HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 145: Chris vs Dora

Chris and Dora looked at each other. Chris had a smirk on his face while Dora glared at him, her lips forming into a smile that is not a smile.

'It seems that I overdid it.' Thought Chris just as Dora raised her wand.

Chris didn't know just how much she had improved in this year, but given that she's been learning things from various places and absorbing pure magic, there's no way it's going to be easy. Even in her seventh year, she was already better than many trained Aurors.

"Um... wait a moment, I was just—"

Before he could finish, a spell hit the ground in front of him.


*Zoop* *Zoop* *Zoop* *Zoop*

The hell?

Is that a wand or a machine gun?

Dora just held out her wand and Stinging hexes came at him at a great speed. And up to now, there have been no incantations or wand movements whatsoever.

Of course, the power of the Stinging hexes was very low, any decent wizard could tell just from the spell light, but it's very disgraceful to hit one-sidedly like this.

At the same time, her earlier spell worked and wines emerged from the group and wrapped up his legs.

'This should do,' thought Dora in satisfaction.

Dora had just fired a few shots in order to properly teach this guy a lesson. She thought that this would do the trick since Chris's greatest advantage is his mobility which she'd blocked from that amazing spell she'd learned from the Native Americans, the wizards who inhabited America long before the New World was founded by muggles and wizards.

But... Dora got goggle-eyed upon seeing what happened next!

Chris looked surprised at first upon being seeing her improved spell casting. It looked like he didn't even have the time to react. But, in the next moment, his hand blurred and—

*Whiz* *Whiz* Whiz* *Whiz*

All the spells were deflected!

"H-How...?" Dora's mouth hung open.

Chris smirked, even as pointed his wand down.

"Diffindo." The wines came loose, and step out of them.

"I didn't know, you'd already be this good at plant magic," he said, but then grinned, "But... you're not the only one who's improving fast, heh." Chris still didn't attack though, he's just going to defend for now. He knows that at Max level he can show off in front of everyone without being called a monster won't be enough to deal with her. Thus, he has another plan.

Dora had expected him to improve, but this?

'He can already do spell swatting?!'

But well, it does make sense, considering his excellent reflexes and Hand-eye coordination.'

Dora clenched her wand tightly.

"Well...That's not the only thing I've learned."

Gathered her concentration and intent through occlumency, turning only the top of her wand at the ground beneath Chris's feet at the moment, thus not giving him much chance to dodge.

"Lonicera Ligare!"

This time, even Dora properly called out the spell. Immediately, the ground beneath split open, and this time, the vines that came out were much thicker, and their quantity was huge.

'Damn.' Chris couldn't help but exclaim inwardly. The power needed for this is beyond ordinary. But Chris didn't have time to appreciate it. He jumped back high into the air

"Diffindo!" "Diffindo!"


But, the spell couldn't do much damage to the wines. If one spell could cut one, there were a dozen more to take its place.

The vines were already closing in on him, and it looked like Chris didn't have any magic available at his disposal that could deal with this problem with having to show off more than he was comfortable with. And dodging was already impossible now, the vines had him surrounded from all sides.

At this moment, Chris did something that made not only Dora, but everyone else present shocked at well! While still in mid-air, his other hand went to his pocket, and he did a swift 360° turn.


All everyone could see was a flash of silver light, and all the vines were hacked into pieces.

Even after Dumbledore dulled the sword as much as he could, since this legendary sword was made to cut, then it will still cut, even though it will need a lot of force. (If you're not using magic)

As for giving a child a weapon? The most feasible weapon is the wand. It's kinda foolish to hesitate in this kind of matter after already arming the child with a wand. Muggles shouldn't judge the wizarding world by their own standards.


Chris landed in a one knee crouch and stopped his backward momentum by dragging the sword along with him as he slid back, his gaze back on Dora.

"Almost had me here, sweetie," he grinned as he stood up, wand in one hand, while the Sword of Griffindor glittering in the other.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Dora shouted.

Chris shrugged, "When did I ever say I'd play by rules?"


It was indeed true. This wasn't a duel, but Dora trying to punish Chris. The duel wasn't even announced before she'd started attacking him.

Durant looked at the sword curiously. From what he could see, it was no ordinary artifact.

The ladies found the shining silver sword quite pleasing to the eyes.

"So pretty!" Exclaimed Gabrielle from the peanut gallery while looking at the Ruby encrusted shining silver sword.

"Big brother Chris, you look really heroic with that sword! Just like those warriors in the stories!"

Chris smiled and waved at her. But then focused back onto Dora.

'This girl wouldn't give up just yet,' he thought inwardly.

Dora gritted her teeth. She already knew that ordinary methods won't work on him anymore. And she wasn't willing to try magiks which might injure him. Thus, her options were also limited.

"It's was a nice move. But... I'm going to end it with this one," said Dora, her mind already gathering her intent.

"Oh?" Chris took a step forward as he pocketed his wand. "I had the same thought," he smirked as he dashed straight towards her. Dora didn't know just what kind of sword Chris had in his hands.

"Bring it!" As ran towards her with the sword held in both hands.

"Alright then, slash this if you can, you cheater!" She called and she brandished her wand. This time, she even added a complicated wand movement, for more control on the spell, since this will take even more magic, and it might injure Chris if she didn't control it.

"Murus Contructione Fortia!"

She intoned in an echoing voice, swishing her wand with each word.


Intense light burst out from her wand with a boom, and a wall of pure force emerged burst out, increasing in size as it headed straight towards him!

"F," Chris muttered as he still didn't stop running. He would have either have had to suffer a humiliating defeat or show his powers if he didn't have Sword of Gordric Griffindor right now.

The speed and momentum of the huge wall were nothing to scoff at, it was in front of Chris really didn't give any chance to dodge.

But, Chris didn't intend to dodge it in the first place.

Dora saw that Chris didn't seem to stop running until she couldn't see him anymore more due to the giant wall obstructing her view.



Then she saw her wall being cut from the middle as Chris emerged from the other side with that beautiful sword shining in his hands.

Chris grinned at her like he could understand exactly what she was thinking. He had already almost reached her now, but he slowed down his speed, as if to tease her more before he eventually wins.

Dora fired a few more spells in defiance, but Chris easily swatted them aside with the flat of his sword as he stepped close to her.



While Dora was focused on Chris and his sword, he had already fired a sticking charm to her foot, stopping her from escaping.

Chris finally reached her as he pointed the sword at her neck, thus ending this absurd duel where no rules were followed.

"You did well," he praised, "No... you even overdid it a bit," he said as he looked towards his family.

That display of magic was quite impressive. His parents now know that he would be lucky to have Dora on his side.


He dropped the sword aside and pulled Dora, who was still in disbelief into a hug as everyone else also came to him.

"Just... how... what the hell did you do with the Sword?" She asked, and everyone else also had the same question.

Chris chuckled, "I didn't do anything. It was all the sword," he said honestly as he separated from her and picked it up being anyone else even got close to stop them from touching it. After all, he still wasn't aware of the fact that Dumbledore had disabled the Basilisk poison infliction. How could he? He hasn't tried to kill anyone with it.

"Son, what is that?" Surprisingly, Durant was the first one to ask him, perhaps because he knew best the miraculousness of the sword.

Gabrielle and Esmée surrounded him, curiously looking at the sword.

Chris smiled proudly, "This — is the Sword of Gordric Griffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts."

Camille and Durant looked at each other. Their son has been finding strange things at Hogwarts for a while, like those pieces of Jewelry which have amazing effects on their body, but this time, he seems to have outdone himself.

"Sword of Gordric Gryffindor himself?"

They just couldn't believe it. And they couldn't even begin to estimate its historical value, not to mention its fantastic functions that he'd just shown.

Before they start thinking that he was bullshitting, he explained further, "Don't misunderstand, I didn't find it myself. Dumbledore lent it to me for this summer. But, it's hundred percent true that it's the founder's sword,"

Fleur still couldn't believe it though, "So, your school's Headmaster, professor Albus Dumbledore gave you the Sword of Gordric Griffindor?"

Well, it's only right for her to doubt Chris. Dumbledore himself was a legend, and as a headmaster, he hasn't exchanged many words with any other Hogwarts student other than Chris and Harry. So, it would indeed seem surprising that he casually lent out a sword as precious as this one to a second-year student. 'But... what can I say? That's just how we roll.' thought Chris helplessly.

"Well, that's not the only thing. I also got this," said Chris as he produced his Special Services Award from his pocket.

Dora recognized it immediately, "Special Services award?! Blimey Chris, How did you get that?"

"What kind of Award, honey?" Asked Camille, already feeling proud. Her son won an award!

"This is a rare award that's given to the individuals who've managed to achieve things that benefited the school as a whole. That's the reason why Dumbledore even agreed to lend me the sword."

"What did you do?" Asked Dora, now extremely curious.

Chris smiled casually,

"Oh, this? I just slew a monster that only exists in fantasies," he said offhandedly, and everyone knew he was joking. He then turned to Durant, "Well, let's learn Dueling now, shall we?"

After that, Durant taught them about dueling. All of them already knew more than just the basics, so the context and spells were something that even Dora found useful.

Then, Durant exchanged spells with each of them, even Dora to them individually They weren't going all out, just keeping the match even where Durant pointed out their flaws and explained some better actions through demonstrations. In the end, they all managed to learn a lot.

Dora also taught them various things she'd learned in her travels and from Moody. The things she'd picked up were no joke. With this much, she could easily be a professor. Which goes to show just how talented she is.

After Dueling Chris showed off the spell deflecting and spell cutting abilities of the sword.


It was nighttime, and Chris, true to his words, didn't let Dora leave. But she also didn't mind staying now, because she'd managed to get along quite well with all of his family, and it was confirmed that she wasn't at all intruding or causing any inconvenience.

She'd sent an owl to Moody, stating that she's staying at the Martin residence and that he's been invited tomorrow.

"Hehe, now I can have my way with you," muttered Chris wickedly as he stood in front of the door of the guest bedroom in which Dora was staying.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who's there?" Came the came of Dora from the other side.


"Olive who?"

"Olive you a whole lot. Open up already, Dora."

The door opened and Dora stood on the other side. She had changed into a t-shirt and shorts, her usual casual wear, and she looked damn cute and sexy in this to Chris. Her hair was wet, meaning she'd recently taken a bath.

"Why are you here?" She asked as she let him in. It didn't seem she understood his joke just now.

They had started living together in the room of requirements at Hogwarts, so going into each other's room was no big deal.

"Why else? I came to properly catch up." He said as he hugged her once again. She smelled quite sweet right now. He kicked the door close behind him. In front of everyone, he couldn't properly catch up with her.


A.N.: Hmm...sus. It seems that the mc has something planned for the night. The wolf has entered the den.

The next chapter title is: 'FINALLY!'

POWERSTONES... um... please?

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Edit: On damn! I just realized! Dora can do Tentacle Magic!

... the option is right here 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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