HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 2: Surprise(s) (Edited)

I sat my new class in a daze. I had just died, met a God, or THE God, and now I've been transmigrated into a new world.

Like, What The F#ck?!

But... I think it's better to stop with all the nonsense thinking and philosophy about the unrealness of the situation and do what I should do. I already know it can't be a dream from the throbbing pain in me and the memories of this 6-year-old kid whose name was Christopher Maxwell. My previous name used to be Chris Jackson, so at least I can still be called Chris as a short form for Christopher.

Now I need to check what kind of world I'm in. I hope I'm not in a Ninja academy where an old man wearing a hat and smoking a pipe would brainwash me. And I'd be taught how to kill people every day by various teachers.

Fortunately, it's not. It's just the old furniture. This world is quite similar to my world. It's just that, the year is in the 1980s. And, by current country is Britain.

The previous owner of this body was a boy who lived in an orphanage. I realized that Christopher was a lot in the orphanage. And when I searched for the reason, I got a shock!

This guy... can do some supernatural stuff. Damn. There are a few instances when it happened, and that's the reason why he's ostracized.

This trope seems quite similar to a very popular series in my previous world.

"Harry P— No way!"

I realized that as soon as I recalled Harry Potter, I not only recalled memories from my previous world but this world as well! And on investigating further, I got an even bigger shock!

I could hardly believe it! I slowly, very slowly turned my head to the one corner of the classroom.


There! At the corner of the backbench sat a skinny boy with round glasses and messy black hair. He was wearing clothes that were clearly big for his skinny and short frame. and at this moment, his green eyes were also looking at me.

He had a lightning bolt scar on his head.

I pulled out my eyes from their sockets, cleaned them up, and put them back on. Yeah. No doubt about it. I'm in Harry Potter world for sure.

Because, the protagonist of the whole story, Harry James Potter, the boy-who-lived, seems to be my classmate.

And with this, came another realization. That this body also has magic!

There are multiple cases of what can only be called accidental magic.

Damn! Magic is real here!

""""I HAVE MAGIC!!!""""

I screamed in my mind. I'd have liked to scream it out loud but I'm a sensible person who doesn't go out of his way to be called retarded.

So...all those fantasies I've had about the Harry Potter world can actually happen!

I can now achieve so much more than just being a company employee.

I won't find life boring anymore...

I can be SO much more...

But..... how should I start?

'Hmm... let see the memories...sh*t.'

And that was that. I slowly started to come down from my happiness high. And found out several things.

Firstly, I am currently living in an orphanage where I am ostracized due to my accidental magic cases.

'Nope. I'm having none of that. I'll leave on the first opportunity. I'm not a Chinese protagonist.' I thought as I recall some wuxias that I'd read.

Always suffering in the beginning while it could have been a lot better if they didn't have so much masochism to go be all cocky and offend people left and right despite being a piss poor ground sweeper.

It's like they purposefully make their life difficult for themselves.

My second problem, I don't know where to live until the letter for Hogwarts arrives. No way I am living in that orphanage. I have bad 'memories' about that place. Only memories though.

Third, how to learn magic without any teacher or material?

I mean, there are 4-5 years before I can actually go to Hogwarts. I used to despise those reincarnators who learned wandless magic just by that cliche push and pull.

I used to like the fanfics in which, the main character used to become OP slowly through sheer hard work, increasing his skills with wands and spells, learning some ancient magics, doing rituals, etc. But now that I'm in their situation...I just want to be a cheater with wandless magic because, dude, no way I'm waiting for 5 years just to get my wand.

I need material and I need guidance.

I want in on the magical world.

Should I go to Daigon Alley? No, not yet. That won't yield much if I'm not a lucky b@stard like those reincarnaters in cliche novels.

Those guys just go to Gringotts and get their beginner package as the inheritance of multiple ancient families. I'll have to find alternatives.

But then, my eyes went to Harry Potter, and the gears of my head started turning.

'Hmm, this could work,'


A.N.: Once again, the beginning chapters are short, but they start getting longer. Check out any after 85, all more than 2000 words and some even past 3000, which is quite big considering that this was just 850 words.

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