HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 140: Luna-tic view

For the rest of the term, along with my various other projects, I also studied and felt the various enchantments cast on the SoG (Sword of Griffindor).

If something is enchanted, by feeling those enchantments, I can reproduce them to a certain extent. But of course, it can't be that easy with the Sword of Griffindor. This thing had enchantments woven into its very metal through olden Goblin forging techniques.

I wanted to show the sword to Sebastian and ask for his help, but the Delacours were still not aware of the fact that I can return home anytime I want. After all, it's a matter of safety for a lot of children. The fewer people know about the free passage, or the loophole of Vanishing Cabinet, the better.

But in the end, I still found a way to show it to Sebastian without having to tell him about my ability to instantly travel through Hogwarts to home.

And that method is: I asked Dumbledore if I can bring it home.

Yeah, that's it. No unnecessary stuff. And the old man even agreed and gave me permission as well. The thing is, the sword has been enchanted to be summoned back to the hat whenever the old man wants it. I had asked through the letter, and in the letter, I even promised to not lose it.

Well, if the old man had refused, I'd have just gone home and showed it to Sebastian, not caring about the secret. Only one extra person would know, and he's trustworthy. But it's good that he agreed.

With that out of the way, something else had been a bit fishy these days. Dora is teasing me every day giving me a surprise soon. I don't know what this girl is upto these days. But it seems that her trip to America went well and now they're going somewhere else soon.

Well, most likely, her next destination is France, but I don't want to get my hopes up, thus I've erased the thought from my memory.

So, this was the summary of the rest of the term. Tonight is the End-of-Term Feast. I was sitting at Ravenclaw table, surrounded by friends.

Tonight, even Luna was sitting beside me. Ever since I showed her the kitchen, she doesn't show up in the great Hall much as you'll often find her roaming the vast grounds of Hogwarts, or wandering around somewhere in the castle itself.

Nyxie also accompanies her often. Luna has always been fascinated by Nyxie and Nyxie is also an adventurous girl who likes to roam around. So the two hit it off quite well.

"You look less bright tonight," observed Luna as stared at me.

I checked myself. Outwardly, I was no different. I've also done my research on this eccentric girl. She's not too powerful magically, but she's, by no means, ordinary.

The very special thing about her is, she has something similar to 'Magesight'. She views things differently from how normal people would see. Or should I say, she can see a LOT more than what ordinary people can see?

This ability is SOOOOO f-ing OP.

Doesn't seem like it?

Well, even sensing magic doesn't seem to OP. But just look how wrong that assumption is.

Man, if I had her ability, I would have used it to its full potential, just like my Magic Sense.

*Wave* *Wave*

Luna waved her hand in front of my eyes, bringing me out of my thoughts and I realized that I had yet to respond to her.

"How do I look less bright today? I see no difference," I asked her.

Over this year my lying skills have reached a whole new level. Just now, I lied to her, but my words didn't contain a single lie. I really can't see any difference in outward appearance...But! I know what's different and the reason for the difference. My magic is almost exhausted right now, due to a particularly difficult project which I was working on before coming here. So, I'm most likely not shining too bright in her Magesight. My lying skill leveled up under the pressure that she catches me each time I lie. Now, I've reached the realm of Lying Without Lying.

"Luna," I tap her shoulder as I gestured towards Dumbledore who was going to give his speech soon. "How does my usual glow compare with Professor Dumbledore?" I asked curiously, wondering why I never asked her before.

Luna looked back at Dumbledore and shielded her eyes.

"...If you're a torch, then he's the Sun."


Well, what can I say? I can only be petty and say that at least my di*k and stamina are greater than that old fogey.

But seriously, even if I might have one of the highest amounts of magic among the students, age and plot can't be beaten easily.

Why did I say one of the highest and not THE highest?

Here's the reason.

"How about Harry?" I asked.

Luna looked at the Griffindor table where Harry was currently seated.

"You two really are the most interesting. He's also quite different than other people. His chest is only a little less bright than yours but your whole body glows a lot more than him, And..." she paused.

You see, Luna speaks a different language most of the time. So, let me translate it for the general audience.

In Lunar language: Glow/ Shine = Magic

The part she said about my whole body glowing more than Harry is natural. I've bonded with Nyxie, thus reforging my body, and my body has taken plenty of supplies of pure magic since I was six. Thus now, I'm somewhat of a magical creature myself. Even after my death, my body parts would have magical properties.

What surprised me was that Harry's chest is only a little less bright than mine! In the Lunar language, if she says chest, she means Magical core/sole. So, what she just meant was: Harry's magic power is only a little less than mine! That's crazy!

My current magic power is a lot more than even average grown adults! It means that the amount I gained through my blood and sweat by working my ass out every f*cking day was being given to Harry by either plot or his unique circumstances or by some fate and destiny bullsh*t.

But... Luna wasn't even done yet.

"His body shines less than you, but it shines more than any other student. And... his forehead... it has this." She pinched her thumb and finger together. "This little spot which is wrapped in dark, but glows brighter than both of you inside."


Could you kindly speak in English, ma'am?

I don't know where to start deciphering this one. Let's see... Harry's body shines more than other students except me...hmm...it would make sense if we take into account the fact that he has his mother's protection. It's even in his blood. But... I think Luna might just be talking about his Plot armor, not magic.

The next thing is more important. She can see the fact that Harry has a soul shard sticking in his forehead. She just doesn't know what the hell it means. This is a huge reveal! It can be really useful in my future plans.

My Magic Power being low stings a bit, but I have already always been aware of this. And I'm not too dissatisfied. I'll eventually everyone naturally, and for my low magic power, I've already made so many countermeasures. (That special wand, the M.P. potions, etc.)

While I was lost in thought, Dumbledore had come to the podium to give his End of Term speech.

"Here we are again, at the end of a very eventful year," he said, smiling his grandfatherly smile. "At some point, the times were difficult, the Chamber of Secrets..." when he mentioned the Chamber, the students began murmuring among themselves. "The Chamber of Secrets had been opened, and students and staff alike were attacked. And one student was even kidnapped, taken into the Chamber. But! We managed to pull through," he said, spreading his hands and smiling, "There have been no casualties. The petrified people are now back with us, and the kidnapped student was also recovered safely!" He said, smiling widely.

The students gave a round of applause, as Dumbledore continued,

"And all of this wouldn't have been possible without the help we got! Thus, before the feast I would like to dish out some last-minute points." he smiled.

'Here we go again,' I thought as I looked back at the Points Hourglasses. Currently, Ravenclaw was—once again—on the top. Followed by Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff.

This time, Ravenclaw was able to beat Slytherin (who has Professor Unfair Snape) even without the points from Quidditch which was canceled.

The main reason for that is, of course, yours truly. Ever since I butchered the Basilisk right in front of them, the three Heads of Houses have been very generous with points (not counting Snape.)

But whatever. It's not like I mind. Not when the points system is even more unstable than Francium, the most unstable element in the periodic table. And its value in my eyes is even less than the cheapest of stocks. (At least cheap stocks have a chance of rising in value)

The old man continued, "To Harry Potter, I reward 230 points, for showing valor in times of need and following the teachers down into the Chamber of Secrets."


Tumultuous applause came from the Griffindor table as they directly jump from third place to first place.

By now, everyone had at least known the fact that I and Harry had gone down to the Chamber with the professors, but many just believe it to be a false rumor. But now, Dumbledore had officially confirmed it, thus removing any suspicions from the fact.

'Wow...just wow.' I was a bit speechless.

This time, I didn't let the other two members of the Golden trio follow to leech points, and Harry's role was also minimal. But the old gave still Harry 230 points on purpose, thus beating Ravenclaw by a margin of 4 points.

'Scum.' I muttered. This man would never change his habits.

Even if only for a moment, he did make Griffindor win. Now he can give points to me, thus letting Ravenclaw win eventually. It seriously seems like something a harem protagonist would do.

Dumbledore gestured to the crowd and the applause slowly died down, "Next I would like to award the student who found the Chamber to rescue his friend, and also helped in slaying the monster of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets."

The students began murmuring and I sighed in disappointment. Why did he even have to bring all this up? Of course, he has his mechanizations but I only feel that I'd rather stay out of all this.

But Dumbledore wasn't even done yet.

"And this is not the end of it. The student, at such a shortage, also successfully managed the biggest club of Hogwarts this year, thus helping students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts subject even in the absence of a professor."

"Thus, along with 500 points, student Chris Martin is thus being awarded the Special Award for services to school!"

'Well, can't complain.' I thought as I got up while being thumped on the shoulder and getting my hair ruffled.

Amidst the thunderous applause, I went to the front to receive the Award. I humbly thanked Dumbledore and nodded respectfully towards the teachers who were also applauding.

It was a large golden shield, with Hogwarts symbol on it, and the words engraved were:







I didn't know if I was supposed to take it with me or not. Since Riddle's was still in the Trophy room. As far as I knew, awards, as long as they belong to a single individual, were meant to be taken home. But hey, I studied in a school owned by parents in my previous life, so the awards and prizes I won were always taken home.

When I returned, friends from all over came to congratulate me and see the award.

"You did a lot this year, huh?" Said, Anthony.

"Yeah, Dumbledore even forgot to count the fact that you represented Hogwarts and defeated a bunch of Frenchies of Beauxbatons." Terry chimed in.

Oh right, I did that too, didn't I?

Well, with this much, the old man was forced to reward me with everything. It seems that Ravenclaw finally won the house cup this year. Even the teachers would protest if he didn't do this much. I bet the old man would have liked to give Harry a special services award as well. But that would simply normalize everything that I'd done. And besides, Harry and Ron went alone in the canon, thus Dumbledore could easily glorify even Ron, but this time, the teachers and Dumbledore were present and Harry didn't get to do much.


"Are you sure we're not going to congratulate him?" Asked Tracy to her best friend. Over the year, after attending many classes together, both of them had become kinda-friends with Chris. Especially since Nyxie was always with Chris.

Daphne scoffed, "It's better if we don't. The other houses won't like it." After this Chamber, if Secrets debacle, their house's reputation had taken a turn for the worse. Chris's club was trying its best to remove the house enmity, but the situation was still bad.

Tracy thumped the table in frustration. "Why did we have to be sorted into Slytherin?" She muttered in a voice low enough that only Daphne heard it.

"We're here because we have Slytherin traits. The question is... how is HE not in Slytherin?" She responded while looking towards Chris.

But inwardly, she was also thinking it would have been better if she was in a different house, especially with her sister coming next year. Daphne was worried.


"Are we finally going?!" Asked Dora excitedly to Moody.

"Yes. The portkeys are ready. But why are you so excited, kid?" Moody couldn't understand why this kid would be so excited for their next destination.

Dora looked away, but then thought it would be for the best to tell Moody now. "Well, the one I've been talking to all this while... he... he actually lives in France."


Moody was speechless. She's only telling him now? After all the arrangements have been done? If Moody knew this beforehand, he'd have canceled the plans for France already.

Dora hurriedly continued in case Moody changes his mind, "Hey! It's a good thing. I'm telling you! His dad is the Head of DMLE of France. You would have an easier time with the investigation if we went to pay a visit and if I asked him to have his dad help you." Of course, Dora didn't care one bit if Moody got what she was promising or not. Her only goal was to meet Chris, the rest of the things be damned. She'll just casually mention it... after she had thoroughly reunited Chris.

Moody could only wonder when did this kid become so calculative, since she was very innocent just until a couple of years back. ( *cough* Chris *cough* )

But look at her now. She didn't tell him about this boyfriend being in France till the last moment and then even threw in such a delicious bait. It would indeed be helpful if he had the help of the Head of DMLE.

"Sigh.." Moody sighed gruffly.

Dora grinned as knew that Moody wouldn't deny it. Now she's ready to go to France and give her clueless Chris a great surprise.



Power Stones....please....please....please....

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