HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 155: Anti Magic. . .

To be honest, Chris was a bit disappointed when the bonding began, since last time when he bonded with Nyxie, somehow, all the wards he'd cast around the room had somehow Vanished. That's the reason why Dora was able to enter and see him all bloodied.

Thus, to investigate how that had happened, he'd even cast a lot of layers of wards, with each layer being more powerful. To really wanted to know how the wards disappeared since even though he can cast OP wards with his unique casting, he can't do much about dismantling them besides brute force.

Though to his disappointment, this time, they're all still present upto now. But...


Chris muttered as carefully looked at his own hands which are still throbbing from time to time.


It's not a loss at all! Oh, how he's always wanted this ability.

He couldn't begin to imagine just how much he could abuse this ability. If he were to be honest, he should have no business even getting this ability. He's already loaded as he is. But if it's being given to without even having to work it, then he's all for it!

Chris grinned but the sharp and elonged canines pricked his inner lip.

"What the—" he touched his canines and found out that they had changed to this.

Well, it was no big deal. It has happened before as well due to his drakonic characteristics, so this is not anything new. He might be getting this again due to the Horned Serpent.

'Are Horned Serpent's poisonous as well?' he wondered.

Nyxie is also poisonous, but fortunately, she hasn't poisoned anyone yet. She had almost bit Dora a few times, but she's a good girl now after Chris got really angry once when she had used magic and forbade her from using it.

Anyway, Chris focused back on the bonding processes. He looked at Dora for a while to confirm something.

'Her bond is strengthening,'

When her bond had already formed, Dora hadn't gotten many benefits from it since her bond was just a normal one, without pure magic.

In the normal bonds that ordinary wizards form, not much can be achieved, especially in the beginning. You have to train the abilities continuously and increase the strength of your bond manually to get the benefits that he's getting almost instantly due to the bond being formed on Pure magic.

Thus, right now, not only Dora is getting Chris's and very few of Nyxie's, but she's also getting more of the Horned Serpent's abilities since the bond is now being strengthened by pure magic.

"Arrgh.. ,"

While he was pondering this, he started feeling a mild pain in his chest. He didn't mind it and kept healing everyone. But soon he frowned.

This pain wasn't even that much and it only hurt a bit. But... the problem was,

'Why the hell hasn't it already healed?' He's wearing that bulky metal vest load with pure magic. Any injury or pain there should automatically get soothe by pure magic. Then why the hell is it still not gone?

Fortunately, the pain had disappeared soon as well, but he couldn't understand what was the reason. He just shrugged.

But his paranoid mind was telling him that it might be coming from his soul. It should definitely be in a lot of strain right now. He's using so much magic and he's also having another bond.

Well, it's not like he had plans to bond with a lot of creatures to make an army or something, so it's okay. But...

'I need to delve into soul magic soon,' he decided. Then he can think of bonding with more creatures, if he absolutely needs to.

Soul magic is dangerous, but it's just too interesting, powerful, necessary, and useful. For now though, he's only going to do research until he's had enough knowledge in the field.

Soon, it was time for the bond to finish.

'Is it finally ending?!'

He was very happy when it was finally ending! He's been dying so much with pain that it felt like a long time had passed and he's had to constantly keep thinking of different things to distract himself from the pain. He checked the time to see how much time it took.


5 minutes.

...F*cking five minutes. The process of bonding, which happens over such a long time ending in 5 freakin' minutes! Of course it was going to be painful. The streams of magic were thinning and the amount also decreased. It seemed it was already over and Chris sighed.



Just before it seemed like it was going to end, the automatic movement of his magic intensified by a lot suddenly!

Chris stood up, "This feeling—"

'This is it!'

This was what he was looking for in the beginning! It happening now, and the intensity is greater. Last time, he was too distracted with Pain to see and feel what exactly happened at that time. Thus, this time, Chris braced himself.

Though he was sure this wouldn't hurt them, Chris still spread out a Corpomency barrier in front of Dora, Nyxei, and the egg. Shielding charms are now too old-fashioned for him.

Chris then turned his attention back to the phenomena happening in front of him. The magic which had gone out of his control first condensed itself. Then, it seemed to change its very properties and it became colorless! .

And in the next moment,


A shockwave burst out as the magic spread out in all directions.

It hit the Corpomency shield, and the shield almost got disintegrated. Chris didn't take cover, since he wanted to thoroughly analyze this. As soon as he got into contact with it, the magic of super trigger covering him went off like a candle. It didn't disappear, but it did kinda disperse. Though his body absorbed more from the metal vest and the magic began to surround him again.

When colorless energy made contact with the layers of wards he'd established, it only stopped after disintegrating 3 layers.

Chris stood completely still as he turned off the trigger causing the pure magic, and the Corpomency shield to go off. He was still in disbelief as he fell back on the bed in a daze.


He was truly speechless now.

"That was....."

A-Anti...Magic... wasn't it?

He didn't even stop to think of useless stuff. He immediately tried to recreate it using the feeling he just remembered,

First try, didn't work..

Second try after putting in some variation, didn't work..

Third, fourth...

the N-th try, he still hadn't been able to do it.

Usually, if he remembers the feeling, he can reproduce the magic. But this just now? It was not forming.

"I'm getting this no matter what," he declared resolutely. Anti Magic in a world of magic? He's GOT to get have this! Sooner or later.

But for now, he was deadbeat. He clean up all the blood with a few spells. He had to borrow magic from the armor. He was exhausted, and his body had no strength. He needed food.

He had Jilly bring in a lot of food. While devouring it, he looked at the egg, the Horned Serpent's egg.

According to his knowledge, the Horned Serpents are black with traces of blue thrown in. But this egg, along with having the black and blue color, also has this reddish-brown color.


Could it be related to why it has two creatures inside? He wouldn't know. He doesn't know why how anti-magic got involved in this situation.

Everything is always so complicated and things didn't go as he'd expected. He even got the Metamorphagus ability... maybe. He hasn't tried it out yet. And the change in the intensity of the shockwave.

All of this just goes to remind him that this is not just a simple world he read in the book. Magic is complicated and the more he knows about it, the more he realizes just how much more there is to explore.

The magical world has so much to it that it couldn't even be covered in hundreds of books, so it's already admirable that the woman could fit so much in the seven books. In such a complex world with such a complex magic, he, Dumbledore, and Voldemort can't be the only ones who've gained powers from it. That was just Britain.

And the current Britain isn't even on the top in many things. Many other countries also have their own deep histories containing legends of Overpowered Magicals and their own cultures which spawned different types of magic with different types of casting methods.

There's ancient Greece with stories of mighty heroes, there's India, with Sanskrit, the oldest language ever. There is also China... with all the Wuxia and Xainxia tales... there must be a few Chinese protagonists and old monsters. And many more.

"Meww... Daddy,"

While Chris was lost in his thoughts, Nyxie already started to wake up. Her magic resistance is something to be admired. It's quite a lot stronger than ordinary dragons. Nyxie tried to stand on her paws but failed.

"Oh, you already woke up?" Chris took her into his lap. "How do you feel?"

Nyxie snuggled up to him, "Sleepy..."

Even though Chris used English, Nyxie had spoken Dragontongue. It sounded like, "Mew," but he was able to understand it quite well.

This can only mean he might also learn Parseltongue now after the second bond.

'If only I had this a year ago,' he lamented.

Though there wasn't much he could have done even then. Since the chamber can only be opened by the Parseltongue inherited from Slytherin. But he could have still used it to fool the Portrait good.

But whatever... now he can learn Parsel-magic, teach some to Harry, and also try incorporating the Parsel-magic into his dragon-magic.

Chris lifted Nyxie to his chest and laid down next to Dora who was still asleep. He was expecting Nyxie to protest, but she didn't seem to mind being next to Dora now.

Experimentally, he even put Nyxie on Dora to see if gets irritated and scratches him like usual, but nothing happened. Nyxie had a frown of discontent from getting separated from him, but she still just closed her eyes.

'Well, we're all directly or indirectly bonded now.'

Relieved that he'll finally be able to get rid of the headache of Nyxie becoming territorial, he took Nyxie back into his embrace and closed his eyes.

He'd reckon he got something related to mind as well since Dora also got it a few days ago, and his head was throbbing right now.

'I'll explore my abilities tomorrow,' thinking so, he fell asleep.

Therefore, he couldn't realize that not long after he'd fallen asleep, the creature inside the egg also woke up from the magic-induced sleep. Horned Serpent's full capabilities were still unknown, but magic resistance is definitely one of them if the spell can wear off so fast even when it's so young since it wouldn't be so potent if it got it from the bond.

Two pairs of eyes looked around the egg surface as they tried to move. But unable to do much, they soon fell asleep.


The next day—

Chris stood in the basement of his mansion will the Dora. It was time he tried out everything he'd got.

Both he and Dora hadn't yet tried out what they got from the bond, since Chris had insisted they start trying after the bond is formed for maximum benefits.

Thus, Dora had also been holding off until now.

"Alright," Chris said after he was done stretching, "Let's start,"

"Um... what do I have to do?" Asked Dora. She wasn't sure how and where to even begin.

Chris, having experience in the field, nodded and took the pose of an expert.

"First off, try doing this,"

He said, and he willed his body to go invisible.

Almost instantly, he felt a new kind of magic spread out all over his body, and to Dora's surprise, he disappeared.

"Morgana's sagging titties! How'd you do that?!"

Being an expert on disillusionment, she could instantly tell that this wasn't disillusionment, not to mention that Chris didn't even have a wand in his hand.

Chris smiled.

The most primary ability of a Horned Serpent: Invisibility or Stealth. It's quite different from normal disillusionment charm and it also hides the presence completely.

"Hey! I couldn't do this! I tried a few times!" She protested.

Chris frowned as he became visible again, "Well if you had listened to me and not tried it, you wouldn't have been so disappointed. Try again now. You should already know what to do," he ordered.

Dora was skeptical, but she still tried it with all her might, and—


What was this feeling?

She was felt like she could vaguely feel something moving throughout her body, but the sensation was quite faint.

When she opened her eyes and looked down, she was already invisible.

"Woah! I... I did it?!" She couldn't believe it! She became invisible! Without a spell or a wand!

Dora began jumping in joy, "I did wandless Magic! I did wandless magic!"

Chris looked at her speechlessly, "Silly girl, you're a Metamorphagus. The appearance change you Oh-so-casually keep doing comes under wandless magic."

Dora stopped celebrating,

"Oh... right. But you know what I meant!"

Chris nodded, "Silly girl, I just enjoy reading you. Oh! And that reminds me," Chris suddenly turned around and tried to will his face to change. Even though he was somehow able to do it, it caused quite a lot of pain. When he turned around, he had Dora's face with a beard and mustache.


Dora got horrified and fell back when she saw that.

Chris grinned, "I told you, you'll pay for what you did that day," he said with Dora's face which looked quite comical.

"You—!" Dora couldn't believe what she was seeing. Since when can this guy use Metamorphagus abilities?!

But she had forgotten that thought when Chris conjured a mirror and began looking at himself.

"H-Hey! Don't look!" She quickly fired a few spells at him to stop and of course, one was the vine sprouting spell which she had used in the fuel earlier.

But at this moment, Chris jumped. Dora wasn't discouraged. She spread the vines around in preparation for his landing. But... Chris had no plans of landing.

He kept going up until he was hovering around 10 feet above the ground.

The second ability: Flight. It's not levitation. You can literally move around and maneuver in the air even better than a broomstick.

Dora's jaw dropped. 'Now this guy can fly?!' She hadn't realized that she can do it too.

While Dora was worried that Chris would see her face bearded and mustached, Chris was currently lost in his own world. He was currently figuring out just how this Flight magic works.

But both of them stopped in their tracks suddenly.

Because, the baby sleeping inside the egg had woken up just now and it was ready to hatch.


A.N.: Please give me POWERSTONES!!!


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