So, where were we?

yeah about the inheritance test at the Gringotts. Well, I got nothing.

yeah nothing.

So that means that this body was born from some muggles who were descendents of some squibs but the bloodline was so diluted that it won't count.

Yes there has to be a certain level of blood purity in order to inherit that line.

Otherwise the muggleborns would be winning Jackpots here and there, considering the number of pureblood houses that have gone extinct.


I was a little disappointed but I really can't complain. I have almost everything I need.

But... I still the needed to have my own sources of income. I can not always borrow from Harry.

(yes I was just borrowing. I will return it once I have enough.)

So, I asked the goblins re if they could make a muggle id for me.

And yes, goblins do business in muggle world.

Why else do think they would exchange magical currency for muggle currency?

As it turns out, I'm not the first one asking for this. Several magical families actually do look for opportunities to conduct business in the muggle world. So they also require identities.

So, after some paying some money and signing some papers, my identity was made after some hardships.

I am Chris Jackson, A rich second generation who's parents have passed away leaving him a fortune to spend. I'm 20 years old yada... get the idea.

There were all sorts of documents and I had to research a lot about this. Since I know that I'm not being done in by the goblins. Seriously man, all these things were handled by my dad in my previous life. What a spoiled kid adult I was.

So I had gone over to consult Ted Tonks since, you know, he's the only lawyer in the magical world that I know about.

So I had gotten his flow contact from the goblins and asked him if we could meet for business.

You know, the head popping out of the fireplace kind contacting.

I can just contact him using that. But if I want to floo there, I need his permission.

We agreed to meet at the leaky Cauldron since, you know, I didn't know any other place in the magical world where we could meet.

I met him in my aging potion about 19-20year old form.

So, it went smoothly after that.Ted was very professional and didn't ask anything other work related. I got to learn many things and got some tips on how to deal with the goblins.

I thanked him and paid him more than he asked for I told him that I would consult him again if the opportunity arises.


No, you perverts, I didn't meet Nymphadora.

(How could I when she was at Hogwarts?!)

And no! you super perverts, I didn't meet Andromeda either.

Anyway, the reason I got all this done because I had found out that this world also had a similar muggle world as my previous world.

Just the presence of magic was the different factor in this world. Maybe it is an alternative reality.

So, I can make use of my future knowledge from my previous world to get a lot of money easily without much effort just by investing in the right places.

It was 1986, I tried search for the companies that I already knew about. And I found some familiar names

Like Warner Bros, Vodafone, Huawei etc. so I invested in them. These had just recently started so I bought quite some shares in these. Though I had to take goblins help again. Since it was too much hassle doing it on my own and I don't mind paying a small sum in return to being lazy. I'll get rich soon anyways.

I didn't forget about Microsoft. Though I was already famous and had just recently launched a new windows software . I'm gonna hitch a ride with Bill gates.

I remember Google would still take a while to come out (1998).

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