HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 143: The long awaited reunion

Chris slowly deactivated the Super Trigger Blue which had activated on its own on her arrival, and just looked at her for a moment, savoring the sight of her after so long. She had become even more beautiful, if that was possible. And currently, her eyes had a few tears as she also looked at him with a similar intensity.

'What?!' Chris almost laughed out loud when he noticed something else as well. Dora... had put on makeup! It was very light, almost unnoticeable, but it couldn't escape Chris's eyes. It has to be mentioned that she hates makeup, and doesn't even pay attention to looking good.

'But today, it looks like she tried, for my sake.'

She seemed quite flustered right now, 'Maybe thinking of what she did the last we parted.' So, Chris took the initiative.


Dora had been unable to move ever since Chris had arrived right in front of her. She'd wanted to see him for a long time, and had been anticipating their reunion for a long time. But now that she was face to face with him, she was at loss at what to do when he was finally standing right in front of her.

Throughout their separation, Dora only had Chris as her friend, but Chris had many other friends and even made new friends. Chris was an important part of Dora's life, but could the same still be said about Chris who could have met much more entertaining and outgoing people than herself,

'He's even mentioned that veela a few times.' she thought.

But... these thoughts vanished when he slowly closed the distance between them. Chris was walking towards her like a predator stalking its prey.

"W-Wotcher." Dora also tried to use the same words he greeted her with. This greeting was something they had in common. It was how Chris had greeted her when they'd first met, and Dora's interest had been piqued from that very first moment because this was how she greeted people as well.


But before she knew it, Chris had already closed the distance and hugged her in his tight embrace! Electricity passed through Dora's body, and it had nothing to do with Trigger. And Chris also felt it.

'This feeling,' he thought it contentment as hugged her tightly, not caring one bit if she's ok with it or. Right now, he just wanted to stay in this Utopia.

"Perfect," he couldn't help but mutter as his hands wrapped around her and his head rested comfortably on her shoulder and his face nuzzled into her hair, taking in her scent. It smelled like lilac, but somehow, he could smell more than that. This was the scent of Dora, something he'd been unconsciously wanting ever since he went into her room that night.

Dora also hugged Chris, as she closed her moist eyes in contentment.

"Perfect," she heard his voice right next to her ear, making her quiver. And she realized to her surprise that they were almost the same height now. In fact, Chris might even be just a tad bit taller than her!

"Miss me?" He asked while still hugging her.

"Pfft—" Dora laughed. Just hearing his voice made her feel comfortable once again, "Daily," she answered, feeling her cheeks heating up at her own honesty. She was glad Chris couldn't see it.

But Chris could clearly pick up her heartbeat increasing.

"Me too," he muttered softly, savoring her embrace while he still can.

"Hmph! I don't believe you~"

"Hey! It's true!"

"Liar~ Deceiving an innocent girl. Tsk - tsk."

Just like that, the ice and awkwardness of a year was broken, and both of them started to become comfortable with each other once again.

"Anyways, how did you come here? What about your training?"

"My training is still going on. Moody had business here. So I asked and got a break and came to see you," she explained while still hugging him, her one hand unconsciously brushing through his hair.

Up in the sky, Nyxie looked at the both of them hugging, but in the end, she didn't disturb them. Chris's feeling of happiness was felt by her through the bond. So, in the end, she only resentfully glared at Dora from a distance for invading her territory, not willing to disturb her daddy's happiness.


When Esmée, Gabrielle, and Fleur came out of the window, Chris was already nowhere to be seen.

Esmée and Gabrielle ran their way around the Manor to go towards the front gates.

"Go slow!"

Fleur also followed, making sure the two don't fall. When she drew closer to the gate, Fleur could barely make the silhouette of Chris on the other side of the closed gate.


But after walking even closer, she saw that there was actually another person there as well. It seemed that the two were hugging each other.

Upon reaching closer, she realized that it was actually a girl. Her pink hair was especially noticeable. The beautiful girl currently had her eyes closed and was saying something to Chris with a smile. Fleur didn't know why, but she had an uncomfortable feeling seeing them like that.

"Big... brodar?" Esmée called out to Chris, her eyes looking teary.

Chris and Dora, who had been in their own world talking and laughing, while still in hugging looked the source of the voice.

Dora opened her eyes only to find three girls standing behind the manor gates. The two little girls were very cute, but what drew her attention was the girl with silver blond hair who looked very beautiful. Dora hoped that this girl was also Chris's sister, but she already had a bad feeling.

Chris turned around and smiled at the three girls.

"Oh? You guys also came? Great! Let me introduce everyone," he said, naturally putting an arm around Dora's waist. He opened the gates and lead her to the three girls. The wards obey his orders and granted Dora entry.

"Dora, that's Esmée, this is Gabrielle, and that's Fleur. I already told you about them," he then addressed the three girls, "Ladies, this is Dora. She's my gir— um, best friend."

Chris almost said girlfriend, but then realized that they weren't official yet, so he had to reluctantly change it to best friend. After all, it's not right to call her his girlfriend without her complete acknowledgment and reciprocation.

Chris was smiling, but then he realized that atmosphere didn't seem right.

'What's wrong?'

Dora became wary as soon as she heard that this was Fleur Delacour, his veela friend. She had never met a veela before but heard a lot about them. And seeing one for the first time, she had to admit that Veelas are indeed very beautiful.

While the girls weren't comfortable, at least, one person was an exception. Gabrielle smiled happily as she waved her hand at Dora,

"Helloo! Nice to meet you. You're the girl who Chris talks about all the time!"

Chris ruffled Gabrielle's hair, "Yeah, that's her," he was very pleased with this bubbly and enthusiastic girl for dispelling the awkward atmosphere.

He then turned to Dora. "Come on in. I'm going to introduce you to my parents," he said before he started walking, his hand still looped around her waist, causing Dora to walk as well.


Dora panicked.

'Am I the only one who thought that these words felt like he was going to introduce his girlfriend to his parents?' She thought in a fluster.

"Don't be nervous. My parents are very nice people. They'll definitely be happy to see you," Chris ignored her protests. What else was he supposed to do? She came all the way here and he doesn't even invite her into his house? No way.

Oh the way, he told her about his parents, "My dad usually doesn't smile and maintains a stiff posture. So, if he looks like the world owes him money, don't take it personally. He's like that most of the time, but he's good at heart."

"Pfft!" Fleur covered her mouth to stop the laughter from escaping her mouth. It was soooo accurate! This... can't be unheard. From now on, whenever she sees her teacher's serious face, she'll always think of these words.

"My mother, on the other hand, is a very kind and amiable person..... as long as she isn't angered. Though she's as scary as a blood-sucking vampire when angry."


All the girls were left speechless at Chris's description of his parents. They all wondered if that's how he gives their own description to other people as well.

They reached the manor, and for once his life, Chris opted to use the front door instead of the windows.

Dora was a little overwhelmed by the large grounds and the luxurious mansion.

"So, your parents also turned out to be rich, huh? As if you had any lack of money," she muttered, thinking that it would have been better if both Chris and his family weren't so rich. Dora didn't have any personal person problem with money, but she had problems with rich people. Except for Chris, she doesn't have a good impression of any of the rich people she'd met so far. All of them were snobbish, corrupt, and incompetent of the wealth they possessed due to inheritance.

Fleur, who had been listening intently didn't miss Dora's words that Dora had muttered without thinking much.

'Is she... after Chris's wealth?' She thought while frowning.

'Also, what did she mean by Chris already being rich?'

While they were walking, Chris pulled Dora closer to whisper into her ear, "Don't forget what I told you earlier. They think I grew up with your family."

"... I know," she said back. Though she only remembered it now. She didn't like the fact that he wasn't truthful, but she could understand his reasoning.

According to what Dora knew, it was something like this,

He wanted his parents to feel the least guilty for not being able to be there for him. He didn't want them to know that he grew up alone, and the Grandma was another painful story, since she passed away so tragically...

He also didn't want them to think of him as an abnormal freak who learned so much at such a young age on his own, without any guidance.

So, he explained his situation in a way that his parents would assume that Dora's family taught him everything, including occlumency.

Chris had already told Dora about all this, as well as the Tonks family.

When they reached the dining table, his parents were still there, delicious food was also still there, but along with that, Appoline was also there. She had the Online chatting Diary in her hands.

"Oh, so you suddenly had free time when I messaged you about the special food?" Camille was saying to Appoline, holding her own Diary as well. Chris had, of course, given a pair linked to each other to these two besties.

When Chris and the girls came all the eyes naturally settled on the conspicuous pink-haired girl whom he was leading.


At the sudden attention, Dora's pink hair turned mousy brown, surprising them even further.

Chris cleared his throat, "Mom, Dad, Oh- Appoline is here too. Everyone, this is Dora Tonks. My best friend Dora. She graduated from Hogwarts last year with the highest scores and is now taking Auror training under semi Auror Alastor Moody. When Moody came to France on business, she was able to come to see me, for which, I'm really really happy."

He gave everyone a complete introduction of Dora, so that the people, especially his mother, won't start making assumptions and for Dora to not feel like she's intruding.

Camille was first to react. She stood and smiled at Dora, "Oh dear, so you are Dora! I finally get to meet you! Chris has been talking a lot about you, in like — his every fifth sentence," she said as she came around to have a closer look at the young woman who has her son completely smitten.

"Mom! I didn't mention her that often!" Chris protested, suddenly feeling relieved that he didn't grow up here. Or his mother would definitely generously arm Dora with a lifetime's worth of ammunition, telling about all of his embarrassing stories, and naked childhood photos. His mother in his previous life used to give that kind of ammunition to anyone who'd listen, and very proudly at that.

Dora laughed, instantly liking this woman for making Chris flustered.

Durant, on the other hand, focused on something else,

"Alastor Moody... are you referring to Mad-eye Moody?" He asked curiously.

"That's him," Chris confirmed.

Durant looked at Dora once again, "You must be good," he decided. He knew a lot about Mad-eye, and that person hadn't taken any protege or trainees yet. So this girl can't be simple.

Mad-eye Moody was someone whom Durant personally respected. In the past, while the other Aurors were either bought out or defeated, the man fought tooth and nail for getting as many Death Eaters into Azkaban as possible, even killing some. Thus as an avid hater of death-eaters, Durant had a good impression of Moody.

Chris suddenly had a great realization.

"Dora! You came at a very great time," he said excitedly. "Look!" He ran towards the dining table and removed the lids from the dishes once again.


The delicious smell spread into the room once again, causing everyone to take a deep breath.

"Oh my!" Appoline, the food specialist, and enthusiast, put a hand to her mouth in shock and wonderment.

But Dora also looked at the food in disbelief. She's been eating her mom's cooking her entire life, so she can recognize it even better than Chris.

"I-Is that—?" She asked in a quivering voice. It felt like ages since she last ate her mom's food.

"Yes." Chris smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Your mom gave me the recipe. And guess what, it's the first time your mom's cooking was made in this house!"


"As I said, your timing is simply magical. This can't be a coincidence. These dishes...

were meant for you," he said with a smile. Dora hasn't eaten Andromeda's cooking for so long. She couldn't even go home for Christmas. So, this food made from her recipe would definitely make her moved to tears.


A.N.: Romance and Egg. There was a vote for the gender of Egg on P.atreon. So far, Female is winning. Let me know what you guys think->

Man, now my college is offine... offline exams 😓😓

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