After tonks had left, I plopped down on the King sized bed, adjusted the air conditioning in the room through a mental command.

I forgot to bring my alarm clock so I gave the room the instructions to wake me up at 6, and to not listen to listen to my instructions until I say the password- 'I am awake.'

Yeah, I don't wanna check out if the room responds to the things we visualize in our dreams.

I mean, imagine me having a nightmare only to wake up and....*shudder*

I didn't even wanna think about all the other possibilities if the room really responds to dreams or unconsciously wished desires. But creative people are free to do so here ->


I woke up to the familiar alarm clock sound. I looked around but there was no alarm clock here.

'Oh right, I'm actually in the Hogwarts now.'

'And in the THE room of requirements at that.'

*sigh* I would have taken a selfie at least, if I were in my previous world.

"Stop the alarm."

It didn't stop.

'Oh right.'

"I am awake. Now stop the damn alarm."

It stopped. And I wondered how the room the room produced that sound....

'I need to check this out.' I thought.

I brought a broken memory out of my occlumency shields and gave instructions to the room. That's how I've been giving it the metal commands by the way.

By projecting my thoughts.

Suddenly, a tune starting playing through out the room.

"Oh no you didn't Rowena." I muttered in disbelief.

The tune was still playing. Then the lyrics started~

🎶"It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again." 🎶


The room can actually play music....

I brought out another memory and had the Room play it.

And an extremely broken down version of 'Eminen-Rap God' was played.

'As I thought. It can only play as much as I remember.'

I mean it was alright in the beginning, but when the guy starts his real raping, it was all *gibberish* *gibberish* *gibberish*.....

I hadn't reviewed all of my memories. I need to review them in order to store them in my mind palace. And remembering the whole lyrics of 'Rap God' might have been taken as an achievement in my previous life. But here, it was useless. I needed to store the Harry Potter series memories in my mind palace first.

I cleaned my teeth with a spell, took out my training outfit from my Doraemon pocket, and went out for a morning run.

But, before that, how do I navigate through out the castle? I need to remember the basic layout of this place. Otherwise, I'd need to wonder around all the time.

So, I decided, why not just run through out the castle? It'll be like a morning run.

I casted the usual Concealment package (overcharged-disillusionment, silencing, deodorizing,)

Now, all everyone would feel would be the air rushing past them.

I ran throughout the castle with my mind storing everything into the mind palace.

'This is going to come in handy.' I thought as I started cramming all the layout of castle. I didn't need to worry about getting lost. I know that I would eventually come back on a path which I remember. I ran through different corridors, sometimes narrow passageways, different towers. Eventually, I went to the top of what must be the Astronomy tower since it's the highest one here.

*pant* * pant*

It was an hour and a half since I started running and I was a bit winded and, very hungry.

Looking around the scenery while I rummaged through my 4-d pocket.

Alright, it's just similar pouch like the 17-year old Hermione's but I like to call it 4d pocket, Bite me!

Anyways, I took out my flying gadget *cough* I mean my Nimbus 2000. I had it custom made with some new modifications. It looked similar to a normal Nimbus 2000 but it had some straps along it's length.

I was never out of disillusionment. I casted another on the broom. I overpowered both mine and the broom's disillusionment charms.

with the broom in one hand and my wand in other, I took a few steps backwards. Then I ran forward and --* jump*


I wasn't afraid of anything. I can always do some arresto momentum-ing if something happens.

I looked around while free falling. Thinking that I'll stream it someday. As I was reaching the ground, I put both of my feet on the broom while still holding it. The straps automatically got tie to my feet like some shoes and I pulled my front leg up, making the broom come up with in.

"wohoo!!!" I was now riding the broom like a hoverboard.


After I'd had my fun, I went to back to the room of requirements. A nice bathroom appeared in it.

Half an hour later, it was already 8:20 . I went to the great Hall for the breakfast.

I looked around the hall and looked for pink hair at the Hufflepuff table. Not finding her, I went to sit at my table.

"Hey, Chris!" I looked back at the Hufflepuff table and saw two girls, one redhead,one blond looking at me while waving.

'Well, might as well sit with them.' I thought.

"Hi Susan, hey Hannah. How was your first night at Hogwarts." I asked them both as I sat down.

"Oh! it was great! Chris." said Hannah.

"Yeah, the Hufflepuff common room was so cozy and it has so many types of plants." said Susan.

"Yeah! Some of them even sing!" Hannah added.

'Oh.... it looks like they have a lot to say.'

"Really, that does sound great." I said, letting them talk more. While I started to get breakfast into my plate. It was typical English breakfast. Beacon, eggs, toast etc..

"Yeah, now tell us about you!"

"How is your common room?"

"How are your roommates?"

"Did you know Susan and I are roommates?" Both of them are quite curious, huh? We did become good friends after spending around seven hours together.

It seems even Hannah can be quite lively once she gets past her initial nervousness.

"Woah, one question a time, girls. I'll tell you all about it." Then I told them about my impression on the Ravenclaw common room and dormatories. While we were talking, I heard a voice from behind.

"Hmm... someone seems to be getting quite popular already."

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