HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 162: The Young MasterMonster

Chris and Durant stood facing each other. Chris had his golden wand in his hand.

Seeing the wand, everyone was naturally very intrigued. It was the same old wand that had made way back, but it's never been used in a fight yet.

For the current Chris, wands are quite old-fashioned and outdated. With his new metal and better knowledge, he can make much better toys than this. That's why it's just the removal of the very first limiter: A wand which can handle his magic without getting cracked.

In this duel, even if he's going to reveal his abilities, he also didn't know just how much he should expose.

On the other hand, Durant wasn't going to go easy this time.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them—


Chris felt a wave of magic sweep past him, making him feel fearful and oppressed, and he was fine only due to the trigger.

For the first time after the finals of the Dueling Championship Tournament, he brought his concentration to its max.

The wave of magic is something which gets emitted as a side effect due to his strong intent combined with his natural oppressive demeanor.

At the train station, it was quite weak, almost nothing. But right now, it was coming in full force!


Except for Camille and Dora, everyone else bent forward to some degree as they felt the effects of the magic reach that far.

"Isn't that...?" Muttered Fleur in surprise as she struggled to keep her posture straight.

"... Yeah," Sebastian nodded. "That's the Martin-magnate," It was something Durant of France was famous for among the dueling communities throughout the world.


But Fleur had meant to say something else entirely

'Isn't that the same magic that Chris used against Louise before the Selection Tournament?'

Unaware of Fleur's thoughts, Sebastian explained further.

"It might not be a big deal for the veelas. But only the truly powerful wizards are able to emit auras of their own,"

Durant nodded in approval when he saw Chris wasn't even fazed by his aura.

And on the other hand, Chris grinned, slowly forgetting to worry about the useless matters and getting excited to have a real fight for once.

Up until now, Chris hadn't really fought anyone before, and fighting a world champion is definitely going to be tough. Thus, to not be overconfident and get beaten up and embarrassed, he even activated the Super Trigger Blue.


A buzz started going off in his head, and his electric blue eyes seemed started to glow.

'Let's check out the level of a world champion,' he straightened, and the lazy and bored impression that usually used to give out completely Vanished.

Chris needed to observe, defend, learn, and gain experience. He already knows that his attack is amazing (*cough* Fiendfire *cough*) Thus, he motioned for Durant to start.

Knowing that Chris never takes the first shot, Durant, who was still in his full concentration mode raised his wand,

"We'll do as many rounds as it takes for you to show enough,"


Chris couldn't quite understand the meaning of his words.

But before he could ask, Durant took action and four spells emerged out without any wand movement or incantation, and without waiting, he started Transfiguration right after.

The spells were quite fast and Chris has a habit of dodging, so he naturally moved into a position where all the spells would pass by without touching him. He thought that these spells were just to distract him from his next attack.

This was his first mistake.

If he wasn't in the Super Trigger Blue state, this was it for him.

But due to the STB, he noticed something that boggled his mind.

The speed of the first and third spells was weaker compared to the second and fourth spells respectively.

The second spell hit the first and the fourth spell hit the third. And the trajectories of the spells changed.

"Fuck!" Chris cursed. Just before the spells hit him, shielding charm emerged and bounced off all the spells. He didn't even have the time to cast the incarnation or do the wand movement.

'This is an insult,' thought Chris, even though he was able to defend himself.

The spells were all simple things like jelly legs and body binding.

Spells which wouldn't hurt him and he'd be able to continue for the second round.

Now Chris understood the meaning of Durant words. One round would have been already over by now...

It's as if Durant already knew he'd fall for this trick, which he almost did.

'He's been observing me all this while,' Durant has seen Chris duel a lot and he's exploiting every minor gap.

He knew that Chris would go for the dodge instead of shield.

This was meant as a slap to Chris to get him to be serious.

Everyone was a bit surprised when they saw Chris casting a shield charm at the last moment without any incantation or wand movements. But something was still off about the scene. They just couldn't put their finger on it.

Camille solved everyone's confusion.

"It's the first time I'm seeing him cast it," she murmured. And then everyone realized it. Chris never used it before!

Until now, in each and every single one of his duels, he's never used a shield! Or more like..., they could never make him use one!

But Chris didn't have the time to think about all this. The ground beneath him got transfigured and he jumped before he could get trapped.

'He also knows it's most important to target my mobility,' thought Chris, and just as he'd thought, hundreds of spikes emerged from beneath him right after.

Now if he were to cast a spell to destroy those spikes for his landing, he won't be able to defend from the spells that were coming his way right now since he can't dodge while airborne.

'Damn,' Chris muttered in amazement.

'Got him,' thought Durant. He thought that now Chris was definitely show him that remarkable flying ability that Camille was talking about.

But... Chris still wasn't that desperate. He pointed his wand straight up in the air, and—


Summoned the whole ceiling towards himself.

Of course, the ceiling didn't come to him, but he conveniently got pulled to the ceiling instead due to the opposing force, thus dodging the spells headed his way.

Everyone: ????!!!

So... it can be done like this too? The fuck?

Chris was having way too much fun. His options are much more diverse now.

And Durant, who finally got over his shock was now preparing to attack him when he falls down, but Chris's next actions surprised everyone yet again.

Just as he reached the ceiling, Chris pointed his wand at himself,

"Keapsing Burbish!" he yelled before he even reached the ceiling.

He then turned himself upside down and his feet impacted the ceiling with a loud "Thud."

And then, he just stood there, upside-down on the ceiling, like he was standing on the ground.

But this wasn't the surprising part. He could have done this with a sticking charm well. The surprising part was what came next.




Chris began to run towards Durant. and he even jumped with him both feet in the air. But he somehow landed back on the ceiling.


Everyone couldn't understand just how Chris was doing this. And even Durant stopped his attack for a second.

What kind of spell was this?

'Burbish Keapsing?'

He'd never heard of it.

'Is this perhaps... the fabled gravity magic?' He thought in perplexion. If that were the case, then it would also explain how he was able to fly.


"Pfft," Chris laughed when he saw that everyone was fooled.

Just now, he was just using wandless summoning from his legs to summon himself back to the ceiling after every step. But, it looked like he had completely changed the gravity for himself.

The spell?

He was just speaking rubbish!

No, he was literally 'Speaking Rubbish'... 'Keapsing Burbish.' getit?

But he was starting to feel uncomfortable standing upside down for so long. Thus, he summoned himself back to the ground.

Durant nodded in satisfaction. The first round was successful. He was able to get Chris to show off some new things and observe some more things about him.

And... he was able to do this without Chris getting injured. His wife would literally drink his blood if Chris got even a scratch.

He's observed that Chris's current reaction speed is... he can't estimate just how fast it is, but it's, even more, faster than his usual reaction speed which—by the way— was already among the quickest he'd ever seen.

He has this amazing spell called 'Keapsing Burbish which enabled him to treat the ceiling like its ground.

And lastly...

'Chris still has a lot he's hiding.'

This is something he can just by looking the way he's carefreely enjoying the match instead of getting worried about getting injured or dying.

'Well, he knows,' thought Durant dryly. That boy must have already known that he's in no danger. Since if Chris got in danger, then Durant is in more danger. There's a blood-thirsty Vampire observing the match from the side.

'But... he still has a lot more to show.' That was a foregone conclusion.

'Which means I can up the ante,' he decided.

"Be more careful now..." he warned him, "for both of us," he added and Chris nodded, understanding his meaning as he grinned knowingly as he glanced at his mother.

"Also, don't just keep defending. I need you to attack too... Or are you unable to do it?"

Chris raised his eyebrows. He was tempted to show off his Fiendfire and then ask, 'You were saying?'

But no... that's just too dark. If his pure magic hadn't cleaned the residual dark magic, he would have already gone half-mad by now.

Thus, it's better to keep dark magic hidden. After all, with his already slightly mad personality, people might start thinking that it's due to dark magic...

Thus, he just nodded, "I'll attack now,"

even though his attack was already too good, it's still better to try out some things.

No one had seen Chris use much attack magic in his duels before. He usually just focused on fighting physically.

This time, Chris and Durant both pointed their wands at each other and cast the spells at the same time.

Durant went with animated transfiguration this time. But Chris did something else entirely.

While his wand was still pointing at Durant, the gems on his wand suddenly started to glow and it started to emit a red light. He's going to overpower the spell to the limits of its spell frame. He can also cross the limits by just copying the spell energy, but he doesn't want to reveal that one.

Chris grinned when he saw the surprised face of Durant. Overpowering the spell was already a very big deal. He doesn't want anyone to have a stroke due to surprise.

"Take this,"

He then lazily muttered the incantation in a casual voice,



Durant's eyes widened to proportions which Chris had never witnessed on him, and he muttered out an incantation. Suddenly, a golden energy shield formed in front of him,


With a massive bang, the spell impacted the shield, and even though his shields held, Durant slid back about half a meter due to the impact.

Though Chris didn't have the time to see what happened since Durant's animated Transfiguration succeeded and tigers made of marble were going to attack him right now.

He sent out Exploding charm one of them experimentally, and to his surprise, it actually broke down!

"Something's wrong..." he muttered, Durant was especially talented in Transfiguration and he had cast the spells with a lot of concentration. And he even warned Chris. Thus, one of them getting destroyed so easily didn't make sense.


And his eyes widened in the next second because due to his sharp senses, he heard something else heading towards him from behind.

They were very small insects and he'd have missed them due to the tigers. Their creation in an amount of time shouldn't have been possible, but that's a world champion we're talking about.

Chris pointed his wand at the insects and—


used a first-year spell against them.

Chris's voice came out quite heavy and distorted, and they couldn't even understand what spell he had cast. In the next moment, Flames so that they even the Durant and the spectators could feel the heat from a distance came out, burning away the insects.

But the Tigers also weren't so simple. While Chris had turned to deal with the insects, under Durant's control, all of them had jumped at him from different and,


They exploded.

"Che—" Chris clicked his tongue. And in the next moment, a glowing circular multicolored shield covered him whole.

Corpomency. One of his most powerful cards.

Durant stopped his offense as he grinned.

'This is insane!'

His usual strict and serious demeanor was nowhere to be seen. Because the things he witnessing are just too pleasantly surprising.

'Chris is... a monster,' he thought in awe.

Just when it looks like you have him, this guy suddenly pulls out insane abilities from his ass and comes out completely unfazed.

The feats he's performed upto now are all nothing short of unreal.

'And that overpowered spell...'

Overpowering a spell to its limits needs a lot of talent and practice. It's not something that just any Tom, Harry, or Chris can do.

That spell just now...

It was a simple Stupify. Durant had never seen anyone cast a stupify as powerful as that.

If anyone trains to train in overpowering their spell to the limits of its spell frame, they definitely don't choose Stupify. Only idiots would choose simple spells like Stupify or Expelliarmus to make them overpowered.

And, that isn't even the end of it.

'Chris somehow has a great fire resistance.' he observed.

The obscure spell he'd used just now. Durant didn't recognize the incantations and he's never seen anyone cast it. Most likely because the flames are too powerful. If Durant had been that close to the spell, he'd have gotten burned just standing there. And Chris turned out to be unscathed.

'Heat resistance,' he noted.

And then there's the multicolored shield. For some reason, he's never seen any magic with has more than one color. And Chris's shield seemed to glow with a all colors. He needs to test out just how strong that shield is.

And the last thing he's observed...

'It looks like he's just starting...'

Durant's already reaching the limits to how much he can push him, but this guy...

He can easily deduct the fact that this guy still has a lot he's hiding from his actions, like how is he didn't show any frustration or panic upto now. Only surprise and mild annoyance at the fact that he'll have to fork out some more abilities.

... It almost looks like a rich young master throwing out money at an auction house. He never runs out of money, but only feels frustrated that he'll have to fork out more.

Or a young master bringing out pinnacle grade artifacts one after another and only being annoyed at the fact that someone dared to have the ability to push him this far.

'Just how many abilities does he have? He's only thirteen years old for Merlin's sake!'

Durant didn't know, but he decided not to push it. If his deduction turned out to be wrong and Chris came out injured, Durant will have a hell to pay at the hands of an overprotective mama vampire.

Thus, he decided to end it with one final round in which he'll go out.


A.N: So, the Powerstones... the R-18... you know what to do right? VOTE! See how awesome the chapter was! And there's the dueling tournament soon.

Pa treon.com/Snollygoster

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