to make Taylor a hero.

it’s bound to be Taylor is born with the fate of the protagonist.

It is a swordsmanship ceremony devised by Luden McLaure, who sealed the Holy Spear Dragon long ago, so it is only natural that only Taylor, who inherited the Swordsmanship Ceremony, can pierce the scales of the Holy Spear Dragon.

There is a reason why it is strangely not convincing, but it cannot be refuted.

“I didn’t know you were going to call me…”

“I didn’t even want to call you. Neither you nor Taylor doesn’t like me very much.”


The place was a terrace cafe near Maxes Bridge. The living area was most actively formed around the entrance of Maxes Bridge, so there were quite a few people around.

The girl crouching over the cafe table was a figure she had not seen in a long time– Isla Triss.

A girl with the largest and deepest weight among the four major heroines of Sylvania’s failed swordsmanship.

A childhood friend of Taylor McLaure from childhood, who supported him whenever he was tired and exhausted… If he had played Sylvania’s Failed Swordsman a little, he would have become attached to him.

Short chestnut hair cuts down cutely and ends around the shoulder. Her elegant appearance with slightly curled hair at the ends also goes well with her personality.

However, every time he sees me, it’s nice to see him vigilant as if seeing a monster… I didn’t even bother approaching it.

From time to time, I just confirmed that he was attached to Taylor, who was working on the main scenario through rumors from time to time.

It’s been quite a while, and I’m sure I’ve become a special friend with Taylor… As I walk around the university, I often hear stories of love and rumors.

It’s me… I’m just applauding from afar.

After retirement, he could not adjust to the peaceful world and stayed in the room for a long time.

At a time when the body was hurt physically and the mind was hurt in many ways, it is said that seeing the two of them was healed quite a lot.

Both of them are grumpy and aggressive to me, but as a player, they are quite affectionate… It was just a mindset to watch over from afar.

Still, things have changed a lot.

Now it is a situation where we have to approach both of them out of necessity.

It was a little too burdensome to shove into Taylor, who is hostile to me right away, so I thought I’d like to meet Ayla first and talk.

Vacation ends in 5 days. It’s time for students to go home.

Aila had just returned to the L’Orail Hall, so she asked Jigs, a member of the L’Orail Hall, to summon him personally.

However, I wasn’t expecting much.

Is it not Ayla who always trembles because she sees me, or is just wary. It was just a tossing proposal, saying, “If I get rejected, I’ll have to find another way…”

“No, it’s not that I don’t like it… it’s just… there are a lot of misunderstandings… I understand…”

However, Ila, whom I had not seen in a long time, was surprisingly not at all wary of me. Looking back, there were memories that seemed to have talked about apologizing anyway.

Was there a change of heart in the past, or was it I guessed too much?

Rather, Ayla came out to the cafe without any doubts.

“So… why am I…?”

“Taily and Dalian want to try it once.”

Predictably, Taylor McLaugh’s power will be far weaker than I thought. yea it has to be

The great ordeal that was destined for Taylor. The Lucy subjugation and Crepin subjugation battles have completely disappeared.

In addition to that, various small events have all evaporated, so Taylor’s swordsmanship ceremony must be sluggish without any further growth.

“With Taylor…? If it’s a simple matchup… Why don’t you just apply to Taylor? Why do you have to go through me?”

“If that’s the case, I don’t think he’ll be sincere.”


There is still plenty of time before Sung Chang-ryong Velbroque’s advent.

However, that shouldn’t be the case.

With just one minor variable, all boss battles were moved forward by at least a month, or at most, by half a year.

It feels like the tempo is faster than the love affair as it goes on.

According to the original story, Seong Chang-ryong Velbroque descends a semester before the main character’s generation graduates, but such speculation is meaningless now that the world is already full of all kinds of variables.

If possible, it is better to start the response as soon as possible.

“I don’t know if I will accept Dalian in the first place.”

“Hmm… sure… Taylor doesn’t seem to trust Ed that much yet. You’ve got a good reputation and your grades have improved, but it’s going to be tough for Taylor. The first step wasn’t good… but that doesn’t mean they’ve been formally reconciled.”

“Yeah, I’d rather use that part.”

To Aila, who was puzzled, I calmly continued the next story.

“I want him to have a fever all the way to the top of his head and sprint with all his might.”

The first thing to do is to check the current status of Taylor.

How far have the specs gone? How much more would you need to grow to carry out the Bellbrok subjugation?

Is it right to choose the direction that Taylor is going in, or is it right to look for another direction?

To judge these things, you’ll need to face off against Taylor, who is doing her best.

Currently, Taylor is entering the second semester of her sophomore year. Since Taylor’s growth potential is truly enormous, it must have already been heard by a strong class in her senior year.

I wanted to seize an opportunity to check where and how it grows in detail.

It’s not just a duel based on academic rules, it’s a full-fledged battle. If you’re going to do it… you’ll have no choice but to provoke Taylor in the end.

“So, I am going to kidnap you, Ayla. It’s a classic, but sure way to do it.”


“Well… what, it’s a bit strange to say something like this… can you quietly be kidnapped when the time comes…?”

“…is there anyone who gets permission to kidnap…?”

“It happened.”

In the end, it is to ask Ayla for forgiveness. The problem is that you have to give a good reason.

“He, what is it… Taylor is the type of person who gets stronger as trials come. Are you familiar with that, Ayla?”

Taylor McLaugh and ordeal are words that cannot be separated. In fact, he is a person who contains the core message of Sylvania’s failed swordsmanship.

Isn’t it the story of Taylor’s biography, who endures endless trials and becomes reborn as a swordsman?

So, Ayla, who has seen Taylor up close since childhood, would understand.

“For Taylor to grow strong on a regular basis, you need to push her to extremes eventually.”

“Anyway… I don’t want to worry Taylor.”

“Then what can you do? You just have to try another way. However, I don’t know how it will be.”

It may sound like half-threatening, but I can’t help it either.

From my point of view, properly checking Taylor’s specifications is a necessary process. If I’m alone, I don’t know if it’s a problem, or Aken Island may be blown away entirely.

“No, he… why do you care so much about Taylor’s growth…? While taking care of getting your hands dirty…?”


“Ed-senpai, it’s the same with the entrance exam in the first place… The truth is, there are so many stories circulating that it’s sound, so why are you doing this even while taking risks…?”

That’s because if Taylor doesn’t do her job, she’ll die.

If I don’t think he can do his part, it’s because he has to come up with another way right away.

To be honest, I can’t convince you. In the end, Ayla had no choice but to come up with a plausible reason.

“He and I are fundamentally alike.”


“My life has been full of trials and tribulations. Life with the Roth Taylors… wasn’t easy. So it was hard to just look at it.”

Is the reason too dry?

However, the longer the story goes, the more dubious it becomes. Here, the story should fit neatly if it is simple and clear.

“So… you helped Taylor in that way, then pushed him back? Even at the risk of eroding your reputation…?”

“First of all, am I not a senior?”


“Even if it was a long way, it was hard to just let it go. That’s all. Actually, it’s not a big deal. It’s a story that’s more common than you think.”

Having said that, I was silent.

Ayla looked at me for a long time. Her gaze was straight on me, and she kept her face still, as if she had seen it in vain.

A street that many people pass by. We sat still for a long time in the terrace seats where we could hear the noise of passers-by.

It was Ayla who finally broke the silence.

“…Ed-senpai. Looking back, I don’t think I ever properly apologized for the misunderstanding I had with my senior.”


“…I’m really sorry for the harsh treatment I’ve made in the past. Our insights were… very short…”

Due to the unexpected reaction, I put my reaction on hold for now. There was no sense of embarrassment.

“Oh, there’s nothing else to talk about like that.”

“no. I think we judged Ed sunbaenim too quickly. You said it was like an apology, but I really wanted to apologize when I had the opportunity.”

“Well, I know if you really want to. Do it in moderation.”

Saying that, Ayla looked at me quietly and spoke.

“If necessary, I will cooperate.”

“That means…”

“Actually, I’m good at being kidnapped.”

Ayla, a gentle scholar-type girl, seems far from a combat job.

Rather, like a princess waiting for a hero, the girl who is locked up on top of a castle and waiting to be rescued seems more appropriate.


“Actually, my special skill is being kidnapped… It’s a shame…”

Is this correct…

All of a sudden I had a thought…

*“The latest version of the unit price list is scheduled to be approved during the day. I’ll see you soon and post the documents.”

Lortel, who went to work for the Sylvania branch of the Elte Chamber of Commerce after a long time, took a look at the work behind the scenes in her personal office.

I was too busy looking at the Old Deck side, so I hardly looked at the Sylvania side. As the time had accumulated… Lortel’s office desk was full of all kinds of documents to be checked.

Even after returning to Sylvania, you can’t get out of the swamp of work.

With that thought in mind, Lortel took a deep breath and rolled up her arms. First, he had to check all the things that happened while Lortel was away and check all the books.

In the middle, I remembered the story Bell had told me, and Lortel had instructed Dunn.

Ask them to bring you the most up-to-date grocery price list.

However, the word returned from Dune was that the unit price list had not been updated yet.

– ‘However, I was expecting the price increase itself, but I didn’t know it would be that much. I’ll have to check it out myself tomorrow. Are there any materials left in the file room of the upper chamber branch?

– ‘It was decided yesterday and today, so it will probably remain.’

According to Bell, the latest price-adjusted grocery price list was clearly settled by Dune.

However, Dune reports that the price list has not yet been updated.

In that gap, Lortel felt a strong moment for a moment.

Looking at the dune… Lortel hardened her expression.


“Yes, Vice President Hoeju.”

Lortel uses a mixture of honor and respect for its employees. Lortel’s treatment, which can be freely changed according to need, was a means to awaken the atmosphere in the employees.

“Bring the updated unit price list.”

I just mentioned that the price list has not been updated yet. Nevertheless, Lortel ordered the same task once more.

Dune stood still for a while. Standing upright across from the office table… I was pondering Lortel’s instructions.

Lortel knows. Dune is not an honest employee.

The fact that he was often poking through loopholes in the ledger and carrying out minor embezzlement was blinding him.

Dune himself will know it to some extent. Nevertheless, what Lortel did not take issue with was the silent notice of ‘do it in moderation’.

However, if that too crosses the line, I feel the need to hold on to discipline.

In any case, if you raise an issue formally, you always end up regretting it. Since the dynamics of force are set like that, Dune is always in a position to lower its tail.

If the unit price tag itself was manipulated to raise the purchase unit price and then the difference was taken, Dune’s embezzlement has already exceeded the ‘light’ level.

I did feel a little nauseous.

Even if Lortel has been neglecting the Sylvania branch to focus on Oldek’s situation recently, Dune was not a person who dared to deal with embezzlement this far.

At best, he collects precious foreign liquors with small amounts of money… he’s just a regular employee with a little bit of a collecting wall.

In the world of cold-blooded merchants, this level of corruption is frankly not even on the axis of corruption.

For Lortel, who has been watching all kinds of mean scenes, it shouldn’t be a big deal.

However… the behavior that clearly crosses the line… there is a feeling that some external variable has acted.

It’s not your own judgment, but someone’s encouragement. Or was there a change of heart in another way?

In any case, it was an issue that could not be ignored.

Lortel stared intently at the dune with a cold face.

However, Dune was facing Lortel without even moving.

He didn’t even think that he would quickly bring the adjusted unit price list and ask for forgiveness.

But, at least I thought I’d give an excuse…

Dune was just looking at Lortel with some creepy eyes.

*“Eh, Elte Sanghoe Ro, the direct secretary of Lortel Hoeshu, my name is Rienna Clemson…”

It was the time when I was in the middle of talking to Ayla.

A slender woman with red hair and short stature approached the table where we were sitting.

“Eh… four…? Elte Sanghoe?”

Ayla was momentarily perplexed as she hadn’t expected the girl to speak to her.

However, Lienna’s secretary didn’t care about Ayla’s reaction, looked at me and said straight.

“Eh, Ed Roth Taylor, are you…?”

“…that’s right.”

Putting down the stack of papers she was holding in her arms, Secretary Lienna spoke slowly.

“I came here because the Elte company has something to offer…”

For me, it was sudden.

It felt as if something big was about to happen.

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