Glast Subjugation (5)

“please. We need to save Isla. Help me just once.”

Taylor nodded, and the wounds were already pretty good.

It was a wound from the pursuit of Professor Glast, the first phase of the final battle in Act 2.

Jigs Eiffelstein, who was training outside the gallows wing, was bewildered to see such a Taylor.

For those who don’t know the exact situation, Taylor’s sudden request for help seemed too absurd.

“What’s going on, Taylor?”


The Soul Library is a large hall filled with bookshelves of all kinds.

There are many valuables in the outermost bookshelf along the outer wall.

Of course, rare tech supplies are really valuable, but recipes for making legendary tech supplies are spread out around Librarian Reina’s table in the center of the Soul Library.

It is almost impossible to approach that side without being affected by Reina’s detection magic, so it would be better to search that side after this subjugation battle is over.

“ ♬ ♪ ♩ ”

I bought it in the spacious library hall and Reina’s hum resounded. It was a gloomy, low-pitched, eerie voice.

Let’s go around the outskirts, grab some small replicas of the magic book, and find some magic equipment that can be disassembled and reassembled.

In particular, the ‘Thunderbolt Generator’ stored in the C column will be used to make a trap with an alarm, and the ‘Unidirectional Light Blur Device’ will be able to create a window through which light only passes through one side.

Rather than being too greedy, let’s just pack that for now, and finish the rest with a book that’s useful for studying.

You can keep the really valuable tech supplies when you can find them slowly without Reina’s notice.

I hid myself between the bookshelves, leaned my head out and looked at the center of the hall.

Librarian Reina, humming at the table… is floating in the air.

Reina is a demon, not a human. As a ‘banshee’ whose soul is bound to this library, even if it approaches within a radius of 20m, its unique detection magic will detect an intruder.

As if floating underwater, the hem of Reina’s skirt hovered in the air.

So Reina was floating among all kinds of books and periodically patrolling the library.

Reina’s patrol pattern is quite familiar. Even if you enter the battle, you can deal with it in any way because you are familiar with the strategy to some extent.

However, that Reina is a valuable experience for Taylor.

If Taylor’s swordsmanship ceremony or other swordsmanship skills are not sufficiently trained, difficulties will arise with Professor Glast’s Aspect Magic.

If that’s all, if I don’t show my strength against the catastrophic bosses I’ll face later… Especially if I don’t reach a certain level of Swordsmanship, there’s a good chance I’ll have to take responsibility for those enemies.

It’s too painful, and I have neither the ability nor the will to take responsibility in the first place. So, for now, I decided not to touch the boss monsters in Professor Glast’s secret lab as much as possible.

Well, actually, just because he doesn’t catch Raina doesn’t mean that Taylor’s strength, who has already grown, is not significantly dampened.

Where is Reina? Even if you skip most of the bosses, the growth will not be pushed back immediately. As long as you catch the ‘Resurrected Underground Waterway Demon’ well, there is no problem.

Still… there’s nothing wrong with being careful just in case you don’t know.

I hid among the bookshelves, packing various parchments and recipes in my arms.


Periodically walking between the bookshelves, he avoided the gaze of Reina as he patrolled. And once I got my hands on it, I took whatever I could.

It is difficult to understand what type of recipe they are unless you open and read them one by one.

When I came to my senses, I was quite satisfied that my arms had become heavier.

[ Now, it seems that the eyes will not reach the exit. Master Ed! ]


Mug spoke to me in a whisper.

Not yet. You can’t be vigilant just because it’s out of sight. Reina’s detection magic has nothing to do with vision.

Banshee Rayna detects enemies by detecting magic within a certain distance, rather than judging the presence or absence of an enemy solely by sight.

If you wait until you go a little deeper and don’t act, you’ll get caught.

I calmly moved back and forth between the bookshelves, patiently waiting for Reina to open a gap.

– Kugugung, thump.


When I came to my senses, the earth axis was shaking a little.

The sound of something humming from afar.

At first, I thought it was an illusion, so I ignored it, but as the books on the bookshelf began to shake, I began to feel a sense of crisis.

Is it an earthquake?

I know there was no such event.

I thought it would be a simple happening, but soon the trembling became a level that could not be ignored.

[Oh, Master Ed! ]



Mug called me in an urgent voice. I couldn’t keep my balance properly without grabbing the bookshelf already.

These vibrations may not mean much to Reina floating in the air, but other bookshelves are different.

Eventually, the bookshelves that could not withstand the turbulence began to fall one by one. They were all thanks to cover for hiding me.

As the bookshelves gave up their roles and started to fall, the cover that used to hide me was also unable to perform properly.

As a result, I completely fell into Reina’s field of vision.

“ ♬ ♩ ———”

Banshee Reyna’s nose hoarse and stopped.

and found me,


It started to radiate magical power as it screamed like it was scratching iron. For an instant, a sense of the landscape was distorted and attacked me, and the surrounding bookshelves and magic books began to float in the air.

The objects that were given new life by resonating with Reina’s magic of the spirit world… began to move and run wild like the poltergeist phenomenon.

[Oh, Master Ed! What should I do! this, this! ]

“it’s okay! Escape is easy!”

Reina’s soul is tied to this library.

Once you have seized the space with fire magic, you only need to retreat to the exit and get out of Reina’s range. It’s not very difficult.

I took a deep breath and rolled up my arms. There’s no need to subdue Reina, just run away. It’s not easy, it’s a piece of cake.

I began to draw magic power into my body.


It is not suitable for battle. There was no time to change.

Lortel frowned as she flapped the hem of her semi-robes embroidered with ornate decorations.

Lortel, who jumped out of the wagon, defeated the employees who were trying to return to the meeting room with one arm, and looked at the entrance to the underground waterway with its mouth wide open.

Two heavy stone pillars support both sides of the entrance. As we approached the street that looked downhill to the basement, the characteristic moisture seemed to stick to the esophagus.

After reaching the bottom, a well-manicured canal stretches out beyond the basement. The space itself is large, and the stone supports and exterior walls are neatly equipped so that dust does not flow more than necessary.

However, even the underground waterway built using first-class magic technology cannot easily withstand the winds and waves of time.

There is no way to completely remove the traces of time, such as mold growing here and there, broken or broken.

It is not a place for a lortel, which is full of accessories and clothes priced for dozens of gold coins, to enter. These are luxury items that change the unit of the amount written on the ledger even with a few grains of dust.

However, Lortel did not care and strode into the waterway. The non-combatant staff had to bring them in to only carry their luggage, so we ordered them to come in to report if the situation changed while waiting outside.

“I don’t think it is a facility that requires such a large-scale underground waterway.”

Lortel has been involved in the construction business and has made donations to all kinds of buildings and facilities. The sense of investment in such infrastructure is also sharply sharpened.

Sylvania Academy is a large school that occupies half of the southern half of Arken Island, but nevertheless, it would not have been necessary to build such a large underground waterway. The high enough to fit a single building and the wide width was too much.

In the first place, there is not much water flowing along the canal itself. If you dare to dip your feet, it would be enough to barely wet Lortel’s thin ankles.

“It looks like it was made for a different purpose.”

Lortel quickly gained insight into a suspicious part of the underground waterway. I didn’t know exactly what the purpose was.

When the downhill was over, and the proper entrance to the waterway was visible, Lortel took a deep breath.

– squeak

– Coogong, thump.

The sound of shallow waves hitting the large waterway in the center of the passage.

And the sight of fragments of a demonic golem made of stones engraved with magic are scattered all over the waterway.

Anyone who sees it is a sign of battle.

No, it was more of a unilateral repulsion than a battle.

If you go a little further and look at the center of the waterway, magic stones the size of almost the size of a wagon were also rolling on the bottom of the waterway.

There was still some magical power left, and the stone was moving intermittently as if it were shaking, but it didn’t seem like it could be a meaningful level of power.

The stones about the size of Lortel’s upper body are probably fragments that made up the intermediate demonic golem.

The fragments that were as large as those of a wagon were probably the fragments that made up the advanced demonic golem.

If you’re going to face about 10 intermediate demonic golems, you’ll need to bring at least high-achieving students from the upper grades.

When it comes to advanced demonic golems, it is impossible to break through unless you are a human being like a professor.

There are not many people who can break through them alone. No matter how confident you are in your magical abilities, you can pull out and fight separately, but you cannot defeat them all at once.


Lortel passed between the golem fragments as it was and entered a little deeper into the waterway.

At the end of the aisle, there was a girl who lost her mind and collapsed.

The personal information of the honors students in each grade is Lortel. It wasn’t difficult to find out who it was.

She is tall for a woman, lightly tied up, her back hair full of activity, and freckles etched into her cheeks like aegyo.

She was Dorothy, a senior in the senior year of the Pensions Department.

However, he is completely stunned.

Judging by the wet clothes all over the place, it seems that someone suppressed it and rescued it from the waterway.

And as soon as he saw the shawl he had covered as a duvet in case he was cold from wet clothes… Lortel frowned.

The design of the shawl with cute cosmos embroidery along the outline is very cute.

It was a bargain compared to the clothes Lortel was wearing, but there was something symbolic about the shawl nonetheless.

Hangers are just as important as clothes.

Who is the girl who always wears this shawl? In this Sylvania, there is no one who does not know his name.

“I’m back at the entrance again! crying!”

A girl appeared from inside, crying while no one was listening.

No, there must have been a listener. It is simply invisible to Lortel’s eyes.

“What did I say! Takan is right…! Oh, isn’t it? Who did you say this time? Umm… So… at the second fork, right, then left, then… left left oh oh oh oh oh left … isn’t it…? Was it left left right left left left…? Head hurts….”

And he’s wiggling his fingers into the air and complaining over and over again.

“I’m sorry… I’m a Gilchi… It took me a few days to memorize the road to the North Forest, but it’s too much to figure out such a maze-like place at once… And Melisse, you both couldn’t memorize the road! Don’t be so mad…! I mean, I’m frustrated…! To come back here again… After all this time, Ed…”

The reason why they stopped talking was because they made eye contact with Lortel.



Only the sound of running water was spreading over the dark underground water.

The light pink hair in a cute braid is full of dust. Unlike usual, she is not wearing a shawl.

Even the neatly dressed school uniform was full of wet and dusty marks, as if they had just fought a battle.

Judging by the size and shape of the traces, it seems that there was an additional battle inside the underground waterway.

“Oh my, my oh my. Yenika-senpai.”

Words alone cannot fully explain the relationship between the two. It’s something more soggy and filthy than that.

In any case, it is clear that Yenica or Lortel are in each other’s eyes.

Lortel clearly saw the figure of Tarkan that had been seen near the entrance to the underground waterway several decades ago. Hearing the news of Ed’s kidnapping, I could have guessed that Yenika must have come running in a month or so.

However, for Yenica, Lortel’s appearance was completely unexpected.

This is an important fact.

It is said that Lortel’s judgment of the situation was one step faster.

Speaking of Yenika Palerover, this Sylvania ace boasts the most brilliant force among the seniors in each grade.

If I had to line up by force, she was almost at the forefront of the rest, except for Lucy, who was overwhelmingly ahead of herself.

At this point, there is no need for Professor Glast’s researchers or anything.

I’ll just smash all the waterways by myself and hit the chess board to secure Ed’s life no matter what he does.


Because of his cool personality, Lortel is the type of person who is sure of self-objectification.

However, there is something that even such a Lortel overlooks… It is that the way he thinks is regressed if only a relationship between a man and a woman is involved.

When Lortel will realize that fact on her own and realize her shame… is a matter of the distant future. In any case, the image circling in Lortel’s head right now is too one-dimensional.

Yenica wields all kinds of spirits to rescue Ed from captivity.

I’m here to save Ed. I’m not hurt. It was too hard. I was very worried. it’s okay? Let’s go back together. I cooked rice at camp. Warm up your body while drinking hot soup. Don’t put any strength into your body, it’s okay, get up

Thank you, Yenika, you are the best. I was kidnapped out of nowhere. There were a lot of scary parts and I needed help. After all, you are the only one I have. Yenika I think you are the right companion in my life Let’s get married Yenika

No, Ed. Marriage. What the hell is that? It’s so good. Where should I hold the ceremony? How many children do I have? I like my daughter, I like my son? Where will the newlyweds be set up? Can we do it well?

Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t get a drop of water on Yenica’s hands. hahahahahahahaha


Although he has touched almost every business in the world, he is absurdly absurd when it comes to dating business. Now that I’m a bit self-aware… Lortel was making my pupils drop again without fail.

“Yenika-senpai. Ed-senpai was rescued…! It’s really, really, really upsetting, but it looks like he got hurt a lot while being kidnapped…! I’m lying on the bed and only calling out Yenika-senpai’s name! I’m in a coma looking for only Yenica sunbaenim when you’re coming! At camp now!”

In any case, it was a spinning lortel with a single head.

As there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that Ed was kidnapped from this underground canal, it is necessary to get Yenica out of this underground waterway.

“What, what?!”

Yenika was startled by the sound of hissing. Then he grabbed the wand tightly to his chest and ran like a bullet.

Passing by the lortel, I heard the sound of pounding my small feet up the uphill road leading out to the underground water.

Hearing the sound gradually receding, Lortel quickly began to deduce where Ed was kidnapped from among these underground waterways.

But that time did not last long. The sound of footsteps getting farther away grew louder again, and Yenika’s face bulged out once again from the inside of the curved road.

“But, Lortel. Why is Lortel telling me that?”

Lortel swallowed a gasp.

“And I, as soon as Ed’s location was identified, I ran to him, but he was almost only around the entrance, so how did Ed get rescued? Who rescued you? I was the first to arrive, how did you save me without seeing me?”

Yenika’s face, as she talks hesitantly, suddenly becomes deaf.

Lortel did not panic. Rather, he spoke in a cool tone with a bright smile as if a flower bud was blooming.


“You are really too much!”

Inflating the ball to the limit and stomping on the floor, Yenica was furious.

The way he swung his oak wand and stretched his arms in the air, on the one hand, seemed to just swarm.

But Lortel had no intention of making concessions either.

Ed Roth-Taylor always appears to be sloppy, but in any case he sincerely appreciates what he receives and leaves it as a debt of his heart.

The grace that saved me from the crisis of my life. At this point, Ed would never take it lightly.

The person who finds and rescues Ed first will be able to give the true grace to that blunt person. It’s a different kind of grace from buying a bongseo.

This is not an opportunity for many people. There was only one person who arrived first. There is no honor granted to second place in the world of desperate races. It is a world where only the victors monopolize.

“This is not the time! Lortel! by the way…”

Anyway, Yenika is well aware of that fact… But before that, Ed’s life may have come and gone.

I was trying to point out the fact that it wasn’t when I was in a fight or something, but…

“… Lortel came alone, didn’t she? Aren’t you cowardly trying to find Ed by mobilizing other company employees…?”


“No, I mean… it can be even more dangerous if even non-combatant executives get involved! yes!”

Yenica, who succeeded in adding a justifiable reason with difficulty, began to express her fairness this time as well.

“At first, I asked Lucy to help me, but… Lucy didn’t even listen to me, and she yawned and went for a walk… She doesn’t listen to other people at all and acts at her own pace… So Nadu is alone hey.”

“Aha… that’s right.”

Lortel smiled brightly and then looked at each other blankly with Yenika for a while.

A warm dandelion seed seems to bloom on Yenica’s face, which gives her a cute and lively smile.

Lortel, who gave a calm and bewitching smile that did not suit her dwarf body, seemed to be at ease just looking at how warm her expression was.

“Then I’ll look for the east side of the waterway, Lortel.”

“Okay, then I’ll search the other side.”

Ed’s life may be in danger. Even in such a situation, isn’t it too ignorant to fight and check each other out? Anyway, let’s keep the minimum courtesy.

They didn’t say anything different, but the two seemed to have found such a compromise.

However, as they parted and turned the corner, they both started sprinting through the waterway as if waiting.

As it turns out, the world of winning is a cruel law.


– patter

The sound of dust falling.

Despite the deep underground space, a single ray of sunlight draws an oblique line in the air of the underground library.

The little girl, who had been crouching, stretched out and crawled as usual… She shook her head a couple of times and looked around while fixing the witch’s hat.

Should I say that I am ignorant, or should I say that I am absurd?

In front of a strength that does not work with common sense, no matter how thick the surface of the earth is, it is easily cut into pieces like tofu.

It’s not even high-level magic. It is not magic that has been forged in any special way.

It’s just an overwhelming amount of magical power, that’s all. Even such a basic magic refining process is just cumbersome for this lazy girl.

It is a rare monster born with an unbelievable level of magical sensitivity.

It breaks through the surface itself by pressing it with the amount of natural magic power, and continues to radiate that magic power toward the place where Ed’s sense is felt.

Even the smallest effort to increase magic efficiency by refining magic power or controlling its flow is an area of trouble for a girl.

A simple breakthrough beyond ignorance to the point of being absurd. It’s like cutting an apple with a chainsaw.

At this point, this is neither magic nor anything. It is simply violence using overwhelming physical force.

As the ceiling of the Library of Souls collapsed, scattered shards of marble filled the hall.

Beneath the indolent Lucy’s feet, Banshee Reina, who had already lost consciousness, was completely subdued and crushed.


Yawning and stretching feel as if they are stretched out as usual.

Standing at the top of the pile of bookshelves, squashing Banshee Reina’s body, she looked down at me with a sleepy face…


So Lucy made a dazed voice.

“I was bored, so I came to the rescue.”

Holding back the throbbing headache, I swept my face down over and over again.



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