HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 172: The time turner and Time magic

A.N.:Hey guys, my new novel is out! It's an HP Fanfic. Add it to your library and be the first ones to comment on the beginning chapters if you want to get 100s of likes!

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Daphne couldn't believe it. Or rather, she didn't want to believe it. Could Chris really be a Vampire?!

No... There's no way! Even if he was a Vampire, the only way he'll be able to perceive the scent would be after he's around 16. He's only 13 right now!

But, it would explain a lot of things if he's really a Noble Vampire from a powerful coven.

Covens are Vampire families or clans with deep and rich history. Their previous generations might have had multiple Exalted with different abilities which have been passed onto their descendants in a much weaker form.

Most of the Covens also have had a few of their Ancestors who passed on their abilities which they got after consuming blood from other Exalted.

Thus, the scions of Covens are able to inherit more than one empowering traits since their gene pool is quite rich which increases the chances of them inheriting something good.

That's why Daphne thinks that Chris should be from a powerful coven since that would explain his extraordinary talents.

'But... since Vampires aren't able to reveal their abilities, there's only one way he's able to use them without having to receive any backlash...'

Only Vampires like herself were immune to the Backlash.

The Exalted.

'Could it possible?'

Daphne couldn't tell for sure, since her sense of smell wasn't too developed yet. It might work if she tried to sniff from a very close distance, but that was impossible.

And also, what if he figures out that she's an Exalted?! He seems to be a good person, but when it comes to gaining power, you never know.


'What's up with her?' Thought Chris in confusion as he saw Daphne giving him weird glances. It's like she's seeing him for the first time or as if he's suddenly turned into a bizarre creature.

First of all, she said she didn't use any perfume, and then it seems she knows what this is about and isn't talking about it.

'And also, her scent seems to match the description of his scent which only his mom seems to detect,' Chris rubbed his forehead. He really needs to know what is this that he doesn't know.

'I should seriously master hiding that imaginary scent as soon as possible so that I can get all the answers from mom,' he thought dryly.

But, he can't hide something which he can't even sense. Yes, he can't smell anything special in himself.

It's a bit similar to how you can't smell any peculiar smell in your own room while the others can. You're only able to detect it after you've left your room for some time. But, he can't leave his own body, can he?

'What to do...?' Chris sighed.

The class had fun while Chris and Daphne remained lost in their own thoughts.

When the class was finally over, Chris turned to Daphne to ask for a favor,

"Hey, I need to ask you for something,"

"!!" But still with an expressionless face except for her widened eyes, Daphne walked away so fast it looked like she was running.

"Oi, wait! I'm not going to eat you!" He called out, but Daphne instead increased her speed.

"... What happened?" Asked Tracy as she came to stand next to him and started to pet Nyxie. All of them were equally surprised to see Daphne running away.

Chris shrugged, "Dunno. I wanted to ask her something, but she ran away before I could even ask,"

Tracy looked disappointed, "Were you also going to ask her to go to Hogsmeade? She's already rejected five guys today, all of them were older."


"It wasn't about that!" Chris said exasperatedly.

Did Daphne really think like that? If yes then he can understand her behavior. But he sees her like an acquaintance/friend and nothing more. He really didn't want her to misunderstand and lump him together with those trashes.

Girls like Daphne would be asked out due to her wealth and beauty at an early age. Older Slytherin-minded students are trying to catch the fish while they're still young and easy to catch.

These scummy people are also one of the why Dora' used to hesitate in having a relationship with him.

Chris sighed as he turned to Tracy, "Make sure she doesn't misunderstand. I already have a girlfriend,"

"Oka— wait WHAT????!!!!!!"

Tracy was going to nod but her eyes widened as she comprehended the last bit of his sentence and Chris realized that he shouldn't have said this.

"Keep. it. a. secret," he ordered before he ran off to his next class before he was bombarded with questions.

Chris had two classes at the same time next, the care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. Chris decided to go to the Care of Magical Creatures first.

As he walked through the corridor with his friends, they were still talking excitedly about their first DADA class which turned out to be very fun.

"It's funny just how many of the Ravens had fears related to study," observed Anthony, who had the fear of his mom knowing he failed.

"Yeah," Padma agreed, who had the fear of her sister scoring higher than her, something Chris thought was impossible and absurd.

"But I'm really curious about Chris's fear," said Terry, and everyone agreed.

Chris sighed. He's is as excited to know it. Children's fears are light and childish. They're easy to handle. But, the fears of adult minds could be much darker, depressing, outrageous, or complicated. It's best not to show them to anyone.


Just when he was about to respond, his senses suddenly detected something. It was a scent similar to the one he got sensed from Daphne. Only, this one was much more... familiar.

He increased his senses and realized that it was coming from the next corridor. Far enough that it was quite faint and he couldn't detect the person's individual scent.

'What's the matter today?! Two similar scents in a row?!' He suddenly ran to the next turn, surprising his friends. And when they followed him, and took the turn, they realized that he was already gone.

Chris practically flew while invisible towards the scent in hopes of finding out, but when he finally reached the place, he realized that the scent was already completely gone, along with the person.

The only clue was... A giant middle finger made of magic floating in the place.

"Damn... I should have known," muttered Chris as he instantly recognized the identity of the person and it seems that Nyxie already knew but she still looked confused as she blinked her big eyes cutely as she looked at Chris.

There's only one person in the world who'd do this. It's just Chris didn't think that the person would be here at this time since this has never happened before.

Chris sighed as he dispersed the middle finger. Since he had already separated from his friends who had all taken Ancient Runes, Chris decided to leave to attend Care of Magic of Creatures.

Thankfully, the class was with Hufflepuffs, and Hannah and Susan had chosen it, so he wasn't friendless here.

"Hey Han, Hey Suz," Chris greeted them cheerfully who got pleasantly surprised upon seeing him. There were very few Ravenclaws here right now,"

"Chris! I thought you'd choose runes over this," said Susan as she quickly came up and picked up Nyxie.

Chris smiled, "I have taken both. I can attend and skip any of the electives as long as I can score in all of them," he told her the excuse which he'd discussed with Flitwick as he took out his Monster Book of Monsters.

Seeing him casually flipping through the pages, Hannah's eyes widened as she pointed at his book, "Why isn't this moving like ours?!" She asked as she pointed at their bound books.

Susan also noticed it, "Huh?! Hey, how come your book isn't trying to bite your face off?"

Chris casually muttered two stunning spells their bound books also stopped struggling.

"There," he said as he slid his wand back into his holster.

At this moment, Hagrid came, looking Nervous about his first class. Chris gave him a thumbs up along with Susan and Hannah and Hagrid nodded as he addressed the class.

He was supposed to have his first class with Gryffindors and Slytherins according to canon, but now many things are randomly changing due to Chris's many actions.

Chris thought that this was better since Hagrid won't have to deal with Malfoy in his very first class.

And it turned out to be true since Hagrid seemed much more at ease with Hufflepuffs as he took them all to the paddock full of hippogriffs and began to describe their characteristics.

"So," said Hagrid, rubbing his hands together and beaming around, "Who wants teh be the firs' one teh approach 'em?" He asked and Chris naturally stepped forward.

"Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' hippogriffs is, they're proud," said Hagrid. "Easily offended, hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do." he warned.

He untied a hippogriff with black feathers and brought it to Chris,

"'er name's Longwings. She's a beauty, she is," he said as tried to pat its feathers though the hippogriff flicked his hand away.

"Yeh always wait fer the hippogriff ter make the firs' move," Hagrid continued. "It's polite, see? Yeh walk toward her, and yeh bow, an' yeh wait. If he bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. If he doesn' bow, then get away from him sharpish, 'cause those talons hurt.

Chris walked towards the Longwings whose yellow eyes got fixed on him.

"Great goin', Chris. Keep the eye-contac'. And don't forget teh bow. Nothin' goin' a work without that," said Hagrid.

Chris nodded and just as he was about to bow, something surprising happened.

the Hippogriff bowed by itself.

"...." Chris awkwardly looked at Hagrid. It seems that instead of helping him, he instead made more trouble.

Chris hopped onto Longwings who showed why her name was long wings when she spread her long wings and she flew into the sky with just a few flaps.


For the next class, Chris had to use the time turner to attend ancient runes. Since it was his first time using it, he decided to not take Nyxie since he wasn't sure about its safety. He left Nyxie with Susan and Hannah who were very happy to take her.

Chris found an empty broom closet and took out the golden chain with the Hourglass. Holding the tiny hourglass in his hands, Chris took a deep breath as his concentration went to the max.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered as he undid the safety lock and spun the hourglass one.


Chris saw the runes on the Time-Turner activate and a peculiar magic started getting generated and Chris was surprised by the amount.

Then, the dark cupboard dissolved as Chris felt like he was flying backward at a warping speed. Different shapes and colors rushed by him in a blur as he found himself standing in an empty corridor in the next moment.

"Damn," Chris muttered as he stumbled. His magic sense fell like it had overloaded. The magic he sensed just now seemed to be levels above what he can handle.

He looked at the runes which were disappearing from the time turner.

"These definitely aren't the Futhark series," he muttered. The runes used in Britain are usually either Elder Futhark or Younger Futhark with some Gothic mixed in.

But these Runes aren't something he's ever encountered. Chris examined it some more and found a peculiar mark on its back. It was three spirals connected in a triangular formation.

"I've seen this somewhere," he muttered.

Chris felt like he'd seen this mark before, but it couldn't be in this life since he'll remember it if he saw it in this life due to occlumency. He's seen this symbol in his previous life and some of those memories are faded beyond recovery.

"What could it be?" He had a feeling that this could be something important.

Just when he was wondering about this, he caught a familiar scent. It was the same one that he sensed an hour ago.

Smirking, he leisurely entered stealth while he left a giant middle finger made out of magic to his one-hour past self who appeared there moments later.

The peculiar scent which was similar to Daphne's, only stronger and much more familiar.

'Now I realize what mom was talking about,' he thought as he realized that this scent was easily detectable but for some reason, no one except seemed to be able to sense it.

He thought he'll also never be able to sense this without exiting his own body, but it seems it's possible if he's a past or future version of himself.

Chris smiled,

"I think I can do this," he muttered. Now that he knows exactly what he needs to hide, he can make progress in stealth.

He had his work cut out for him for the next few days. First is stealth, then there's the newest task: Time Magic.

He needs to research it extensively before trying anything. But... the things he can do if he can control time are something which will make all the wait worth it.

He also needs to find out just what the hell is that Symbol on the base of the hourglass. Now he's coming to realize that he might have also not seen it in this world.


After a few days, Chris reached home after taking an International Portkey. This was official business. It's time for the first round of the dueling tournament.

There are very few rounds, and the countries are selected completely at random.

He walked around the house and found his mother in the Library. She was looking extra worried now as her forehead creased.

Camille had gotten bad news when the country which was going to host the initial rounds were announced.

Chris was unable to completely mask his scent while being visible and if he goes to that country while smelling like that, he'll be eaten alive.

Looking at Camille from the door of the library, Chris grinned.

'It seems to be working well!'

He slowly approached her without making a sound or emitting any scent until he was right in front of her.

While Camille was searching the books, suddenly a shadow was cast in front of her which completely surprised her, as she heard a dear voice,

"You know, you'll get more wrinkles if you're always this worried, mom,"


There was no sound or scent!

Camille looked up in pleasant surprise.


A.N.: Please give me as many power stones as you can.

Don't forget to check out my new novel.

Here's the new synopsis and name.

HP: A Thief's downfall and Rise

The Wizarding world has changed. After the war, the new Minister of Magic Bellatrix Black, who never became a death eater, has led Britain to prosperity in the decade after Voldemort's downfall. But...why is the world still in such danger that HE has been chosen as its champion? He was just an 11-year orphan thief! Will he be able to gain enough strength to face the threat?

#Major AU #SmartandRuthlessMC

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