"What happened just now? I feel like you've sucked me dry."

Tonks looked expression less.

'Huh? Finally activated occlumency, huh?'

'But girl, your hair colors are still changing.'

She must be flustered inwardly.

'How cute'. I thought, amused

"You must have had a bout of accidental magic." she said. still expressionless.

"Oh..I'm really sorry . They used to happen quite a lot before. Though I didn't know it was magic at that time."

"You didn't know? Are you a muggleborn?" she asked as she looked at me curiously.

"You look like you come from an ancient and Noble family."

"Well...yeah, I'm a muggleborn. But thanks the praise."

"Anyways, are you alright? I'm very sorry for the accidental magic. I didn't mean any harm to you." I apologised to her.

" I was just very... surprised. As far as I can remember, no one has ever touched my cheeks in this world." I said to her, trying to sound embarrassed tone. Well, I didn't lie.

That best lies are half truths.

Tonks took the bait and asked looking confused,

"No one has touched your cheeks?How is that possible?" it looked like she didn't believe me.

"Yeah. Everyone at the orphanage was scared of magic. So they used to stay away from me." I said showing a bit melancholic expression.

"Oh,I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have just asked like that." She looked genuinely sorry for me.

"Hey, you don't need to feel sorry for me." I said with a smile.

" An old lady took a lot care of me. She was a muggleborn herself. She had seen me having a bout of accidental magic while I was being bullied. So she took me in. Taught me a loads of things about both muggle and magical worlds."

"Anyway, that's all about me. Now you have to tell me about yourself." I said

"First of all, why are you just Tonks?"

She just looked at me. I don't know what's going on inside that head of hers.

"You're quite mature for your age, aren't you?"she said while she got up from her seat sat beside me. "You're too adorable!" she said as she messed up my hair with her hand.

"What was your name again? Christiano? Chri-"

" Tell me about yours first." I said as I swatted her hand away. I know she was doing this because she still felt sorry for me.

"I don't like my name. It's... Nymphadora." She spoke that name like it had left a sour taste in her mouth. "Tonks is my surname. So I asked everyone to call me that"

she then looked at me.

"My name is Christopher." I said.

"So, Nymp-" I began but immediately stopped noticing that her hair had become angry red.

"Alright, Dora." I decided. "What year are you?"


"Oh, what career are you choosing after your newts?"

"I'm want to be an Auror." She answered cheerfully. "Though I don't know how I'd pass some of the requirements. I'm dead clumsy." Her the started to turn mousey brown

"Oh Auror? You'd need top grades for that... They ask for a minimum of fiveN.E.W.T.s, and nothing under 'Exceeds Expectations' grade, I see. Then you would be required to undergo a stringent series of character and aptitude tests at the Auror office. It's a difficult career path... they only take the best." I said.

I've been trying to make it clear to her who the adult here actually is. With occlumency, I can now remember Harry Potter series clearly. plus I also have the knowledge that I have gained after coming in this world. So I can show her a bit of my knowledge. And talk in a matured way.


This time, she directly hugged me.

"You cutie pie! You little adult!! Eleven years and already so smart-"

This girl....why can't she just react like the way I want her to?!

How did she forget what happened just a little while ago?!

Does she need a reminder? Or did she think that accidental magic is so rare that it can't happen twice on a single occurance?

Maybe, she did it on purpose?

I don't know.


I do know, that Nymphadora Tonks is very.... unpredictable.

Anyway, I waited for a while to enjoy the heavenly feeling of the my face being pressed to her chest.

Then I activated the trigger. Summoned pure magic and-

*Aaahhhhnnnn!!!!* (Dora's sweet moan)

I also hugged her.

'Ah I've missed this feeling'.

I also almost moaned this time.

The trigger was active for about 5-10seconds then I stopped the trigger but still kept hugging her.

"Dora?" I said.

She stiffed in my embrace.

"That was the first time someone in this world hugged me... Thank you." I said, my face still in heaven but my voice clear. I meant those words. I really felt great.

Sometimes, a simple hug can do wonders...

Her stiffened body slowly relaxed and she patted my back.

"Then, I'll also become your first friend." She replied coming back to her usual bubbly personality. Though she was still hugging me tightly.

"Oh, but I already made my first friend." I said.

"Who?" She brought her face up to look at me as she asked curiously.

"Harry Potter."

"Huh?" Asked Dora very eloquently and intelligibly while unconsciously pulling back.

" Yeah." I said while not letting her go.

"We used to go to the same muggle school." I said. Then I hugged her tighter since I know that I can't be hugging her forever. So I'll savour the last bit of it as much as possible. She's just seeing me as a child right now .

I gave her a little bit of the Pure magic for a third time while saying,

"So, I can't make you my first friend. But....I will make you my first girlfriend in this world." and then I broke the hug.

I had sent her the little bit of the magic so that I won't be the only one regretful of breaking the hug.

"Hmmhn...Alri- What did you say?!" Tonks clumsy reaction seems justified. She must have still been feeling a good due little bit of my Pure magic I sent for the third time, she might also be wondering about me going to the same muggle school as the Harry Potter. So she was more than a bit distracted.

"I said, would you please be my first female friend, Dora Tonks?" I asked her.

"Alright!" she said cheerfully thinking she must have must misunderstood.

'And be my girlfriend one day.' I thought inwardly.


A.N.: I don't think it'll be possible for them to instantly be a couple considering their biological age or the fact that it's their first meeting.

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