HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 102: Goodbye, Muthef*****


I saw red and the whole room flashed red as red energy started to burn around me.


The next second, I was standing on the ground with with my hand clutching Peeves' throat and the one shoved into his throat, clutching his tongue. Black scales had formed on parts of my body and pupils turned to draconic slits.

"How. dare. you."


Peeves screaming and making choking sounds as he tried free himself by turning invisible and intangible.

But this time, it didn't work. If the pure magic was making him drastically stronger, the red energy seemed do the opposite and make him weaker. It seemed to burn his very existence.

But, I wasn't done yet.

"You should've run when you had the chance. It's too late now."

"Goodbye, muthef*ckuh." With my eyes and hair burning red, I gave him a bloody grin showing my sharp teeth. No one gets away with what he did. Not even an Amortal creature.

$"Fiendfire"$ I muttered in an eerie voice.

"AAAGHAAGHAAAAGH." The Poltergeist let out ear piercing wails as a crimson fire spread my hand that was shoved into his throat, burning him from inside out.

The crimson flames took shape of a dragon which ate the Poltergeist's existence whole as it grew in size. Soon, his very existence was erased as intense blood-red flames consumed everything.

$"Dispell"$ I said in the same eerie voice as the red dragon shrank down before it dispersed into red particles and I sank down to my knees as the red aura around me also disappeared and the scales turned back to my skin.

"Mewww." Nyxie flew over and landed next to me as she checked my condition worried.

"I'm fine, Nyxie. Just a bit tired." I muttered.

"Meew." Nyxie licked my face and started giving me pure magic and she snuggled into my shoulder.

"Thanks for that." I said as I got up and stroked her head.

"Also, disillusion us. And the broom." My disillusionment had blown off when I used Super Trigger Rosé and the drakonic mode.

A few minutes later, the ceiling opened, a large cabinet started falling out to it.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said, even using the incantation to lessen the amount of magic required to cast it. My magic is almost completely exhausted and I'm running on fumes right now.

I put the whole bag into my storage space and then I only I started to dispell all the wards I had placed around here. They weren't for Peeves, they were to stop anyone outside to feel any disturbance.

I departed only after erasing all evidences of anything actually ever happening here and placing a duplicate Vanishing Cabinet in the ceiling. In the fake one, I put a piece of paper with the words R.A.B. written on it. I don't know why I did it. Maybe in the respect of the guy's daring of pranking Voldemort in the same way. Imagine Voldemort in his full strength checking on the Horcrux and find the fake locket with the slip. You gotta admit, the man had balls.

While flying back to the room of requirements, I reflected on what had happened today.

I had killed a Poltergeist. No 'killed' is a wrong word. He was never born, he was never alive. So, I didn't kill him. Either way, no one, absolutely no one would miss him. That's quite an achievement. He existed for centuries, but not even a single ghost would miss his existence. He was an ass to each and every one of the people he ever met, whether they be alive or dead.

But the odd thing is, I got unusually angry tonight. I usually didn't use to get so angry so easily in the past. But this time, It was like... my pride and ego had been hurt and I had to make him pay for daring to do this. And then the drakonic mode had activated on its own. I think that's one of the changes that happen to the master upon the forming of the bond—'Minor changes in temperament.'

F*cking minor. I could kill someone due to this 'minor' change in temperament.

It's good that I didn't bond with an Acromantula. I shivered at the thought. Man, that would be horrible. Being a Spider Man fan myself, I had considered bonding with an Acromantula at some point. Can anyone blame me?

Anyway, that seemed to be the only temperamental change I've noted upto now. I hope there aren't any other.


After coming back to the room of requirements, I went straight to sleep. Using that much energy had knackered me out and it was already quite late. Even if the cabinet was functioning, I wouldn't go to home this late at night. Hugging Nyxie, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling sore all over and still not quite able to believe what I'd done yesterday night. But, my magic had recovered so activated the trigger, making the pure magic cure all the soreness. A comfortable feeling spread all over my body and I started doing my morning exercises. After taking a bath, I went to have the breakfast with Nyxie on my shoulder. I was quite famished after the transformation yesterday.

I went to sit at the Hufflepuff table for the breakfast even if Dora wasn't there. The table was laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon.

I found Hannah and Susan sitting there and went to sit beside them.

"Morning." I said as I started to make myself a big sandwich, stuffing everything into it.

The girls' eyes were on Nyxie, who was also nibbling on a bacon while sitting on my shoulder.

"Oh, you guys never did get to meet her, did you? She's Nyxie, the dragon I told you about." They had believed my words in the train yesterday, but they still been a bit dubious about it.

"Nyxie, they're good friends, Hannah and Susan." I said to Nyxie.

Susan, who was right beside me, was immediately fell to Nyxie's cuteness, "Aww, so cute!! Hannah, she's even cuter than you!"

Hannah pouted at her, "How many times have I told you? Don't call me cute!" Hannah's idol has always been Amelia Bones, and Amelia Bones is definitely not someone you'd call cute. But Hannah was also fascinated by Nyxie.

I passed Nyxie to Susan and Hannah's lap, and Christmas came early for both girls and Nyxie added two more people to her followers list.

Right then, the trio Har, Nev, and Her also came to the great Hall. I waved and Harry came to our table, with Neville and Hermione following behind.

Harry and Neville sat across me while

Hermione, upon seeing the girls happily petting Nyxie, she also came to sit beside Hannah,

"Is she really an AAT? Why haven't wizards making more of them? It's such waste to not to." Hermione was, of course, going to geek if it was a magical creation.

I answered only her after I'd finished eating the food in my mouth, there are no Rons here. "Because, it may be relatively easy for wizards to make them, but, it's exceedingly difficult to make one that lasts." I explained. What would be the point of making one, only for the Transfiguration to only last a few minutes? Or maybe hours, days, depending on the skill of the wizard, but it's still not long enough.

I continued, "But, there are still some genius Enchanters who can make them last. Take the Gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's office for example. It's designed so we'll that it's said to be 'sentient' and it's still functioning! I think it might have been designed by the founder Gordrik Griffindor himself."

Hermione became excited, "Oh, the 'Stairwell Gargoyle'? I've read about it the books but haven't actually seen it."

"Well, I have seen it." I said smugly. Even Harry hadn't been to Dumbledore's office yet, so that means only I have seen it.

"And I've you a lot of times, what was it about?" asked Harry looking a bit jealous. I didn't tell him since Dumbledore asked to keep the thing about parents a secret.

"It's a secret." I smiled and the owl posts arrived at that time. This time, Harry didn't a howler since Ron was non-existent here, we got our copy of the Daily Prophet. But I was too busy eating to read it.

But then, I felt gazes on me from all around.

I looked up from my breakfast to take a look around the hall.

Yep, those who had the daily Prophet in their hands were throwing glance and some were openly staring.

"What's written this time?" I asked Hermione who was still reading it.

Hermione shook her head. "It's nothing bad. There's a photo you, your father, Susan, and Madame Bones."

"Then what's the problem?" I asked as I checked my own daily Prophet. There was something peculiar in the glances and I realized what, they were directed at Susan.

"Sus, looks like you've gotten into trouble." I said while grinning.The picture was of Durant signing an autograph and giving it to Susan, who, in the photo was looking like her Christmas has come early and she'd met Santa personally.


Most of the stuff written was about what they might have been discussing and speculating about possible cooperation, etc. Susan just ended up being too unlucky that the photographer happened to take the photo when Durant was giving her the autograph. It's like she was shot down unnecssarily in when the target was someone else.

"Don't worry, just call me if anyone gives trouble to you for the autograph." I said to Susan who was looking quite worried with all kinds of gazes fixed on her.

I looked back at the newspaper, and there was a small column of Lockhart teaching the Defense Against the Darks at the Hogwarts but it was quite overshadowed by Durant's picture. I smirked.

'How pitiful. I might just leave him alone if he doesn't do anything smack worthy. He's quite pathetic as it is.' I thought inwardly.

The only reason he even got the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile was because... Durant never smiled. How miserable is that? He could only win one thing on his own and that too has a specifically saying that, dude, you're only better at smiling. We're giving the rest of the stuff to the other people.

As we finished our breakfast, the heads of Houses started distributing our time tables of the year and we all went to our respective tables.

My first class was charms with Slytherins. I already knew that Griffindors and Hufflepuffs had Herbology together where they'd learn about mandrakes. What a coincidence that the main ingredient used for curing Basilisk Petrification was also mandrakes. I've noticed that the things taught in the classes at Hogwarts are usually useful in the recent situations. They'd only learn about werewolves when they've got a werewolf teaching them personally. They'd learn about the devil's snare and then it'll be useful in the same year.

Arriving into the class, I saw that a few Slytherins were already here. I saw Daphne and Tracy as well. I was with my Ravenclaw friends so I just waved at them, and Tracy waved back excitedly while Daphne nodded.

"You know them?" Asked Padma, who saw our interaction. She came fourth last year, one rank less than the third Daphne, so I guess she sees her as a rival of something.

"We're acquainted." I nodded. I don't know if I was friends with Daphne, but Tracy was definitely a friend. Though both were chummy with Nyxie.

"Hey, can you introduce me to them as well?" Asked Michael Corner as looked towards the two girls. Anthony and Terry smirked at Michael and the girls in our group looked at him like he was scum.

"No. We're not that close." I said with double meaning. I was close enough with the girls that I could introduce him, but I wasn't close enough with him to bother doing this.

Soon, Professor Flitwick came trodding into the class and climbed the stack of books behind the podium.

"Is everyone here? So, Welcome to your very first class of the year! Ah, Mr. Martin, you brought your lovely little friend along as well! How nice, I'll be keeping an eye on her while for today's class to see if she behaves well."

"Yes Professor." I nodded. Well, if any teacher doesn't allow her, we'll resort back to invisibility like we did in the last year. It's just a bit inconvenient.

"Excellent! So, today, we'll be learning a very useful spell, the Skurge Spell. So, who will tell me the use of the Skurge Charm? Mr. Martin?"

I hadn't even raised my hand. I never do. I usually pass time in the class reading some interesting books I've found in that wonderfully big library. There's always something to interesting to read there, unlike in my previous world, where I ran out of good novels to read and didn't have that much interest in muggle topics that I'd actively read books about them.

I answered Flitwick as I looked up from my book. "The Skurge Charm's main use is to clean the ectoplasm left by the ghosts and to some degree, can be used to frightenspirits, such as the aforementionedghosts, as well asPoltergeists." I said as said as I recalled yesterday's situation with the Poltergeist. Like I said— the things taught in the classes at Hogwarts or found out from here and there are usually useful in the recent situations.

Though, the Skurge Charm wouldn't have been useful for me yesterday anyway, since I didn't want to scare him away, but stop him.

Flitwick nodded excitedly, "Very good, Mr Martin! Take 5 points for Ravenclaw. People often mistake it as the Scouring Charm, but mind you, this one has it's own use other that the Scouring Charm doesn't have. To frighten spirits! This spell will be very useful for you in the future as you all may have realized by now, that we have a very mischievous and trouble making Poltergeist haunting Hogwarts. You might be able to get away lightly if you use this spell during your next encounter with Peeves." Everyone was very happy to hear that and I wondered when will they actually figure out that Peeves no longer existed.

After class, Tracy came up to me with Daphne staying back.

"Hi Nyxie! Did you miss us? How are you today?"

Of course, it was for Nyxie. Didn't say a word to me.

"We're getting late for the next class." I said as I turned and started walking away with Nyxie on my shoulder.

"Hey! Wait! Wait! Alright you can go, but at least leave Nyixe behind, ok?"

Really, I'm not the only one who's got captured into Nyxie's cuteness trap.

We left go for the defense against the dark arts class and Michael finally understood that the reason I was acquainted with the girls was because of Nyxie.

"So, they only know you because of your dragon."

Ha, what can he do? Like I said, it's good that I'm not a playboy. Unlike this dude who's getting all jealous for nothing. My heart has already been taken. It's currently in New York.

We all went to Lockhart's class, and found him eagerly waiting for us while rubbing his hands together.

"Do you think he'd teach us how he fought with werewolf in his second book?" Asked Sue Li.

Parvati was sceptical, "That method is not plausible. You can't physically subdue a werewolf. They're said to be physically several times stronger than average wizards. Plus, just one bite, and you're done for."

"Yeah, the same is with the rest of his books. I'm telling you, he's a fraud." said Terry Boots, and I decided that I'd do him one favour in the future these words.

We had the class with Hufflepuffs. Overall, the girls were excited while some boys were also his fans.

When the whole class was seated, Lockhart cleared his throat loudly and silence fell. He picked up a random book from a table and showed it around. It had a picture of him winking.

"Me," he said, pointing at it and winking as well. "Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award — but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" He said, as he looked around while his eyes paused a big longer at me and Nyxie.

Damn, what a fraud. He's even giving us the same lines he gave the other class. Guess the stupid test was actually real. I mean, how someone not complain about this fraud for a whole year if he does things like that?!

The class was a complete let-down for all the Ravenclaws, and most understood that they'd not be learning anything from this guy when they saw the stupid test paper.

"What the hell is this? How is this related to the 'Defense against the dark arts'?!" Anthony Goldstein whispered harshly.

"See? I told you told you he's a fraud!" replied Terry.

I spent the rest of the class peacefully reading a book written in another language while I took in the reactions of all the students. Don't know what Dumbledore was thinking, when he called this clown.

When the class ended, I had decided that I wouldn't be bothering with his classes anymore, and was about to leave peacefully for good, but—

"Hey Chris! Stay behind for a while. I have a few words to exchange to a with you." Said Lockhart.

'What the f*ck does he want? Well whatever, I need tell him that I won't be attending his classes anyway.' I thought as I stayed and my friends waited outside.

At that time neither of us knew that, the words Lockhart was going to say in the next few minutes would ruined his life forever.


A.N.: Just remember what Lockhart said to Harry on his first day at Hogwarts. And imagine what's going to happen.

This is the biggest Chapter upto now! 3060 words. It's like a double chapter!


Read ahead on Pátreon


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